Coldwell Banker becomes first Realtor of "Virtual Real Estate"

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2007 Mar 24, 7:43am   27,059 views  194 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Company Leads Real Estate Industry Into Virtual Future


This is in the give me a f*#!ng break category. All the zaniness in the "virtual worlds" space is a subject I've purposefully kept separate from Patrick.net until now. But this crosses the line for me. As if we don't have a big enough headache with the *real* real estate bubble, along with all its hype, mania, collusion, greed, corruption and now economic fallout, now we get to legitimize a whole *pretend* real estate bubble. And in case you think this is some irrelevant, minor fringe element bear in mind this particular virtual world claims over 4,000,000 current residents and is growing at over 30% per month.

For anyone lucky enough to have not been exposed, the short version is:

  • Second Life is a huge online computer game.
  • The game has no goal, purpose or point, but is just a big virtual reality simulator.
  • They call that a virtual world and get pissed off if you call it a game, even though it's made by a game company.
  • All kinds of pundits, academics and over-budgeted corporate marketers are falling all over each other to get in on this.
  • People are spending all kinds of real money inside of the Second Life computerized cartoon world. The biggest thing they're spending money on is ... you guessed it ... Virtual Real Estate! Complete with flippers, "land" developers, brokers, and now apparently, bona fide realtors.

Ok, so I took this whole issue on, called out what I saw as a type of Ponzi pyramid scheme, and roundly got ripped up by cult Second Life's love hype machine. You can find my articles here (main one that started it all), here, here, and here. There is also a lawsuit (the real kind, not the pretend computer cartoon kind), Bragg v Linden in which my first two articles above have been submitted to the court in a revised complain[t] statement. The case is a dispute over -- you guessed again -- Virtual Real Estate!

If nothing else, I thought this might make a nice weekend distraction for everyone before we get back to the *real* RE bubble next week.

--Randy H

PS. If you really want to ruffle some academic and fanbois feathers, you can go join the discussion on the "Ivory Tower" blog that covers virtual worlds stuff here.


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30   Peter P   2007 Mar 24, 2:54pm  

That should be a project for this blog. All the older pages should be permanently closed to new posts. That would dramatically cut down the moderation problem.

That may worth a try.

If possible, we should also switch to a random image key system to verify posts. That cuts down on spam tremendously.

Even I have trouble passing those image tests. Maybe I am a version of Jukubot.

31   Jimbo   2007 Mar 24, 6:06pm  

Stop trying to antagonize the nutters over at Linden Labs, Randy. Blogwars are kind of stupid.

32   surfer-x   2007 Mar 24, 6:44pm  

ThinkPad is a registered trademark of International Business Machines.

Thinkpad is a product of Lenovo, the Chinese hoard, want to buy a type matched kidney from a shot in the back of the head political prisoner while shopping for pirated technology sold to finance Amerikan debt? Well then, look no Fuhrer that Lenovo.

but don't worry, there is a robust service technology going on, why shit, there is no possible way anyone could export programming. California Uber Google. Why just yesterday Mrs. X and myself were shopping and loaded the cart up with Amerikan made goods. We bought stuff from all over the good ole USofChIndiMexifornia.

On your knees boy. Shit, sorry, everyone is rich, everyone is rich, everyone is rich.

Then why is real estate on the otherside of a logarithmic slide?

33   ozajh   2007 Mar 24, 9:07pm  

temptation to zone out

I hear ya loud and clear. (Carpal tunnel syndrome from Tetris back in the old XT days, anyone?)

I now limit sessions by strictly applying stop rules. For FreeCell a loss, for Minesweeper (with 99 mines) a win in under 150 seconds.

Now if I could just discipline my share trading that tightly...

34   ozajh   2007 Mar 24, 9:24pm  

Oh, and OT I know but the World Swimming Championships are being held in Melbourne Australia at the moment, and the US Men's Coach said in an interview that he thought his team could win every Olympic event.

Granted, they currently have a truly fantastic Men's swim team (and one of Australia's two Individual world champions has recently retired), but I wonder if people in the US truly appreciate just HOW much a prediction like that p!sses off folk from anywhere else.

Even if it's correct. Perhaps especially if it's correct. As Willie Nelson sang, "Time enough for countin, when the dealin's done".

(And in fact, I note a young Korean just won the first Men's individual final, the 400 Metres Freestyle. Tunisia and Australia filled the minor placings. Even though I have liked just about everybody from the US I have ever met, :D :D :D.)

35   Different Sean   2007 Mar 24, 10:20pm  

wasn't it kenny rogers

36   astrid   2007 Mar 25, 12:28am  

Surfer-X brings up a good point. If SL really becomes useful(I don't think SL will be, but some better 3D web productivity suite), it'll accelerate outsourcing of some current *secure* US jobs. I can easily secretaries, administrators, receptionists, etc going overseas.

Just wait until they get to really good remote control robots. No more paying $100/hour for auto mechanics and plumbers.

37   Michael Holliday   2007 Mar 25, 1:10am  

surfer-x Says:

ThinkPad is a registered trademark of International Business Machines.

Thinkpad is a product of Lenovo, the Chinese hoard, want to buy a type matched kidney from a shot in the back of the head political prisoner while shopping for pirated technology sold to finance Amerikan debt? Well then, look no Fuhrer that Lenovo

Awesome post. And for the most part, true!

Don't feed your cat any kitty chow made with Chinese grain products. It now looks like they've sprayed it with rodenticide, i.e. rat-poison.

You see, in the "people's" republik, the dictatorshi of the proletariat doesn't feel the need to inconvenience itself with such trivialities as, say, human rights, or FDA standards to protect people from rat poison in their food, much less their kitty's chow-chow.

Hell, rumor has it, that in some famished parts of the hinterland, where Mao's glorious five year plan for a bountiful harvest for the people hasn't materialized, they even eat cats for breakfast. So who cares, right?

Oh, sorry, it's just the new order of things.

So much for the evolution of two hundred years of laws to protect American citizens from such inconveniences as, um, rat poison in your food and illegal immigrants walking across the border with diseases such as Leprosy, incurable Tuberculosis and Chagas (research this one, it's pretty hellacious).

As for a decent living wage, benefits and affordable housing? Let 'em eat cat food!

I never thought the dissolution of this country would go down so quickly. But then again, never underestimate the power of greed wedded to mass delusion.

38   astrid   2007 Mar 25, 1:37am  


Easy come, easy go. Remember this country was founded on the Three Fifth Compromise. Remember that in 2004 gay marriage was more important to the majority of electorate than social security, separation of church and state, or the horrors of Iraq.

Don't blame China for what America does to itself.

Also - the Chinese don't eat domesticated cats (even feral domesticated cats) and is any Chinese food more disgusting than what America serves in its school cafeterias?

39   sfvulture   2007 Mar 25, 1:45am  


From what research I've done (I even joined the darn thing), Second Life is ran by a company in downtown San Francisco. Yet, when you join Second Life, you have the option of submitting some form of payment (ie, credit card, paypal, whatever). What happens to someone like myself who joined with no payment and is now a homeless virtual citizen?

So far, I've found no homeless shelter and no politician that gives a rat's ass about my oppressed condition. I would think that a city as "progressive" as San Francisco, would not allow such capitalism, even though it is virutal, it is still evil capitalism!!!

Does Great Mother Nancy Pelosi or Dear Leader Gavin Newsome know about this?

Second Life even has this thing called "The Marketplace"!!! WTF?!?!?! What about the needy? Haven't we learned from the real world that free-markets are cruel and evil and only benefit corrupt big businesses?

Don't just take my word for it....here's what the site itself says!

"Second Life has a fully-integrated economy architected to reward risk, innovation, and craftsmanship.

How can this be? Karl Marx must be turning over in his grave by now. Perhaps some enlightened soul (maybe one of the Google billionaires) will create "Second Collective" or "Second USSR" to show us virtual compassion done right.

Seriously folks...all mocking aside. I think that we all should join second life as flaming, bleeding-heart liberals. Just join and act like your neighbors. Drive this thing into the ground with a good dose of San Francisco liberal values!! :)

40   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 2:19am  

How can this be? Karl Marx must be turning over in his grave by now. Perhaps some enlightened soul (maybe one of the Google billionaires) will create “Second Collective” or “Second USSR” to show us virtual compassion done right.

How about SOL? Second Objectivist Life.

41   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 2:26am  

You see, in the “people’s” republik, the dictatorshi of the proletariat doesn’t feel the need to inconvenience itself with such trivialities as, say, human rights, or FDA standards to protect people from rat poison in their food, much less their kitty’s chow-chow.

And you think DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Kalifornistan) is much better? ;)

42   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 2:28am  

Drive this thing into the ground with a good dose of San Francisco liberal values!!

LOL! We will require that at least 64% of all virtual housing be BMR units!

43   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 2:32am  

Or are we really just a housing bubble cult?

So we get a special tax status?

44   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 2:35am  

There are probably enough Gen-Y Losers out there for SL to be very successful.

I define Gen-Y as the class of people with Pluto in Scorpio.

45   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 2:39am  


perhaps we did not see the question. i .have trouble reading caps. can you post your question again?

46   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 2:48am  


47   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 2:50am  

Tax breaks will make people do the strangest things.

Very true indeed. Hopefully people will donate more just for the deductions. :)

48   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 2:51am  


On the contrary, I think grocery store should have flexible "market prices". :)

49   sfvulture   2007 Mar 25, 3:30am  

Here's some motivation for fellow Second Life proletariatarians... ( If SL has a DNC, you'll find this in their founding documents, just like the one in the First Life. :)

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state, i.e., of the proletariat organized as the ruling class; and to increase the total productive forces as rapidly as possible.

Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionizing the mode of production.

These measures will, of course, be different in different countries. Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in he hands of the state.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. "

50   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 3:34am  

Are you quoting the Communist Manifesto? Are you now or have you ever been a communist?

51   Bruce   2007 Mar 25, 3:35am  

How hard would it be to make a 'watch for falling prices' insert to fit into the 'sold' slot on RE signs?

52   sfvulture   2007 Mar 25, 3:40am  

In this life, I'm a capitalist from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head. In the Second Life, I'm the most left-wing communist that you will ever meet.

53   Bruce   2007 Mar 25, 3:42am  

And if we become a tax-exempt cult, who gets to write the Dyanetics parody?

54   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 3:43am  

In this life, I’m a capitalist from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head. In the Second Life, I’m the most left-wing communist that you will ever meet.

You got me worried. :)

Perhaps I will become the Casey Serin of the virtual world. Or maybe even a virtual NIMBYist!

55   Randy H   2007 Mar 25, 3:57am  


Thanks for the compliment but keep in mind as soon as someone starts to think they are smarter than everyone else they just as surely aren't.

I kind of became an accidental SL "pundit". It's much more a statement about the lack of any serious scrutiny by the press and most of the wide eyed academics than it is about me. Except for a couple of exceptions, the bar wasn't really set that high when I came in.

I was really working on much wider online computer games stuff when the whole SL episode erupted. I actually believe there _is_ something pretty big developing in the realm of "online virtual reality", but I think the crowd that's now squatting on that intellectual realm aren't deserving all the hype; and maybe they're actually causing damage.


Consider it a weekend distract then and wait for the next thread. A "virtual reality real estate agency" being offered by a real world major real estate agency is a crossover worth bitching about, at least on a slow weekend.

56   Brand165   2007 Mar 25, 4:02am  

You guys are using limited imagination here. Someone needs to be a mortgage broker that is a giant talking alligator. Then when people are close to foreclosure, the alligator can eat them.

Maybe we should be Linden mortgage brokers. Then people don't have to pay up front. We could purchase their land and homes, and then rent it back to them indefinitely. The lack of a legal system wouldn't necessarily be a problem. You could always grief that person continuously.

Seriously, people are stupid. They will focus on the monthly payment instead of the total capital outlay. If you make it easy for them to live in SL in tiny little bites, then they would probably do so.

57   Michael Holliday   2007 Mar 25, 4:13am  

astrid Says:

"...Don’t blame China for what America does to itself."

Also - the Chinese don’t eat domesticated cats (even feral domesticated cats) and is any Chinese food more disgusting than what America serves in its school cafeterias?

The problem is, is that too many fat cat's (Repub's and Dems) are doing big business with a big brother totalitarian regime, which is tantamount to the maintenance dictatorships, its sine qua non for existence.

Just follow the money, honey!

Yeah, I'll never forget Californa cafeteria food. And the smell of the cafeteria...

58   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 4:16am  

Mike, there is nothing wrong with totalitarian business partners. So long as we are not living under totalitarian rule who cares?

59   Michael Holliday   2007 Mar 25, 4:18am  


cats (Repubs...)

...of a dictatorship...


60   Michael Holliday   2007 Mar 25, 4:22am  

Peter P Says:

Mike, there is nothing wrong with totalitarian business partners. So long as we are not living under totalitarian rule who cares?

You're joking, right?

Unless, of course, you're an advocate of the Brezhnev Doctrine of Sovereign Equality: all systems are validly equal and moral.

I guess money has no morality.

But then again, I was born and raised on the old-fashioned, American value that we all have a stake in the individual liberty of others, and I cannot simply be indifferent to the suffering of others.

Plus, instinctually, I abhor totalitarian dictatorships. And, like statist art, statist beer is simply intolerable...

61   Peter P   2007 Mar 25, 4:29am  

I guess money has no morality.

Money is amoral. It is neither moral nor immoral.

I abhor totalitarian dictatorships.

I hate totalitarian dictatorships too. But again, we do not need to like everybody we deal with.

62   PAR   2007 Mar 25, 4:33am  

Patrick mentioned in LA Times:

Sorry if this was posted earlier but I scrolled back and didn't see it anywhere...

63   skibum   2007 Mar 25, 4:34am  


It's not a clique-iness issue here. Put it this way - If you walked into a coffee shop looking for directions to somewhere and just started yelling out to the crowd "TELL ME HOW TO GET TO BLAH BLAH BLAH NOW!" you would simply annoy people, and they would ignore you. It's a simple matter of etiquette. If you've followed this blog, plenty of "newbies" come on and ask questions or comment. There is no clique-iness I see.

64   Brand165   2007 Mar 25, 5:34am  

I thought we agreed to only have interesting trolls on patrick.net.

65   skibum   2007 Mar 25, 5:41am  

Thanks for the link. To me it's just another example of the MSM jumping on the bandwagon too little too late. For instance, the article fails to mention the possibility of the subprime mess spilling into Alt-A. When that happens in a few months, there will be yet another article claiming how shocking that trend is, and yet they could have predicted it now.

66   sfvulture   2007 Mar 25, 5:49am  

March 25th, 2007 at 11:33 am
Patrick mentioned in LA Times

I disagree with the premise of the article that bloggers are the "alternative" voices. The MSM and the Realtors are now the "alternative" voices. You learn the truth on blogs long before the MSM and Realtors will tell you anything that is really going on. When the finally do, it's like skibum says above...too little too late.

67   Brand165   2007 Mar 25, 6:03am  

It isn't the job of journalists to make economic predictions. It is their job to state facts that have already occured, and to quote experts about future predictions. If you want to complain about journalists writing that the subprime problems are isolated from Alt-A, then you have to fault the economists they are quoting.

Perhaps they don't get a sufficient sample when writing articles, but I don't expect someone with a Journalism degree to publish their own macroeconomic analysis of the mortgage market.

68   Randy H   2007 Mar 25, 6:11am  


First and last warning to:

a) Stop using all-caps. Not only is it annoying, but it is hard to read for many people.

b) Offer some form of value; anything. But repeated name calling and flame baiting will just lead me to ban you and delete your comments.

Think carefully before your next comment.

69   Randy H   2007 Mar 25, 6:17am  

Journalists are supposed to exercise editorial professionalism, though. That is in fact exactly what separates professional journalism from most infotainment and most blogs.

And I don't mean simply finding "the other side" for every issue. That adds no value. What does add value is when a news media develops a credible reputation for consistency in editorial power. That way whether you happen to agree or disagree with the information/message/opinions being reported, you do have confidence in the methods and reliability of that news.

What we largely have now is a mainstream media which is frantically chasing around individual, oft anonymous bloggers, in a doomed attempt to remain relevant. In the process, editorial consistency and journalistic method have been abandoned. My topic for this thread is a case-in-point. The media simply echoes whatever message is fed into the system.

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