Communication and the Crash

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2006 Apr 28, 1:37am   39,195 views  237 comments

by SQT15   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

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If there is anything truly unique about this housing bubble, it's the amount of information that is available to all of us who are interested.

Patrick.net posts links to news sites daily that gives us details on virtually anything any of us want to know about the bubble in our hometown.

This blog allows us to compare news and trade ideas on how fast/slow the bubble is bursting.

How do you think this incredible access to information is going to change how this housing bubble bursts? Is this bubble going to be less "sticky" on the way down because the average homebuyer will have quicker access to all the relevant data?

What do you think?


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1   Michael Holliday   2006 Apr 28, 2:04am  

People are very lazy as a whole regarding current events.

You could hand them the knowledge but most will demonstrate profound
ennui and disinterest.

I think for the astute observers (presumably us), near perfect, real-time information will serve us well and allow us to make better financial decisions.

Haiku time:

Housing Bubble Hippy

See the butterfly
So high away. Take a toke
As housing crumbles...

2   Different Sean   2006 Apr 28, 2:06am  

what's SILSIH mean?

3   Michael Holliday   2006 Apr 28, 2:08am  

Re: Hippy Haiku

I don't write the song
I just sing the tune...


4   Different Sean   2006 Apr 28, 2:10am  

and I don’t think Surfer-X means the bong.

i think you're right. probably means a sherbet stick, they're quite nice....

5   edvard   2006 Apr 28, 2:18am  

I agree it's a psychological chain reaction going on here, and unfortunatly, housing is a very emotional object. The feeling I get from everyone these days are:" Oh crap, everyone's getting rich except me!", or- I wanna' have that old-fashioned American lifestyle."
I've noticed a rather recent upswing in new babies these days, and it seems to be from a lot of people who just bought houses. it's almost like a fashion show. Oh thank god! They just barely bought a house, have the golden retriever, and now since they're desperate to at least appear to be yappy-happy middle class apple-pie eating Americans, then why not pop out a few kids?The picture is now complete!They are soo privelages to be able to be able to pay for it, no matter how much it was. Thank god now they're safe, while all those poor sucka's that haven't bought have to be priced out. At least they aren't priced out... right?
I think people truly believe that the middle class is going to going out of style, and they had better get in on it or be one of two classes: rich or poor. Perhaps the news should report how much people are actually making. As I see it, people are not just trying to keep up with the joneses, they're trying to also keep up with the wealthy.

6   Joe Schmoe   2006 Apr 28, 2:19am  

Call me crazy, but I am glad to see all the bad news.

The "good times" (good for the Boomers, anyway) of the 90's and early 00's couldn't last.

50 year old tract homes are not gold mines.

Middle class families cannot afford $800,000 McMansions.

Finally things seem to be returning to normal.

7   Different Sean   2006 Apr 28, 2:19am  

every week a new problem arises

jack abramoff, scott mclellan, wolfy -> world bank, etc...

Will anyone be able to fill Scotty's shoes? Who can master the art of "we don't comment on ongoing investigations?" Who has the stamina to repeat day after day, week after week, that Saddam "was a grave threat"? Who has the skill to weave the words "terrorists flew planes into buildings" into at least one question per briefing? The nomination floor is open.

Buh-bye, Scotty.

8   edvard   2006 Apr 28, 2:28am  

All I know is that when I mention the fact that RE has slowed, or that it could potentially even go down signifigantly in the BA to anyone that has bought, especially in the last few years, I get some very nasty looks, and even nasty replies. The common reply is that at least in the BA, there has never been a signifigant drop in RE ever. They are partially right to an extent, but I can't help but wonder what the implications of a runup in prices never before seen in BA history will do to those historical "facts".

9   Different Sean   2006 Apr 28, 2:30am  

the new press secretary

who's the new guy, someone even worse?

i saw Mary Matalin in person on a newscast the other day, it's frightening how the irish have been denatured into something truly horrible, eveything that is sweet and good and feminine has been stripped away...

10   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 2:33am  


As I understood it, much of Florida's speculation (as was the case in AZ and CA's central valley) was on pre-construction contracts. It seems to me that the home builders will be hit very hard by cancellations and back-on-market houses.

11   Randy H   2006 Apr 28, 2:34am  

Is this bubble going to be less “sticky” on the way down because the average homebuyer will have quicker access to all the relevant data?

I'm not so sure. It will be very interesting to see if available, immediate access to information changes the stickiness at all.

One one hand, it certainly affects buyer sentiment. Sites like Zillow, blogs like this and all the other bubble-blogs, and the ability to self-research probably will have a big affect on buyer psychology. As the bubble bursting comes on the radar of more and more people, the volume of Googling will increase, and I'd suspect housing demand will cool. This will probably be a faster cooling than previous episodes.

But as for sellers, I'm not so sure they are forced down the price curve any faster. There are significant fundamentals that cause seller price stickiness, not the least of which is pure and simple timing. Not all sellers are looking to sell at any one time. Some have flexibility, others just ignore the market and sell purely for life-event reasons. I'd suspect that new-home sales may be less sticky by a bit, but existing home sales will be just as sticky as they always have been. In fact, there's a good argument that the internet and blogs could makes sellers behave even _more_ stickily (is that a word?).

If I'm a seller in a down market I can use the internet, monitor blogs, get a pulse of market sentiment which I couldn't do before. Before, I had to rely upon my agent, who would do anything to get me to sell for their commission. Now, I can monitor this blog and get a better feeling for the "real" market; that is, the people to whom I want to sell. I might well be inclined to not sell until I perceive some change in sentiment, if at all possible. If I'm a FB, then likewise I'll just try to ride it out with some other exotic refi, or leave the keys on the counter top and head back East.

12   HARM   2006 Apr 28, 2:36am  

People are very lazy as a whole regarding current events.

You could hand them the knowledge but most will demonstrate profound
ennui and disinterest.

I think for the astute observers (presumably us), near perfect, real-time information will serve us well and allow us to make better financial decisions

Yes. Technology can be a wonderful, useful tool in the right hands, but in the hands of a complete idiot...?

In the years leading up to the bubble's peak, I saw no evidence of people becoming any better informed, or improvements to their critical thinking ability (being able to USE information better). Whenever I would try to politely/meekly "educate" my perma-bull family members and friends about evidence of the bubble, typically one of two things would happen: (a) their eyes would glaze over, or (b) they would vehemently deny it and cite selective "evidence" --usually from MSM or industry articles-- justifying/rationalizing their own personal bias. Rare was the case when I won over any "converts".

Information may travel faster for those who know WHAT to look for and HOW to use it, yes. Unfortunately, the Internet has also enabled crap to travel much faster too. There is still no technological substitute for critical thinking ability.

Apologies in advance if this sounds elitist, but giving internet access to sheeple is like giving a blind man glasses.

13   Different Sean   2006 Apr 28, 2:37am  

I already forgot his name, but someone from Fox News.

you ARE joking, aren't you?

no surprise fox cover rising fuel prices, you can't blame the govt for that -- at least not directly...

14   Different Sean   2006 Apr 28, 2:38am  


15   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 2:40am  


I don't know about communications. I simply see the fundamental numbers creating a lot more foreclosures this time around. Compared to the early 90s, the price to wage ratio is higher, the interest rates are trending up, there's a lot more risky loans and a lot more speculative activities at all levels of society. If prices even dip 10-20% for a few quarters, these people will be forced into foreclosure.

16   edvard   2006 Apr 28, 2:42am  

Just as online resources can be readily available to those who are pro-housing, so too is it for people like us. I suspect that as soon as the first big, red warning signs start popping up, the myriads of those on the fence, whom I think are a broad range if people will garner info from sites such as CL, this site, and others,stop buying cold turkey thus causing a dramatic halt to home buying faster than it would've been prior to online resources. The result could be a very rapid decline, causing a hard crash.

17   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 2:42am  


I see a lot of people voluntarily quitting their jobs and go live with family/work under the table, just to get over the bankruptcy issue.

18   Different Sean   2006 Apr 28, 2:44am  

Could it be that “getting the word out” on the bubble from blogs

yes, patrick.net has saved the world... once again...

19   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 2:46am  


Good point! It's hard to be a bear alone in a sea of bulls, but with easily available online information and informed communities of bears, it is psychologically easier to resist the temptation of buying in and becoming the last fool.

20   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 2:49am  

Wow, slvr already up 6%

21   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 2:52am  


Come on, please do not play Robert Cote of the left!

22   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 2:54am  


You can catch most of his segments here


you need a high speed connection though

23   Joe Schmoe   2006 Apr 28, 2:57am  

I think the increased access to informaiton will affect buyers and sellers differnetly.

Information re: the burst should have a strong affect on buyers; it will cause them to sit the market out. It will also disabuse them of any notions that buying a house is a good way to make easy money. This will make them less likely to speculate and/or take on enormous, risky debt loads. Moreover, it costs buyers little to sit the market out. They can always rent for another year.

Sellers, on the other hand, will be affected by information quite differnetly. A lot of them have a huge emotional investment in the price of their home. They simply will not want to admit that they are now half as "rich" as they were two years ago. Similarly, those who are leveraged to the hilt will not want to admit it to themselves, and they certainly won't want to publicly "admit defeat" by moving to a cheaper place. Very few people are emotionally cold-blooded enough to dump the family home on a moment's notice, especially when they have spent the past several years believing it was the "smartest decision they ever made," that their miserable tract home was the ticket to wealth, etc.

If both sellers and buyers were equally open-minded, the bubble would burst overnight. But since buyers are more open-minded than sellers, it will probably take a while longer. The Internet will almost certainly speed the crash, though, IMO. It'll happen fast anyway thanks to the leverage that people have been taking on, but the Internet will speed the process up even more.

24   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 2:58am  


I miss my boyfriend's DV-R a lot...

25   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 3:02am  

Joe Schmoe,

I don't think it'll matter. Those mortgaged to the hilt will be foreclosure meat. They won't even be in a position to be a seller. The real sellers on the market will be the low basis homeowners and the builders/banks. Those guys will not have their head stuck in the sand.

26   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 3:04am  

So skibum,

Is the Daily Show your primary source of news? :P

27   Michael Holliday   2006 Apr 28, 3:05am  

HARM says:

"(G)iving interenet access to sheeple is like giving a blind man glasses..."

Yeah, and giving internet access to ignorant people is like giving condoms to bunnies!

28   tsusiat   2006 Apr 28, 3:10am  



29   tsusiat   2006 Apr 28, 3:14am  

In Vancouver it's called a monster home. Stucco in Vancouver, particularly on condos, usually equals "leaky".

In California, from reading this blog, I detect an association between stucco and cr*p... ;)

30   tsusiat   2006 Apr 28, 3:15am  

Or as surfer-x says, stucco = sh*tbox...

31   tsusiat   2006 Apr 28, 3:19am  

Personally, I dream only of timbers and bricks....

Or that vinyl siding stuff, that's cool.... ;)

32   HARM   2006 Apr 28, 3:19am  

The Internet will almost certainly speed the crash, though, IMO. It’ll happen fast anyway thanks to the leverage that people have been taking on, but the Internet will speed the process up even more.

I must disagree for the following reasons:

1. Common sheeple's inability to filter useful information from industry propaganda, spam & biased crap. (see my above post)

2. Sheeple's general lack of critical thinking ability. (ditto)

3. The polls --up until very recently-- showed that most people had never even HEARD of the possibility of a housing bubble, much less believed we were in one. (I.e., most people are not Patrick.net regulars.)

4. Joe, you yourself made an excellent point contradicting this assertion:
the human ego/cognitive dissonance factor.
Similarly, those who are leveraged to the hilt will not want to admit it to themselves, and they certainly won’t want to publicly “admit defeat” by moving to a cheaper place. Very few people are emotionally cold-blooded enough to dump the family home on a moment’s notice, especially when they have spent the past several years believing it was the “smartest decision they ever made,” that their miserable tract home was the ticket to wealth, etc.

I suspect this bubble will pop pretty much the same way as those which preceded it: gradually in waves over several years, as interest rates on IOs/NAAVLPs reset, then amortize --depending on WHEN they bought. no one wants to even ADMIT they've made a million dollar mistake, much less ACT on this knowledge. Most sheeple will bury their collective heads in the sand until they are FORCED to deal with it (by Mr. Repo).

33   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 3:27am  

Well, don't forget how much the pressure for young people to buy come from their elders.

34   HARM   2006 Apr 28, 3:27am  


Yes, I saw that 70% figure quoted as well (might be on Patrick's links page). The thing is, there has already been plenty of MSM and local/anecdotal evidence of a bursting bubble in most parts of the country now. It always seems "obvious" to everyone AFTER the pop has started.

I didn't follow the RE news back in the last cycle ( I was fresh out of college), but I'd bet that there was also a fairly rapid shift in consumer sentiment back then as well. the Internet will speed up the news for some, but for most? I doubt it.

35   HARM   2006 Apr 28, 3:31am  


Btw, thanks for correcting my bad spelling.

36   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 3:35am  

You guys will crucify me for saying this, but I never forgave the Economist for it's infamous $10/barrel oil prediction and its support of BushCo in 2000 and 2004.

37   HARM   2006 Apr 28, 3:37am  

I think the internet has changed things in much the same way. Now I can not only have easy access to news from across the globe, but I can talk to people from all over the world and exchange information. I’m not even sure we’ve really grasped how much that has changed our world.

No arguing with that. I think where we differ is mostly in terms of degree of macro impact, not that the internet has had an impact. I still see the human factor as one that significantly limits any socio-economic benefits that most new technologies can have. Human beings are still have the same frailties and flaws they had 10,000 years ago. No matter how "smart' the tool, its impact is still limited by the tool-user. We live longer & better, have public education, yes. But still basically the same animal.

OTH, biotechnology/advanced genetic engineering may change this one day...

38   HARM   2006 Apr 28, 3:39am  

-are still

Must start using Yahoo spellcheck, must start using Yahoo spellcheck...

39   Randy H   2006 Apr 28, 3:39am  


You are basing a lot of your interpretation of fundamentals on foreclosure rates. Foreclosure actions are very sticky, and will be even more so if there are record foreclosures. There is a capacity issue: legal and administrative systems are not staffed to handle massive foreclosure volumes. In fact, they probably only have skeleton crews now, because of record low foreclosure rates in recent years. It takes time to scale up operations. Also, if there are too many foreclosures in too short a time there might well be the intervention of political or legal action to stem the tide. I foresee class action lawsuits and political "temporary moratoriums" on foreclosures if it becomes an all out fire sale. The politicians will claim "stability" as justification; the lawyers will claim "liability" as a justification.

In either case, I see foreclosures increasing stickiness, not decreasing it. The least sticky scenario is an orderly "brisk" walk to the door, not a panic. There's another related problem. If it becomes a hard-landing, crash, Torschlusspanik, then it will be exceedingly difficult to get credit on reasonable terms. So, most people won't be able to buy anyway. This will be called a "credit crunch" and the various apparatus of government will creak into action (and inevitably make the problem worse). Again, it's a factor increasing stickiness. The best way for a frictionless market is for the market to be frictionless. Foreclosures are full of frictions.

40   astrid   2006 Apr 28, 3:41am  


People come with filters and the internet is full of websites that will cater to their reexisting prejudices. The existence of the internet only increases their myopia.

I still maintain that it doesn't matter, the people with low equity in their homes will be wiped out, in 1 or 2 years' time, they will be in no position to be buyers or sellers.

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