Someone Please Explain "Pocket Listings"

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2007 Apr 11, 4:57am   42,788 views  507 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

We've talked about so called "pocket listings" and the reasons this happens. But this is the first time I've witnessed one occurring first-hand, and I'm a bit confused.

There's a home in the neighborhood, near enough that I see it every day. It is clearly for sale. The owners cleared out, had it entirely repainted, staged, and it now sits in pristine showing order. No for sale sign. No MLS entry. No key box. Not a peep. Yet people are being shown the place by obvious realtors, sometimes many per day.

Seems to me there is too much activity to be just a "sister or brother" realtor trying to sell it before listing it. And unless there are multiple agencies colluding in the pocket-listing-racket, there is too much activity for this to just be within a single agency; even a large one. This house is getting more traffic than two others in better condition which actually have signs and key boxes.

And aren't pocket listings technically against the CAR's so called "code of ethics"?

And even more so, why the hell would any buyer even be interested in this? This particular home sold for $1m a in mid 2005, but only 0.5m in 1999. Given the listed comparables in the neighborhood, I'll bet they're easily trying to get $1.4-1.5m. But this is Tamalpais Valley, not exactly prime South Marin. Nothing close to exclusive "you have to be invited to buy here" prime Larkspur or Tiburon. So I can't for the life of me figure out why someone would even entertain buying from a shady agent a "not yet listed" home. It's not like finding a home in Tam Valley is hard to do. For sale signs on overpriced McCrapsions are everywhere -- I can see dozens from my bedroom balcony. And this particular "not yet for sale" house is kinda crappy compared to the standard in the immediate neighborhood, adding to the mystery.

I'm curious what people think. I know pocket listings are no big deal to those in the industry, but the practice is unethical according to their own industry representing body. I hate to be naive, but this one strikes close to home (as it were) and so blatant as to be a bit offensive to someone like me patiently renting and waiting for a tiny glimmer of sanity in house prices.

---Randy H
(I'm withholding the Zillow link for now, until I figure out if there are any legal repercussions to the owners. They're actually reasonably nice folks, which is itself a rarity in Marin.)


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226   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 5:40am  

Just wait for the slowdown in high end homes, the median will plummet overnight. It is just a statistical smoke and mirrors show. It is funny how a slowdown actually makes it look like prices were going up, or even holding.

227   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 5:42am  

I saw a great realtor tick on 'Buy Me'. The realtor, he even said it to the camera, tried to get the seller to fall in love with a house before he even had an offer. The realtor's trick was to basically try and make him more motivated.

228   HeadSet   2007 Apr 12, 5:42am  

"Go get some tatoos, quit your job, and move to a really bad area. Also, suspend your normal daily hygene and I think you will be surprised at the number of prospects you will have."

I hope you are not speaking from your own experience!

229   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 5:43am  

No, I'm using you to try out my theory.

230   lunarpark   2007 Apr 12, 5:44am  

"The article itself admits to why the price number is up" - Agree.

The SFGate article title is just total shill work though:

"Local Home Prices Rebound: Median cost of a Bay Area home in March climbs 3.1 percent in a month's time"

231   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 5:44am  

Man, I have seen some couples that defy logic. What's with these chicks who go for the inmates? They literally seek them out online.

232   skibum   2007 Apr 12, 5:44am  

It is funny how a slowdown actually makes it look like prices were going up, or even holding.

Exactly. This is "classic" RE market behavior during the peak-to-downward phase of the cycle. Sales slow tremendously, and price declines based on median price lags. We've touched on this ad nauseum in threads about price stickiness in the past. Bottom line, sellers hold out, slowing down sales. Buyers buy at the same price point they would have before, holding up median prices, until a series of herky-jerky downward lurches in price (plus dead cat bounces) occur and the "true" trend is revealed. This statistical smoke and mirrors is accentuated by the subprime mess cutting out the low-end buyer, disproportionately drying up low-priced sales.

233   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 5:46am  

I'm sure, I've read some of those threads, but it never stops amazing me that news reporters can't think to just ask the logical questions that everday people even seem to grasp.

234   Allah   2007 Apr 12, 5:47am  

IMO overall a good post for discussion. A slightly different perspective because price really only matters when buying or selling, what it does inbetween doesn’t really matter.

If I'm buying it matters if it falls; but I don't have any control over that. You never know when you will HAVE TO sell.

The intrinsic value is what you would otherwise rent it for, so if rents (almost by natural law rise with cost of living) even if the value of your house stays flat for a long period, its value to you rises in proportion to the rental market. My concern with some of what I read here is people think there will be a crater and they will then emulate the prior flipper generation. You need to spot value, not just a huge movement in price, and I can tell you foreclosure auctions, and sealed bids can be a good place, but auctions tend to mirror the general market as a benchmark.


No one really knows how this thing is going to play out, but I just think that prices are going to spiral down; people who lose their houses depress the values of other houses that cause more people to lose their houses. After the prices finally stop dropping (which may be several years), I don't think people will be so quick to drive up prices; especially when all those people who were buying each year keep seeing the value of their house fall further.

As far as rents, who is to say that rents will continue to rise? If rents only rise with inflation and house prices don't increase at all, then it is still better to rent. Just think about it, if you were paying a mortgage, you would be paying interest on it, much higher than 0% (the percentage of appreciation which would actually be negative but I'll be generous). If the value of your house even was tracking inflation (which would probably be less than your interest rate), you would still be losing money. If you had enough money to buy without a mortgage, using that to buy a house would be like stuffing it into a matress; whereas if you were renting, you would be able to invest that money somewhere else. It all depends on how high rents will go which is very area dependant. Since there was so much building and exess supply, I just can't see rents increasing so much.

As far as buying a foreclosure, I think when prices stop falling, buying a foreclosure is a good way of punching through the floor to get a price that will carry you through a long flat market.

Of course, we could have massive inflation, the dollar can crash and render all our cash useless. This scenario would change everything as we know it.

235   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 5:52am  

I think you can do better negotiating with a bank than at a foreclosure auction but crazy things happen. I caution you that if you don't tie your entry point to a fundamental, you can't spot value. That's why IMO the price drop like a recent poster just said is bumpy. It in essence becomes a price skimming market because each step of the way down a long drop people jump in thinking they are getting a deal because they got it for 10% less than their neighbor. If you understand valuation, you will call the bottom ahead of time.

236   DaBoss   2007 Apr 12, 5:54am  

"In the face of rising defaults and foreclosures nationally, mortgage lenders are requiring bigger down payments and more documentation from some borrowers, meaning fewer people can qualify to buy those entry-level homes."

Skibum, I would add its more difficult getting loan in SF BA since many tech employees only have 2 years job history, at anyone employer, while the banking standard requires 5 years. Not only was income history distorted by brokers but so was employee history.

237   skibum   2007 Apr 12, 5:55am  

The SFGate article title is just total shill work though:


On the other hand, you gotta admire the chutzpah of this reporter and his editor: (A) Let's tout the increase in sales and price from Feb to March, which happens EVERY SINGLE YEAR (it's called the Spring selling season for a reason) as a "bounce back" in sales. (B) Let's then "forget" to mention that in the area that matters the most to our readership, ie, San Francisco proper for the SAN FRANCISCO Chronicle, prices actually declined.

In fact, if you look at the prices for the BA overall, the increase is entirely driven by Santa Clara County (modest increase, large volume of sales relative to rest of BA) and Alameda County (large sales volume, larger gain). It's also interesting, if you read the release carefully, that the Alameda county numbers were extrapolated from 3 weeks of data, meaning it's less reliable on top of that!

238   DinOR   2007 Apr 12, 5:55am  


I thought the basic premise on "Lost" was that while they have managed to circumvent many issues that have haunted man, their genetic tinkering has now created an environment where conception is impossible?

(Among 9 other sub-plots)

239   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 5:56am  

Yes, we could have massive anything but assign that the appropriate risk benefit value. I think massive inflation is just not happening, but use something like interest rates as a guage. For my purposes I consider my 100% safe savings rate to reflect real inflation. My money is static in a CD. If you use leverage, and can beat the debt service, even if return on assets is low, your ROI beats it. That is real wealth generation.

240   Steveoh   2007 Apr 12, 5:57am  

7- And finally, the only thing standing between you cheap rental ($2500!!) and having your family on the street is the ability of your landlord not to default (except if he bought a long time ago and you cover his costs !!!)

Jimbo would disagree with this. Somehow he thinks landlords just settle for what the market will bear, and will keep renting out at a loss indefinitely. "

So how can we find out if our landlord is on the verge of default with the house we're renting?

My landlord just raised the rent (5%) as the 12 month lease ended this month. Their letter stated that they would honor this new rent amount for six months, and then "...reassess the situation, and go from there."

They have owned the house for three years, renting to me for the last 12 months. They quit their regular jobs (retail manager and construction worker) about the time they bought this house, and became full time flippers/developers.

Now that the ride is over, I suspect their letter is more telling than they intended.

241   skibum   2007 Apr 12, 5:59am  


I guess I was referring to that bald dude who used to be paralyzed in the "real world" and was a loser who is now the "man" in their band of survivors. I don't watch the show enough to know more details than that, I must admit.

242   DinOR   2007 Apr 12, 5:59am  

Space Ace,

Can't say as I've ever thought about that way before? I had thought that even back in the bad old days if you could prove that you were in basically the same "line" of work they would usually (but not always) let that fly?

243   EBGuy   2007 Apr 12, 6:03am  


But what of the SF decline? Are we hitting an affordability "wall", or is the mix just tilting towards condos (more sales to the low end). I wish DQ would publish the house/condo mix in their general release. The affordability "wall" theory could explain why medians in surrounding counties (Alameda, San Mateo) went up. Will be interested to see how this plays out in the S&P Case/Shiller Home Price Index in a couple of months.

BTW, their was an interesting article on Ben's yesterday that answered the question I had asked a couple of days ago: How easy is it to tell if some has several primary mortgages. Evidently some mortgages were being securitized and someone noticed that an owners name appeared several times (he had bought over twenty homes in a region). This lead to an investigation of the orginator. Needless to say, they were shutdown. I still say most of this mess could have been avoided if this was the only check done on all the garbage loans out there (goodbye specuvestors). Interesting to note that the only cases you read about in the paper are the very large frauds investigated by the feds. All the smaller ones perpetrated by individuals only seem to get noticed by the bloggers.

244   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 6:04am  

Stev, you are very perceptive. START shopping for a new rental right away, take your time picking one.

To answer the question with specifics you can do a couple of things. One, obviously, look on Zillow or go to the county assesor and see what they paid for the house. The second thing, either through a broker, a title company, or going to the assesors office you can actually pull the public records for all trust deed activity on the property. That will tell you everything you want to know including if they have a subprime time bomb ARM mortgage. Get the hell out of there though there are too many options for you to put up with that sort of uncertain unprofessionalism.

245   skibum   2007 Apr 12, 6:04am  


I refer you to the "subthread" in the last few minutes between lunarpark and me.

246   DinOR   2007 Apr 12, 6:05am  


It's funny though that you brought that up b/c last night's episode was about this very topic. Not only can the disabled bald dude walk but one of the other survivors had her diagnosed terminal cancer go completely into remission! Yet the only child born on the island was from a healthy young woman that conceived elsewhere. I gather all other attempts failed.

Like you, I catch it when I can.

247   lunarpark   2007 Apr 12, 6:06am  

Skibum, I think you should have written the article. LOL.

248   HeadSet   2007 Apr 12, 6:06am  


Each social class has its "hot babes," and these women prefer men of which class they perceive themselves in. Thus the hunk who is a nightclub bouncer can get babes who would never consider the junior exec, and the junior exec can date college educated babes who would never consider the bouncer.

The women you mention who chase the Scott Peterson jailbird types do so because they find them attractive and exiting, or someone who will "need" them. Those women see the corporate success types as boring.

By the way, haven't you noticed that the younger "rich" educated girls also sport tatoos? Both rich and poor think they are hip if they have their skin inked.

249   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 6:06am  

The deed actualy will contain a copy of their loan notes. Don't be embarraseed either, it is all public record for good reason.

250   DaBoss   2007 Apr 12, 6:07am  

Yes lenders have been laxed, but that will soon change.

251   DaBoss   2007 Apr 12, 6:09am  

Tannenbaum, go to DQNEWS and look up the stats...
you will find in SF many parts are down as
much as a third.... thats -30% or more...

252   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 6:10am  

Yes, I don't like them though although a very tiny one in the small of their back on ankle is ok. Sometime a tiny little nose diamond stud looks good too. SDSU was a great place to go for watching. Whoever figured out to sell shirts to girls that only go down to the midsection is my absolute favorite person on earth.

253   skibum   2007 Apr 12, 6:10am  


You're right - it goes both ways with respect to median home prices. My hunch is that there's a little of both. We hit an "affordability wall" across the Bay Area (except outlying areas like the Delta and Gilroy, etc.) a long time ago. People maxed out on loan products to buy more house, then they bought less and less house with that maxed-out price point. That's why in part these shifts in median price are still relatively small in either direction. No huge factor has upset this delicate equilibrium yet. I wonder if the subprime-leading-to-AltA-leading-to-Prime mess will be that "butterfly effect."

254   DinOR   2007 Apr 12, 6:12am  

"They quit their regular jobs"

So uh... what h a d you been "planning" to do this weekend Steve?

Well forget it! Start shopping NOW! LOL!

Who was it that said, "Oh I never check the classifieds for rentals anymore. I just show up at open houses and get the realtor on the side and then ask, would the owners consider... you know... renting it out?"

The guy said in all honesty that he'd never heard a "no" yet! Oh and make sure your shopping the neighborhoods YOU like! With a few notable exceptions, they're ALL flakes Steve.

255   skibum   2007 Apr 12, 6:13am  

Yes, I don’t like them though although a very tiny one in the small of their back on ankle is ok.

One of my best friends, who is very successful with the ladies, points out that the tat on the small of the back is basically a sign that reads, "I'm a wannabe slut. I'm willing to do a quick one-nighter to show you how slutty I am." For the most part, he is right. Trust me - I've been his "wingman" many a time.

256   DaBoss   2007 Apr 12, 6:14am  

SF... no matter I went up there last weekend and they were putting up a 4th or 5th Condo Tower near the the Ball Park.
Still plenty more space to up an additional 5-6 more.
Go at it boys we have plenty of space open. build more!!!!

To top that they were building additional floors on existing condo tower
near Moma! you can see it off 280 turn off ....Beat that...

257   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 6:16am  

Head, it is true, but it goes the other way also. As I've gotten a little older, and moved up a little, when I look at a pretty girl (BTW I'm not on the market so I look just out of instinct) I do actually size up the bigger picture now. I weight things beyond the looks even though the presentation tells the story. I don't like the tattoos, I don't like sleezy, and non well spoken women are actually a turn off. I would never get in a relationship with a woman who has bad credit or seems common.

258   skibum   2007 Apr 12, 6:17am  

Space Ace,

Too funny. Once on 280 right where you are talking about, I saw some gal changing clothes in her condo facing the freeway whilst I was driving at 50mph. How lame (for her) is that?

I've also wondered many a time, how do the poor schmucks who bought units in the earlier condos near the ballpark "for the views" of the city feel after each new condo building that blocks out more and more of their "view" gets built?

259   Steveoh   2007 Apr 12, 6:19am  


Thanks for the advice. I can see the value in researching the NEXT rental prospect as you described above, as well.

I wonder how many other renters could be on a collision course with this kind of iceberg.

260   HeadSet   2007 Apr 12, 6:20am  

"Whoever figured out to sell shirts to girls that only go down to the midsection is my absolute favorite person on earth. "

YES! And they fashion leader who coupled that with the low-rise jeans deserves a Nobel Prize.

261   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 6:21am  

Unfortunatley I was off the market before those really caught on in the mid to later 90s, but SDSU in my opinion has the highest concentration of beautiful girls on the planet. Going there was like some of those early Nazi society movies of beautiful people everywhere. I think in the main courtyard they should build a fountain with a waterfall and pool for the girls to frolic in. Maybe a few white horses meandering around in the background, and a rope swing from a tree branch to finish it off.

262   Malcolm   2007 Apr 12, 6:22am  

Even though I hear she is kind of white trashy in person, Jewel really set the standard for those hiphuggers. Big fan!

263   Peter P   2007 Apr 12, 6:22am  

I still prefer conservative fasion.

No dress or skirt should reveal the knees.

264   DinOR   2007 Apr 12, 6:23am  

"People maxed out on loan products to buy more house, then they bought less and less house with that maxed-out price point"

That about sums it up. In most markets we possibly reached that point in 2003 and definitely by 2004. Especially in close to major urban centers. You could still have gotten "more house" in the Inland Empire, outside PHX and maybe Henderson NV. Any area that didn't require central air 10 months out of the year had already peaked (s/f wise).

That's also that "coat tailing" effect we talked about where pathetic, small and not all that well maintained places were able to cash in on their proximity.

265   HeadSet   2007 Apr 12, 6:26am  

"I still prefer conservative fasion.

No dress or skirt should reveal the knees. "

Just the breasts, Eutruscan style?

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