Eliminate the Mortgage Interest Deduction

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2007 Jul 3, 6:43am   20,756 views  167 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

deduction graph

The deductibility of paid mortgage interest from income does not help house buyers. It simply drives up the cost of housing to the point where it is just as unaffordable as if there were no such deduction. It does, however, cause the poor to pay a higher percentage of their income as taxes, while the middle class effectively pay their taxes to the bank.

Canada, England, Australia and other countries do not allow mortgage interest deductions, and they survive just fine, maybe better.

The US should simply eliminate the mortgage interest deduction. Eliminating it would truly make housing more affordable.


PS Graph is from this page


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90   Different Sean   2007 Jul 5, 2:22pm  

I understand that CEO’s/CFO’s etc. often feel more comfortable with in-person ‘hand-shake’ rituals, especially in deals involving commitment of money, but that may only be because they are generally a generation or two older.

holograms. the future is in holograms...

91   Different Sean   2007 Jul 5, 4:48pm  

anyone heard of 'peak oil'? we should be working on force-field anti-gravity machines instead of gas guzzlers...

92   Different Sean   2007 Jul 5, 5:24pm  

implying that MID is a government handout to an undesireable class.

In Oz, it IS a govt handout to an undesirable class, because it is deductible only on investment properties, not on owner-ccupier homes, thus representing a massive tax handout to landlords. The gurus/spruikers play on this heavily when they try to sell properties or 'secrets of the rich' in seminars, as they tell you the taxman will be equal partners in your loss if you go underwater on an investment property -- in fact, they encourage you to go underwater, as 'it always goes up 20% a year, so in 10 years your capital appreciation will save you, and you will retire rich!!!'

See this article on my blogspot:
How tax system egged on property speculation
Five years ago Treasurer Peter Costello told Australians: "Work for a living and we'll tax you at close to 50 cents in the dollar; speculate and we'll only take 25 cents.

"Not only that but, as a special deal - while stocks last - we'll pay half your speculating costs."

Naturally a million Australians have started speculating on real estate. When the money ran out they borrowed more, much more. Prices doubled, so did debt.

As Professor Cameron Rider of the Melbourne Law School put it to a recent Productivity Commission public hearing into the problem: "Everyone was exuberantly rational."

To quote last week's report on first home buyers by the Productivity Commission: "Like many participants [in its inquiry], the commission has concluded that these general taxation arrangements [capital gains tax, negative gearing, capital works deductions and depreciation provisions] have lent impetus to the recent surge in investment in rental housing and consequent house price increases."

93   Different Sean   2007 Jul 5, 5:28pm  

woops, try this one -- this is to do with revision of the capital gains tax, as well as MID for investors:

Landlords and speculators reap billions from tax rule changes

Tax breaks for property investors have delivered a far greater boon to speculators than previously thought, gouging billions from tax revenues with the benefits going overwhelmingly to the rich.

The 2002-03 Taxation Statistics show capital gains tax revenue plunged from $5.3 billion to $3.3 billion in three years following radical changes to the system in 1999. The changes were touted as revenue neutral at the time.

The Tax Office figures, published on Friday, also show the national negative gearing gap between rental tax deductions and rental income more than doubled in just one year.

The figures show it is now far more tax-effective to buy and sell assets than earn a salary, as investors receive generous tax breaks from rental losses and further tax breaks when they sell.

The capital gains tax changes announced by the Treasurer, Peter Costello, in September 1999 - against Treasury's advice - gave individuals a 50 per cent tax discount on assets sold after being held for more than one year.

The changes were a "grossly unfair give-away to the rich" and had shifted the tax burden from property owners to salary earners, said Professor Chris Evans, director of the ATAX tax school at the University of NSW.

94   surfer-x   2007 Jul 5, 6:37pm  

Now I would be quite happy to “stick it to” guys like Surfer-X.

and I'd be quite happy to stick it to your fat fucking wife, that is if I were a pig fucker. Now go fuck off boomer, don't you have a car show to go to?

95   astrid   2007 Jul 5, 11:53pm  


If you think that solar energy subsidies must go away with the arrival of a carbon tax, then that in indeed be a loss. Solar energy (like childhood immunization or HeadStart) is one place where a short term government subsidy is warranted and likely to result in long term payoff. But the goal of this subsidy should be incubating new technology, not making an environmental impact.

(I'm sure the impact of solar energy subsidies on actual US carbon emission is very close to nil - *green* yuppies nowadays seem to think hybrid or solar panels or organic raspberries just entitles them to a bigger house or a more powerful car or organic raspberries from Chile - and then lord it over humble Honda driving cardigan wearers like me.)

However, I'm still sure that a carbon tax, even one targeted at producer rather than a VAT (CAT?) for carbon emission, would decrease the US's carbon production. High prices will curb consumption, manufacturers will eventually move towards lower carbon emission techniques. There's short term inflationary pressures due to short term inelasticity, but the long term result, in theory, would be a more accurate pricing of total cost of consumption.

This is more theoretical than real as a solution. The Democrats don't have the will to push through something that would make a real impact and the GOP is currently controlled by Pentacostalists who think they're going to be raptured up in their lifetime. The political will is definitely missing.

96   SP   2007 Jul 6, 12:39am  

RandyH said:
SP will never get credit for his reductions in air travel so long as we rely upon some Byzantine tax regime.

Wait - you mean I can actually claim carbon credits for meetings that I don't show up to? Sweet, where do I sign up? :-)

Seriously, is there a GAAP-like way of tracking this? I don't care about the money, but the credits would be a new kind of dicksize-war with the other teams...


97   DennisN   2007 Jul 6, 1:59am  

My goodness. Surfer-X appears to have had too much caffeine in his morning latte today. Get back to work, young'un, and pay your FICA taxes so that I can get fat social security checks to spend on my permanent vacation.

"The deductibility of paid mortgage interest from income does not help house buyers. It simply drives up the cost of housing to the point where it is just as unaffordable as if there were no such deduction. "

I think Patrick's original theses is sound.

How about also taking away the deduction for property taxes? Wouldn't this have a similar effect? Doesn't the deduction for property taxes also drive up the cost of housing?

98   justme   2007 Jul 6, 2:35am  


>How about also taking away the deduction for property taxes?

For this zinger, I predict the "no-double-taxation crowd" will be coming after you with a flamethrower or worse :). Actually, I don't think this is a good idea,
again because it creates an advantage for businesses to own a home relative to an individual homeowner. If you are a business, you can always pay anything with pre-tax income. That is pretty much the defining characteristic of a business in the US, if you ask me.

99   justme   2007 Jul 6, 2:46am  


Thanks for the numbers on airplane MPG. It struck me about a year ago that too little was known about the energy effectiveness of air travel, and I have been trying to calculate the MPG/passenger of a 737,. 747, 787 and so on. You can calculate some pretty good estimates using various consumption figures that are available on the web, wikipedia et al.

One limiting aspect of figures is that they tend to be "cruising speed" numbers. I have not been able to find good numbers for the takeoff/climb portion of a flight. It must be significant, especially for shorter flights. After all, it takes quite a bit of work to lift 100ton of airplane to 10km altitude, and the process is probably quite ineffective relative to cruising, apert from the pure consideration of potential energy. Do you have any KC135 numbers for this portion of the flight?

Another aspect of airplane travel is that although 50-60mpg/passenger sounds pretty good, people tend to fly much farther than they drive.
Also, a car that gets 30mpg will get 60mpg/passenger if you have two passengers.

100   justme   2007 Jul 6, 2:50am  


I think the "handshake/face-to-face business meeting" has its place. I
just don't think anyone needs to do this so often that flying commercial
is a real problem. There are notable industry leaders that insist on
flying coach. John Chambers of Cisco is one of them, and I think his
company has been doing quite well over the years.

101   Randy H   2007 Jul 6, 3:41am  


I'll be hosting an in depth Carbon and CO2 (CO2e) discussion on my Capitalism 2.0 blog very soon. For obvious reason, I'm very engaged in these debates and discussions right now. I am not knee-jerk reacting to tax proposals. I think some of them have merit. However I am very wary of the unintended consequences and the true motives of industry. For the record, my company is actively developing 2 major product lines, both of which would survive under a tax regime as well as a market regime. I'm most interested right now in the effect on end-consumer behavior.

(segue to SP)


We're working on just such a product right now. We're in the process of establishing property rights and ownership claims for end-user CO2 credits. In other words, not the "I'm cool because I bought credits from TerraPass" thing, but a true "my behavior has certifiably and verifiably created offsets which are detachable and tradable assets" thing. We're getting tremendous interest so far in this, and we're still quasi-stealth, which is a good sign. And, there are two of us from this blog now working on the venture...

Check Capitalism 2.0 in the coming week or so for a continuation of this specific discussion. I don't want to hijack Patrick's forum and turn it into a Carbon Bubble Blog, lol.

102   Malcolm   2007 Jul 6, 3:49am  

Different Sean:

You understand that income tax taxes income right? Your post about landlords requires me to explain something as a recent landlord. An investment property is viewed as a small business. In the States and here in San Diego specificially you actually even get a business license per unit. Rental income is taxed in the same way as your net paycheck here, or the same as if you open a flower shop. Rental income, or flower shop income is calculated the same way, gross sales, minus expenses leaves net taxable income.

Interest is deductible in both scenarios. Interest is a business expense. This is not a subsidy in any sense of the word, it is a hard cost of doing business. The discussion here is about MID because in the states individuals can deduct mortgage interest which is leftover from when the tax code allowed all interest regardless of who it was paid to be deducted. This was because interest is a real cost to income both individual and business, just as a casualty or loss. It is fundamentally wrong to tax interest income, and not allow a deduction for interest expense, the result is a bizzare point of view now that says income tax should apply to an expense, that's not income tax that's basically an IRS shakedown.

103   Malcolm   2007 Jul 6, 3:52am  

surfer-x Says:
July 6th, 2007 at 1:37 am
"Now I would be quite happy to “stick it to” guys like Surfer-X.

and I’d be quite happy to stick it to your fat fucking wife, that is if I were a pig fucker. Now go fuck off boomer, don’t you have a car show to go to?"

That's the funniest thing I've seen all week.

104   astrid   2007 Jul 6, 5:02am  


That sounds exciting and I look forward to following the discussion. I am particularly interested to hear about ideas for viability in a no carbon tax scenario -- that's probably 5X more viable than a properly imposed carbon tax.

105   SP   2007 Jul 6, 6:11am  

RandyH said:
We’re working on just such a product right now.

I just (i.e. since this morning, in lieu of real work, natch) wrote a small RoR program to track meetings and miles.

The model I used is that for every online meeting spanning N locations, with P1+P2+...+PN people in various locations, I calculate the smallest cumulative distance all of those people would have to travel in order to gather in one place. The algorithm to do this currently sucks a bit (approx NLogN), but will do for v0.1. :-)

Each online videoconference then gets C$ equal to the number of miles avoided divided by the length of the meeting in minutes.

If I get more time, I want to add other metrics to track the dollar-value of the meeting, etc. so we can get a better handle on carbon-savings per dollar of value add.

Official launch was around 12.15pm today. I even got a couple of neighboring teams excited enough to start putting their hours in. Time to go grab a well-deserved snack...


106   Malcolm   2007 Jul 6, 6:44am  

Cool product SP. I can envision a few different cost accounting and resource management applications for something like that.

107   justme   2007 Jul 6, 6:47am  


That's really cool!

108   astrid   2007 Jul 6, 6:54am  

You might have to price exhaust per unit to make it a meaningful accounting tool. Are there any stated or implied goals in addition to tracking carbon emission savings derived from video conferencing?

109   astrid   2007 Jul 6, 7:02am  

On the other hand, it would be a snazzy add-on to your company's (free?) online work productivity suite. Toss in a calcultor for travel time saved and this could get quite mesmerizing very quickly, much like the Prius MPH meter.

110   Malcolm   2007 Jul 6, 7:09am  

I was thinking beyond estimating carbon settings. A quick logic program like that could allow someone planning a meeting to put in different locations to minimize overall travel costs, or a project manager might have to capture costs for a job code so the software is an auditing tool, there are all kinds of accounting uses with modifications to the concept.

111   astrid   2007 Jul 6, 7:26am  

I'm not sure that such a tool would be appropriate as auditing. There's some nuance to how meetings are scheduled that a computer program cannot capture (how much should you value a CEO's travel time versus a VP of sale? IT Director?). I would welcome a non-travelling scheduler that automatically look at individual calendars to recommend scheduling times.

112   SP   2007 Jul 6, 7:41am  

astrid said:
Are there any stated or implied goals in addition to tracking carbon emission savings derived from video conferencing?

Whoa, great ideas all, glad you like it. I got the idea around 7.30 this morning, when I was half-jokingly responding to something Randy said. But then it just stuck with me so when I got in (and half the team were taking friday off), I just kinda started coding it.

The only 'stated/implied' goal was to see what we were saving with all this online meeting stuff. Didn't really think too far ahead of that. I like the Prius-meter concept - will try to hook up the data to a meter-widget. I thought about capturing time-savings as well, but wanted to keep this focused on 'pure-carbon', and also something I could bang out in a day.


113   Malcolm   2007 Jul 6, 7:55am  

Astrid, I'm sure you know that Outlook does what you are talking about. Basically you can view everyone's schedules together to block out a chunk of available time for a meeting request.

114   Randy H   2007 Jul 6, 10:37am  

@SP and all

Awesome! This kind of data and calculations are very useful. The problem is certifying those credits to actually be a real asset is a tremendously complicated, expensive and time-consuming process.

But if anyone has any great front-end solutions you should contact me (and keep an eye on my blog, and from there our "official" blog). At some point soon we'll be looking for folks with end-user applications to sign up as affiliates, partners, etc. And if you happen to be a RoR "playa" (no, actually a serious software engineer/developer with lots of pre-RoR experience developing hard core apps), then I'll try to hire you.

115   astrid   2007 Jul 6, 11:15am  


That's where I got my idea from, though I was thinking of a tool for social networking or for larger 30+ person events where eyeballing would not work too well.

This could be particularly useful is Google can capture the certain information automatically from Outlook and feed it to Google Calendar (can it do that already, just wondering...). That opens up a lot of social networking possibilities with friends and people outside of one's company network.

116   astrid   2007 Jul 6, 11:16am  


117   Jimbo   2007 Jul 6, 2:22pm  

Interest is deductible in both scenarios. Interest is a business expense. This is not a subsidy in any sense of the word, it is a hard cost of doing business

Exactly Malcolm, that is what all these people who are advocating for the elimination of the mortgage tax deduction don't realize: homeowners would just form a corporation that would own the property and then rent it back to the homeowner. Businesses can deduct the full cost of doing business, including interest costs, so this would be a wash. It would be a great boon for accountants and lawyers, to set up all the new corporations that would spring up.

118   astrid   2007 Jul 6, 2:50pm  


The state-tax federal-tax nexis is a tricky issue. On one hand, it's unfair to ask taxpayers to pay taxes on income they don't have and on the other hand, it's an incentive for the state to creep their tax collection away from sales tax and poach from federal tax revenues.

I'm pretty sure such a corporation would fail the business purpose test and it would be plenty easy to prevent people from taking advantage of such a loophole.

119   Jimbo   2007 Jul 6, 2:50pm  

Zephyr, your tax analysis leaves out the 2/3 of taxes collected that are not income taxes. Payroll taxes, sales taxes and use taxes are all regressive and fall most heavily on the lower 90%. Property tax and investment taxes fall on the middle class and wealthy.

You make the assumption that the only way to recover the lost revenue by eliminating the mortgage interest deduction is to raise income tax and I think that is a huge (and mistaken) assumption.

120   Malcolm   2007 Jul 6, 3:31pm  

I think at the very least, Jimbo is saying that when the tax code becomes too punishing people get creative. What comes to mind is what I was saying earlier which is now that regular interest isn't deductible the financially sound thing to do is move all your debt onto your house to deduct the interest. This is contrary to the reason public policy favors MID because instead of having real home ownership, these screwups end up just using their house as an interest loophole instead of paying their loans down. There will always be loopholes, and the more complicated we make the tax code, the more inefficient the whole thing becomes.

121   astrid   2007 Jul 6, 4:51pm  


US taxes are not very high by recent historic standards. It's not the absolute tax rate that motivates people to seek tax shelters but comparative rates. Getting an exemption or deferral is like getting in on a hot IPO, it's not really about the money. There's ego involved.

122   Malcolm   2007 Jul 7, 4:25am  

You don't find paying around half your income in taxes high by historic standards? I believe England has their high bracket at about 40%, and they actually have healthcare included, and somehow manage to pay the government's bills.

15% SS gotta count employer cont since it is your pay (AKA Self emp tax)
20-35% Fed
9% State
1% Dis.
7% Sales tax
(Depending on your home, your prop taxes can easily be another 5-10% or more of your income.)

I'm not really sure what you mean by ego in tax avoidance strategy. I think it is just human nature in someone's self interest to minimize taxes. Generally I do the same, but I look at taxes as a cost of living, and I make adjustments to how I live depending on the tax ramifications. I think I can relate somewhat because I think people who do anything to avoid taxes become idiots when they spend more avoiding them than just paying them. People doing 1031s recently are idiots in my opinion because the loss in value of staying in real estate in general is far more than the taxes on gains they would have paid in the first place.

123   Malcolm   2007 Jul 7, 4:33am  

I'd caution you about the tax rate propaganda trap. Yes, at times in history there were brackets up to 90%, those were imposed on the very wealthy, but for the average Joe, it seems that taking 30-50% has always been the norm. No matter how they jugle the numbers, you will always be paying the same. Smoke and mirrors.

Even though there is always room for improvement, I don't want to be construed as being anti-anygovernment because even at current rates, for what we get as a country, the average tax payer does get a fair value in exchange for what they pay in taxes. It is actually the very rich who should be pissed off but their upper rates at least are 'historically low.'

124   Malcolm   2007 Jul 7, 4:41am  

Sorry to drag on, but I also just though of the example at hand being smoke and mirrors. Yes 'rates' might have been higher in the past but again, almost everything was deductible including ALL interest which is how we are on this topic. Some people are so fucked now that if you allowed all interest to be deducted they wouldn't owe any taxes.

125   astrid   2007 Jul 7, 4:42am  


US taxes are not 50% of total gross income. (England also has VAT, which adds about 20% to consumption costs.) In the US, Income taxes don't cut in until a certain point and SSI cuts out around $100K. Self employed people typically get to itemize a lot of things that W-2 jobs do not allow, so I'm not going to weep for that extra $7K that you may have paid out.

Do I wish I was paying lower taxes? Sure. But at what cost to the society I live in?

As for ego. I know of too many people who buy too much house/car because they can stick the tab on the taxpayer. Even though the cost to them is still much higher than buying a cheaper house/car.

126   Malcolm   2007 Jul 7, 5:25am  

"As for ego. I know of too many people who buy too much house/car because they can stick the tab on the taxpayer. Even though the cost to them is still much higher than buying a cheaper house/car."

This just doesn't make sense to me. Even leasing an expensive car, you still pay sales tax on the payment. The more expensive home you buy, the more you pay in property taxes. I don't understand how you can say someone buying something which creates jobs and opportunities as well as generating tax revenue is sticking it to the taxpayer.

127   Malcolm   2007 Jul 7, 5:33am  

Your other points are true but irrelevant to the average taxpayer since they never outgrow social security. You might reflect that when I started working in the late 80s the cutoff was 30K for social security, it is now like you say above 100K. Most people don't earn that, but they did used to earn 30K in the 80s. Basically like I said, you can play with the numbers but you do pay about half which is the historic norm. One rate goes up, one goes down, it's politics.

Now, when you take the distribution, as a percentage because yes SS does cut off, you are now left with a regressive tax table which is where I have a problem because you are correct about the higher brackets. Someone earning say 500K a year in wages can tweak the system to get their actual percentage below someone earning 80K per year. This is not a subsidy, or sticking it to anyone, it is a broken system, somewhat compensated by AMT but that is a cluster f_ck of its own.

128   Malcolm   2007 Jul 7, 5:40am  

I think this illustrates why I will never become a Democrat, even though the ideals of equality, opportunity and fairness are inline with my beliefs. There can never have a discussion on social policy, or government roles without the immoral direction of someone wanting to punish someone else for being successful. It's like no one realizes when you mold the system that way, it then becomes ever more difficult to attain wealth. Why is wealth viewed so negatively here?

129   DennisN   2007 Jul 7, 5:40am  

"15% SS gotta count employer cont since it is your pay (AKA Self emp tax)
20-35% Fed
9% State
1% Dis.
7% Sales tax
(Depending on your home, your prop taxes can easily be another 5-10% or more of your income.)"

This is another reason I cashed out my San Jose home and moved to Boise. I live on the interest of the cashout of that SJ home, so no more FICA/Medicare payments, ID state tax maxes at 6%, 6% sales tax, lower property tax.

ID did what CA alledged to do with Prop 13. The selling point of Prop 13 was to "keep seniors from getting kicked out of their houses". The problem is that Prop 13 exempted EVERYONE, including corporations. ID property tax law exempts payment via a sliding scale those seniors who fall below several terraces of income level. For the rest of us, there's a $100,000 homeowner exemption on the assesed value of a primary residence...compare that to the silly $7,000 homeowner exemption in CA. Since a $300,000 house here is a McMansion, that exemption really means something.

My family lived in CA since the 1860's, but I didn't really understand how burdensome was the tax situation until I left and discovered how others live.

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