The Libertarianism-Morality Conundrum

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2006 Mar 2, 9:30am   22,219 views  245 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

For many (if not most) Libertarians, the subject of morality is all but taboo. The very mention of the terms "social justice", "fairness", "level playing field", or "promoting the greater good" in polite conversation often results in icy stares, furrowed brows and suspicious glances. If you insist on debating using such terms, you're likely as not to be labelled a Socialist, Liberal, Left-wing wacko, etc. Some would argue that Libertarianism --in its purest/most extreme form-- mixes with morality like oil with water.

Many of my own views are heavily influenced by Libertarian ideals: pro-free trade, pro-tranparency, pro-individualism, pro-gun, pro-free speech/press, pro-limited government, pro-separation of church and state, anti-subsidies, anti-tariffs, anti-protectionism, anti-welfare, etc. And yet, I can't quite seem to shake the notion that government exists for some purposes OTHER than single-mindedly promoting the accumulation of wealth. No matter how many benefits that capitalism brings us (and it does bring us many), if completely unregulated it also tends to create rather severe social/economic imbalances over time. Imbalances, that if left alone (as Greenspan himself acknowledged), can seriously destabalize a society. The term "meritocracy" itself, is a term that centers on "merit", a primarily moral concept. And yet "meritocracy" strongly evokes the Libertarian ideal in its American form --as in, rising and falling in society based on your own merits and not by birth lottery/social caste.

Some people have described me as quasi or "Left-Libertarian". I guess this is accurate because I see other legitimate uses for government besides maintaining police and standing armies. I also see "greater goods" (there's that pesky 'morality' creeping in again) such as public education, public roads/highway systems, enforcing consumer protection laws, worker safety laws, civil rights, limiting pollution/protecting the environment (not to be confused with NIMBYism) and so on. I also see "goods" in these government services for capitalism itself. A healthy, educated, safe, mobile, self-empowered populace tends to be much more productive and efficient. This is a "good" that even the most jaded plutocrat could love.

Personally, I like the fact that I live in a country that prohibits overt discrimination based on gender, race, religion, etc. I actually like the fact that slavery and child labor is illegal. Having some of my tax money used for "social safety nets" for poor citizens (and legal residents) and the disabled/mentally ill --as long as it does not completely dis-incentivize industry-- doesn't bother me. Nor does prosecuting and jailing executives who cheat or poison consumers. Does this make me a Communist? If so, I guess a good percentage of Americans are commies too.

Is it possible to be a "proper Libertarian" and care about moral/social issues at the same time?
Do I have to believe in hard-core social Darwinism and market fundamentalism in its most extreme form to stay in the "L" club?
Is this a conundrum with no resolution?

Discuss, enjoy...


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31   Randy H   2006 Mar 3, 4:36am  

I could present the economic-benefit-of-Wal-mart argument, but it's dry, boring and doesn't appeal to emotions.

Suffices to say that even though Wal-mart uses labor arbitrage and local market power (local monopoly power) to create barriers to entry, they were only able to do so by first creating consumer benefit in the areas they penetrated. You cannot become a local monopoly without first offerring something of value.

Wal-mart faces very serious challenges to future growth today; something well studied in B-Schools. They have had a series of dismal failures in expansion attempts the past years. They're in the "winners-curse" zone now. I look for them to diversify, then later sell off loss-leading divisions over time. Not that different from the lifecycle supermarkets went through 30+ years ago.

32   Randy H   2006 Mar 3, 4:44am  

[The "Futurist"]

The only people who would oppose it fit into one of the two categories above. There is no other possible reason [...]

Only one type of person subscribes to and produces such rhetoric. A pseudo-intellectual demagauge. (Decrying "there is no debate" does not pass as debate.)

33   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 4:50am  

Don't get me wrong, I love Walmart's business model and tactics. I just hate the culture of cheapness.

34   Randy H   2006 Mar 3, 5:02am  

I move we retitle "The Futurist" to a more appropre "The Reactionary Demagogue". In the spirit of Fox-News style "intellectual" bullying. I can hear echos of Roy Cohn: "Answer the question! Yes or no! Are you still a communist supporter? Yes or no?"

35   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 5:09am  

But I’m willing to bet a lot of people don’t bother to do research when they are looking to buy stuff. We’ve all commented on how people jump into RE without any real knowledge, so why should consumer products be a different story. I bet if we asked the average Walmart customer they would say they were getting a good “deal” on what they buy.

Always look at the total cost of ownership. It is the true cost to you.

36   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 5:20am  

LOL, Randy is not a liberal. Don't worry.

I do not understand why Fox News is considered right-wing. Perhaps I have not been watching TV for too long.

37   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 5:22am  

It is fun to expose ideologues like Randy H.

Randy is not an "ideologue", trust me on this one.

38   Randy H   2006 Mar 3, 5:29am  


I am about as "left" as your logic is sound. You'll have to try harder if you're looking to expose me. The "Futurist" has made a number of categorically false statements which I and others have provided objective, empirical references about.

If actually thinking through issues violates your sensibilities, then by all means continue to consume knee-jerk pablum, whatever the left/right slant.

For the record, I regard all the major television "news" media equally as lowly. Fox gets singled out because of it's "new kid" status, but they're in good company with all the other infotainment circuses.

39   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 5:29am  

Anyone who thinks any news service is not biased is not paying attention.

Yes, if I run a news station I will be so biased that vegetarians or animal right activists may bomb me.

40   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 5:42am  

There is no value in san Francisco real estate at today’s prices.

But there is more value in SF real estate than SJ real estate.

41   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 5:43am  

For the record, I regard all the major television “news” media equally as lowly. Fox gets singled out because of it’s “new kid” status, but they’re in good company with all the other infotainment circuses.

Perhaps we should read FT, The Economist, and Foreign Affairs instead.

42   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 5:52am  

Only because Sf is nicer than SJ. I have to take my son to a fencing competition in San Jose in a couple of weeks, where would you take a 10 year old (with a good palate) for lunch?

If he likes steaks, try The Grill in Fairmont. Arcadia in Marriot is sometimes good, but it fluctuates. E&O Trading at First and San Fernando is not bad.

SJ simply does not have many okay restaurants.

43   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 5:53am  

Be warned, set your food expectations to San Jose mode.

44   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 6:00am  

Would there be a great little Mexican dive or noodle bar? We are very happy with that type of food.

I rarely eat mexican food, but the one in Santana Row across from the theater is pretty good.

What kind of noodle bar do you have in mind? Chinese? Pho? Ramen?

There is an Asian noodle place that let you mix-and-match ingredients near Camera 12 across from the Fairmont. I think that one is pretty okay. I have not been there for a while.

45   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 6:05am  

Think ’stinky people are welcome’ restaurant.

That Asian noodle place should do then. There is also a Thai place on Second across from the Rep.

46   inquiring mind   2006 Mar 3, 6:22am  

California unemployment the lowest in 5 years! Guess what the biggest job creator in the State is?


47   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 6:27am  

The only losers were manufacturing and the information sector.

Enough said. No Bay Area rebirth... yet.

48   DinOR   2006 Mar 3, 7:04am  

Randy H,

Is Bloomberg's considered part of the "infotainment circus"?

49   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 7:09am  

Is Bloomberg’s considered part of the “infotainment circus”?

Anyone here uses a Bloomberg machine regularly?

50   Unalloyed   2006 Mar 3, 7:45am  

He also said that 95% of a Realtor(TM)’s time is spent trawling for clients.

The agent who sold my home last year asked me for referrals many times. She even went across the street to my neighbor and tried to get him to list with her. I still get emails from her asking for client leads.

51   Randy H   2006 Mar 3, 7:53am  

Is Bloomberg’s considered part of the “infotainment circus”?

Financial television news sources have been pretty good, probably because they tend to focus, and there's usually verifiability. But even here there's been a slow creep of sensationalizm. I started seeing this about 5 years ago. But I'd say Bloomberg's talking head/scroller station is reasonable. Just reporting facts or statements purported as such. CNN's Lou Dobbs on the other hand...

52   Randy H   2006 Mar 3, 7:55am  

I should add that I watch *very little* television, and haven't in the past years since having children. I'd rather read to my little boy than watch someone scream about ideology.

53   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 8:05am  

Isn’t the Bloomberg machine that tiny little thing with changing numbers you need to get onto certain computer sites?

It is a system that provides real-time news and very detailed data. It is very expensive (I heard $2000 a month). Many professionals swear by it. I am just curious. :)

Were you thinking about SecurID?

54   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 8:15am  

So I take it you don’t watch Kramer?

Isn't CNBC a good contrarian indicator?

55   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 8:49am  

My husband often jokes that the stock market in the 70’s went up 3 points, down 2, what was so interesting about that?

You can potentially make 3 + 2 = 5 points! :-D

Of course, it usually does not turn out that way.

56   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 9:02am  

Sounds great? The problem is YOU the OWNER of the car become liable for any damages since the robber was unable to control the car!

No, it should be a remote switch from the police. Any damages should be considered an extension of the pursuit. Since the robber started the chain of events, he should be liable.

On the other hand, we should massively expand the scope of capital punishment to deter crimes.


57   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 9:29am  

I believe the little device my friend has with the changing numbers allows him to access the Bloomberg information.

Yes, my wife has one that allows her to access corporate intranet.

58   Randy H   2006 Mar 3, 9:47am  

Randy H said : I am about as “left” as your logic is sound. ”

At least you admitted that you are to the left.

Instead of simply flailing around that ‘The Futurust’ is demogogery, why not provide specific examples, for a change? Your prior quote is not even part of the article there. That is dishonest on your part.

So, what are your reasons for opposing the Patriot Act?

(a) I'm not "to the left". I evaluate issues on their merit. Left and right are useless, broad ideological distinctions. If I assume you are "to the right", then you must be in favor of "market liberalization", which is a fiscally "conservative" ideal. Does that make you left or right?

(b) My quotation was yours. Sorry if that escaped you. Most people remember what they have written.

(c) I've taken the time to write careful criticism of "The Futurist" before. Its is an act in futility because those who read it are rarely interested in debate, only labeling and name calling.

(d) Your question phrased So, what are your reasons for opposing the Patriot Act? is itself loaded. It is possible to question the merits of the act without necessarily opposing it. Isn't this the very point of democratic debate? "The Futurist" says if I dare to ask the questions then I must be a "5th Columnist". As such, the author loses all credibility with me. Once upon a time the same was said about those who dared to question the curvature of the Earth.

(3) My issues vis-a-vis the Patriot Act are mainly in the oversight arena. I don't like to see the creation of runaway beaucracies, no matter their political intent. Seems to me "The Futurist" isn't very conservative in that it is advocating big government without the minimum mechanisms to ensure beaucratic growth can be checked by future administrations.

59   Different Sean   2006 Mar 3, 10:13am  

Many of my own views are heavily influenced by Libertarian ideals: pro-free trade, pro-tranparency, pro-individualism, pro-gun, pro-free speech/press, pro-limited government, pro-separation of church and state, anti-subsidies, anti-tariffs, anti-protectionism, anti-welfare, etc.

That's great, HARM, except that 10 minutes into your first sociology lecture, you would realise that 'libertarianism' is actually a sort of brainwashing of the American people and an overly simplistic and convenient grab-bag and that they represent the dull echo of some of the most banal and dated ideas of the 18th and 19th century.

Many of them are outright harmful to societies if taken to their logical conclusion, and some of them show no guaranteed benefit to anyone but the few vested interests who threw them up in the first place to advance their own personal cause, usually to make money.

Monolithic theories like 'libertarianism' as a guiding principle tend not to work well in practice.

Nobody wants to be over-governed, but there is a role for sensible governance. No other high income OECD country allows freedom of gun ownership like the US, and no other country reaps the shocking whirlwind of hospital treatment costs, deaths and maiming, accidental discharges, ready availablility of lethal weapons, living in anxiety and fear, suffering grief and loss, etc. Hardly a civilised way for 280 million people to live in a modern civilised society with no threat of invasion, it made some small amount of sense in the 18th century in order to raise a militia in the eastern colonies if under attack from the British.

Let me know the day you get transparency from corporations and government. Remember the big stick of government and the judiciary is what makes corporations accountable (often after the fact). The big stick in turn for government is the electorate, but they're all brainwashed and fooled, so no great threat there...

The welfare state in its present form arose during the Depression to deal with systemic unemployment due to failures in the capitalist market, added to by old age pensions for those too old to work, for other economically disadvantaged people like single mothers, low income earners, etc. There's plenty of middle class welfare out there as well. Other, simpler societies know how to look after their own without prodding...

But there's too much philosophy and sociology and political economy to go into here... Other countries work entirely differently from the US, often more successfully, and 'libertarians' would be seen as right-wing fringe lunatics in those places...

60   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 10:21am  

Monolithic theories like ‘libertarianism’ as a guiding principle tend not to work well in practice.

I agree.

61   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 10:36am  

I don’t think that is what he is saying at all. In fact, he clearly states that criticism of all anti-terror measures, combined with failure to provide alternative suggestions, and an unwillingness to criticize Muslim terrorists, could be evidence of 5th column behavior.

In some sense, I have agree. We need protection from the government. The enemy is adapting fast and unnecessarily constraining the government is unwise.

On the other hand, criticism and failure to provide alternatives is not necessarily bad. It merely provokes further thinking. The same person may end up supporting the measure when it is clear that alternatives are not available.

Criticism is not the necessarily the same as opposition.

62   Different Sean   2006 Mar 3, 10:48am  

In some sense, I have agree. We need protection from the government. The enemy is adapting fast and unnecessarily constraining the government is unwise.

What about the whole idea that 9/11 was aided and abetted, if not outright orchestrated, by the US neocon administration as a 'false flag' operation, with the encouragement of the vested interest of big oil and the PNAC crew? Given the bizarre standdown of interception forces, the simultaneous running of identical training exercises on the same day, the controlled demolition of 4 buildings in the WTC complex, the frantic shipping away of the steel columns, the govt confiscation of all film and video never to be seen again, the strange impact at the pentagon, the presence of extra aircraft over PA and at the WTC, etc...

And why do you have so many 'enemies' when France, Germany, etc don't? I would include the UK and Australia in the list of people without enemies, except that they got sucked into the 'Coalition' by bullyboy tactics and bribes, thus making them a target for retaliation.

Truman has a lot to answer for for the unnecessary and extreme militarisation of the US as a policy approach to mitigating wars - it has created more of them...

63   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 10:58am  

What about the whole idea that 9/11 was aided and abetted, if not outright orchestrated, by the US neocon administration ...

Sorry, but this is downright silly.

64   Peter P   2006 Mar 3, 11:02am  

And why do you have so many ‘enemies’ when France, Germany, etc don’t?

Why does Bill Gates have more enemies than me?

65   Randy H   2006 Mar 3, 11:25am  

Where is YOUR blog, by the way?

quod erat demonstrandum

I'll refrain from feeding trolls when it's not my thread in the future. Sorry HARM.

for reference Juku,

The fact you don't know about my other blogs is evidence that we don't share the same interests. They are not political blogs.

66   Unalloyed   2006 Mar 3, 11:36am  

I am not advocating any conspiracy theory, but I do have one question. Anyone who has driven near the Pentagon knows that the surrounding area is packed with anti-aircraft devices. Why did none of them work to protect the Pentagon on 9/11?

67   GammaRaze   2006 Mar 3, 11:41am  

Since this topic is on libertarianism, let me have one more post here. Harry Browne, one of my favorite writers and the libertarian party presidential candidate for 1996 and 2000, dies yesterday. RIP.

For anyone open-minded, I would highly recommend his simple and straightforward books like "Why government doesn't work". A must read for anyone interested in politics whether you agree or not.

Personally, his "How I found freedom in an unfree world" is the best self-help book I have ever read. It really changed my approach to life. It clearly describes the various traps that get into, mentally and how to break free from them and live free.

If you are open-minded and like reading, consider checking out these books from the library. Also recommended is his website http://www.harrybrowne.org and the articles therein. I wonder who will maintain it now?

68   Unalloyed   2006 Mar 3, 11:48am  

It's a bit discomfiting to think that a major nerve center for the U.S. military has such a poorly implemented defense shield.

69   FormerAptBroker   2006 Mar 3, 12:29pm  

newsfreak Says:

"My husband often jokes that the stock market in the 70’s went up 3 points, down 2, what was so interesting about that?"

Am I the only one that hates it that the financial news networks always just say "the Dow was up 7 today" (assuming that we remember what the Dow was yesterday). News stations don't say "it was 6 degrees warmer today than yesterday" or "there were three more deaths in Iran today than there were yesterday"...

70   Randy H   2006 Mar 3, 12:52pm  


My father was also in defense; specifically in electronic control and guidance systems. With the Pentagon, they probabaly simply didn't activate the countermeasures. They easily could have intercepted a commercial aircraft, even flying low. But only if they are armed by someone. They don't leave these things sitting there on automatic launch, or there'd be a lot of innocent private aviation accidents and outright false signal launches.

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