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2007 Mar 13, 4:56am   29,394 views  331 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Subprimes selling off again. Lots of pundits feigning astonishment that there might actually be a 2nd leg to the correction. Heaven forfend.

I'm not a full time investment professional, just someone who works with finance & economics a good bit. I'm hoping to get comment from our pros:

How far is the subprime ill likely to spread (US & Int'l)? I doubt it the damage remains isolated to lenders, banks and homebuilders. I also doubt it is likely to undermine CalPERS and leave grandma begging for bread crusts on the street.

For what it's worth, I think there's going to be at least a couple more nasty down-legs as hedge funds start eating it. A lot of "hedge" funds forgot the whole "hedge" part of "hedge fund". I expect a lot of mayhem as the lucky ones unwind and the others dissolve.

And I think most of the pundits are missing the big credit/liquidity squeeze that's approaching. Consumer spending hasn't been all HELOC driven, there's a whole pile of "junk" debt sitting around that people used to buy all the crap they have today. All it takes is for the Capital One's to start pulling in risk a bit -- making it a bit harder and more expensive to buy crap on credit -- and the early legs of this correction will be but fond memories.

Let's hope employment does stay strong long enough to stave off good old fashioned stagflation. Luckily, so far so good. Steep losses in real estate related employment are being absorbed by other industries. So far.


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244   skibum   2007 Mar 14, 8:19am  

Here we go again - DQ numbers out for SoCal Feb 2007:


It's the same story - sales at their lowest since 1997, while the overall median is up YoY and MoM. As we've all said, the nosedive in sales will eventually exert negative price pressure and bring down prices. Add to that the subprime mess, and we'll see what happens.

Interestingly though, as even Mr. Prentice points out, only LA and San Bernadino counties showed YoY price gains. SD is down -5.9% YoY!!! As before, San Diego is leading the way up AND the way down.

245   KurtS   2007 Mar 14, 8:21am  

Btw, regarding that San Jose Merc article, the journalist (Sue McAllister) wrote back to me regarding SFBay mort reset exposure:

"...you are right about the combined risk posed by the resetting ARMS. If I had it to do again I would have remembered to plug in some info on that into this morning’s story! Luckily, there is always a next story on the way..."

246   Peter P   2007 Mar 14, 8:22am  

I think the main purpose of ethics is to derive a good way of life so that the person living it could attain to some form of satisfaction and tranquility.

I somewhat agree. I am a utilitarian though.

247   skibum   2007 Mar 14, 8:22am  

If I had it to do again I would have remembered to plug in some info on that into this morning’s story! Luckily, there is always a next story on the way…”

Perhaps instead of "if I had to do it again..." she meant, "if my editors didn't cut that part of my story out b/c of advertisers' (REIC) pressure.

248   Malcolm   2007 Mar 14, 8:23am  

DinOR Says:

I was kind of scratching my head over that too? That’s what makes all this talk so pointless. We’ve already bent over backwards as far as we can to accomodate RE as a “preferred” investment class what more can we do? Take over and make their payments YET still allow them to take the mort. int. ded?

(Just wait, it will soon be a tax credit.....lol)
I've never seen any other type of one sided speculative proposal. So these guys buy houses and if they make a chunk of money that is great. They make a profit. If they lose a chunk of money, well, it's the banks' problem. Then on top of that, they get to bad mouth the whole insitution, and the media actually then feels sorry for them.

249   Randy H   2007 Mar 14, 8:25am  

the other other side, which i like to call 'reality',

whilst 'theotherside' is sitting there enjoying is rapidly depreciating debt-to-equity ratio, we'll continue to rent a brand new home for less than 1/3 the cost to service a 30-year fixed+taxes+insurance+maintenance, even assuming we put down enough cash to keep the loan conforming.

fixed rates are a great way to exploit inflation, except there are a couple of caveats that are big old but's.

* you have to be able to afford the payments. because as the value of your fixed-debt rises (the more it underprices rising rates) the greater the cost of default to you the debtor
* the asset against which the secured, fixed debt is, well, secured, has to hold its market value. many in the past have found themselves geniuses for holding a 30-year fixed at say 6%, when inflation implies a market rate of something like 8.5%. But at the same time they find the market value of the asset sinks by greater than their fixed-debt value.
* housing prices are _not_ very well correlated to interest rates. the 2 bouts of stagflation in 70s/early 80s were marked by both rising and sinking housing markets.
* rising inflation won't hurt a saver *if* they are prudent about continually reallocating their savings into appropriate yielding instruments. the bond market is pretty efficient, and bond funds are pretty easy to buy into.

* ps: accountants won't be able to do much with most people's taxes. accountants only change things dramatically for those who earn huge incomes, have lots of capital investments, own businesses, or are the 1-in-100,000 day traders who gets lucky.

250   OO   2007 Mar 14, 8:30am  

In a sense, the anti-deficiency act will make the housing market in California fall faster.

In states where such act is unavailable, the FBs are essentially faced with the choice of turning over the house back to the bank and having their ass chased by the bank for the difference, or sticking it out in the same house till the very last minute.

In California, the calculation is much easier. The earlier you turn over your house to the bank, the earlier you can start a new life, because the moment you turn your house over you are free of any more debt obligations.

Therefore, to make the housing market fall faster, we should make such provision more known to the FBs so that they walk faster, instead of struggling to make mortgage payment.

251   OO   2007 Mar 14, 8:32am  

What is JBR?

252   Malcolm   2007 Mar 14, 8:33am  

I am deontological.

253   Malcolm   2007 Mar 14, 8:33am  

Nice to see someone else has studied ethics.

254   Randy H   2007 Mar 14, 8:35am  


I think the legality of whether anti-deficiency laws will cover normal refinancing is an open issue, yet to be settled -- probably soon to be settled. The way it was explained to me, the spirit of the law clearly would intend for "normal" refinancing to fall under its umbrella. The other side says that a refinancing is a restructuring of the obligation and therefore invalidates the anti-deficiency protection. But a lot of legal folks see this just as an industry attempt to circumvent the law because a vast majority of homes are refinanced during their loan term (something like nearly 90% I think).

Just using my outside, non lawyer, observer hat, I'll bet anti-deficiency *does cover* refis. Lenders will be left with going after HELOCs, 2nds, and other exotic pile-on loans.

255   Randy H   2007 Mar 14, 8:38am  

I want Gyges' ring. But then I'd use it to prove to my brother all that's hidden in area 51 is a bunch of toxic waste.

256   Malcolm   2007 Mar 14, 8:39am  

Randy, is anti deficiency the same as non recourse? If that is what you are referring to, my general understanding is that seconds, refis, and HELOC are not non-recourse loans, and other assets can be attached.

257   Jimbo   2007 Mar 14, 8:41am  

Hey, does Virginia have an anti-deficiency provision in their mortgage laws?

258   OO   2007 Mar 14, 8:43am  


I am not surprised if they want to argue that HELOC, 2nds and refinancing for consumption will also be covered by anti-deficiency protection, since we know what kind of place California is.

The only problem is, somebody (dunno if it is the banks or hedge funds) will be left with a bunch of repossessed homes, and somebody will have to eat up the difference between the market value of the home and the loan amount. If that amount is big enough, somebody (very likely taxpayers) will have to help foot the bill. But we will worry about it when we cross the bridge.

259   Malcolm   2007 Mar 14, 8:48am  

OO, just to clarify a msiconception because California is definitely unique in a lot of ways but home loans here are definitely written in the lender's favor. To be clear, California does not have mortgages. We have TDs (trust deeds).
As opposed to a mortgage which is just a loan secured by real estate, TDs are an actual ownership position in the property. That is why in general the recourse of the lender is only for the property itself.

260   OO   2007 Mar 14, 8:50am  

The only other state with anti-deficiency protection that I know of is N. Carolina.

I was made aware of the protection about a few years ago when the property market started going wild in BA, since some mortgage loan companies were touting this in their talking points for FBs who don't have enough dp or cash flow. It is a classic head I win, tail you lose situation.

261   Malcolm   2007 Mar 14, 8:51am  

In a normal market this is great for lenders, that's why the subprime market is crashing here. Lender's normally love the idea of a foreclosure in CA because often times they basically buy the house for the loan balance. Often times (OJ's house for instance) the lender will actually bid against other buyers and pay a little bit out of pocket to get the free title to the house. Then they can sell for whatever the market will bear.

262   StuckInBA   2007 Mar 14, 8:54am  

skibum :

I agree completely, and I’ve made this point as well several times.

I remember now. Good, I won't feel so lonely now. :-) The median is masking a lot of things now. Eventually they will surface.

263   StuckInBA   2007 Mar 14, 8:57am  

OO Says :

What is JBR?

Assuming it was not a joke ...


Maybe that's why you don't know :-)

(Those new to the blog, OO's old handle was OwnerOccupier)

264   EBGuy   2007 Mar 14, 9:07am  


I have been table pounding on the purchase money loans for a while (purchase money PUT as the otherside likes to say). All we need is some traction from the MSM to get things really moving (as in FB talks about being freed from debt bondage and what a relief it is). I do feel sorry for folks who refi with a different lender and are only delaying the inevitable (and may be losing the anti-deficiency protection).
Refi's from the same lender will likely be covered (see cases below).

Our view is reinforced by the holdings in DCM Partners v. Smith (1991) 228 Cal.App.3d 729, 737-738 [“It is now well established that as a general rule where a note is created as a purchase money note it remains as such even though the terms of that note may be altered, modified or extended provided the obligation is secured by the same property. (See Palm v. Schilling (1988) 199 Cal.App.3d 63, 76)”]
Definitely not legal advice!

Saw on Ben's blog that Saint Shiller was on bloomberg.com. I will take the S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices over medians any day (but I guess I like my news three months late :-) ) Unfortunately they don't cover your 'hood StuckInBA.

265   SFWoman   2007 Mar 14, 9:19am  

Is otherside a Realtor(TM)? S/He writes very similarly to our other Realtor(TM) friends who have posted here.

I would think that for someone to be visiting this blog and be antagonistic and have a 'look at what I have and you don't!! If you were as smart as I was you'd be an owner!!!' you would either be one of the Realtors(TM) in danger of having a falling income, a mortgage broker in danger of having a falling income, or someone who is a reset away from disaster or in danger of losing equity/being under water on a loan.

The property owners who are regular posters are mystifyed by this bubble and would like to see the housing market come back to reality (with a small 'R') so that our society can function rationally again. (I have a personal interest because I would like to see it easier for my husband to recruit people from out of the area). Otherside says s/he can comfortably afford his mortgage (I'm assuming it's a 15 year fixed in that case), so s/he must work in the industry.

266   PAR   2007 Mar 14, 9:23am  

Sue is awaiting your comments...



267   PAR   2007 Mar 14, 9:32am  

CR says Fleckstein says...

Alt-A in big trouble

268   FormerAptBroker   2007 Mar 14, 9:33am  

ubermonkey Says:

> If any of you want to see why a bailout probably
> will happen, fucking over anyone who displayed
> the smallest amount of prudence, check out this link:

With a link to the “comrades” over at the Daily Kos that said:

“The only thing wrong that these 2.2 million have done is wanting a piece of the American dream.”

Wanting a piece of the American Dream was one of the few things that they didn’t do that was “wrong”. Some (but not all) of the things they did that was wrong are:

1. Not reading the Loan Documents
2. Not asking what “neg am IO” was
3. Getting Cash Back at Close
4. Stating an income 300% higher than their actual income
5. Not asking if the payment would ever change
6. Getting a HELOC to pull out cash 6 months after buying with no money down
7. Not paying bills on time and starting with a low credit score and high start rate
8. Not asking why the “appraised” value of their home was $100K higher than others in the area.
9. Not asking “how” they could “qualify” for a $500K loan when they only made $20K
10. Believing that the fact that “they are not making any more land” means that a $500K s#it box in Turlock will be worth $600K next year…

269   e   2007 Mar 14, 9:42am  

Some sub-prime lender just called me on my cell phone to offer to refi me at 1%

This is clearly a junk call.

How do I file a complaint and get money out of them?

270   SFWoman   2007 Mar 14, 9:48am  


I think it is quite difficult to do. I think you notify them that you are on the list and then have to be able to prove that they called again.

The next time he calls just say "Oh, I'd love to! Can you hang on a minute?' Pop back in a minute and then, after a couple seconds say 'Oh, I'm so sorry, hang on a second.' Pop back after 5 minutes and then ask him to hold on again. Go out to dinner, when you get back if he is still there tell him you've changed your mind and not to call back.

I gave Sue my housing bear opinion.

271   FormerAptBroker   2007 Mar 14, 9:58am  

Malcolm Says:

> Randy, is anti deficiency the same as non recourse?

As someone has funded and foreclosed on over a $1 Billion in California real estate loans I can tell you that almost all loans in California are “effectively” non recourse loans.

California is a “trust deed state” (about half the states use trust deeds and half use mortgages to secure an interest in real property).

California is also a “single action state” (some states allow a lender to take back a property and then later go after a Borrower for a deficiency judgment).

When someone stops paying a Lender they can either take back the property under the terms of the deed of trust (DOT) or go through a long “judicial foreclosure” and get a deficiency judgment.

Since it is rare that a person with a high net worth (or much of any net worth) stops making payments the lenders just take the property back and move on…

272   PAR   2007 Mar 14, 9:59am  

How do I file a complaint and get money out of them?

Forget the complaint. Take the money, borrow 105%, trash the house, walk away when it resets. :)

Disclaimer: Not advice.

273   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Mar 14, 10:07am  

I just sold CFC short... a whopping 10 shares. It's my 'fun bet'.

274   astrid   2007 Mar 14, 10:19am  


Can you provide the link for that DKos comment? I don't see it on the front page.

I think it's unfair in general to characterize a website based on one random comment. If someone took just one comment or commenter here, this site could be characterized as racist or knife obsessed or Pi denying.

In fact, my first contact with a mass awareness of the credit bubble and the housing bubble came via DailyKos and other "comrade" sites. That was around early 2004, some people at Kos (a majority of those voicing an opinion on the subject) were actually advising against borrowing against the house, speculating in RE and to refinance into fixed rate mortgages!

275   astrid   2007 Mar 14, 10:22am  

To clarify, that should read:

advising against borrowing against the house and speculating in RE, and for refinance into fixed rate mortgages!

276   astrid   2007 Mar 14, 10:25am  


If your cellphone is registered on donotcall.gov, there is an area to file a complaint. (takes about 2 minutes). I was getting spam calls and filed a complaint.

If only the government could do that for all those assy student loan scammers disguised as official mail and credit card offers disguised as collections notices!

277   astrid   2007 Mar 14, 10:28am  

Trolls are all the same, they ignore any reasonable comment that rebuts them and repeat the same old tripe over and over again. I'm beginning to think Trollism is a diagnosable condition like in-grown toe nails or stinky armpits.

278   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Mar 14, 10:29am  

Obama keeps calling my phone. Or at least some kids who claim to be working for him do. They're probably calling from my lawn with their newfangled cell phones!

279   PAR   2007 Mar 14, 10:31am  

theotherside, you conveniently forget the $0.5m that Randy has in cash. What about the interest he'll earn on that for five years? And no way he pays 7% to realtor in this market. 5% is generous.

280   astrid   2007 Mar 14, 10:34am  


Interesting. All I got was letter from Hilary asking for money. Since I don't like her, her policy, or a Bush Clinton Bush Clinton America, I tore it up. Thinking back, maybe I should have mailed bag of pennies with the prepaid envelope...

281   e   2007 Mar 14, 10:39am  

This Subprime crisis sucks. I didn't think the stock market would get this hammered.

My main holdings are in tech stocks (i know i know) and I'm just getting hammered.

So now BA prices are stagnant, and my net worth is falling. Fantastic.

282   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Mar 14, 10:50am  


I feel for ya, man. I keep thinking I should get my 'downpayment' amount out of stocks and in bonds. The rest I would let ride.

283   sfbubblebuyer   2007 Mar 14, 10:58am  


If I had a home I'd bought before the bubble, I wouldn't have sold it at the top of the bubble unless I decided I really didn't care for it. If I liked it, I wouldn't have bothered purely from conveniance. I also wouldn't have sucked equity out of it like crazy. There are 2 types of FBs... the ones who bought late in the game because they were afraid they'd lose their 'ticket to millions', and those that refied their originally reasonably priced home for anything other than emergencies.

Buying and holding a home, even through a bubble, isn't stupid. Heck, if you can hold long enough, even buying at the top of a bubble will eventually work out. Just not as nicely as if you'd waited. However, people who bought and refied with the idea that 'there's no end in sight' to the appreciation, and thus the money, and so bought themselves mortgages they can't afford.

I salute people who had the gumption to try and sell at the top and plan on rebuying as close to the bottom as they can. It's not something I would have done, and it's a risk.

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