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2007 Aug 5, 2:48pm   39,184 views  276 comments

by Randy H   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I believe we are now at what will be seen as the inflexion point. It took a long time to get here, but the housing bubble is finally recognized as a passé concept. The real debate now is how much and how long of a correction.

There's a lot going on. None of us knows the future with any useful accuracy. I know I have been wrong about as much as I've been right about the past 2-3 years. Hopefully we've all learned something. Hopefully there's more yet to be learned. My question is, what do you think is going to play out now? I'm hoping we can take a moment to contemplate a bit and lay off the utter despair, doomsday or deep conspiracies and instead discuss with a tad more rigor. This blog has an amazing share of very smart people; let's put something down now that might serve as a reference point for the next twelve months.

As always, I don't moderate any comments, regardless of opinion, so long as the commenter make an effort to support their position.

--Randy H


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50   OO   2007 Aug 6, 9:25am  

The west valley prime real estate will drop on two premises:
1) jobs
2) overseas, particularly Asian stock market performance

While 1) is obvious to everyone, 2) is not. But I have had first hand experience with quite a few people who made money in Asia and seek to deposit their hard-earned (or cheated) money here back in prime spots of BA to secure their future on this soil, just in case there is another revolution or whatever in China.

People in 1) are typically first gen immigrants, having survived 911 and subsequent rounds of layoffs. They use that as a benchmark. "Things cannot be worse than 911" is the comment I hear so often. These people actually do make decent salaries and have a big chunk of savings, be it from ESPP, IPO lotto tickets or compulsive aggressive frugality habits. The only thing that will get between them and their relentless pursuit of a permanent foothold in BA is a shitty job market.

People in 2) are not even living here, they typically send their kids here for school while their wives attend to the residency requirements of US immigration while they rake it in big time in Asia. Because there is a similar asset bubble in Asia's prime spots, BA is actually quite a steal even at the current price. The only thing that will get between them and their safe haven for family's financial future is a 97-style Asian financial crisis, which I believe is looming.

51   OO   2007 Aug 6, 9:42am  

I do share some of the sentiments of the multi-millionaires, while I certainly think quite a few of them have an attitude problem.

Nowadays, if you own a home with a small mortgage in a nice neighborhood, and have some savings on the side, you are almost by default a millionaire, if not a multi-millionaire. However, most of your net worth is just tied up on this stupid shack called million-dollar or multi-million-dollar home which can lose most of its value overnight. There are so many "millionaires" whose marginal eligibility is dependent on zillow's daily fluctuations. EVen if your home retains the paper value, the tied-up equity in a home is still of no use unless you cash out and move to another state with cheaper housing cost.

Because of the asset bubble, millionaire really means little these days. Just about 10 years ago, I could still look at some barely million-dollar homes in Los Altos Hills and felt motivated. Now, a million-dollar home in BA inspires nothing other than disbelief and disgust.

Then, the liquid part of the million plus dollar net worth may be tied up in a vesting portfolio of options, which can be worth very little very soon. While I agree that having a million dollars, even on paper, is better than having none, I wouldn't say there is much material difference between the so-called millionaires and high-income households who haven't reached that mark yet, particularly for those house-rich millionaires.

52   FormerAptBroker   2007 Aug 6, 9:59am  

OO Says:

> The west valley prime real estate will drop on two premises:
> 1) jobs
> 2) overseas, particularly Asian stock market performance

3) People can not Borrow enough money to buy at current prices.

The mainstream media has not even come close to describing how bad this past week has been for lenders. Many lenders that planned to sell a $100mm pool and loans and making about $1mm (1% profit) are looking at taking a loss of about $4mm (4%). It looks like homebuyers will have no chance of getting any kind of “creative” loan until at least the end of the year (probably longer)…

53   DennisN   2007 Aug 6, 10:13am  

We chatted about that NYT story at the tail of the Netherlands thread at length.

54   B.A.C.A.H.   2007 Aug 6, 11:21am  

There is only an inflection point in spin and perception.

The fundamentals and personal values they're built on inflected a long time ago.

55   Brand165   2007 Aug 6, 11:26am  

FAB: Can you comment on some of my observations above (2nd from the top)? I am puzzled at how landlords can be selling properties that are immediately cashflow positive. Can you outline some situations in which that happens for medium-sized and large complexes?

56   Randy H   2007 Aug 6, 11:33am  


Diana Olick on CNBC started to talk about it last Friday when the first news of rate changes started coming across. I noticed she quite abruptly deemphasized it the next time she was on, and they went to great lengths to assure everyone that it wasn't really a rate hike, it was just a temporary "sitting out". I think they said something like BofA and WF "benched themselves".

I don't smell conspiracy. I think the media are just worried they'll be blamed (not in the least by their sponsors) for inciting a panic, so they want to let the news bring itself out.

57   skibum   2007 Aug 6, 1:52pm  

Looks like one of the surefire signs that we are in a real estate slump has happened - one of Donald Trump's RE-related entities is tanking:


We'll know things have hit rock-bottom when (yet again) Trump files for bankruptcy, like he did in the '80's.

58   DinOR   2007 Aug 6, 11:16pm  


There is FINALLY a Portland HB Blog! Since I no longer live or work in town it's great to get the real skinny from younger, more energetic guys that really follow local development, etc. What's even better is that Robert Cote' (rob dawg) stops by from time to time to expose the folly of our flexible and sometimes "Urban Growth Boundary".

I noticed though that you said "you are now living in Portland" as opposed to "I've made this my home and I'm never leaving"? Good for you. I've lived here continuously since 1988 and I'm STILL taking it a day at a time!

Even local weather guesser Jim Donovan smirked when he reported rain in this morning's forecast, noting that it is after all... "only August".

59   lunarpark   2007 Aug 7, 12:32am  


Major bank stops approving home equity loans, credit lines

60   Conor   2007 Aug 7, 12:40am  

Here's the thing about inflation. Sure, the government will want housing/income inflation to bail everyone out. But how can/will they go about doing it? The same way they always try -- by lowering the Fed Funds rate and encouraging "free money" as others have said. However, will lowering the Fed Funds rate 100bps really make lenders eager to make subprime loans again? Will lowering rates 100bps lead to sharp income inflation? What if investors, instead of borrowing in the US to build businesses or invest in stocks, decide to put their money in commodities and foreign currencies as a hedge against a weaker dollar and a weak US economy?

The Fed can print/lend as much money as it wants. But it can't control where it goes. Watch this FNM/FRE situation that HARM pointed out carefully...it has Bernanke/the administration's fingerprints all over it.

61   DinOR   2007 Aug 7, 1:04am  


You're right, and it will. One thing is for sure (it won't go back into RE any time soon!)

Something I've noticed (in terms of inflexion) over the last few weeks is the astronomical rise in "Out at the Top/Bailed in '06" posters. Not nearly so much on bubble blogs but more so in MSM feedback. All of a sudden it's become rather popular to have bailed with each seller declaring the peak as the day they sold for their particular market!

Excuse me!

"We bought in _____ in December 2003 with 20% down (seems to be a favorite number) and sold in ____ of '07" and boy am I glad we did! My neighbor bought in _____ of '05 w/nothing down and...."

These guys remind of the film clips you see at "the running of the bulls". They wait for the last bull, tap their big toe once on the sidewalk and then bolt back into the doorway! Dude, you were -not- there.

If these guys were such visionaries what were they doing buying on the last day of '03? Can someone please coin a term for these "Nancy boys"?

62   goober   2007 Aug 7, 1:20am  

Luminent slumps 85% after company warns on margin calls

63   sa   2007 Aug 7, 2:09am  


I was planning on doing that exactly. there are a lot of opportunities in emerging countries.

64   SP   2007 Aug 7, 2:56am  

goober beat me to the headline, but here is the rest of the news... it seems to be all over the morning AM radio stations here in the Bay Area. I heard the story come up three times in my 20 minute commute. Cue up the music to Another One B.T.D. The best part is that UBS "downgraded Luminent to sell from neutral and cut its price target to zero".

Luminent Mortgage hit hard by margin calls
Shares slump 85%; secondary mortgage market has 'seized up'
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Luminent Mortgage Capital Inc. plummeted 85% on Tuesday, plunging after the home-loan investment company warned that it's been hit by lots of margin calls as the secondary mortgage market "seized up."

Luminent (LUM 0.81, -3.57, -81.5% ) said its board of directors suspended payment of its second-quarter dividend. The board's also considering a "full range of strategic alternatives" to improve the company's liquidity and preserve shareholder value. Luminent shares fell $3.56 to stand at 66 cents during late morning trading on Tuesday. The stock was halted on Monday.
The company was set up in April 2003 and started by investing in so-called agency mortgages that conform to the standards of government-sponsored enterprises such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It also bought AAA-rated parts of mortgage-backed securities. However, in 2005, Luminent expanded its strategy and started investing in mortgage-backed securities with credit ratings below AAA. This year, the company also got into collateralized debt obligations, or CDOs.

Nice move, Sherlock.


65   jeffolie   2007 Aug 7, 3:15am  

It has been a year since I posted my deflationary depression scenario. The biggest slug of foreclosures is due over the next 18 months. The foreclosures will destroy the CDOs and derivatives. Derivatives are about $500 TRILLION world wide now.

The inflection point is directly ahead. When housing prices start to decline dramatically then the attitudes will turn to FEAR. Declining housing sales has not yet moved the FEAR motivation into the main stream news. The average homeowner is not much affected by declining sales and a 3% (Schiller index) decline.

One major factor missing is a noticeable decline in employment. One factor in the missing decline in employment is that the illegal immigrants who are being laid off in residential construction are not accounted for in the unemployment numbers. Another factor is the stong commercial construction sector.

I have heard the argument for stagflation here many times. It is a good alternative. However, I do not see stagflation now in a meaningful way. With the huge inventory of vacant housing, I expect rents to begin declining which favors deflation as in a declining CPI.

66   Boston Transplant   2007 Aug 7, 3:37am  

An MSM article on the sudden hike in jumbo mortgage rates...


Isn't this huge? I mean, seriously, won't this rock the BA? I feel like I'm missing something...

67   DinOR   2007 Aug 7, 3:40am  

"cut its target price to zero"

And now American Home Mortgage (formerly AHM) is now AHMIQ. The last two characters denoting "I Quit".

68   Randy H   2007 Aug 7, 4:14am  


The problem is that you said the inflexion point was "directly ahead" a year ago. The other problem is that rents are going up, not down, if you haven't been paying attention to Patrick.net over the past year. Most of us have seen strong, sometimes surprisingly, rent increase pressures. Hiring in the Bay Area is also very brisk and employees in many professional fields are in short supply; not like 1999, but a bit like 1996.

69   Rob Dawg   2007 Aug 7, 4:19am  

These guys remind of the film clips you see at “the running of the bulls”. They wait for the last bull, tap their big toe once on the sidewalk and then bolt back into the doorway! Dude, you were -not- there.

There are no end of "accidental hero" analogies. The most recent being Will Smith's "Shark Tale" character. I'll stand by my record of selling Apr 2005 and subsequent headstone birth/death dates recounting the passage of the Clinton 2/5 cap gains exemption and date my housekeeper bought a house for 3x my house.

Vice President , Pillage & Plunder Divison [pro-tem]
HARM-X Industries LLC

70   DennisN   2007 Aug 7, 4:20am  

By Steve Gelsi
Last Update: 9:43 AM ET Aug 6, 2007

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- NYSE Regulation Inc. said Monday it suspended trading of American Home Mortgage Investment Corp (AHM : AHM

I have a dumb question. What if you were shorting AHM these last two weeks? Now you can't cover your short position since the stock is no longer traded. What happens now?

71   Lath   2007 Aug 7, 4:30am  

Check out Jim Cramer's analysis:

72   HARM   2007 Aug 7, 5:10am  

@Rob Dawg,

Nice to see you're still an active member of the Board, if only "pro-tem". ;-)

73   HARM   2007 Aug 7, 5:12am  

Oh, and btw, the Fed's holding steady at 5.25%. The market didn't seem to like that too much (Cramer must be beside himself).

74   EBGuy   2007 Aug 7, 5:51am  

Check this out. The "flipper in trouble?'" house I posted in the Netherlands thread ended up in a SF Chronicle article. Evidently the owner is going by the adage "there is no such thing as bad publicity" (carrying costs, what carry costs...)

Even those sellers who choose to set certain price parameters find obstacles. Jain Wager has just relisted a historic Berkeley hills home for $3.65 million. She and a business partner purchased the house in 2005 for $1.23 million and put more than $1 million into renovating it. But after trying to sell the house for $5 million earlier this year, Wager attempted to "try to create some excitement and try something unique" by auctioning it with a starting bid of $2.249 million. Wager also reserved the right to accept or reject any offer.

Wager said she received a strong bid in the "round robin" style phone auction, but the deal fell out of escrow.

"I think we came out of the gate a little high (on price), and it would have been better to lower it and have people bring it up to the market," Wager said. "I don't know if this system works for luxury homes or not. I think the jury is still out on that."

As a reminder, Propertyshark.com is showing a $980,000 variable rate mortgage on the house.

75   jeffolie   2007 Aug 7, 6:22am  

Randy H Says:

"The problem is that you said the inflexion point was “directly ahead” a year ago."

There is no denying that you are right and I was wrong on timing the inflexion point. Another problem I am having with timing the inflexion point is that consumer spending is still going strong as consumers expand their use of credit card debt.

"The other problem is that rents are going up, not down...".

I expect that this will change and rents will fall when consumer spending declines which has not happened yet.

"Hiring in the Bay Area is also very brisk and employees in many professional fields are in short supply; not like 1999, but a bit like 1996."

I am happy for you. But real estate and related jobs are declining. That is beyond denial.

76   goober   2007 Aug 7, 6:52am  

It's different in the bay area......seriously!! It's really a different model....

Everybody makes at least half-a-millon a year and no more houses are being built. Median home price summer of 2008.............. 5-mil.....

77   skibum   2007 Aug 7, 7:00am  

Well, for many of us here, the really interesting thing about the hike in jumbo mortgage rates is how this will affect the Bay Area, where even stucco $hitboxes require jumbo mortgages. Interest rates upwards of 8% will really cut into purchasing power. The possible outcomes seem to be:

(a) buyers ratchet down expectations even more (as if they could be any lower) and buy even crappier places with the amount of money they planned to spend

(b) buyers simply put off buying

(c) sellers lower prices to attract those same buyers back

(d) buying idiots are pushed even more so towards alternative loan products

(e) it doesn't matter, since all the buyers in the Bay Area are rich foreigners paying in cash, like sybrib seems to think. ;)

(f) a combination of some or all of the above

Well SP, OO (and others), that expected interest rate hike is now here - what are your thoughts?

78   FormerAptBroker   2007 Aug 7, 7:17am  

Brand Says:

> FAB: Can you comment on some of my observations above
> (2nd from the top)? I am puzzled at how landlords can be
> selling properties that are immediately cashflow positive.
> Can you outline some situations in which that happens for
> medium-sized and large complexes?

If you make a big enough down payment almost any real estate deal will be cashflow positive.

I didn’t see any rent numbers but remember a good rule of thumb to calculate cashflow is:

Annual Rent
- Vacancy & Credit Loss (Usually 5-10% of the Annual Rent)
- Expenses (Usually ~$3,000 + Taxes per Year)
- Capital Costs (Usually ~ $300/unit Year over a 10 year hold for apts and ~$1,000/Year for single family).
- Mortgage cost per Year
= Cashflow

79   FormerAptBroker   2007 Aug 7, 7:20am  

goober Says:

> It’s different in the bay area……seriously!! It’s
> really a different model….
> Everybody makes at least half-a-millon a year
> and no more houses are being built. Median
> home price summer of 2008………….. 5-mil…..

It's funny but I (really) just heard a Realtor tm say basically the same thing (she told me she was worried that I would never be able to buy if I kept renting and was sure that the mortgage meltdown would not lower Bay Area prices at all).

80   Brand165   2007 Aug 7, 7:37am  

FAB: Did you thank her for her concern?

So if property always goes up in the Bay Area, why aren't realtors telling their sellers to hold their property indefinitely? But I guess it's always a good time to buy or sell a home (tm)!

81   EBGuy   2007 Aug 7, 7:58am  

Well, for many of us here, the really interesting thing about the hike in jumbo mortgage rates is how this will affect the Bay Area, where even stucco $hitboxes require jumbo mortgages.
I am not convinced this has happened. From what I can gather from various blogs (see Socketsite and others), the vaunted Wells Fargo 8% rate for jumbo mortgages is for mortgage broker initiated loans. See the Wells Fargo site for loans originated in house. What we may be seeing is the banks "taking back" the broker's margin and bringing it in house. In a "normal" environment, I think the MBs could make a big stink about it, but given the current state of affairs, the banks can say they are protecting the market from the shoddiness of broker processed loans. Think travel agents and paradigm shifts as we finally emerge from this mess... At any rate, things are tightening up concerning documentation and bigger downpayments, so this should have some effect in the Bay Area.

82   Brand165   2007 Aug 7, 8:16am  

FAB, I literally meant with a 100% loan, the places appeared profitable. Obviously you can pay cash and calculate ROIC that way. How much does a bank typically require for a downpayment on an income property? Also, what is considered good operating income?


$2,450,000 for 15 units, each 3 bed, 3 bath with W/D. Complex is located one block from Colorado State University. Two bed, one bath units one block away in another condo development are leasing at $800/month. Thus I will estimate these condos at $900-1200/month. I assume that you can actually take his assumable 6% loan on $2,450,000.

So from your calculations above:

Costs: -3000 (expenses) + -13500 (taxes) + -4500 (costs) + -147000 (100% mortgage @ 6%) = -168000/year

0.9 * (12 * 15 * 900) = 145800, loss of 22200
0.9 * (12 * 15 * 1000) = 162000, loss of 6000
0.9 * (12 * 15 * 1100) = 178200, income of 10200
0.9 * (12 * 15 * 1200) = 194400, income of 26400

Assuming that the bank required 10% (245K) or 20% (490K), in the $1100 scenario and subtracting out the mortgage difference, you would be making (10200 + 14700)/245000 = 10.2% ROIC and (10200 + 29400)/490000 = 8.1% ROIC, respectively.

Now, 8.1 % or 10.1% ROIC does not seem like a huge return for the present term. That's basically just treading water in the index funds. And 15-unit apartment complexes require major work to keep running. However, assumedly inflation will push prices upwards, eroding the mortgage deduction.

Now if you could get the place for a significantly reduced capital outlay, say $2M, then the returns start to look very attractive.

83   DinOR   2007 Aug 7, 8:16am  


Long about 2002, during Harvey Pitt's brief tenure (I believe) they did something that should have been done months prior. They made "positive determination" mandatory. Meaning you couldn't have some whiz kid with a 2k account on e-trade putting in an order to short 2 million shares!

You had to be able to prove you had the resources to deliver said shares in the event you were on the wrong side of the trade. It got to be a real problem b/c there were shorts stacked up well above and beyond the total number of shares outstanding! Too bad it only took two years to get it right?

AFAIK the order book specialist pairs up as many positions as he can and if there are enough longs on the other side of the trade your short will be honored. If not, you're SOL. However... I'm told they have that pretty well policed now. Peter P might be able to fill in some of the finer points.

84   DinOR   2007 Aug 7, 8:17am  

Randy H,

DennisN had a question (that wasn't dumb at all) and my response is tied up in moderation. A little help?

85   Randy H   2007 Aug 7, 8:25am  

I think 2 things are happening in the mortgage market, both caused by the "repricing of risk".

1. The banks are putting a larger risk premium on broker-originated loans. I'm not sure this is so much a desire by the banks to bring the business back in house. It could also be a way to force higher standards on the brokers.

2. The banks are repricing conforming loans and therefore being forced to reprice conforming loans at near where jumbos are sitting. Since the market for jumbos is very illiquid right now, no one knows what the fair price of jumbos even are, so the banks are being conservative.

For the record, I've always had a "jumbo" on my BA homes. When I fist bought anything over $250K was a jumbo. That's because the standards are set by national medians, not accounting for regional disparities.

86   Randy H   2007 Aug 7, 8:27am  

A little help?


87   Randy H   2007 Aug 7, 8:29am  


I had to model a very similar scenario (though it was commercial real estate) in B-School. If you run that as a reasonable monte carlo simulation you'll find a lot of loss in the demand and price variability alone.

88   HelloKitty   2007 Aug 7, 8:36am  

I have noticed prices are down about 10-15% in LA area.

However there are still knife catchers out there but fewer every year.

Here is an encouraging sign: in 2004 my uneducated neighbor quit his $10 an hour phone job, got a RE lic after 8 months of hard hard study and told me he wuz 'gonna be a millionaire soon'. He starts flipping homes. He did have about 400k equity to start with so a good start. I just saw a pre foreclosure sell for 740k but this guy paid 850k in 2004. He must be broke or near broke as the home was vacant, dead lawn, mail piling up.

flippers dying on the vine every day. This time next year they should mostly be worked out of the system. Im basing this on the high number of flips I still see listed (for 6+months typcially) and the fact that foreclosure takes 12 months and mostly they wont/cant hold on that long. Even rented out some of these places will eat 2k+ a month while rented.(more if ARM loan has adjusted)

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