Wisconsin Anti-Union Law blocked by judge

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2011 Mar 18, 4:47am   2,107 views  12 comments

by Vicente   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


Seems pretty clear-cut, the "Open Meetings Law" in Wisconsin is short & readable.
It explicitly says under possible exemptions allowing closed sessions:

(3) Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to authorize a governmental body to consider at a meeting in closed session the final ratification or approval of a collective bargaining agreement under subch. I, IV or V of ch. 111 which has been negotiated by such body or on its behalf.


I believe the GOP will end up having to hold another vote.

Comments 1 - 12 of 12        Search these comments

1   simchaland   2011 Mar 18, 6:45am  

Wow, isn't this what I was saying all along?

But no, the Conservatives and their Corporate Master Fascist Spin Doctors claimed differently.

2   simchaland   2011 Mar 18, 8:58am  

nastyorcjealousgreenmonster says

But I hope the judge is just logically impaired as those who think this was an illegal law…so the Reps can force the Dems to do this all over again.

Yes, of course, y'all only rail against judges when the rulings aren't in your favor. Your reading comprehension is abysmal. Perhaps you were "educated" in one of those states that don't allow teachers to collectively bargain. Let's quote from another thread:

"There are only 5 states in the country that do not have collective bargaining rights for teachers. Below are their ranking based on ACT/SAT performance:

44. Virginia

47. Texas

48. Georgia

49. North Carolina

50. South Carolina"

3   simchaland   2011 Mar 18, 10:01am  

nastyorcjealousgreenmonster says

Your reading comprehension is abysmal. Perhaps you were “educated” in one of those states that don’t allow teachers to collectively bargain.

Uhh…I am responding to Vincente’s post…which is about Wisconsin…not other states. And you say my reading comprehension is abysmal?
Don’t do crack and post on these forums at the same time, ok?

Now I'm starting to think that you don't read at all before you respond to a post.

I suggest you get tested for "learning differences" and act accordingly.

4   simchaland   2011 Mar 18, 10:15am  

nastyorcjealousgreenmonster says

What planet are you from? Really?
This is about Wisconsin and about their open meeting law, specifically. Re-read the post.
This has nothing to do with other states…or whether other states allow for collective bargaining…or about just teachers. Or whatever drugs you seem to be taking.
So, either you are just trolling or are completely whacked.

Wow, that's really sad. I guess you must have been "educated" in one of those states that don't allow their teachers to collectively bargain that are 44th, 47th, 48th, 49th, and 50th when it comes to ACT/SAT scores. Sorry I forced you to reveal that about yourself. It must be embarrassing.

Did they make you watch the Flintstones when they taught you about how the world was made?

5   simchaland   2011 Mar 18, 12:12pm  

And I quote from nastyorcjealousgreenmonster from its first post in this thread:

"No ‘collectivist’ bargaining agreement was ratified, for none was even on the table for discussion. None had been negotiated. This was a law that removed the union’s privilege of collectivist bargaining, not about a specific agreement that was arrived under collectivist bargaining."

Perhaps it's not even reading what it writes anymore.

6   simchaland   2011 Mar 18, 12:35pm  

Wow, you can't see that you brought up collective bargaining. It's not the states that comprise the subject of the last few sentences of my first post. I can't believe you need this explained to you. It's about the quality of education given by teachers who aren't able to bargain collectively. But then again perhaps you are incapable of comprehending. So forgive me if I've been insensitive of your disability. I'm afraid this forum doesn't allow me to draw pictograms to assist you in your comprehension. Perhaps this forum needs to become more accessible.

7   Patrick   2011 Mar 18, 1:45pm  

Ugh. C'mon.

8   terriDeaner   2011 Mar 18, 4:04pm  


The Gov. won the election and owns the state. He can have the unions picked up and dropped into Lake Michigan from helicopters if it amused him. Get used to it.

I think Tommy Bartlett might have some collective barganing rights on that action.

9   Clarence 13X   2011 Mar 18, 4:47pm  

shrekgrinch says

Of course utter BS is ‘pretty clear-cut’ to Vincente on this topic, it seems. Everybody, watch how I show how crappy reading comprehension skills are amongst most of you these days:

You should work on being tactful...I agree with you but the approach is off. Intent to message ratio my friend. I suppose your another IT guy on these threads.....reason being is that most IT guys are rude like the guy on SNL. Move!!!!!!!!! Let me sit down and fix your computer!

10   anonymous   2011 Mar 19, 8:58am  

If I were a girl, I would have given to the author for such a post.

11   Patrick   2011 Mar 20, 11:14am  

Nomograph says

You also think that

Please don't tell the users what they think. Unless they already said "I think that ..."

12   Patrick   2011 Mar 20, 11:27am  

shrekgrinch says

Ugh. C’mon.

Is your exasperation towards Me, Simcha or both, Patrick? :)

It's the futility of trying to get everyone to argue ideas rather than attack each other personally.

It's clearly much more fun to attack people personally. Should I just give up?

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