Rise of the Bandos!*

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2008 Feb 19, 3:27am   28,181 views  201 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

*pun courtesy of CalculatedRisk

Intractable social problem: meet opportunity.
Some homeless turn to foreclosed homes

There have been several posts from yours truly contemplating this very idea, and now it looks like the word is out on the street and being put into practise. Could there be a more perfect, complementary "market-based" solution to the twin problems of: a) homelessness, and b) housing bubble oversupply?

Personally, I wouldn't object to having some of my tax dollars diverted to formalizing the "Bandos" into a legitimate form of public housing (with appropriate oversight by law enforcement and building inspectors, of course). It sure beats maintaining the status quo on both fronts: skid row/downtown areas overrun with stinky homeless people urinating, shooting up, and prostituting themselves in public; and depopulated suburban Specuvestor cities replete with mosquito-infested swimming pools and McMansions being turned into gang 'safe houses' and crack/meth factories.



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179   skibum   2008 Feb 21, 4:04pm  

Just out of curiosity, how much do these teachers at Harker make?

What about the real elite boarding school teachers at Philips Academy?

To add to FAB's anecdotes, the "elite" East Coast prep schools pay similarly low wages to their teachers. I have friends teaching at places like Deerfield, Roxbury Latin, and Milton Academy. Believe me, they are paid less than their peers at most public schools. And these all happen to be dudes, so they didn't go into it to get introduced to "single high achieving friends so they can get married." There's the prestige, there's the luxury of teaching to generally motivated students, and there's the romantic notion of being just like Mr. Chips or Robin Williams in Dead Poets' Society...

180   SP   2008 Feb 21, 4:38pm  

You gotta love this - the wifey showed me a post on a forum at her office intranet... some poor schlub at this (Fortune 100) company is hawking her "collection of designer handbags, some only a few months old, all of them in top condition and very sparely (sic) used". For some reason, she felt compelled to share the reason for selling - "real estate investment problem forces sale".

The address is in the Silver Creek neighborhood of San Jose. Looks like somebody just got a visit from the NOD fairy...

181   DennisN   2008 Feb 21, 7:50pm  

How do you make "six figures" selling furniture around Memphis?

182   DinOR   2008 Feb 21, 11:31pm  

"collection of designer handbags"

Good Lord. Must be SOME... collection to raise enough cash-ola to fill THAT hole-a!

Isn't there some children's nursery rhyme about an Old Woman that lived in a designer handbag?

Now how's that one go..?

183   DinOR   2008 Feb 21, 11:32pm  


How does one go about making six figures in Memphis, period?

184   Malcolm   2008 Feb 21, 11:53pm  

Guys I like to pass along good experiences for other people's benefit. I just completed my girlfriend's taxes and am almost done with mine. I can't think of a better value than using www.taxact.com. It is very easy to use and has great advice and self checking. I'm impressed with it, and it also lets you do signature free E-filing.

Not tax, or sales advice, just passing along my testimonial.

185   DinOR   2008 Feb 22, 12:01am  


I'm hoping a friend can e-mail the link on those that are so eager to file... they overlook major deductions! I think he said it was in Money Mag. Don't get me wrong, I get itchy to see where I stand too (but don't hit "submit" until the "Shot Clock" is winding down!)

On Turbo (and Tax-Cut) they both search for updates (I assume primarily for the AMT Patch) and I have (2) differing results? Anyone else run into "I am, I might/might not be in the AMT?" Just curious.

186   Brent   2008 Feb 22, 12:43am  

I hope a few hundred million is enough to buy adequate personal security; ski slopes can be quite dangerous... ;-)

187   DennisN   2008 Feb 22, 12:57am  

Dinner at Spago: at least Peter P will approve.

Speaking of ski disasters:

The CEO of Tamarack, Jean-Pierre Buttplug, said "We were caught by surprise."

The real problem is this. "The resort has presold 90 percent of the condominiums in the village, but terms of the buyers' contracts say the homes must be finished by Dec. 31 or buyers can cancel their purchases."

And where were they planning to get construction financing?

"The resort was counting on money from the sale of land for the Fairmont Tamarack Resort, a luxury resort and vacation-home development. That sale should have closed in the summer, but Fairmont asked for an extension of the option to buy."

188   DennisN   2008 Feb 22, 12:58am  

Does $118 Million count as a non-conforming "jumbo" loan?

189   HeadSet   2008 Feb 22, 1:00am  

How does one go about making six figures in Memphis, period?

Count both sides of the decimal point!

190   DennisN   2008 Feb 22, 1:09am  

Collie Tuttle, in her early 60s, is caught in this bind. Four years ago, she purchased a newly built four-bedroom three-bathroom house in the Memphis outer suburb of Olive Branch, Miss., for $270,000. She put nothing down, relying on her six-figure income from selling furniture to pay down the mortgage, reducing it to $248,000.

But then she lost her job...
She had thought the house would add to her wealth... :)

But now, to sell it for the $269,000 a potential buyer was recently willing to pay, “I would have to come up with $6,000 from my pocket,” Ms. Tuttle said, explaining that she cannot afford to invade her meager retirement account.

How can you spend so much after receiving a "six figure" income to not have $6K mad money to get out of a house?

191   DinOR   2008 Feb 22, 1:31am  


I don't think the man's name is "Buttplug" o.k? (But with a statement like that it should be!)

Yeah, uh... celebrity names and attracting investment dollars. Can't wait to stay away from it! Same result when Demi Moore was "on the board of directors" for a... Hard Rock Cafe she and Bruce opened up your way back in the 90's?

I don't think anyone is getting their deposits back... if that's the next logical question?

192   DennisN   2008 Feb 22, 1:39am  

Ooops...I guess I let a typo in there.

193   Claire   2008 Feb 22, 1:42am  



They were eager to make money on all of this and now they are going crying to the government because they are now losing money - didn't hear a peep out of them when they were all making huge profits!

The government should demand all the profits back from the banks and mortgage brokers to pay for all of this - I don't hear anyone suggesting this!

I say - no bailout! And some of course are suggesting we are already paying and should be pro the bailout because our 401k's are taking a hit - well if we lost 50% in our 401k (sad to say) it would still be less than what hopefully the houses will go down by in our area of CA.

And remember a lot of these people were quite happy to raid their housing ATM's for crap they didn't really need and holidays and fancy cars and were gleeful as to how much their house was worth - well, you know, I don't want to have to pay for their cars and holidays because in the good times they sure wouldn't have returned the favor if I had asked!


194   DennisN   2008 Feb 22, 1:46am  

Bruce Willis actually owns much of the town of Hailey and IIUC is a primary investor in Soldier Mountain ski resort. www.soldiermountain.com

195   Peter P   2008 Feb 22, 1:47am  

I am still skeptical of 401K.

However, I have learned the lesson. Next time there is a large-scale financial orgy (like the housing bubble) I will jump in headfirst.

196   DinOR   2008 Feb 22, 2:26am  


Oh I didn't think it was a rant at all. Just straight talk. I too have wondered why they haven't just liquidated some of these lenders, sold of their remaining assets or placed them in some form of recievership?

Here's the reality. We actually HAVE opened the flood gates and they ARE finally allowing class action suits for investors to sue their 401k's! I haven't been able to find much about it yet, I just caught a quick blurb on MSNBC as they were concluding their market wrap on Wed.

Now I have NO IDEA what this all implies? You're suit is against Vangard/Fidelity? Your employer? (God forbid, he doesn't control that) Your broker? So I have no idea if this is "what's good for the goose"? Turn-about or whatever? I've long made the claim there was no one to bail US out (10 Mar 2000 - April 2003) so why all the bending-over-backwards for over leveraged specuvestors?

Anyone have anything on the 401K Class Action Auth?

197   DinOR   2008 Feb 22, 2:41am  

LaRue v. DeWolff


Just another little something to fuel Peter P's paranoia about 401k's!

In my lay understanding the guy totally has a legit claim. I also feel the Enron employees that were shut out of their accounts as Enron "changed retirement plan providers" (while the stock was tanking) is legit as well.

My question is if these were isolated incidents (inability or unwillingness to complete the trade and move those that wanted to go to cash and were *not executed) why clear the way for class action?

198   Malcolm   2008 Feb 22, 2:41am  

DinOR Says:
February 22nd, 2008 at 8:01 am
On Turbo (and Tax-Cut) they both search for updates (I assume primarily for the AMT Patch) and I have (2) differing results? Anyone else run into “I am, I might/might not be in the AMT?” Just curious."

I'm holding off on hitting submit for my taxes til a little later, but the software is very good. AMT is not affecting me this year, but somehow it is the only doubt I have as well since I of course don't want to miss out on any rebate of it which is one of the questions about prior year AMT. My actual AMT tax a couple of years back was a little under $2,000 but in a way it was good because for some reason it caused my tax person to not have to add back in my state refund from that year which I never understood. I didn't have AMT last year, but that phrase prior years has me doing a little research. I've simplified my situation a lot and have found tax advice to be a self fulfilling cycle. I actually overcontributed to an IRA a couple of years ago (didn't know you needed earned income, I make mainly passive income) and would have paid the 6% penalty again but then TaxAct had a suggestion of just withdrawing the excess. No preparer, not even my original CPA said to do that, I just ran down to the bank yesterday and filled out a simple form specifically for excess contributions.

199   Malcolm   2008 Feb 22, 2:43am  

Actually I think I remember why the state tax refund didn't need to go back in, because AMT replaces the itemized deductions which is what the state taxes paid are normally deducted from and then the refund is added the following year. Yikes! See it's not all fun and games.

201   Eliza   2008 Feb 23, 10:58am  

Yeah, with regard to public schools and the money crunch there--one does wonder what the heck they are doing with the high Cali income taxes and the high Cali sales taxes. Something is deeply wrong somewhere.

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