Prices and Days On Market

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2008 Jan 13, 11:48pm   28,841 views  305 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Sale prices are always given as an absolute number, without context. The reality is that falling prices can be masked to some extent by a longer number of days on the market.

Getting $500,000 within a week of listing is not at all the same thing as getting $500,000 after having the house on the market for 2 years, yet both are recorded as the same price. Ultimately, you can pretend your house is worth whatever you want by letting days on market go to infinity -- just pulling it off the market. No one will buy it for your dream price, but you don't have to face the reality that it is not worth what you thought either. Assuming you can pay the mortgage.

Realtors know that increasing days on market proves that a house is not worth the asking price. That's why they commonly try to scam users by re-listing a house as if it just came on the market.



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142   anonymous   2008 Jan 15, 10:24am  

FAB - by the way I remember that way of thinking too ..... working-class US'ians are paying something like 25% in taxes out of their pay and getting back a few hundred at the end of the year, and it's all considered good!

Meanwhile the big boys are paying something between 15% and 0%.

Automatic witholding and then giving back just enough at the end of the year for a treat or a 2-day vacation or a really good drunk...... brilliant.

143   FormerAptBroker   2008 Jan 15, 10:56am  

Elamite Says:

> My first wife was a commercial real estate broker but she
> sold high end residential as well (Beverly Hills, Malibu, etc.)
> She said that if a piece of property was on the market for
> more than 30 days with no offers then the asking price was
> simply too high.

Back in the 80’s many brokers did something called “buying listings”. If an apartment was worth $50K/unit most brokers would want to list of for $50K/unit so it would actually sell. Brokers that “bought listings” would promise $55K/unit and actually got a lot of listings. When market values were rising they ended up selling a lot of listings (when values caught up to their asking price at the end of their one year exclusive right to sell period). In a down market like we had in the 90’s (and like we have now) buying listings does not work…

144   FormerAptBroker   2008 Jan 15, 11:04am  

ex-sunnyvale-renter Says:

> Racism is real, it’s this weird idea of multiculturalism,
> level playing field among all the different racial teams,
> that’s pie-in-the-sky.

Most people like to hang out with and work with people that are similar to themselves. It just so happens that many people of the same race have similar traits.

A guy of European decent that was born in Mexico, spoke Spanish, and who was in the US illegally working as a day laborer would hang out with mostly guys of Mexican decent.

A guy of Indian decent who grew up in Atherton and went to Phillips Brooks, Menlo and Stanford would probably hang out with mostly people of European decent.

145   GallopingCheetah   2008 Jan 15, 11:13am  


Good point.

146   GallopingCheetah   2008 Jan 15, 12:12pm  


I don't really care about what you just said. What I gathered from your rants is that your folks don't care about you. Feeling alienated, you want them to protect you. Since they don't give a damn, you decide to "protect them," hoping for a drastic event to awaken your tribesmen who will then avenge for you. The problems you described could be real. But your solution won't happen. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong demographic makeup, wrong culture, wrong international environment.

In any kind of mass movement, the ultimate losers are always the foot soldiers, flag carriers and bystanders (the mass). Those who incite and lead enjoy the game far more than what they are willing to disclose.

If you have true conviction and are brave, do what you have to do. Don't wait for others, or a depression so that you feel less cowardly among the multitude. Just be a man. It's not that hard.

147   Randy H   2008 Jan 15, 12:35pm  

Are you resurrecting your blog ?

Yes. I'm looking for a couple level headed folks to help me contribute material, and potentially for someone with an eye for aesthetics. I have the unique talent of being able to design the singularly worst user interfaces in the world. If you're interested drop me an email.

148   Malcolm   2008 Jan 15, 12:51pm  

Since we've talked about this before and I am watching it right now I wanted to answer a question that's come up. For ethanol fuels the ratio is 10 to 1 for every 1 unit of fuel it takes to process it, you get 10 units of ethanol.

We'll be able to fully fuel cars with ethanol when we get plug in hybrids on the road with an average of 100 MPG. The other good thing is that it will be made from the entire corn plant.

149   skibum   2008 Jan 15, 12:53pm  

Randy H,

You mentioned a while ago that you were changing the focus of your blog. Please remind me again, what will you be moving towards?

150   Malcolm   2008 Jan 15, 12:59pm  

BAP, I am stunned you are having any trouble at all. Someone just saying they're interested in buying something would attract more agents than a dead carcus attracts flies. I have a couple of suggestions for you. First, unless you are going to make multiple offers on properties (I used to do that with the VA lists, I would just lowball 10 or so off of each sealed bid auction) there is no need to get an agent. You actually allow more flexibility if you can confidently talk to the sellers' agents directly. Do what they do, and make them think you are their friend and just go from one to the next if you don't get the answer you want. Time is on YOUR side. Be open minded and creative, you might even get one willing to give a little cash from the commission. There is a common misconception that it is illegal, but in many cases it is perfectly legal. If you do decide to get an agent of you own try being up front and telling them what you want to do. It doesn't cost you anything to put an ad on craigslist, see who replies to you. Good luck.

151   anonymous   2008 Jan 15, 1:32pm  

FAB - that sounds good, and I've seen examples of it, but it's not really what happens. Not with Black Power Brown Power, Indian Power, Affirmative Action, Minority Perks and all the other stuff written into law.

Don't worry about it, the economy is doing some very interesting things that should make life one hell of a lot more "interesting" in the US, and it's about time.

152   OO   2008 Jan 15, 3:59pm  

A complete meltdown of Hong Kong market tonight, down more than 5%.

Look for a meltdown of Chinese stock market not too far into the future. Chinese A shares cannot be insulated from the outside for too long, when all the slowdown data eventually get reflected in the earning numbers, the spectacular crash landing of the Chinese economy will start.

Got FXP? :-)

153   danville woman   2008 Jan 15, 9:38pm  


Thanks for the updates on the market. The last time you noticed the yen strengthening, I made some money on your observation.

154   CleansingSphere   2008 Jan 15, 10:15pm  

Quick before it's gone.
Kevan Barlow (49ers running back?) is being foreclosed on in Santana Row in San Jose.
He's a good kid so I feel bad for him.

How long do we wait until there is a celebrity foreclosure thread?

155   Randy H   2008 Jan 15, 10:31pm  


I'm still figuring that out. Actually, I've just been too busy lately to get things going. I had originally planned to move to a more open format, but I've rethought that since. I think a blog needs a core theme even if discussions tend to wander. This thread has caused me to think maybe the subject of tech entrepreneurship is in needing of some love.

156   CleansingSphere   2008 Jan 15, 11:41pm  

Howdy everyone! I've been reading here for years (since before there was a blog or news, just the housing crash page and maybe the rent calculator) and I posted very seldom. Er, um, exactly once before today.
But I've read what all of you have had to say for quite a long time now and I must say you guys made the waiting much more bearable.

Anyway, after the ups and downs of the long wait, doesn't it feel good now that we find ourselves on this side of inevitability?

My FB anecdote:

In 2004 my neighbor moves in next door with his family of 7 (!). He doesn't speak much English, but that's OK since I speak fluent Spanish (I went to univ. in Mexico). We get along fine, I hang out with the family, go to dinner every once in a while, etc.

In 2005 he moves to a house a short walk down the street. They mortgage it under his common law "wife"'s name. The new place costs around 600k.

First I should mention, that they're probably not prime credit material:
There were 7 people living in a 2/1 condo - my neighbor, his "wife", 2 kids and a rotating set of cousins of dubious legal status. They work in a cafeteria at a senior home (x2) and at a car wash (x2). I'd say he's low skilled but his BBQ Arrachera is fantastic so I won't.

Anyway, when he moves to the new place, they make a half ass attempt to sell the place next to mine for WAY over fair market value - I remember how bored that realtor was every sat+sun when there were no visitors at all. The first weekend he was there I was walking from my car and I could see his eyes get big when he saw me walk in his direction, until I walked right by him to my door. A few months later, no more realtor.

So fast forward to 2008. My former next-door neighbor's place is up for auction (trustee's sale), and probably reverted to the lender (I'll have to check when the data comes out). I really doubt he has been making payments for the last 3 years that the place has been vacant since he could barely afford the place when he was there, with 4 incomes combined, and they were paying on a new mortgage.

Last month he stopped by to get something out of the garage and I chatted with him. Guess what? They're asking the lender for permission to short sell the *new* house, which is in his "wife"'s name.

How many months of free rent will he get this time before the lender forces the sale?

It seems lenders have been incredibly reluctant over the last couple of years to take their lumps and force a sale, and that's why I believe the biggest wave of pain is coming up soon as lenders capitulate on distressed properties and REOs.

And I really don't mean to make this a racial thing - I'm just pointing out how insane the lenders were to lend him money and how much my neighbor gamed the system to his advantage.

157   DinOR   2008 Jan 16, 1:12am  

Suck. It. Up!

Get your ("Want to fix the Housing Crisis?" Suck. It. Up!) bumper sticker at www.michellemalkin.com

Too funny! Evidently some of the readers lived on The Other Side of CleansingSphere!

I thought what makes the BBQ Arrachera story so funny is that even in 2005 there were people ALREADY gaming the system! Oh and that it sat vacant for THREE freakin' years! This is something of a nightmare for me as I'd worked off the assumption that all of the "flip, flop and FLY" routine was confined to the east coast BEFORE the subprime meltdown went MSM!

"Low-skilled"!? Pffftt. The guy's a virtuoso!



Fly... I don't care if I die...

158   Randy H   2008 Jan 16, 1:49am  

Dear Senator and Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton:

Please go away now.

If I hear you tell me how you're going to raise my taxes to "protect" all those innocent subprime borrowers one more time I think I'll need to check myself into an institution.

At this point, I'll vote for the craziest, looniest, cult-leadin-ist, morality hypocrit-ist whack-a-mole before you so long as s/he agrees to leave the free market alone.

Thank you for your understanding.

Randy H

159   Peter P   2008 Jan 16, 2:10am  

Let's hope Hillary loses the primary.

Better yet, let's hope Ron Paul wins the election!

160   Peter P   2008 Jan 16, 2:11am  

I have a proposal:

Why don't we tax Democrats progressively all the way to 70% and charge Republicans a flat tax of 15%?

If someone wants more tax, I say let him pay more!

161   DinOR   2008 Jan 16, 2:13am  

"cult-leadin-ist" LOL!

Yeah, don't blame me! (I voted "Uncommitted"!)

I just got a kick out of Michelle saying she would vote for whoever had a "Suck. It. Up!" policy toward subprime borrowers!

162   DinOR   2008 Jan 16, 2:15am  

Peter P,

There are those among us that would insist "that" policy is already in place!

(But I definitely see what you mean)

163   DennisN   2008 Jan 16, 2:15am  

I'm so confused. Don't you have to be already "uncommitted" to check yourself into a loony bin?

164   DinOR   2008 Jan 16, 2:16am  

Evidently they have very crowded looney bins in MI!

165   Peter P   2008 Jan 16, 2:17am  


If Democrats are so good at "helping" poor people how come their strongholds (Detroit, Oakland, DC) tend to be mega-crime-capitals?

166   Malcolm   2008 Jan 16, 2:22am  

The answer to Peter Ps question would be called racist therefore I wouldn't expect one Peter.

167   DennisN   2008 Jan 16, 2:34am  

Actually the real crowded loonie bins are in Canadian banks.

168   Peter P   2008 Jan 16, 2:34am  

One thing I also like about Ron Paul is about HR 1146. I think UN has outlived its usefulness. Just the condo-conversion potential of the HQ alone would justify its immediate disbandment. :)

Do we really want an "international" organization to ban us from ivory and Caspian caviar?

169   FormerAptBroker   2008 Jan 16, 2:51am  

Peter P Says:

> Question: If Democrats are so good at “helping” poor
> people

The Democrats are not good at helping poor people, but they are good at making poor people “think” they want to help them and get their votes (Most Democrats care as much about poor people as Al “Gulfstream:” Gore and John “Five SUV” Kerry care about the environment) …

> how come their strongholds (Detroit, Oakland,
> DC) tend to be mega-crime-capitals?

As Malcolm Says: “The answer to Peter Ps question would be called racist” so I won’t actually answer it and just say that Detroit, Oakland and DC are mega-crime areas for the same reason that Darfur, Rwanda and Ethiopia are mega-crime areas…

170   EBGuy   2008 Jan 16, 3:03am  

I hope San Jose and surrounding environs are bracing for all those BEAllionaires.
Business software maker Oracle Corp. agreed Wednesday to buy BEA Systems Inc. for about $7.85 billion, a compromise price that ends a months-long dispute over the value of the company that pioneered Web services software.

In other sad news, housing porn 'aka shelter magazines' are the latest casualty of the downturn.

171   DinOR   2008 Jan 16, 3:04am  


I heard it was $8.5 bil?

172   Peter P   2008 Jan 16, 3:20am  

Most Democrats care as much about poor people as Al “Gulfstream:” Gore and John “Five SUV” Kerry care about the environment.

Well, a Gulfstream is very fuel efficient compared to a private A380.

Five SUVs? It is bad only if he drives them all at once. :lol:

Shall we bet when they will stop talking about "global warming" and shift the focus to "ice age" again?

173   DinOR   2008 Jan 16, 3:37am  

Peter P,

As predicted by this blog and it's readers back in late 2006, the war is already taking a back seat to "the economy".

As to Randy H's question yesterday, I think I have a possible answer:

When "I" get roll around naked in BIG FAT STACKS OF MEW CASH (it's an "economy"). When my teaser loan re-sets and I'm flat busted (it's a "Ponzi scheme")

Like it or not global warming is becoming a faint whisper. The only ones still ranting about GW are so far to the left they're now safe to ignore completely.

174   DennisN   2008 Jan 16, 3:39am  

They were talking about a new ice age back in the 1970s, so the political-spot cycle appears to be around 30 years. Unlike the sun-spot cycle which is around 11 years.

175   DennisN   2008 Jan 16, 3:44am  

In order to cut down on carbon emissions, I see there is a big push on now to tear down all the hydroelectric dams in the west.

176   Peter P   2008 Jan 16, 3:46am  

Like it or not global warming is becoming a faint whisper. The only ones still ranting about GW are so far to the left they’re now safe to ignore completely.

Good. I was getting worried about green fascism.

I love open space myself and I want to own a ranch with mountain view someday.

177   Malcolm   2008 Jan 16, 3:52am  

Can I install solar panels on your ranch Peter? I'll connect your house to my grid for free.

178   Peter P   2008 Jan 16, 3:55am  

Can I install solar panels on your ranch Peter? I’ll connect your house to my grid for free.


I think energy independence is a valid concern. I think solar energy will be cheap enough to compete in Californian markets.

I think it is not very viable in places with much fewer sunny days.

179   DennisN   2008 Jan 16, 4:04am  

Peter P,

Your problem is that there are few nice ranch areas with mountain views that have good sushi restaurants nearby. Life is all about compromises.

I'd suggest a ranch around Melba ID, but what do I know.

180   Peter P   2008 Jan 16, 4:06am  

Your problem is that there are few nice ranch areas with mountain views that have good sushi restaurants nearby. Life is all about compromises.

True. But there are trouts, right?

181   DennisN   2008 Jan 16, 4:11am  

Melba abuts onto the Snake River. You might get lucky and get a ranch with riverfront property so you can just go out in the backyard and cast for trout, salmon, and bass.

Places like Jackson Hole and Sun Valley are sadly already taken by too many Hollywood millionaires.

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