RE Roadkill

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2005 Aug 2, 3:21am   15,698 views  151 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

At hymie's request:

"So much of the current economy has been dependent on this bubble. So many construction jobs, interior design etc. related to HELOCS, consumer spending in general. I truly believe that the as interest rates rise and the money available dries up, it is really going to saturate the market. When rates adjust, all payments go up. As a result, consumer spending decreases. This is not good for the business climate, but definitely necessary. I think that when consumer spending/confidence shifts, it will have a direct impact on the economy. Perhaps just a matter of time. How many people know friends whose jobs are dependend on the curent housing market? I just went to a Dodger game with a guy whose entire life depends on putting in granite countertops. I honestly would hate to be him in two years. He thinks that the FED should keep the interest rates low no matter what. I don’t get it. Does anyone believe that the current market is codependent on these sorts of things? Once again, we are not PRODUCING!!!"

Housing currently accounts for only 13% of California's overall economy: tinyurl.com/a64pl.
However, it accounts for HALF of all private sector jobs created in the past two years:
"...of the 243,000 private payroll jobs added in the state in the past two years, 122,000 can be directly tied to the housing market, according to UCLA Anderson. “In short, a sector of the economy that makes up 10 percent of total private sector jobs is accounting for 70 percent of the total job gains.” tinyurl.com/dereu

Does this mean when housing prices (and building activity) declines, a recession in CA is unavoidable? Obviously some jobs are more vulnerable to RE than others, but a downturn will no doubt affect us all to some degree. How do you think your job or company will weather the storm? Are there any "housing bubble-proof" jobs? Discuss...


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30   plymster   2005 Aug 2, 8:58am  

As far as jobs go, I would guess that state/local government jobs (ie: anything tied to property taxes, such as education) will be hard hit once property values go down. Companies are already beginning to shed workers (Auto makers, HP, Western Wireless), so I'd say that the next bump in the road is beginning even before the RE industry casts off half it's workforce. I would bet that health care will continue to boom while the boomers crawl into peak health-care age

Additionally, alternative energy careers will probably boom in the next 10 years given the increased demand for energy coupled with the decreased availability of oil. EscapeFromDC's page, while pretty doomsdayish, is convincing about the value of that commodity in coming years. For that matter, taking a page from him, I'd bet that the defense industry will continue to be a profitmaker until some alternative energy is developed sufficiently.

Oil as a commodity would probably be a good investment in the near term. Alternative energy, while a more important investment vehicle, will probably never recoup its investment, due to the nature of utilities investments, which never seem to make the sort of money that luxury/sin investments do.

31   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 9:04am  

If you happen to be in the RE/Mortgage/Banking game…I hope you're good with a wrench.

LOL. Well, many of these johnny-come-latelys are landlords, right? Oh, wait, I forgot --they're mainly absentee landlords paying other people to do the maintenance for them. Too bad... :-(

Gee, I'm sorry... is my schadenfreude showing through? Gosh, I hope it doesn't have anything to do with all the arrogant bragging and "investment advice" I've been forced to swallow from swaggering trolls over the last few years...

32   Peter P   2005 Aug 2, 9:10am  

Additionally, alternative energy careers will probably boom in the next 10 years given the increased demand for energy coupled with the decreased availability of oil.

I do not have much faith in alternative energy because the industry still lacks politcal power. I believe any future energy crisis will be "resolved" using political or military means.

Sadly, oil will remain king until unbearable pain is felt and damage is done.

33   Peter P   2005 Aug 2, 9:33am  


34   Peter P   2005 Aug 2, 10:06am  

History always repeat itself.

35   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 10:28am  

Dipanjan, I am humbled.

36   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 10:33am  

History always repeat itself.

Agreed - speculative nimrods are rarely capable of learning from their past mistakes (the current RE bubble being spawned from the tech bubble is a "prime" example). And even if they could, today's herd will always be followed by a new generation of little nimrods, who have no personal experience of the last cycle and therefore no fear. Greed, however, is a constant.

37   Peter P   2005 Aug 2, 10:35am  

Moreover, HARM, there are so many new paradigms, which are different every time. :)

38   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 10:38am  

@hymie - Just a suggestion, but I'd recommend using tinyurl.com to cut down on URL length.

39   Peter P   2005 Aug 2, 10:57am  

All 309 passengers survived plan crash in Toronto today. Thank God.

Miracles do happen in crashes.

40   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 12:13pm  


I'd love to know what each bank's actual exposure is to MBS holdings and derivatives. The MBS/GSE's connection to loose lending was actually the subject of a previous thread: "Too Big to Fail?". I know they've managed to offload quite a large % of it (half or more by some estimates), but I have yet to find anything that gives you an actual breakdown by bank/lending institution. Maybe that's because they'd rather not have us know. ;-)

41   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 12:15pm  

Ugghhh... guess who's back?

42   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 12:16pm  

Ok, how many of you would like to see me silence the Sauce until he learns how to use TinuyUrl?

43   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 12:25pm  

MP, I'm not interested in censorship. How lazy can you be, man?? You've been posting here for what, 3 weeks now?

44   Jimbo   2005 Aug 2, 12:27pm  

MP, how do you know what it closed for?

I don't think we should censor MP. Every class needs its clown.

45   newattorney   2005 Aug 2, 12:29pm  

MarinaPrime Says:

August 2nd, 2005 at 7:09 pm
Further Evidence Housing is Still SUPER STRONG.

I just saw this 2b/1bath Cow Hollow top floor condo two sunday’s ago. It had THREE PRE-EMPTIVE OFFERS! It just closed yesterday for $305,000 OVER its $895,000 asking price!

Well FU, a-hole. You been spewing your crap on Ben's board as well. Are you a drone?

46   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 12:35pm  

@HousingBubble Troll,

Calm, please - I know MP's extremely annoying but he hasn't been abusive (yet).

47   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 12:40pm  

Gotta step out for a bit -- behave everyone ;-)

48   praetorian   2005 Aug 2, 1:25pm  


MP is spamming all the housing bubble boards with the same posts.

Really, the picture is getting pretty clear. And it is... how do you say... amusing.

In other news: has anyone else noticed that Las Vegas is in the unhappy situation of having Mordor located directly to the west of it? One wonders how land prices will hold up when the Goblins start rolling in...


49   SQT15   2005 Aug 2, 1:26pm  

You know, I've been one of the most "vocal" about getting rid of MP. But if Primetroll keeps writing poetry, it's worth it to let him stay.

50   praetorian   2005 Aug 2, 1:38pm  

"What could that rent for? 2k? Maybe 2.2k?"

Interestingly, I lived in a two bedroom victorian flat with my wife not a block from this listing two years ago. Our rent was $1850.

It is a lovely neighborhood. Practically pacific heights (in fact, some maps have pacific heights starting at Union st.), nothing like the uncouth flatlanders a bit lower down the hill...



51   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 2:03pm  

Someone's been impersonating the Sauce --those last posts were fakes.

52   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 2:12pm  

Sauce is bad enough by himself, but FAKE Sauce...??

53   praetorian   2005 Aug 2, 2:28pm  

Very gentlemanly of you HARM.

_hat tip_


54   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 2:47pm  

thanks, Prat.

primetroll, you've brought tears to my eyes *sniff*. Such a sublime ode to a sub-prime toad...

55   praetorian   2005 Aug 2, 2:58pm  

_madonna voice_: Don't cry for us Mah-ah-ah-rina.... The truth is we never cared for you, All through our wild days, our mad existence, we (sort of) kept our promise... Don't feed the trolls.


56   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 3:01pm  

Sauce, we're *still* waiting for you to answer Josh's challenge from the last thread (see "Boomers & the Bubble") to actually show us that $1.2 million Marina mansion you're supposedly living in. Don't you want to prove to us "sad" losers once and for all that you're not really a 13-year-old impersonating a $400k/year grownup bigshot?

57   Jimbo   2005 Aug 2, 3:49pm  

Thought you guys would appreciate this link:


(do I need to put brackets around that? I guess I will find out in a second...)

58   SQT15   2005 Aug 2, 4:10pm  

No one believes that someone who has the time to troll at least 3 blogs (that we know about) has a full time job. I know I get repetitive, but c’mon. He/she lives w/mom, not in a prime location, using us as a real life video game. We know this. Anymore I tolerate the troll just to get more posts from Primetroll. I am in awe.

59   HARM   2005 Aug 2, 4:11pm  

Don’t worry, we (semi)regulars are just having a bit of fun troll baiting. We can’t be gloomy and serious all the time, can we? “)

True. Where would we be without primetroll's (and TWIT's) Sauce-inspired poetry? And let's not forget we have Sauce to thank for that hilarious NYTimes post in the last thread.

Sure, he usually trite, arrogant and annoying, but once in a while he's good for a bit of fun.

G'nite, all...

60   Peter P   2005 Aug 2, 4:42pm  

So, where were we? Sauce will prevail if we let him disrupt our discussion.

61   Peter P   2005 Aug 2, 4:44pm  

ptiemann, an inverted surfer-x would be waveboarder-y, his "evil" twin.

62   SQT15   2005 Aug 2, 4:47pm  

Peter P

So, where were we? Sauce will prevail if we let him disrupt our discussion

All one has to do is look at how much time has been wasted responding to his posts to see that is true; which is EXACTLY what he wants. Why are we wasting our time?

63   Peter P   2005 Aug 2, 4:52pm  

All one has to do is look at how much time has been wasted responding to his posts to see that is true; which is EXACTLY what he wants. Why are we wasting our time?

We should religiously ignore its posts and perform daily garbage collection. We should just condition our eyes to skip its comments.

64   SQT15   2005 Aug 2, 4:53pm  

We should religiously ignore its posts and perform daily garbage collection. We should just condition our eyes to skip its comments.

I agree.

65   Peter P   2005 Aug 2, 5:07pm  

Correct, and the seller has no obligation to sell to people who make full price or higher offers.

I thought the buyer agent can sue to get her cut of the would-be commission. Maybe I am wrong...

66   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 2, 5:20pm  

Hello All.
Have been lurking for quite a while and agree with a lot of the sentiments, both bulls and bears. I have been quite bearish on RE for a number of years now, and have been a RE invester in both residential and commercial in the past (currenlty out of RE). I purchased my first block of land paying 18% interest (current rates seem very low !).

I find it interesting to see the market dynamics of asset investors as they swing from bulls to bears and the effects of supply and demand.

Usually when an investor feels that have been very successful they become very bullish and cannot see changes coming. Likewise bears wait for the sky to fall and sometimes miss oppurtunities. (Better to be safe than sorry I believe.)

Anyway, saw a comment by somebody that likened the risk of RE price falling or rising as being 50%. These chances are becoming similar to a game of luck (and some people are very lucky, imagine finding a buyer with 1.2M cash. Hope is wasn't inheritance) Unfortunately with this ammount of risk and the sums involved, maybe alot of people should be reconsidering their investment strategy. Some people however, don't mind this level of risk and can afford to play with this level of commitment.

I believe one should invest with their head, not their hearts, as hearts can be sadly broken.

67   Peter P   2005 Aug 2, 5:25pm  

I believe one should invest with their head, not their hearts, as hearts can be sadly broken.

I think gut feel is probably more important. It is too easy to be fooled by over-rationalization too many times. I agree that hearts are completely useless in investments.

Anyway, saw a comment by somebody that likened the risk of RE price falling or rising as being 50%. These chances are becoming similar to a game of luck

It is a lot more than just probability... if I say that you have a 50% change of winning $5 and 50% change of losing $20, will you play the game?

68   Peter P   2005 Aug 2, 5:27pm  

Usually when an investor feels that have been very successful they become very bullish and cannot see changes coming. Likewise bears wait for the sky to fall and sometimes miss oppurtunities.

I totally agree. This gives a lot of insight into the psychology of bulls and bears.

69   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 2, 5:27pm  

It is a lot more than just probability… if I say that you have a 50% change of winning $5 and 50% change of losing $20, will you play the game?

Only if I can be the House....

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