KSFO bay area real estate propaganda

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2012 Mar 31, 7:09am   9,286 views  19 comments

by SJ   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

The talk radio shows in bay area and also southern california must be owned by the NAR since they push pro-realtor views and talk shows saying its better to rent money to be a debt slave to buy overpriced real estate.


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1   rootvg   2012 Mar 31, 1:12pm  

You notice of course that Gil Gross NEVER uses his name (and never allows anyone else to) when he does Real Estate Today. I noticed it right away.

I think he's ashamed of having to do a show on KSFO. One would assume Lew Dickey puts up with it because of the NAR sponsorship.

2   rootvg   2012 Mar 31, 2:16pm  

Nomograph says

So why do you listen to it? AM talk radio is for gullible fools.

You like to point fingers, don't you?

As I keep telling you, my wife and I have done fairly well with the values we brought from the Rust Belt...possibly better than yourself although I'll never know that for sure because you'll never tell me.

3   lurking   2012 Mar 31, 2:20pm  

rootvg says

You notice of course that Gil Gross NEVER uses his name (and never allows anyone else to) when he does Real Estate Today. I noticed it right away.
I think he's ashamed of having to do a show on KSFO. One would assume Lew Dickey puts up with it because of the NAR sponsorship.

It's not a KSFO show, Gil Gross has done this real estate infomercial for three years so he must not be too ashamed of it. It's a syndicated infomercial paid for by NAR called Real Estate Today. It's played all around the country on 100 stations as well as KABC L.A., Dallas, NYC, etc. It's even on XM satellite Radio every week. I've heard him say his name many times and he says it at the beginning of every show. Even the weekly regulars on the show like Pamela Guerds Kabati from HouseLogic.com calls him "Gil" every week.

4   rootvg   2012 Mar 31, 2:22pm  

lurking says

rootvg says

You notice of course that Gil Gross NEVER uses his name (and never allows anyone else to) when he does Real Estate Today. I noticed it right away.

I think he's ashamed of having to do a show on KSFO. One would assume Lew Dickey puts up with it because of the NAR sponsorship.

It's not a KSFO show, Gil Gross has done this real estate infomercial for three years so he must not be too ashamed of it. It's a syndicated infomercial paid for by NAR called Real Estate Today. It's played all around the country as well as KABC LA. It's even on XM satellite Radio every week. I've heard him say his name many times and even the regulars on the show like Pamela Gertz from House Logice that's on every week calls him "Gil"

I've never heard him use his name on that show, not once.

He's doing the show because it pays the bills.

5   lurking   2012 Mar 31, 2:38pm  

rootvg says

I've never heard him use his name on that show, not once.

You have a habit of giving misleading information her on pat.net on many subjects and this is just another glaring example. You must not be a very good listener because he says his name at the beginning of every show and has done so for three years now. Put your listening ears on and go to the KSFO archive link for today and click on his 1-2 show and right after the news he introduces the infomercial, says it's sponsored by NAR and plainly says his name. http://www.ksfo.com/Article.asp?id=534876

6   rootvg   2012 Mar 31, 2:42pm  

lurking says

rootvg says

I've never heard him use his name on that show, not once.

You have a habit of giving misleading information her on pat.net on many subjects and this is just another glaring example. You must not be a very good listener because he says his name at the beginning of every show and has done so for three years now. Put you listening ears on and go to the KSFO archive link for today and click on his 1-3 show and right after the news he introduces the infomercial, says it's sponsored by NAR and plainly says his name. http://www.ksfo.com/Article.asp?id=534876

I have a habit of saying whatever the hell I want. If you're gonna post here, you'd better get used to it.

I've never heard him say his name on that show. That might be due to the fact that I don't listen to it very often.

7   lurking   2012 Mar 31, 2:44pm  

rootvg says

I have a habit of saying whatever the hell I want. If you're gonna post here, you'd better get used to it.

You said it. That's why no takes anything you say seriously, you don't know much and make up the rest. Off to the "ignore" list you go. You waste too much time with your bigotry, ignorance and misinformation.

8   rootvg   2012 Mar 31, 2:51pm  

lurking says

rootvg says

I have a habit of saying whatever the hell I want. If you're gonna post here, you'd better get used to it.

You said it. That's why no takes anything you say seriously, you don't know much and make up the rest.

For a guy who supposedly doesn't know much, I make fairly good money at a job I like without a lot of debt, have some expensive hobbies and a reasonably good life. I don't have to live next to filth, trash, faggots, dirt, emotionally unstable personalities that for whatever reason California seems to attract by the bushel full, people with axes to grind, etc.

I'm also apparently intelligent enough to make sure my wife and I stay away from that. Are you?

9   SJ   2012 Mar 31, 3:28pm  

Kids can we just all get along?

Well it is not just KSFO but ALL the California AM radio stations have NAR and CAR bribe payments to have the pro-realtor shows. I only listen to AM radio for background noise and do not consider myself gullible or foolish. Some shows are actually half way decent and interesting like Coast to Coast AM late at night.

10   rootvg   2012 Mar 31, 3:38pm  

SJ says

Kids can we just all get along?

Well it is not just KSFO but ALL the California AM radio stations have NAR and CAR bribe payments to have the pro-realtor shows. I only listen to AM radio for background noise and do not consider myself gullible or foolish. Some shows are actually half way decent and interesting like Coast to Coast AM late at night.

I keep KGO or KSFO on most of the day for background, and Gil was occasionally there. He has a very polished broadcast voice which explains why he's been in the business for so long.

I can't do Coast to Coast. It's too "out there" for me with the exception of when George has Catherine Austin Fitts on. There was also a night where he had on a journalist that was in the room when David Rockefeller offered Bill Clinton the White House in return for his guaranteeing the passage of NAFTA. I wish I had a copy of that.

11   SJ   2012 Apr 1, 2:35am  

Coast to Coast was a lot better years ago when Art Bell was the host since his smoky voice was relaxing more so than George "Sushi Boy" Noory. Good way to help me fall asleep. Of course now that stupid Bob the Gardner guy is on Sundays and the dumb house show on Saturdays.

12   edvard2   2012 Apr 1, 3:56am  

rootvg says

As I keep telling you, my wife and I have done fairly well with the values we brought from the Rust Belt...possibly better than yourself although I'll never know that for sure because you'll never tell me.

What is this supposed to mean?

13   B.A.C.A.H.   2012 Apr 1, 4:22am  

rootvg says

values we brought from the Rust Belt...possibly better than yourself

rootvg says

I don't have to live next to filth, trash, faggots,

root, how about putting a sign on your front yard in Danville sharing with all of your neighbors, including the gay ones, about your Rust Belt Values?

14   MAGA   2012 Apr 1, 4:42am  

We have this same crap on WOAI. These so called Real Estate guru's telling their lies on the air.

15   B.A.C.A.H.   2012 Apr 1, 5:28am  

Professor? Are you sure? rootvg has boasted about being from those places, so he ought to know.

16   rootvg   2012 Apr 1, 11:59am  

Nomograph says

I know lots of folks from the Midwest and I've never heard any of them refer to gays as subhuman.

That's more a white trash thing.

I don't care what you call it.

I'm still here and still saying whatever the hell I want...and that's obviously bothering the hell out of you.

17   B.A.C.A.H.   2012 Apr 1, 1:37pm  

Hey root,
how come you won't go public with your opinions about your fellow Californians? (that'd be, including those who are Cisco employees).

18   rufita11   2012 Apr 1, 1:42pm  

SJ says

Coast to Coast was a lot better years ago when Art Bell was the host since his smoky voice was relaxing more so than George "Sushi Boy" Noory. Good way to help me fall asleep. Of course now that stupid Bob the Gardner guy is on Sundays and the dumb house show on Saturdays.

Hve you ever heard Phil Hendrie do Art Bell (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKiixZl4NJA)? He has a whole fake biz (Peenman Enterprises) selling things that C2C listeners may find useful--well worth a listen.

19   SJ   2012 Apr 1, 3:05pm  

@rufita11- yeah Phil is hilarious- he has a gift for voices. I catch his podcasts as he is quite entertaining and able to fool callers with his characters.

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