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Yes, the property tax rates are too low. Especially for those protected by Prop 13.
Housing is not ______, I have a friend in ______ that just _______ his house for ____ _____ asking. I told you JBRs that housing will go ______.
Absolutely not!! They are much too high.
Here is some interesing data:
CA clearly has the highest effective state income tax rates of any state in the Nation. (CA's highest marginal rate kicks in around $43,000; the slighlty higher marginal rates of a few other states generally don't kick in until >$200k.)
Several states -- among them TX, NH, NV & SD -- have no state income tax at all!
CA also has the among the highest state and local sales taxes of any state in the Nation (only a couple of states have higher rates):
I cannot find a free comparison of the 50 states' property tax rates, but here is some data on per capita property tax revenue per state. California ranks quite high -- 14th. Prop. 13 has skewed the distribution of property tax revenue collection, but the actual amount collected is still well above average:
Data on excise taxes is not as accessable, but in general, from gasoline to cigarettes, CA's taxes are very, very high compared to those of other states.
I don't think there is any way to claim that CA's taxes are too low. The evidence that they are too high is pretty strong.
I know that a lot of people are wondering how this can be possible, given the obvious decline of the CA system over the years. I believe there are three reasons:
1. Exodus of the middle class/influx of illegal aliens. I think everyone here would agree that a middle class school with a tax base that provides $5,000 per pupil will nonetheless perform better than one serving a trailer park with per pupil funding of $10,000. A lot of the decline of CA can be explained by the fact that the middle class is leaving and being replaced by desperately poor immigrants from a Third World country.
2. CA government is of high quality. Although I am as far right as they come, I have to admit that the quality of CA government services is generally quite high. Our legal system is the envy of the rest of the country, and the police, DMV, state parks, etc. just plain work better than those in other states. This costs money. Sadly, overcrowding and the exodus of the middle class is causing the quality of services delivered to decline. People born and raised here have seen the decline with their own eyes.
3. Failure to plan for growth. The last two causes of CA's decline are fairly apolitical. This one is purely political, but it is not ideological. CA has been a boom state forever, but the politicians have simply failed to adequately plan for future growth. On a personal note, I don't care HOW they plan for growth -- the liberals can build subways, the conservatives can have private companies build toll roads, whatever -- I just want the politicians to do SOMETHING. But they haven't, and the results have been disastrous.
But I don't think that raising taxes is the answer, not hardly. This will cause what remains of the middle class to leave even faster, and eventually others will leave too.
"East California"
As a native "southsider" (as in the south side of Chicago) which implies both that you are lower middle class and tougher than a $2.00 steak) I welcome you and all of the other good folk of "Eastern CA!" My question is not one of RE, bubbles nor the topic of taxation rather, whom do "Eastern Californians" cheer for? The Angels or the Vegas 51's? Mrs. DinOR purchased several quite lovely plants and daughter #1 will be attending the "bridal convention" come Sunday. She's stoked (I'm broke). Any little help here?
What is the reasoning behind raising property taxes when a lien against a property is issued (aka refi’d)?
Hmmm, let me fucking see, first of all you are in fact reselling the house to yourself. second you have agreed to have a phony appraisal in order to feel like your fat fucking life style is justly deserved, third, you redefined what your house is worth.
What is the reasoning behind raising property taxes when a lien against a property is issued (aka refi’d)?
Well, if the refi is for a higher amount...
This just in on telly: apparently the infant mortality rate in Cuba is now lower than the US. Similarly, there is a lower poverty rate in France than England.
Anglo-Saxon economy or Anglo-Saxon capitalism (so called because it is largely practiced in English speaking countries such as Australia, the UK and the United States) is a capitalist macroeconomic model in which levels of regulation and taxes are low, and the quality of state services and social indicators are weak. In addition, Anglo-Saxon economies generally are more 'liberal' and free-market oriented than other capitalist economies in the world.
Countries in mainland Europe (such as France, Italy and Germany) possess a macroeconomic model called 'continental capitalism', which involves greater amounts of regulation and taxation, generally resulting in lower income inequality, a lower poverty rate, stronger social indicators and more performant public services (such as health care, social security and education). The debate amongst economists as to which economic model is better, circles around perspectives involving poverty, job insecurity, social services, and inequality.
I've got a lengthy comment (with three links to data) awaiting moderation. Could someone please free it up if you think it is OK?
Different Sean Says:
> This just in on telly: apparently the infant mortality
> rate in Cuba is now lower than the US. Similarly,
> there is a lower poverty rate in France than England.
I bet that 10% of Mexico has not moved to Cuba...
Click the link below to see why I think a US-Mexico wall is a waste of money:
I bet that 10% of Mexico has not moved to Cuba…
hee hee. so there's about 10 million mexicans and central americans in the US now. how many are legal? cuba has apparently been spending money on health -- i don't know if the 10 million mexicans is enough to skew the figures that dramatically... and an estimated 12 million illegals in total - that's about 4% of the total population. and if you look at the patterns, often just the men cross over and send money back to the wife and family in mexico -- so that means there are no children in the US in many cases -- tricky getting the whole family over the border... interesting that in the US, illegals are all assumed to be living in huts with large families and zero health care...
Conor Says:
> They’re too low for some and too high for others.
I think that CA taxes are too high for everyone, but as I have said in the past Prop 13 is not "fair" when my parents are paying a property tax bill under $3K a YEAR when their new neighbors are paying a property tax bill of over $5K a MONTH...
The older I get and the more I understand how things work the more upset I get about the HUGE amount of waste and fraud in CA. Some recent examples are the dozens of Univ. of Cal employees that were paid hundreds of thousands a year to do nothing or the new east half of the Bay Bridge where it is taking us Billions of Dollars and 20 YEARS to build HALF a bridge that we built for Millions of dollars in only 40 MONTHS 70 years ago...
The problems with CA schools has nothing to do with the "schools" and everything to do with the "parents" and the "kids". I have no doubt that if my nephews went to school with SF Woman's kids in a metal building and the teacher was a 20 year old girl with an AA degree from City College the kids would all do fine. I'm also sure that if we spent $250K per kid per year for a team of experts to work with every student in West Oakland things would not get much better...
newsfreak Says:
> I am all for equitable property and income taxes,
> but only think the poor elderly should get a break
> on taxes. The rich elderly need no help just because
> they are over 62.
Then The_Scum Says:
> Why give anyone a break newsfreak? I prefer
> everyone is treated the same.
The plan I would like to see would use the basics of Prop 13 to slow the increase in taxes but would be fair “and†would protect poor people from taxes making them move.
Under my tax plan we would take current amount due for each city under the Prop 13 assessment guidelines and divide the number by the total square footage in the city and make everyone pay their “fair†share. To protect people with low incomes we would allow them to appeal if the tax was above a certain percentage of their income and “defer†(not waive) the tax that would be paid to the state in escrow when the home sold…
I am against all forms of demonstrably regressive taxation. Taxes always cause unintended consequences, create institutionalized inequities, and market frictions.
Taxes are, however, necessary to fund appropriate government expenditures and capital infrastructure/defense investments.
For this reason I favor first and foremost a pure system of consumption taxation with the elimination of all property, transfer and income taxes. The huge gov't apparatus which worries about directing societal goals can still busy itself figuring out what rates to apply to which categories of goods. However, this would automatically constrain government's ability to play social architect with tax policy. The best they could do is exempt "necessary" goods from all taxes and heavily tax "luxury" goods, etc. People would, in this system, have the ultimate power to determine how much in taxes they pay by making discriminatory purchase decisions.
A flat income tax would be a possible second-best choice. But, this gets more complicated because it is regressive unless it exempts all income below a "certain" amount. This gives the gov't a lot more wiggle room to play god and screw things up.
I would also propose that all consumption taxation is state-determined, with no direct federal taxing power at all. Then, the federal gov't should levy proportionate budget fees to states on an objectifiable, transparent cost per population basis. This way states can tax at whatever rates they need to fund themselves and pay their way within the Union. No more states subsidizing other states problem. And, if one state is too expensive, and a lot of people move to another state, then that state will have to do something to pay its proportionate increased "footprint", thereby keeping everything fair and balanced.
Oh, but there'd be a lot of unhappy lobbyists and politicians in both parties because they'd have to spend their time governing and quit running around promising tax giveaways and fostering class-warfare campaigns.
> This just in on telly: apparently the infant mortality
rate in Cuba is now lower than the US. Similarly,
The US (and some other countries) are well known to have starkly bimodal distributions when it comes to things like life expectancy, infant mortality, education performance, etc.
These averages are pretty useless when making country-to-country comparisons unless they are segmented and further corrected for population size. Comparing Cuba to Chicago may be valid; comparing it to the US is statistically irrelevant.
A better comparison is by some segmentation measure like adjusted GDP per capita deciles. With this measure one finds that the top 20% of the US population outperforms nearly every other country on nearly every measured metric. Then comparing the bottom deciles shows comparable performance to other poor countries, with some places like Cuba sticking out as examples of outperforming the lower deciles of US population.
So, all you're saying is that the poor in Cuba (which is an irrelevant measure since almost everyone is evenly distributed in Cuba) perform slightly better than the poor in the US. And all you're saying about the US is that it is very big.
"A better comparison is by some segmentation measure like adjusted GDP per capita deciles. With this measure one finds that the top 20% of the US population outperforms nearly every other country on nearly every measured metric. Then comparing the bottom deciles shows comparable performance to other poor countries, with some places like Cuba sticking out as examples of outperforming the lower deciles of US population."
I've often thought this to be the case, but I'd love to see some data to back it up. Do you have any sources with reference to infant mortality or similar?
To those concerned with waste and fraud in a Norcal native now living in Boston, I find it to be much worse here. Many have probably heard of the cost overruns on the Big Dig (billions of dollars). Not to mention cops with six-figure salary overtime "monitoring" construction sites and the like...
Don't get me wrong, I love Boston, its history, the seasons, the way people actually celebrate holidays here, unlike back home. But unless El Camino Real has fallen into major disrepair since I've been gone...well, let's just say you actually DO need an SUV to navigate the foot deep potholes on Mass Ave or Storrow drive. Although my wife and I don't have a car but instead take the T and bicycle, which is a huge plus.
On the healthcare issue you may be right. But when it comes to education, the competition to buy a house in the "right" school district makes me think a lot of people here find many districts inadequate. That and the fact that huge numbers of people go to private schools, starting with preschool right up through high school.
Also...those 360k median houses...well let's just say they're very old, very small, and many miles from the city. So while Boston is wonderful to live in downtown, I will take California's suburbs over Boston's suburbs any day. When we have kids I plan to move back. Or maybe move to one of Nomad's favored states. Huge numbers of Bostonians are moving to North Carolina and the like.
On another topic, my dad is a builder in Mendocino county. I'm trying to convince him to sell a few of his rental units before their value tanks. Any thoughts as to how many months before California follows Boston (we've seen 10% declines in prices since August 2005).
The only reference I could find with my Google Desktop search for my hard drives:
Rachel Sullivan,"Distribution of the Age at First Birth Among U.S. Women, Race and Infant Mortality 1984-1993: An Analysis of a Bimodal Pattern."
It is widely accepted that just about every "quality of life" metric in the US is bimodally distributed, whether by race, gender, socioeconomic strata, or education level. Only gender has tended towards a more normal distribution over the years, and it is still bimodal primarily due to correlations between gender and poverty (women more likely to be in poverty than men and less likely to be incarcerated than men...incarcerated men not counted as in poverty, etc.).
Boston Transplant,
Many of the firms I do business are on State Street in Boston so I get a lot of "dope" from the younger "wholesalers" there. They were telling me the "Big Dig" was awash in corruption? Sounded to me like one of those deals where everybody was "sleeping in the same bed". I believe when comparing New England to CA (or anywhere else for that matter) that folks there are so accustomed to paying taxes every time they turn around I fear many don't give it a second thought. I've heard water and sewer bills can run upwards of 5K per year! Ouch.
Absolutely not!! They are much too high.
Here is some interesing data:
CA clearly has the highest effective state income tax rates of any state in the Nation. (CA’s highest marginal rate kicks in around $43,000; the slighlty higher marginal rates of a few other states generally don’t kick in until >$200k.)
Several states — among them TX, NH, NV & SD — have no state income tax at all!
CA clearly has the highest effective state income tax rates of any state in the Nation. (CA’s highest marginal rate kicks in around $43,000; the slighlty higher marginal rates of a few other states generally don’t kick in until >$200k.)
Several states — among them TX, NH, NV & SD — have no state income tax at all!
CA also has the among the highest state and local sales taxes of any state in the Nation (only a couple of states have higher rates):
I cannot find a free comparison of the 50 states’ property tax rates, but here is some data on per capita property tax revenue per state. California ranks quite high — 14th. Prop. 13 has skewed the distribution of property tax revenue collection, but the actual amount collected is still well above average:
Data on excise taxes is not as accessable, but in general, from gasoline to cigarettes, CA’s taxes are very, very high compared to those of other states.
I don’t think there is any way to claim that CA’s taxes are too low. The evidence that they are too high is pretty strong.
I know that a lot of people are wondering how this can be possible, given the obvious decline of the CA system over the years. I believe there are three reasons:
1. Exodus of the middle class/influx of illegal aliens. I think everyone here would agree that a middle class school with a tax base that provides $5,000 per pupil will nonetheless perform better than one serving a trailer park with per pupil funding of $10,000. A lot of the decline of CA can be explained by the fact that the middle class is leaving and being replaced by desperately poor immigrants from a Third World country.
2. CA government is of high quality. Although I am as far right as they come, I have to admit that the quality of CA government services is generally quite high. Our legal system is the envy of the rest of the country, and the police, DMV, state parks, etc. just plain work better than those in other states. This costs money. Sadly, overcrowding and the exodus of the middle class is causing the quality of services delivered to decline. People born and raised here have seen the decline with their own eyes.
3. Failure to plan for growth. The last two causes of CA’s decline are fairly apolitical. This one is purely political, but it is not ideological. CA has been a boom state forever, but the politicians have simply failed to adequately plan for future growth. On a personal note, I don’t care HOW they plan for growth — the liberals can build subways, the conservatives can have private companies build toll roads, whatever — I just want the politicians to do SOMETHING. But they haven’t, and the results have been disastrous.
But I don’t think that raising taxes is the answer, not hardly. This will cause what remains of the middle class to leave even faster, and eventually others will leave too.
Here, let me see if I can fill in the blanks...
surfer-x Says:
Housing is not EXPENSIVE, I have a friend in STOCKTON that just RAPED THE LAST SELLER OF his house for FRICKEN' 150K BELOW asking. I told you JBRs that housing will go UP FOR EVER AND EVER, JUST LIKE THE FLIPPEN' WIZARD OF OZ DUDE!
The property tax situation is more complicated in CA. In most states, property tax revenues directly fund local schools, i.e. everyone who lives within the boundaries of School District 123 pays for the two high schools, six middle schools, and 12 elementary schools operated by School District 123.
Some years ago the CA legislature decided that this was an unfair way to fund schools, becuase it caused students in lower-income districts to attend schools that aren't as well-funded as those in wealthy districts. So here, all property tax revenues go directly to the state, who then redistributes them to schools on the basis of need. This leads to the perverse result of schools getting less money as the quality of the education they deliver increases.
(Incidentally, while this was a good-hearted proposal and well worth a try, from what I can see -- and I have not studied this at all, I could be wrong, it is a seat-of-the-pants assessment -- it hasn't made any difference at all in school quality. Schools in the ghetto still perform poorly, those in rich neighborhoods still perform well. The policy may make a difference at the margins, but I don't know.
Anyway, this complicates things somewhat. I am not sure excatly what this means re: the state-by-state comparison, just that it makes it more difficult.
The data is Tax Burden, not Tax Rates. You can read how they do the computations, gather the data, and describe the limitations of the data. It is merely meant as a paring of the data which is comparable state-to-state so that relative comparisons are apples to apples.
The burden is the total percentage loss to the taxpayer, not the total taxes paid. When you pay taxes you don't lose 100% of what you pay. Some of it comes back to you in the form of services which you don't otherwise have to pay for. For example, if your tax pays for a road, then you may not have to pay a toll on that road, so you don't lose 100% of that tax.
The burden is the total percentage loss to the taxpayer, not the total taxes paid. When you pay taxes you don’t lose 100% of what you pay. Some of it comes back to you in the form of services which you don’t otherwise have to pay for. For example, if your tax pays for a road, then you may not have to pay a toll on that road, so you don’t lose 100% of that tax.
Hmmm... I wonder if that study counts free healthcare, education, food stamps and Section-8 housing for illegals --pardon me-- "guest workers" and "Reconquista" dollar re-patriation to Mexico & Central America as a "service" that I'm supposedly "benefitting" from. If it is, then I'm guessing my true CA tax burden is *much* higher than 10.9%.
@Robert Coté,
Please check your Adelphia inbox. You''l find an invite to the SoCal blog party from me. If I remember correctly, you live very close to Mr. X, possibly Ventura County(?). We'd love to see you there next Sunday.
Everyone is getting hung up on the absolute numbers from the URL I posted. It's not about the absolute numbers, but about the difference between relative comparisons that matters. The numbers are very low because they are measuring burden, not rate. Burden is the amount one pays in taxes from which they do not themselves benefit. It is a proxy for gov't efficiency, in a way. A state can have a very low absolute tax rate but a very high tax burden. The point of the study was to show that high absolute tax states usually (but not always) also have a high level of services thus lowering the tax burden to the typical tax payer.
I am categorically against all forms of income, property, and transfer taxation. But, I also think that the state-to-state comparisons that people throw out require a bit of objective analysis. It's not so straight forward as comparing rates.
To me the biggest problem with California's tax system is it's income tax. It seems to me that just about everyone I know pays a minumum of 1/3rd their annual pay to income taxes. This is huge. On the other hand, as mentioned by many others, people who've been living in the same house for 20 years pay 10 times less in taxes than their neighbors. I too believe that income tax needs to be flexibly adjusted per house every 2-3 years of appraisal. This will cause a number of obvious problems to be fixed. For one, it will reverse the status quo of hoping for the highest value possible. The higher the value, the higher the taxes. Less value equals more affordability.
In states like TX, they took this step one further by mandating a 3% tax on all real estate. This alone assures that their RE stays below a certain level. As you can see, only the immediate epicenter of every TX city has somewhat higher prices. TN has no income tax either, but this is made up with a fairly high consumer goods tax on everything. I like this system too because at least you have a choice on what you can pay taxes on since only the goods you voluntarily buy are the items you will be taxed on. On the other hand, people there complain about the lack of public funds, even though the school system is actually better there than in California.
Lastly, I highly doubt that any changes will be made to proposition 13 as long as the percentage of ownership is still in the owner's favor. Right now it is 59%, which while still the lowest in the country still gives the owners majority rule. This may change in the next few years.
Oh... by the way.. I couldn't resist. This weekend I was taking a break and eating lunch in front of the TV. It was Saturday afternoon when nothing worth watching is on. There was this 30 minute infomercial. The stars of the show were 2 twin brother midgets. They were both spouting on and on about the wonders of being able to gain financial independence via real estate investment. At first I thought that perhaps this was a publicity stunt and that someone had hired midgets to put on this act. But the longer I watched, the more I realized that they were the founders of this $10 class. As the show went on, here comes a whole slew of "sucessful" couples who had stories to tell. One couple had bought a house from an old lady who was moving into a retirement community( pretty sad) and flipped it 2 weeks later for a handsome 30K profit. Another couple bought a home for 65k, sold it for 100k 6 weeks later. One gal was a former bank teller, and as she put it- " had no professional experience whatsoevr" yet made around 45k on her "investment". Over and over, the hosts explained that RE was stable, easy, and required no license or experience. It was simply a matter of buying homes from the right people. " Think about it- one of them said." There are probably all kinds of people in your neighborhood that want to sell their house. Retirees who want a smaller home, foreclosures, old rentals, etc etc." It was as if there were simply houses just laying around with people eager to sell them to you so you could make some slick, easy cash.
The hosts were geniuses because hey- they're midgets and naturally people are curious about them. So when they talk about flipping houses, naturally people are want to listen. I almost peed in my pants watching this thing.
whoops- I meant property taxes need to be adjusted every 2-3 years in my statement in the tax reply above.
I wouldn't have imagined they did. That said, it doesn't seem real fair to tax people that invest on their own accord. There are many incentives to starting up your own business, which in some ways is similiar to making investments as they both are geared towards financial independence.
I can recall one extreme case of taxation with a friend I had years ago in college. His father made so much money that it was cheaper to simply give each of his kids a 120k allowance a year rather than pay the taxes on it. His kids were basically used as tools to unload cash gifts to lower his taxes slightly. When his son got married, he bought them a large brownstone house in the smack middle of Brooklyn. Amazing, but I suppose if one makes enormous amounts of money, there are ways to avoid some taxes.
Now I must admit I haven't seen this "infomercial" and while I don't have any thing against midgets, this just sounds crazy! I've always referred to this as the "Low Hanging Fruit" pitch. It's just there for the taking. "Low hanging fruit" is available 24/7 on cable TV.
I wouldn't characterize your friend as "basically used as tools to unload cash gifts", the father would always receive more with taxed income than zero income by giving the money away as gifts and donations. However, he derives increased enjoyment from giving them money compared to keeping the paltry $120Ks to himself.
It is good tax planning to fund lifetime gifts and funnel income via dummy corporations (though the latter is technically illegal).
The problem with the scheme is that it often breeds lazy kids because they know they have an expectancy. On the other hand, some kids actually go out and take risky but more interesting career paths because they have a fall back cushion. I guess it all depends.
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