Go to Chick-Fil-A you hypocrites.

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2012 Aug 1, 5:38pm   62,038 views  162 comments

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75   Cheeseus Sonofdog   2012 Aug 2, 11:29am  

Traditional marriage is state discrimination. The entitlements, tax breaks and other goodies make it discrimination when you don't give the same to others. I am unmarried and hope gays are allowed to marry. Then society will question why government gives these goodies for simply being married. Society will end all of the goodies. Then the unmarried will no longer be discriminated against. Make it all a simple civil incorporation that any consenting adults can enter. be they straight, gay, siblings or a group of eight. Just don't use my tax money to support their spouse.

As for Chick-Fil-A, this is only an outcry because we no longer consider liberty worthy. Discrimination IS liberty. It's when I as an individual get to choose. Tyranny is when government forces its sole choice on you. We no longer allow individuals to choose who they let inside their private business. Why they hire. Why they can fire. These are choices that an individual should be able to make. Let his consumers support his views or put him out of business. As long as government is not the one doing the discrimination, it should be allowed, no matter how ignorant or offending. As long as Chick-Fil-A doesn't go into a gay nightclub and choke them by shoving sandwiches down their throats, they should have the right to any opinion they please. You have the right to refuse to shop there.

76   Zeke1964   2012 Aug 2, 11:30am  

It's hard to believe that the people of our great country have become so divided and many so bitter and full of hatred.

77   Danaseb   2012 Aug 2, 12:06pm  

Well people are entitled to their opinions, but if it interferes with others peoples ability to live their lives; people have even more right to hate on them. Boycotts are not the same as legal prohibition, and thats what this business leader was advocating and enacting through funding political will.

Also telling someone what kind of person they are for what they say is not the same level of toe stepping as funding oppressive legislation. No one was trying to file a gag order on him, they just wanted to boycott his business the same way the far right boycotts anything that rubs them the wrong way.

78   pdh   2012 Aug 2, 12:18pm  

People are still peddling the "traditional marriage" thing? The "I support straight marriage because penis + vagina = baby" is a new one to me, but at least it's based in some sort of reality.

79   The Original Bankster   2012 Aug 2, 12:41pm  

pdh says

People are still peddling the "traditional marriage" thing? The "I support straight marriage because penis + vagina = baby" is a new one to me, but at least it's based in some sort of reality.

penises can go in a variety of holes. If you don't understand you need to watch more porn, take more drugs, listen to more shit music, and live more in California. Once you've done that, you might be wise enough to know that buttseks is awesome!

81   Honest Abe   2012 Aug 2, 1:22pm  


CL - check this out. I told you there are now black pastors who are now anti-obama. He's alienated himself from church's, families, business owners, successful people and those who believe in personal responsibility. He's one term and out.

82   TheOriginalSBH   2012 Aug 2, 1:50pm  

'cause i nolike bigbusines influence in guverment soos i suport gay marriage cause 'penis + ass = fudgesickle' wich does End run 'round ice creem lobby.
pdh says

People are still peddling the "traditional marriage" thing? The "I support straight marriage because penis + vagina = baby" is a new one to me, but at least it's based in some sort of reality.

83   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 2, 1:55pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says

The history books will probably look back on this period the same as de-segregation and slavery issues of the past. Remember seeing WHITES ONLY water fountains in history books or NO COLOREDS signs outside stores and finding it so odd!?

Any mention of Africans selling their own as slaves..

BTW.. any mention that slavery TODAY in Africa and East Asia is common today as it was back century ago...

BTW -- any mention how Asians butchered their own by the million (Pol Pot) or Africans butchering 100,000s of their own TODAY.

You dont need to point a whites as the cause for either one !

84   Peter P   2012 Aug 2, 1:58pm  

Also, there is wage-slavery.

In some sense, an employee is a slave who thinks he is free.

85   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 2, 2:03pm  

Peter P says

In some sense, an employee is a slave who thinks he is free

go work for someone else! or go set up your own business !
Call it ... Fish Fillet Burgers!

86   The Original Bankster   2012 Aug 2, 2:11pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Peter P says

In some sense, an employee is a slave who thinks he is free

go work for someone else! or go set up your own business !

Call it ... Fish Fillet Burgers!

how about 'Carpetmunchies'? the fast food place for ghey asses.

free AIDS with every burger.

87   Peter P   2012 Aug 2, 2:13pm  

I also think it is counterproductive (no pun intended) to enforce a "traditional" definition of marriage.

Philosophically, I see marriage as something closer to a trust or a corporation.

88   Vicente   2012 Aug 2, 2:14pm  

I think it's great if all the homophobes are eating there breakfast lunch and dinner in solidarity. They'll lard up even more.


They'll need scooters, and I'll make millions off my Hoveround options.

89   Peter P   2012 Aug 2, 2:21pm  

I think unprotected heterosexual promiscuity is actually harmful (STD, overpopulation, etc.) but no one really talks about it.

90   The Original Bankster   2012 Aug 2, 2:35pm  

Peter P says

I think unprotected heterosexual promiscuity is actually harmful (STD, overpopulation, etc.) but no one really talks about it.

ya think?

that sounds like white trash thinkin to me!

clearly abusing another man's anus for sexual gratification is 1) culturally enriching 2) healthy and organic 3) clean fun for the entire family.

there is a massive conspiracy to withhold the real info on 'gayness'. Many many gays were abused as children, thus this would lead one to conclude that it's really an emotional deformity. BUT DONT DARE SAY SO.

another fun one is gays claiming that Nazi persecuted them. THE EARLY NAZIS WERE ALL HOMOSEXUALS.

91   Vicente   2012 Aug 2, 3:34pm  

The Original Bankster says


Man that is some funny stuff. The real story of Gay Reichs:


"That which you hate the most, you secretly are."

92   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 2, 3:38pm  

Peter P says

Philosophically, I see marriage as something closer to a trust or a corporation

You mean closer to "Partnership" which between same sex partners is actually legal.

93   kentm   2012 Aug 2, 3:40pm  

Oh yeah, speaking of Christians and chickfila

94   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 2, 3:43pm  

kentm says

Oh yeah, speaking of Christians and chickfila

take your pick!


Here is one!

World Vision is one of the largest relief and development organizations in the USA with a 1.6 billion dollar budget (2007). It is a member and founding organization of World Vision International. The total revenue of World Vision International, including grants, product and foreign donations is $2.6 billion (2008)

95   The Original Bankster   2012 Aug 2, 3:50pm  

Vicente says

The Original Bankster says


Man that is some funny stuff. The real story of Gay Reichs:


"That which you hate the most, you secretly are."

“Eagles are dandified vultures” - Teddy Roosevelt

right, criticizing gays means you are one.

this is a particularly charming cultural tautology that ensures that the only people who get to comment on the wonderful gay culture, are gays. This of course leads to an environment of Self-efficacy and excellence, which is what the gays are currently like, 4 REALZ.


96   HEY YOU   2012 Aug 2, 4:03pm  

Here's one for the Right Wing Christian Homophobes.
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination." (Leviticus 18:22)

How do the RWCH Hypocrites like these?

"But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are an abomination to you." (Leviticus 11:10) Shrimp,Lobster,Crab,Clams,ETC. Continue to eat these, you abominators.

"And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you." (Leviticus 11:7).
Continue to eat this, you pigs.

If one does these things then I think God can figure out what's to be done with you.
BTW, doesn't CFA sell Swine,egg & cheese biscuits?

97   B.A.C.A.H.   2012 Aug 2, 4:04pm  

Zachary says

It's hard to believe that the people of our great country have become so divided and many so bitter and full of hatred.

no it's not. It's a deliberate distraction to keep people from discussing important differences between us and the 1%.

98   KILLERJANE   2012 Aug 2, 4:09pm  

That link is to disney boycott, which I openly boycott for being annoying. Really just a dumb poor wy to spend time and money.

99   Ahc   2012 Aug 2, 4:16pm  


If gay marriage is ok, why not make polygamy, incest, or pedophilia, OK?

And all of aforementioned in the name of 'LOVE' will justify them all?

Do the "ends" justify the "means" at any cost?

Are gays really being honest with themselves and others in "coming out of the closet"? Why the need for gay "pride" in the first place decades ago?

Perhaps someone can explain why they want to shame others for their hate or homophobia when they themselves needed to advertise and promote their own "pride" well before anyone knew about gay pride?

Doesn't the medical community recommend that you, "Wash your hands after you go to the bathroom."?

Yet, now there are some in the medical community that now say it's OK to "Sleep with the waste that gets flushed down in the toilet?" and that it's possible to live a perfectly normal life.

100   gbenson   2012 Aug 2, 4:55pm  

Ahc says

If gay marriage is ok, why not make polygamy, incest, or pedophilia, OK?

Don't you homophobic morons ever get tired of having failed logic shot down?

You are basically saying the equivalent of "We shouldn't allow doctors to remove a wart, because they'll cut off your testicles next!"

I wish you had thrown beastiality in there too because lets say old Homer wants to marry Bessie, (his cow and long time girlfriend). Lets say hypothetically that Bessie was able to communicate that she wished to marry Homer (and she was of consenting bovine age). Who the hell are you to stand in their way? Exactly why on earth do I care if Homer and Bessie have a wedding license sitting on their mantel?

Let's just stick to the biblical version of marriage here folks. Women are property, marriages are arranged by parents, if your brother dies, you must marry his widow, and divorce takes practically an act of god!

Look at the utterly pathetic track record of marriages in this so-called Christian nation. The soap box from which you are trying to preach is sinking into the quicksand of christian hypocrisy...

101   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 2, 5:15pm  

gbenson says

Let's just stick to the biblical version of marriage here folks.

What are we...we are all Europeans, Asian, Indians, and Africans.. each cultures definition is the same.. marriage between man and women.

whats the gay population... 2-3% at best..

2-3% isnt going to change 97-98% of our culture, traditions and religion.

You want equality.. you already have it.. its called a "Partnership" which is legal.

102   lostand confused   2012 Aug 2, 8:55pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

What are we...we are all Europeans, Asian, Indians, and Africans.. each cultures definition is the same.. marriage between man and women.
whats the gay population... 2-3% at best..
2-3% isnt going to change 97-98% of our culture, traditions and religion.
You want equality.. you already have it.. its called a "Partnership" which is legal.

Actually if you cared to do your research or had stepped out of this country, you wouldn't make these kind of statements. In india marraige is governed by religion and then they have a separate secular marraige law. A muslim is legally allowed to marry 4 wives. There is nothing explicitly denying gay marraige- a lesbian couple got married there, by court order and were given police protection too.

The Masaai and many areas of Africa, folks have multiple wives. Back then you had to give a few cows or pigs to get a wife and the more you had, the more wives you could get. Of course practices must be a bit different in the urban areas. In Tibet and some areas of the Amazon rainforest, a woman could have multiple husbands. But carry on. I am more libertarian in my leanings. I really don't like big govt. Drugs, prostitution, marraige and most other things should be left to the individual to choose- that is what is called freedom isn't it??? Laws should only be enforced when one person is made to do against their will by force. Like if you kidnap someone and marry them(apparantely it happens in some countries) or force them into prostitution-yeah punish them. That is why I find the right wing to be disgusting hypocrites. The TX republican party for example had on its 2010 platform that they want to criminalize homesexuality-not marraige-but go into someone's bedroom and arrest them for engaing in sex. What's next-arrest someone for not growing a beard? I am just amazed the teabags never see the irony in their position when they screech about the constitution -that they are perfectly willing to throw anyone under the bus and stomp them if they don't agree with them

103   The Original Bankster   2012 Aug 2, 10:47pm  

HEY YOU says

Here's one for the Right Wing Christian Homophobes.
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination." (Leviticus 18:22)

it's not about Biblical basis, but that's a good example of a very old prohibition on this form of behavior, which practically in all cases has been both an indicator and the cause of major social problems.

the fact is we have LOADS of information about how homosexuality is a destructive form of behavior, but this information is suppressed.

104   The Original Bankster   2012 Aug 2, 10:49pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

You want equality.. you already have it.. its called a "Partnership" which is legal.

they're never going to have the equality that they want. Gays demand that the entire world be twisted into a shape that makes them feel better about what they know subconsciously is a derangement. It might sound like a religious thing(which I am not) but it's like a form of possession. Doing this act in turn shapes your entire outlook, your political views, and naturally(your lack of) family structure.

105   The Original Bankster   2012 Aug 2, 10:52pm  

Ahc says

If gay marriage is ok, why not make polygamy, incest, or pedophilia, OK?

I personally think that these will follow if we legalize gay marriage.

While it's true not every marriage is perfect. The clear implication here is that marriage is about a partnership for procreation. As soon as we legalize gay marriage, we say clearly that it is something other than that- which opens the door to all kinds of things.

106   The Original Bankster   2012 Aug 2, 10:54pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

no it's not. It's a deliberate distraction to keep people from discussing important differences between us and the 1%.

I don't really think so.

the last 30-40 years have been a deliberate demoralization program. Of course they told us it was about 'freedom' and 'liberty' when in reality it will lead to it's opposite.

this demoralization has it's home in California. Especially San Francisco.

108   gbenson   2012 Aug 3, 12:59am  

Here's one for the Right Wing Christian Homophobes.
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination." (Leviticus 18:22)

Yet another example of Christians not knowing what their own freaking religion means. So ok, let the Atheist school you on your bible verse.

Canaanite religions surrounding the Israelites at the time of Leviticus often included fertility rites consisting of sexual rituals. During the rituals, whole families, including husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, cousins, aunts and uncles would sometimes have sex.

Many Canaanites and Egyptians worshipped a goddess of love and fertility called Astarte or Ishtar. Within her temples were special priests called assinu, who were deemed to have special powers. Physical contact with the assinu was believed to ward off evil and promote good luck. These priests were, in effect, living good luck charms, and worshipers would often ritually touch them as part of their worship practices. Sexual intercourse was considered especially effective for gaining the goddess’s favor, because the male worshiper was offering his greatest possession, semen (which was thought to be the essence of life), to the goddess through her priests. Depositing semen in the body of a priest of the goddess was believed to guarantee one’s immortality.

So you had gay priests (there's a surprise), everyone was having sex with anything that moved, and it was also common for wealthy men to take young male servants into their home, and use them sexually.

Many of the verses of Leviticus were designed to stop this behavior. Most cultural historians believe Jesus would have been totally ok with a monogamous homosexual relationship. (He was after all quite liberal)

109   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 3, 1:19am  

gbenson says

So ok, let the Atheist school you on your bible verse.

gbenson says

So you had gay priests (there's a surprise), everyone was having sex with anything that moved, and it was also common for wealthy men to take young male servants into their home, and use them sexually.

Many of the verses of Leviticus were designed to stop this behavior. Most cultural historians believe Jesus would have been totally ok with a monogamous homosexual relationship. (He was after all quite liberal)

Hmmm sounds a lot like a bunch of revisionist hoowie if you ask me.

But lets explore Homoancientus, and the facts vs the possible outcomes.

Fact, there are no documented ancient Gay marital unions.

Now according to Milk Historians, Ancient Greece and Rome were full of open gay conduct. Now out of all this conduct there are no reports of two notable Romans or Greeks being an openly Gay item couple.

More over, something bad must have happens because all the Gay fornication reports seem to stop during the Dark ages through out Medieval times well through out the Renaissance.

Now how do we go from grown men frolicking around bath houses draped in linen openly engaged in intercourse, with other men to no mention of such behavior after the fall of the Roman empire?

Also you would expect there to be gays depicted in art, carvings, reliefs, panels, statues not only in ancient Rome and Greece, but examples of this in the Americas in the rich artisan culture found there.

Gays if you listen long enough to them, even Abraham Lincoln was Gay.

110   HEY YOU   2012 Aug 3, 2:38am  

The Original Bankster @ 110
Cathay made it about his bibical beliefs.

111   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Aug 3, 3:13am  

CaptainShuddup says

Now according to Milk Historians, Ancient Greece and Rome were full of open gay conduct. Now out of all this conduct there are no reports of two notable Romans or Greeks being an openly Gay item couple.

Uh, read the Symposium - or just about any of Sappho's poetry.

Hint: Sappho was from Lesbos. Wanna guess where the term "Lesbian" comes from?

112   Justin75   2012 Aug 3, 3:35am  

Obama was against gay marriage just a few weeks ago.

Funny, but I didn't see any outrage from liberals then against him and didn't see any protest at the white house.

This is just more selective outrage from the liberals who are intolerant of people's opinion.

113   marcus   2012 Aug 3, 3:35am  

CaptainShuddup says

Now according to Milk Historians, Ancient Greece and Rome were full of open gay conduct. Now out of all this conduct there are no reports of two notable Romans or Greeks being an openly Gay item couple.

More over, something bad must have happens because all the Gay fornication reports seem to stop during the Dark ages through out Medieval times well through out the Renaissance.

Interesting point.

It would seem that Christianity and Islam caused homosexuality to have to go underground, since it was not considered morally acceptable by either.

And yet ironically in Catholicism and other branches of Christianity priests were frequently homosexual. I don't know whether celibacy rules were established to keep wealth within the church (no children for inheritance ), but "celibacy" sure set the stage for homosexuality within the clergy. And that in turn has sent a very hypocritical message.

THe question becomes: is religious ideology about gayness right ? OR is it (was it) just about promoting family ?

My belief is that for whatever reason (world population being 7 billion might be one), accepted beliefs about homosexuality are changing.

This doesn't mean we are depraved or following in the footsteps of the Romans. Homosexuality has always been there, but for reasons having to do with social evolution, it's becoming more acceptable (again).

114   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 3, 4:02am  

marcus says

And yet ironically in Catholicism and other branches of Christianity priests were frequently homosexual.

Yes it is Ironic that priest carry the Gay flame post Greek Classical period.
But it is still under ground, Martin Luther didn't marry John Calvin.

"the love and hate of God towards men is immutable and eternal, existing, not merely before there was any merit or work of ‘free-will,’ but before the world was made; [so] all things take place in us of necessity, according as He has from eternity loved or not loved ... faith and unbelief come to us by no work of our own, but through the love and hatred of God"

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