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What should the ideal percentage of overnership be, though...Some would have you believe that the higher the better (up to nearly 100%). I believe some are just not ready to own and yet others never will be. Again what is the ideal ownership level...perhaps 65%?
For a country that is pushing ownership we sure have done exact opposite politically, made it too expensive for most folks to own.
Way to go usa.
1965 is considered as the year after the baby boom ended.
2011 is the year the first baby boomers are 65.
The article didn't mention about it.
Maybe the Housing Bubble not from Bush-Greenspan loose money, maybe it was several decades long and was more about the demographics than it was about anything else. If that's the case, (I suspect at least partly it is), there's more going on with (lack of) housing demand than what can be "fixed" with "programs" or even prices.
Time to open the floodgates to immigration.
The banks own them, and the government then paid or rewarded the banks to take them away from you, I guess it's always been this way.
I think they mean loan-ownership. Shit they don't even know what they mean!! I love America! when you really owe you can say you own. and know one ( except me) will ever correct you.
debt is slavery.
>The banks own them...
Isn't that true. What is the bank ownership rate?
@Katy Perry
>I think they mean loan-ownership.
Certainly they include this in "home ownership" or else it would be a far lower %!
Wow a year out of date...time to update, but I imagine that it has dropped.
Wow a year out of date...time to update, but I imagine that it has dropped.
I believe the norm is around 62-64% of homeownership if my memory serves me correct.
The article indicates that the percentage of homeownership is 59.2% once we factored in the deliquency rate. This is not entirely correct. For every one person that loses his home, there's another person becoming a homeowner.
If I have to guess, I believe the percentage of homeownership is around 64% now.
The other big question is what is the bank ownership rate...
Our next generations only need an internet connection. They can simply live with their mothers plug-in to the (anti-)social network. They do not need their own homes.
there's more going on with (lack of) housing demand than what can be "fixed" with "programs" or even prices.
good observation....
Just sending the "rent" payment to a different landlord....
Precisely. Loan interest = rent paid on borrowed money.
When getting a place to live, there are two options:
1) borrow a place to live (i.e. rent)
2) borrow money to "buy" a place to live (i.e. take out a mortgage)
Just do whichever option is cheaper. You want to minimize the "money down the drain."
Unless you have enough cash to buy a place outright, of course.
Time to open the floodgates to immigration.
there is a legal process in place for that. foreign citizens who want to renounce their 'mother country' can apply accordingly at the nearby US embassy.
Illegal foreign citizens who are in the USA are still under the jurisdiction of the foreign nation. They are not eligible for entry.
Overall, we dont need more immigration for the sake of occupying more homes. Our population can decline and stabilize accordingly to a comfortable level.
We dont need or want more government program created financial bubbles in the future.
Before my time...