Invitation to Financial Suicide

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2008 Jan 1, 12:15pm   36,227 views  341 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Found by reader Larry, when cleaning out the garage of his rental place:



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173   GallopingCheetah   2008 Jan 3, 7:50am  

I believe I got a flu while in SF. Is there one floating around there?

174   FormerAptBroker   2008 Jan 3, 7:51am  

HARM Says:

> SP, I’m tired of beating this horse too, but I’m also tired
> of *still* hearing variants on the “rich people will save
> prices from falling in _____” argument.

More and more rich people have decided not to buy (and some have even decided to sell) now that prices have stopped going up and have started going down in almost every area.

I know a lot of smart people who make more than SP who are not buying (or selling) since it does not make much sense to buy a home in Burlingame for $2.5mm and pay over $15K a month to “buy” when you can “rent” for $5K a month and invest the extra $10K a month while you wait for prices to drop…

It will not be long before the people who paid $2.5mm for Bay Area homes and condos that sold for $500K in the 90’s will seem as dumb as the people that paid $100 a share for the dot com that was going to make millions selling 50 pound bags of dog food over the internet…

175   StuckInBA   2008 Jan 3, 7:52am  

This is why Patrick.net is not a representative sample.

Principal Engineer is pretty high up the technical food chain. Considering the size of SP's company, the fact that only 30-40 are at that level is indicative enough.

In one of my previous companies the Principal Engineer earned north of 200K. But he was the only one. Rest of the code monkeys earned significantly less. For then 100-125 was the range on the bell curve.

Similarly, Permarenter being a manager makes him higher in the pyramid.

Still SP's point is valid. Median/Average etc statical numbers do not capture the distribution. This area has many tech companies, which results in many people with high salaries. Hence expensive housing. No disagreement there.

The only debate is how much expensive is fundamentally justified and how much is speculative. Another factor that muddies the water is, the historical norms of 3-times your income doesn't apply as salaries increase. Because basic living costs do not increase proportionally. That's why a 2 income techie family can in theory afford 1.3M home on a 30yr FRM with 300K dp. I know one such family and I had posted about them before. The problem is RISK of phenomenal proportions. There is ZERO cushion.

We don't need job cuts for the drop in price. They could afford it on a 6.5 FRM. They wouldn't if the rate was 7.5+ (for example). The wouldn't if dp size needs to be 30%. They wouldn't take the risk if the psychology is what is today or would be tomorrow.

For some reason, even we here are calculating affordability using maxing out the housing expense. That's plain wrong. Putting all eggs in one basket is recipe for disaster. Since time immortal. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't.

Job recession is part of business cycle. It can happen in 2 year or 5 years. But it will happen. What then ? For many of these folks it will happen at the WORST moment. When they are over 50, and need money for their child's college - the job recession without cushion will be devastating. There is ample age discrimination in the valley, so forget getting a job in a recessionary environment if you are over 50.

The valley has gone nuts. Unfortunately it will be a while before the realization hits and it will be very late by then.

176   OO   2008 Jan 3, 7:57am  

I am not sure if the good neighborhoods drop that drastically ever in history. My personal experience is, the so-so neighborhoods drop faster and by bigger % in the last cycle. That is just the way things are.

I think SP represents the typical profile of people looking at areas along western foothills, and although he is a bit on the high side, it is no exaggeration that current buyers of these areas are making $250K median or average income, if not much more. So demand and supply for the entire BA is irrelevant for this sub-market.

It is just like people here are mentioning Cupertino all the time, and if you are making 1.5-2HH as a household and you are looking at Cupertino, then don't complain about why a shitbox there costs that much, because lots of others in the same financial situation are doing the same.

Well, the fact of the matter is, BA along with NYC, Boston etc. are a few centers for high-pay jobs around the world. If you are want to live in a coveted area, unless we head into a job-loss situation, housing value in the fortress will not see drastic correction.

FAB has been here much longer than me, so I am going to ask him about how badly the high-end places fared in the last cycle. Atherton, Hillsborough, Los Altos Hills were obviously so out of my budget back then so I didn't look at all.

177   GallopingCheetah   2008 Jan 3, 7:58am  


I took a walk on Chestnut and Union. I noticed a large latte and wine-bar crowd. But, not bad. The cab driver complained that there are a lot of brats in that area. True?

The Powell square area reminds me of the busy centers of major European cities.

My favorite places in NA: NYC, Montreal, SF and SEA and Vancouver.

178   FormerAptBroker   2008 Jan 3, 7:58am  

GallopingCheetah Says:

> Thanks, FAB. $750K isn’t outrageous, although it’s probably
> 30-50% more than I would pay in SEA. How big is the flat?

On average the prices of homes on the Peninsula, SF and Marin are just about twice as expensive as a similar home in the Seattle, Los Angeles or San Diego areas. Most condos and homes in decent parts of SF are about $750/sf, and prices are close to $1,000/sf for most of the newer high rise condos. Prices for nice places around me (in Presidio Heights) have cleared $2,000/sf in the past couple years…

179   OO   2008 Jan 3, 8:08am  

OK, just to prove my point, I am going to list the numbers here.

Here is the range of number of SFHs that changed hand in the fortress from 1998-2007 each year
Los Altos: 289-462
Palo Alto: 393-595
Cupertino: 296-566
Saratoga: 248-473
Los Gatos: 299-466
Mountain View: 303-430

So in SCC alone, the range of transaction is 1800-3000 each year. Now that is NOT the effective supply, because lots of these houses are in the "undesirable" parts of the fortress without the access to the coveted public high schools although they have the same address, parts of Los Gatos/Saratoga/Cupertino on the wrong side of the freeway etc. So the transaction # of the houses in livable condition, desirable part of town, with access to the coveted high schools is quite a bit smaller, perhaps only half of that number.

Now, do you think we can find 1000 households each year who CAN afford to buy $1.xM home in the fortress? My answer is definitely yes.

180   HARM   2008 Jan 3, 8:11am  

Thanks for the reality check, FAB.

181   OO   2008 Jan 3, 8:11am  

Therefore, as I have always argued before, the only way for the fortress to crack is through serious job loss, so that the # of 2HH families gets cut by half, or the other half left standing start to worry about the security of their job.

182   HARM   2008 Jan 3, 8:22am  

the only way for the fortress to crack is through serious job loss, so that the # of 2HH families gets cut by half, or the other half left standing start to worry about the security of their job

Which should be getting started right about... now.

183   FormerAptBroker   2008 Jan 3, 8:26am  

OO Says:

> I am not sure if the good neighborhoods drop that
> drastically ever in history. My personal experience
> is, the so-so neighborhoods drop faster and by bigger
> % in the last cycle. That is just the way things are.

From 1990-1995 the homes in Los Altos Hills, Atherton and Hillsborough had a bigger % drop than the homes in Cupertino, Redwood City and Burlingame. In 1993 one of my best friends left his job as a commercial leasing broker to take a job as a residential appraiser (since he needed a steady income) so I was talking about Bay Area home values on a regular basis back then…

> I think SP represents the typical profile of people looking
> at areas along western foothills, and although he is a bit
> on the high side, it is no exaggeration that current buyers
> of these areas are making $250K median or average
> income, if not much more.

I was up at Sugar Bowl this weekend and while walking through the shareholder parking garage (looking at the signs with the names of the families that run the Bay Area hanging above a bunch of very unimpressive cars and SUVs) I commented to a friend from High School (who is a descendant of one of the Big Four) that it is interesting how the people that can’t really afford the flashy home and cars are the ones that buy them. I bet the average guy in the Bay Area that makes $250K has a nicer home and car than the average guy in the Bay Area that is worth $25mm…

184   StuckInBA   2008 Jan 3, 8:27am  


I will say that lending standards will tighten and mortgage rates will go up before you see any job losses. And that will hopefully prove my assertion that these prices are not sustainable even with full employment.

We had more people and stronger job situation in late 90s during the dot com boom. But prices are now higher at least twice in all desirable areas. Salaries (including perceived stop option worth) has not gone up by that much. How do you reconcile that ?

The cost of borrowing money has played far far more impact than the increased earning power. I am amazed when people argue otherwise. Are these prices sustainable if the rates go to 8%+ as they were during dot com boom ?

185   skibum   2008 Jan 3, 8:29am  

Let's keep some perspective on the income thing. Even though 2+ Ha Ha's is a high salary, keep in mind that even in nutty Silly Valley, at most this should translate to looking at homes in the 8-10 Ha Ha range, or about 1.2 to 1.5 M. In today's insane environment within the Fortress, that barely gets you a shitty ranch in Los Altos or Saratoga. So your talking about the cream of the crop salary-wise looking at run-of-the-mill housing stock using traditional metrics.

Frankly, that salary range and management level should be able to reasonably purchase these Western Foothills homes, which now run about 15 to 20 Ha Ha's, which is just plain ridiculous. Only here in the Bay Area do these people have to chose between renting, buying a house that was built for a lower-level worker bee, or getting a retarded mortgage to get that better home. Similarly, lower-level professionals such as associates at law firms are buying in places like Fremont, San Carlos or Belmont.

I mentioned this fact a long time ago here, but it's truly fucked up when professionals and execs are buying in neighborhoods that were built for blue collar workers.

186   OO   2008 Jan 3, 8:33am  


it is all about expectation. I have heard so many times fresh grads committing themselves to houses that are clearly beyond their current earning ability just because they "believe" their pay will ascend fast.

Committing one to a 30-year mortgage, come hell or high water, is obviously about what you think you will earn in the next 30 years, not about how you do today. People tend to draw a straight-line projection from their starting base today and believe they will only do better from now on.

Houses in the valley jumped a lot from 97-00, when the interest rate was rising. And to be honest, I believe that cost of borrowing for ARM (the main channel of mortgage borrowing for CA) will only be getting better in the next 2-3 years.

187   StuckInBA   2008 Jan 3, 8:45am  


Only time will tell. The expectation about future is seriously affected perceived risk which is affected by cost of borrowing money. It's the mad risk taking that has caused this. It's always at the core of any bubble.

So let's agree to disagree on this and see if prices drop without job losses. We are already seeing some softening. Let's see if that continues.

188   GallopingCheetah   2008 Jan 3, 8:48am  

The American (Valley) dream is what seduced many to stick around and made the whole living experience so stressful and unsatisfying. Those people have themselves to blame. Men waste their whole life for something as ridiculous as a shitbox in BA. This is essentially why the BA is so productive and innovative.

I'm a poor bum and have no taste for the rat race. When we get fed up, all we need are a few rifles and we'll take over your hard-earned possessions. But wait, the government will do that for us.

189   PermaRenter   2008 Jan 3, 9:51am  

>> Men waste their whole life for something as ridiculous as a shitbox in BA.

Agreed. I am doing so right now ....

190   StuckInBA   2008 Jan 3, 11:05am  

Anyone noticed the opening drop in Nikkei ? Down 4% right now.

191   Richmond   2008 Jan 3, 11:14am  

You guys gotta try Richmond. We don't charge extra for the bullet holes. Oh sorry, I meant free flow ventilation.

192   Richmond   2008 Jan 3, 11:15am  

I saw that. Did we drop another bomb?

193   Malcolm   2008 Jan 3, 11:22am  

HARM Says:
January 3rd, 2008 at 3:48 pm
"New tee-shirt for the Patrick.net store?:
“I make more money than 99.9% of America, but I still can’t afford a house in the Fortress”"

How about, "I lost my house due to my own stupidity, and all I got was this stupid fucking T-shirt!"

"I'm a professional real estate agent, would you like fries with that?"

"Refis or crack? What's the difference?"

194   OO   2008 Jan 3, 11:49am  

Yippie, Hillary running 3rd in Iowa. I hope she implodes and completely blows her chance.

I would rather have Bush 3rd term than the uberbitch.

195   PermaRenter   2008 Jan 3, 12:11pm  

>> Hillary running 3rd in Iowa

I am with you. I vote for republicans since democrats seem to encourage illegal immigration. I am a US citizen through naturalization (H1B ==> Green Card ==> Naturalization).

196   Different Sean   2008 Jan 3, 12:55pm  

Australia is suffering through its worst dry spell in a millennium.

What's that apropos of??? I don't know how they measured the rainfall for a millennium...

197   empty houses   2008 Jan 3, 1:38pm  

A vote for Obama is a vote for Huchabee. Obama talks a good game but we have something called the electoral college.
If Obama came out with a hard stance against illegal immagration, he might have a chance, otherwise he's just another great black hope.

198   SP   2008 Jan 3, 3:04pm  

HARM Says:
I’m tired of beating this horse too, but I’m also tired of *still* hearing variants on the “rich people will save prices from falling in _____” argument.

Again, with all due respeck, what I said was not that. If you want me to rephrase it, it would be "foolish two-income couples will delay the inevitable fall until they either become one-income couples or scared two-income couples". Does that sound better?

199   SP   2008 Jan 3, 3:17pm  

FAB said:
More and more rich people have decided not to buy (and some have even decided to sell) now that prices have stopped going up and have started going down in almost every area.

I would re-cycle the "patrick.net readers are not representative" line here. You are right that a lot of the smart people, rich people and almost all of the patrick.net readers are on the sidelines with no interest in buying. But the foolish people that remain out there need something to scare the bejeezus out of them. That is the trigger I am looking for.

The market is teetering on these fools being "willing and able" to buy. The end of the dumbass loans is a good thing - it removed the "able" part. Something now has to take out the "willing" part - then we will have ignition.

200   cb   2008 Jan 3, 3:26pm  

I am with you. I vote for republicans since democrats seem to encourage illegal immigration. I am a US citizen through naturalization (H1B ==> Green Card ==> Naturalization).

Both parties are to blame, I posted this before about enforcement action by the current administration.


As for H1B ==> Green Card, the part about getting a labor cert and asking the employer to post the hiring notice on newspaper is a joke, who goes to newspaper classifieds to hire engineers? I have to say a large number of the positions can be filled by American citizens.

201   SP   2008 Jan 3, 3:27pm  

@Permarenter, it is difficult to answer your question - Principal Engineer salaries vary quite a bit depending on specific industry sectors and the institution/employer. There are also non-monetary factors -- a good P.E. could easily get a significant increase in $$$ by going from a large established company to a smaller specialized shop, but that is not always a good thing - depends on what you want out of it.

A first-level manager is usually in a lower grade (by one or two levels) than P.E.

As for my current housing situation, I own a modest tract home just outside the fortress area. Nothing fancy.

202   SP   2008 Jan 3, 3:37pm  

skibum Says:
Let’s keep some perspective on the income thing. Even though 2+ Ha Ha’s is a high salary, keep in mind that even in nutty Silly Valley, at most this should translate to looking at homes in the 8-10 Ha Ha range, or about 1.2 to 1.5M.

True, but salary isn't everything. Salary will put a limit on debt-service ability, but some won't need any debt for a 1.5M home. The question is how many of these people are still here. 100? 200?. I have no idea how to figure this, which is what makes it hard to predict.

203   Jimbo   2008 Jan 3, 5:29pm  

>>>Bay Area is like a big hotel … there is no community feeling and sense of beloging. There is no there there ………

That is your experience of the area, but certainly not mine. I know almost everyone on my block and have watched the kids and dogs grow up. I ride Muni every day and usually see an old co-worker or someone else I know on the train. I hang out still with my friends from college, which I graduated from 15 years ago.

The Bay Area, like most places, is what you make of it. If you are bitter and alienated, you think everyone else is too. If you are friendly and approachable, you find others who are the same.

204   Jimbo   2008 Jan 3, 5:33pm  

>>>I mentioned this fact a long time ago here, but it’s truly fucked up when professionals and execs are buying in neighborhoods that were built for blue collar workers.

Where are the blue collar workers in the Bay Area? Should we tear down all of our old homes and neighborhoods because some guy who worked with his hands lived there 100 years ago?

What a strange way to think about communities! Noe Valley is a great place to live, even if (or perhaps particularly because) it was a blue collar neighborhood 50 years ago. We have professionals, technical workers and managerial jobs now, that is who is going to live in those houses that once housed steel workers. Who else would live there?

They are probably fixed up better now, if it makes you feel any better about it.

205   Brent   2008 Jan 3, 11:22pm  

Seems these guys must be privy to the same sort of inside information and perspective that realtors are. I've got an idea; why not have market analysts and realtors trade places - lately each group seems more in touch with the others future.

206   skibum   2008 Jan 4, 12:35am  

But the foolish people that remain out there need something to scare the bejeezus out of them. That is the trigger I am looking for.

How does a crappy national jobs report out today fit the bill?


207   skibum   2008 Jan 4, 12:37am  

Salary will put a limit on debt-service ability, but some won’t need any debt for a 1.5M home. The question is how many of these people are still here. 100? 200?.

In the current RE environment, how many of these people will want to sink the bulk of their "hard earned" stock options money into a 1.5M stucco home that is depreciating? Maybe more than I imagine, but then again there is the saying about a fool and his money...

208   skibum   2008 Jan 4, 12:43am  


You're conflating. You're talking about gentrification. Generally that suggests the people moving into previously run-down neighborhoods are excited to get in there and change things for the better. I'm talking about professional couples and families moving literally next door to blue collar workers, not because they love the neighborhood, but because they can't afford the one they really want to live in. As a result, they end up paying 5x more than that blue collar family paid for their home 12-15 years ago. There's a lot of interesting socioeconomic displacement going on these days.

209   PermaRenter   2008 Jan 4, 12:45am  

Hooray, Dow is at 12K ==> 12,884.63

210   Richmond   2008 Jan 4, 12:47am  

Millions of jobs (and I think that is a safe number) were filled by bodies that weren't on the books. So by the time unemployment numbers begin to rise as we're seeing now, the economic slowdown has not only been going on far longer than reported, but is far greater than reported.
Just a thought.

211   skibum   2008 Jan 4, 12:48am  

Noe Valley is a great place to live, even if (or perhaps particularly because) it was a blue collar neighborhood 50 years ago. We have professionals, technical workers and managerial jobs now, that is who is going to live in those houses that once housed steel workers. Who else would live there?

This is a silly argument, to say the least. Look at Soho, Greenwich Village, not to mention the Meatpacking District, LES, East Village, etc. etc., or most older east coast cities. Sought-after apartments/condos in great neighborhoods used to be tenament buildings in a lot of these places... 100 years ago. That's an interesting sociological point, but irrelevant to my argument.

212   OO   2008 Jan 4, 12:59am  


which candidate's medicare policy makes most sense to you?

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