Math requirement for borrowers?

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2007 Dec 27, 3:10am   13,631 views  109 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Should there be a national math test required for those who want to borrow money?

Apparently, millions of people cannot multiply an amount of money by a percentage interest rate to get a yearly interest payment. They are probably even further removed from understanding that they also have to pay back the principal over the life of the loan.

A simple one-page arithmetic test would do wonders in cutting down claims of exploitation by lenders.

The next step would be a vocabulary test, starting the the words "fixed" and "adjustable"...


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78   speedingpullet   2007 Dec 28, 5:25am  

Erm, the answer to the math problem is 5...square the numbers on the x and y axis, add them, and square root the result to get the length of the hypotenuse.

...out of interest, does anybody have any idea why the Pakistani govt is now insisting that Benazir Bhutto died by hitting her head on the clip that held the sun roof in place?
Apparently, the gunman 'missed' and the shrapnel did not get her, as she was inside the car at the time...

79   GammaRaze   2007 Dec 28, 5:28am  

speedingpullet, that is an attempt by the government to claim that there was no security lapse.

80   DinOR   2007 Dec 28, 5:30am  

"repeat customer" LOL!

Yeah, try... reluctant customer! Again I didn't know if it was intended to be insulting or really was the best he could muster. I've seen his chicken scratching so it must have been his wife's?

He told me he'd been in the biz for 29 years yet there wasn't ONE blank in the Earnest Money Agreement that he didn't need to cross out and start again!

81   DinOR   2007 Dec 28, 5:35am  

"hitting her head on the clip that held the sun roof in place"

I'm pretty sure I hit my head that hard at daughter # 2's wedding last Saturday and am still largely intact...

82   OO   2007 Dec 28, 6:19am  


I may sound cold-blooded, but Mao was killing millions of his own people, why should you care if you are not a Chinese who is stuck in China?

Frankly I am not a citizen of Pakistan, nor of China or the Philippines, if their leaders decide to use some very oppressive and iron-fisted measures to keep that region stable for me, so that nukes don't fly over my head in the Bay Area, all power to them.

I am opposed to dictatorship in the US, but I don't pay taxes to overthrow dictators in other countries, unless these dictators are coming over to harm my interest. The citizens of these countries should figure out what they want to do with their leaders.

83   apostasy   2007 Dec 28, 6:30am  

A math requirement won't help save people from their own greed. Excruciating, long-lasting, good grist for story-telling financial pain however, will. The way to achieve that pain is to treat anyone venturing out of straight-forward 7-15 year fixed-rate, 20% down, 30% DTI, 3x gross income, owner-occupied loan instruments as professionals playing with the big boys. Wander out of those confines, and foreclosures, walking away, and short sales are no longer protected by rules meant to shield distressed homeowners under extraordinary circumstances.

Question: how do I determine the insured amount on a prospective building? This information doesn't seem to be publicly available. Because this bubble is not so much a building bubble as a land bubble, I want to start comparing $/psf between parcels and the improvements separately, as doing a $/psf comparison using just the improvements' sf is just muddying the analysis.

84   OO   2007 Dec 28, 6:31am  

There's nothing wrong with being double standard on Saddam or Musharraf, if we did our intelligence and determined which one is a more trustworthy ally. By trustworthy I don't mean that they like the US geniunely, I mean they are steady, capable individuals who make rational decisions, which ultimately will benefit the US, whether intentionally or not. In international politics, I don't choose the person I like the most, I choose the person with the most predictable behavior, and the biggest overlap of interest.

It is also very dangerous to assume that we know it all and our standard is more "noble". In certain resource-deprived countries with a small portion of educated population, the social interaction and model of management should be decidedly different from ours. There is nothing to condemn, just a fact of life.

I think Mao did a lot of wonderful things for his country, and in doing so, also caused harm. Sure, millions of people died, however, he probably also saved millions of lives. China was a fractured colony managed by many interests at the turn of the century, and Mao had to employ drastic measures to keep China in one piece. Can the millions of people he "accidentally" killed be saved? Probably not, because China had too many low-quality and lowly-educated bureaucrats at the time so whatever the social experiments were, they were bound to head for disastrous endings. If you have traveled to the more remote parts of China, you wouldn't be surprised that no matter what your good intentions are, the results won't differ much.

The people and their government, whether forced upon them or elected, deserve each other.

85   GammaRaze   2007 Dec 28, 6:50am  

OO, if you are worried about nukes flying over the bay area, it is the U.S. government that you should be worried. There is a higher probability of that happening.

In the end, I do agree with you. It doesn't affect us and we should ignore what happens elsewhere, generally speaking.

Which doesn't make Mao or Stalin or Saddam or Musharaff good in any sense of that word.

As an intellectual, I follow what happens around the world and I hate these guys for what they do. On the other hand, I am in favor of leaving these countries alone.

I don't think Mao (or any of the other dictators) did much good. These megalomaniacs are directly responsible for tens of millions of deaths. Just think about that. I know people cannot grasp large numbers but we are talking about tens of millions of individuals like you and me, with thoughts and dreams and hopes and loved ones who had to die because some narcissistic control freak thought he could fix the world by force.

They blamed someone else for everything that went wrong (which was a lot) and history is being too kind to them and attributes any and all accidental goodness that happened when they were around.

While I agree with you that the people and their government deserve each other, I wouldn't be as effusive in praise.

86   DennisN   2007 Dec 28, 7:24am  

Sweden and Switzerland have the right idea, they have managed to avoid war even when all countries on their borders were involved in conflict. Not sure how they did it, but having policies of strict neutrality plus a strong military may have helped.

The Swiss as a people are expert marksmen - it's the national sport. When WWII broke out, a journalist asked the defense minister what they could do to defend themselves. The DM said "we have 100,000 master marksmen in our militia." The journalist replied "yeah, but the Germans have 200,000 men massed on your border - so what will you do?. To which the DM said "we all shoot twice and then go home." :) I have one of those Swiss K31 rifles and it's a nice piece of craftsmanship.

87   HeadSet   2007 Dec 28, 7:43am  

OO, if you are worried about nukes flying over the bay area, it is the U.S. government that you should be worried. There is a higher probability of that happening.


88   GammaRaze   2007 Dec 28, 7:45am  

OB, those are horrible people as well. 1984 riots in the aftermath of Indira Gandhi's assassination led to the death and arrest of thousands of innocent sikhs.

89   GammaRaze   2007 Dec 28, 7:47am  

Headset, the US has a lot of nukes. I believe there is a finite probability of one these accidentally dropped on an American city. Remember the incident last year?

And I think that probability is higher than Pakistan launching a nuclear missile onto an American city.

90   HeadSet   2007 Dec 28, 8:36am  


Have no fear of either any accidental droppings or Pakistan missiles.

The incident you are refering to was that a nuke was transported without the fissionable material removed. Athough that was a serious breach that will get a few fired, there was no danger of an inadvertant blast. To set off a nuke, one must go through a deliberate procedure including codes. These codes are not even known to the aircrews until after launch of the plane to the target. Since the crew was merely transporting the weapon, there would have been no cert done or codes given. Nukes do not detonate on impact like nitroglyceryn.

Pakistan is years away from having a missile capable of hitting the US whether land or sub based. Even so, any nation that "No-Donged" any part of the US would be commiting suicide.

91   SP   2007 Dec 28, 10:10am  

speedingpullet Says:
any idea why the Pakistani govt is now insisting that Benazir Bhutto died by hitting her head on the clip that held the sun roof in place?

The technical term is a "cover-up".

I read a translation of Bhutto's last speech - about an hour before she got shot. Mostly rhetoric, but the recurring theme was an appeal to the public to show the military that Pakistanis can run their own government and don't need the army to do it for them. Given the country's history this is mostly wishful thinking, but you can't say crap like that in a dictatorship and expect to be left in peace, I guess...

92   SP   2007 Dec 28, 10:26am  

sriramgopalan Says:
Americans are not crazy or stupid. They are gullible because there is a systematic ignorance about foreign policy and world culture over here.

That may be true of Joe and Jane Sixpack, but the policy makers aren't so ignorant. In addition to detailed knowledge of Musharaf's shady past, they also know Musharaf has stonewalled consistently in the WoT, and has moved aggressively to protect people like Omar Shaikh and Dr. Khan, who are key to understanding Pakistan's hand in terrorism and proliferation respectively.

It boggles my mind that policy makers are still so short-sighted that they choose to engage with double-dealing crooks like this. They don't seem to have learned anything from the blowback of past dealings with Pakistani dictators.

93   SP   2007 Dec 28, 10:37am  

OO Says:
By trustworthy I don’t mean that they like the US geniunely, I mean they are steady, capable individuals who make rational decisions,

That is exactly the problem - General Musharaf's track record hardly seems to qualify him on those grounds. IIRC, he was the idiot who destroyed a peace process with India by pushing the Pakistani army across the Indian border into Kashmir while his own Prime Minister was trying to work out a peace deal. After getting their nuts caught nicely in the Indian wringer, the Clinton administration had to intervene to prevent nuclear war.

His War on Terror credentials are also highly suspect - a few years from now, we will find out he was running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.

Not exactly the kind of loose nut you want on your side.

94   HeadSet   2007 Dec 28, 10:47am  

Not exactly the kind of loose nut you want on your side.

True, but who else could they work with concerning Pakistan? Perhaps they were dealing with him and hoping for Bhutto.

95   GammaRaze   2007 Dec 28, 11:08am  

Musharaff is no worse than Zia-Ul Haq, the military dictator in the 70s and 80s. In fact, he was better because he pretty much allowed the press to be free, which is very rare for any dictatorship.

But America loved Zia and showered him with money and arms. Some of it went where intended (Afghanistan, where the Taliban "freedom fighters" were battling the evil commies along with Rambo) but most of it went to fund terrorists in India (Punjab and later, Kashmir)

The quality of the man never mattered to the foreign office mandarins.

Also, I don't believe that policy makers are all that much smarter and knowledgeable. At least based on evidence of American foreign policy in the last 50 years or so, it doesn't appear so.

And I know the media is pretty beatifying Bhutto right now, but her record is far from impressive. She was the prime minister of Pakistan twice before and both terms ended badly. And if I am not mistaken, there are term limits in Pakistan too.

What is this whole "someone to work with" business? Whoever comes to power, work with them. And what exactly needs to be worked with between USA and Pakistan, other than trade?

96   HeadSet   2007 Dec 28, 12:57pm  

Whoever comes to power, work with them. And what exactly needs to be worked with between USA and Pakistan, other than trade?

97   HeadSet   2007 Dec 28, 12:57pm  

Good Points

98   HeadSet   2007 Dec 28, 9:53pm  

Maybe buyers ARE rediscovering math


The article says builders like Pulte and Lennar are now building smaller sized homes. Interesting use of the term "McMansion." Wasn't that term coined by somebody on this blog?

99   ozajh   2007 Dec 29, 12:03am  

A bit OT, but's here's an interesting combination of simultaneous breakthrough announcements.

Cheaper solar cells (under $1/watt)

Plus more efficient batteries

There's a couple of million square miles of nice flat CHEAP land in Australia that would be very suitable for energy "farming" if both of those come through.

100   DennisN   2007 Dec 29, 2:34am  

Amazingly enough "McMansion" isn't in the Patrick Glossary, except as an explanation of "McAlbatross".


101   cb   2007 Dec 29, 3:40am  

Chindians are not to blame! Look at this transaction by San Jose Sharks defenseman Craig Rivet.

Monte Sereno
18485 Withey Road $4,800,000, 697 SF, 1 BR, Blaettler Construction to C. & K. Rivet; 2004:$1,920,000

102   requiem   2007 Dec 29, 4:09am  

cb, that must be a typo; someone would need to have taken several severe blows to the head to pay that much for a 1 bedroom. Oh... wait... nm.

103   OO   2007 Dec 29, 5:19am  

It is not a typo, it is a brand new home expanded on the original lot, and the new home details were not recorded yet. I have seen quite a few new homes recorded as such.

104   cb   2007 Dec 29, 5:21am  

The flipper made out, the original house was 697 sq ft., a builder bought it for under 2M and built a 5000 sq. ft house and sold it to Craig Rivet for 4.8M. I guess he did take too many blows to the head. Incidentally, his contract with the Sharks is 4 year - 14 million.

105   anonymous   2007 Dec 29, 7:46am  

DennisN - I have seen the term "mcMansion" being used without irony* lately.

*Irony is of course illegal in the US as per the latest Patriot Act and the US educational system....

106   DennisN   2007 Dec 29, 9:11am  

There's got to be a good joke in there about "rivet" and "head".

107   DennisN   2007 Dec 29, 9:45am  

Craig Rivet's piano recital gave rise to praise for Craig's Liszt, which mushroomed from Rivet's hammerklavier.

108   SP   2007 Dec 29, 6:05pm  

HeadSet Says:
Interesting use of the term “McMansion.” Wasn’t that term coined by somebody on this blog?

I doubt it - I first heard the term McMansion with reference to houses built somewhere in Texas, by Dell employees who had stock-options money to burn. This was way back in the mid- to late-nineties.

109   anonymous   2007 Dec 30, 2:46am  

I think I may have seen it first on Kuntsler's site, but may have seen it on www.urbansurvival.com or one of the other "Depression's coming" sites.

It's been around several years. It's becoming a standard term rather than a derisive term now.

I can just see some moron bragging about his McMansion, with the obligatory columns in front of course!

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