Dream Homes

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2005 Aug 16, 1:46pm   14,531 views  129 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

By Request of AntiTroll from Oz:

What would be the ideal type of property for the blogsters and what price would you be willing to pay? (This should give an indication of future price support levels, and also indicate intangibles and their values.)

Which features are most important to you and why (neighborhood/location, climate, population density, house size, architecture, having a big yard, garage, attic, etc.) ? What features are least important to you? Discuss, enjoy...

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1   Peter P   2005 Aug 16, 2:41pm  

What I am looking for?

Townhouse or condo with no vertical neighbors. Solid construction. Gated, covered parking for two cars. At least 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. Large windows. 1300+sqft. Quiet neighborbood with trees. Wide streets. Older community population. Low crime.

Willing to pay 240X monthly rent.

2   Peter P   2005 Aug 16, 3:05pm  

I forgot to add... Corian countertops. :)

3   HARM   2005 Aug 16, 3:06pm  

For me, either a classic early 1900's CA bungalow, preferably with big wrap-around porch and yard, or a nice big plot to build my own straw-bale masterpiece on. If I build, I want to buy cash for the land and use mostly sweat equity & recycled materials for the house. Unfortunately, this will almost certainly mean leaving CA and most of my friends behind. Oh, well... no sacrifice, no reward.

Peter, I'm with you on the quiet neighborbood with trees, wide streets & low crime. I've lived in high-density urban neighborhoods for most of my life and I'm pretty much done with the "big-city" thing. For the first time, I'd like to have a "real" yard with a garden. Townhomes & high-rise condos can be nice, but nothing says "home" to me like a nice, big green backyard.

For me a workshop is a must-have, for the wife a home office. My wife and I have all of our side-business and arts & crafts items crammed into a corner of the living room right now. Having our own creative space will be truly liberating for mind & spirit, I'm sure.

4   Peter P   2005 Aug 16, 3:12pm  

I like houses too... however, we almost never use our patio or balcony anyway. But I like the idea of not sharing walls with neighbors... especially those with powerful subwoofers. This is part of the reason why I prefer living among older people. I get nervous when I am around teenagers.

If I do get a house I will attempt to build a modular construction if at all possible. No septic tanks or wells under any circumstance. Must have underground utilities.

5   Peter P   2005 Aug 16, 3:22pm  

Regarding square-footage... I rather have fewer but bigger rooms. I also like bigger bathrooms. The kitchen is merely symbolic to me.

I like exposed wood beams but they must not be intrusive. Good feng shui is essential.

I prefer a place that does not require air-conditioning. My ideal temperature is 55 to 65 degrees. I do not need to see the sun all the time but I hate excessive rain.

6   HARM   2005 Aug 16, 4:04pm  

Jack Says:
Why not a furry looking straw-bale craftsman HARM?

I know you're kidding, Jack. But just in case anyone else is wondering what the heck a "straw-bale" house is, it's typically a standard post & beam frame house that uses SB as giant "bricks" for the outside walls (in place of studs & drywall). The straw is NOT exposed --it's covered with 3-4 inches of clay, lime or stucco plaster. The finished look is similar to adobe.

Peter P Says:
I prefer a place that does not require air-conditioning. My ideal temperature is 55 to 65 degrees. I do not need to see the sun all the time but I hate excessive rain.

The you clearly need a straw-bale house! Nothing is more passively climate/energy efficient. Like quesera said, it can be 110 outside, and with only a low-energy evaporative cooler, it'll be pleasantly cool inside. Btw, You meant your ideal temperature range is 65 to 75, right? 55's a tad chilly for most people.

7   HARM   2005 Aug 16, 4:06pm  

On a different note, I've had one heck of a time with this site tonight --server keeps going down. I wonder if it's the new "Zotob" virus.

8   Peter P   2005 Aug 16, 4:46pm  

Btw, You meant your ideal temperature range is 65 to 75, right? 55’s a tad chilly for most people.

I should have said 55-75. It is a bit too warm above 75 and it is a bit too chilly below 55.

9   Peter P   2005 Aug 16, 4:48pm  

I’ve had one heck of a time with this site tonight –server keeps going down.

I have the same problem too. Ping was fine but http requests went unanswered.

10   Peter P   2005 Aug 16, 5:11pm  

Perhaps in the future, we can use a moldable material (like Corian) to build an entire house. Imagine, we can even live in a house that is shaped like a rubber duck. ;)

I hope to see a breakthrough material. It must be strong, earthquake-resistent, thermal-insulating, good-looking, moldable, renewable, and cheap.

Let's call it anal voodoo housing products (AVHP).

11   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 16, 8:24pm  

Me I like space ;)

Four bedrooms, study, rumpus, 2-3 car garage (I like to tinker on projects), under house storage, perhaps a pool. In metric ~30 squares (300 square metres). Preferably located on hillside with a view in deadend street (no through traffic). Would be nice to be near park, not too close though.

Land size would be 800 square metres to 5 acres.

Price:- currently in surrounding areas to where I am now price is $500k to $1million (800 metre block) 1-2 million (5 acres). Prices have fallen but I think will still fall 20-30%.

Oh, tennis court and heli pad would be good too........ ;)

12   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 16, 8:27pm  

On a different note, I’ve had one heck of a time with this site tonight –server keeps going down. I wonder if it’s the new “Zotob” virus.

HARM, Peter P,
It has been difficult to get a connection from here too. Any idea of current hit rate?

13   KurtS   2005 Aug 17, 12:53am  

"...total fantasy house or a realistically attainable house. I have always thought that financial limitations make it more fun and creative to imagine something that could be within my reach.."

Agreed...good aesthetics are developed from limitations, not excesses.
We're feeling slightly "limited" here, but that can be a good thing; it keeps us from accumulating too much cr@p. However, given the chance, we'd consider moving into a bungalow-style home--something with a nice overall design...we're big on mission furniture. On the other end of things, I'd seriously consider a modernist-style modular home. At best, I'd like a totally open floor plan that would let me configure rooms by moving around panels. A lot of glass, wall-height windows. Of course, glasss is best with a view, and I doubt we'll ever top the view we have now. Btw, we have animals around here too--I just watched a seal swim by as I ate breakfast.

14   netdance   2005 Aug 17, 4:11am  

My dream house is 200x rent. For the right property, I might go to 240x rent. This is actually attainable in most areas of the country right now, but not the coasts.

So, for a 1400 sq ft 3 bed 2 bath, that's about 450k or so. Maybe. If rents go up.

Obviously, I'm either renting or moving to get a house within the next three years.

Right now, I'm looking at Portland. Multipliers there are a bit below 200.

15   HARM   2005 Aug 17, 5:00am  

AntiTroll from Oz Says:

HARM, Peter P,
It has been difficult to get a connection from here too. Any idea of current hit rate?

Patrick's looking into it.

16   loveuser   2005 Aug 17, 8:58am  

3-4 Bedroom with 2+ Bath 2200sqft with atleast 5000 in good school district with year 2000 pricesin BA.

17   Peter P   2005 Aug 17, 9:21am  

Pop! Kah-lee-fornia will remain strong. A housing correction that removes mal-investments will be good for us.

18   Peter P   2005 Aug 17, 9:37am  

Was it you (Peter) that said October is when the housing market downward spiral would kick into high gear?

Yep, it was me. This "urban legend" is spreading fast though.

19   Peter P   2005 Aug 17, 9:52am  

A small lot is okay but I want an unobstructed view of some relatively unpopulated hills and preferably a salty body of water.

Why "salty" body of water? Fresh seafood?

Overall, I like what you have described. Vancouver island is a nice place. I would "settle" for an ocean view high-rise condo in Coal Habour. :)

20   KurtS   2005 Aug 17, 10:04am  

A small lot is okay but I want an unobstructed view of some relatively unpopulated hills and preferably a salty body of water.

There's still land on some of the San Juan islands. Or just wait for prices to fall on Bainbridge...

21   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 17, 10:11am  

Dream home?

One that costs half as much as it does now

Would you then buy twice as much?

22   KurtS   2005 Aug 17, 10:12am  

Looks like California is going to get hosed when the bubble breaks. California has 25 cities out of the top 53 whose markets are extremely overvalued.

And, that's only the tip of the iceberg, since many CA towns aren't listed (but I know they should be).

23   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 17, 10:13am  

Was it you (Peter) that said October is when the housing market downward spiral would kick into high gear?

Yep, it was me. This “urban legend” is spreading fast though.

Careful, the bulls might blame you if you are right!

24   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 17, 10:19am  

My dream home would be one that would hold it value over the next 5-7 yrs…only will happen in my dreams

Most houses do hold their value, unfortunately it is the price that varies!

25   Peter P   2005 Aug 17, 10:19am  

Careful, the bulls might blame you if you are right!

If I am right, I can always say "told you so".

If I am wrong, no one will care (except perhaps Face Reality and Fake P).

Or... are they claiming that our words carry more power than Greenie's?

26   Peter P   2005 Aug 17, 10:22am  

This “urban legend” is spreading fast though.

Also, I am sure someone else probably started the October prediction. It is actually much more than an urban legend.

27   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 17, 10:23am  

If I am right, I can always say “told you so”.

If I am wrong, no one will care (except perhaps Face Reality and Fake P).

Or… are they claiming that our words carry more power than Greenie’s?

AH, but thats the beauty of urban legends.

28   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 17, 10:25am  

Does global warming, climate change get much attention in states?

29   KurtS   2005 Aug 17, 10:26am  

Most houses do hold their value, unfortunately it is the price that varies!

lol...a fine distinction, easily forgotten!

30   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 17, 10:28am  

lol…a fine distinction, easily forgotten!

It's the forgetting, that lets a bubble grow!

31   Peter P   2005 Aug 17, 10:31am  

Does global warming, climate change get much attention in states?

None at all.

32   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 17, 11:06am  

Does global warming, climate change get much attention in states?

None at all.

Some of Australia's states are going through some longer than usual droughts. It has been hurting a fair bit of outback New South Wales, and has Sydney authorities scrambling to solve lack of water problems.

Major solution touted being a desalination plant (will drive up cost of water considerably).

33   KurtS   2005 Aug 17, 11:38am  

Some of Australia’s states are going through some longer than usual droughts. It has been hurting a fair bit of outback New South Wales, and has Sydney authorities scrambling to solve lack of water problems.

Is Aus still having problems with auquifer compaction/saltwater incursion of farmland?
(too many wells drawing off fresh water). From my perspective, I have to wonder how wasted billions of dollars (Iraq war?) could be used to actually help arid areas--not bomb them to the stone age. Seems that desalination could get better perfected with some real effort. Oops--semi-political post, apologies!
I'm also just a little concerned about polar ice melts...a rise in sea levels could displace millions of people and cause widespread starvation. Countries like Bangladesh would really be swamped.

34   AntiTroll from Oz   2005 Aug 17, 12:16pm  

Astrid, Kurt S,

Have you read Jared Diamond’s Collapse? He makes a good argument for why there should be little to no farming in Australia. He says that the unpredictability (or just plain lack of water) and low soil fertility means Australia cannot sustainably keep even its current population level.

Unfortunately I have not read Jared's book. There is a saying that you should make hay while the sun shines may be relevant. Farmers here tend to prosper during the better seasons, and struggle through the droughts.

AND I think natures feedback systems will keep the farmers in check. If you abuse and overfarm the land, then sometime in the future the land becomes less fertile .

I'm pretty sure that Australia is a nett exporter of farming produce (lamb, beef, wheet etc) , and therefore we would probably support the current population.

35   praetorian   2005 Aug 17, 1:22pm  

2000 sq ft traditional townhouse in a high-density georgian neighborhood, across the street from a park surrounded by traditional wrought-iron fencing, with a small commercial district (pub, grocer, etc) within walking distance. Located in california, prefereably near the coast where it is overcast most of the time.

For this, I wish to pay... five hundred thoooooooooouusand dollars. _puts pinkie to lips_

But I'd plunk down a mil if it came down to brass tacks.


36   Jimbo   2005 Aug 17, 1:28pm  

My dream house is a 5 bedroom 3 bath Craftsman in the Clairmont neighborhood of Berkeley. About two blocks off College.

I would pay $1.25M for such a house. I don't quite have that right now, but if I sold the place I am in now for current market prices, I could probably swing that. I think my dream house would sell for about $1.7M right now.

If the housing market takes a tank, but the rental market does not, I can still imagine getting into it at that price, but it would be a real stretch. We would have to both get a couple of good raises, but I can see it happening.

Berkeley has good schools, nice weather and that neighborhood has great views of San Francisco and the Bay and is full of old beautiful homes. College Ave has some of the best food shopping I have ever seen and there is a BART station about 1/2 mi away that is 20 minutes from Downtown San Francisco.

So I guess that would make me a buyer if prices went down 30% or so. But my fiancee says she would pay $900k for such a house, so that makes it more like a 50% drop.

My TOL puts went up 20% today!

37   Peter P   2005 Aug 17, 4:32pm  

Here was someone’s dream Cow Hollow/Marina 2b/2bath, 1,300 sqft condo with deck that went for $100K over asking to $1.25MM. $990/sqft. Not bad! 3 week close.

Nice condo! The bathroom looks pretty bad though.

38   praetorian   2005 Aug 18, 12:32am  

Wow. Even NRO financial is on board:



39   KurtS   2005 Aug 18, 2:20am  

I do like the Eichler concept, clean lines, indoor/outdoor integration....those designs were certainly forerunners in their time. I think they're great--if well maintained.
I'm less enthused by slab floors, possibly because I've always lived near sea level, areas of high rainfall, and want some distance between ground and floor level. The idea of plumbing sunk into cement bothers me as well.
Ah...the "bungalow" flip in SA? Well, yeah--it's a spectacle...$700/sqft...shocking!
Last I checked, it's still on the market (and not reduced) Good luck to them!
Seals...I've seen those guys as far up as Kentfield. Then there's bat rays, small sharks, otters, deer...it's a zoo over here!

40   KurtS   2005 Aug 18, 4:22am  

Well, it seems to me that it’s just getting worse and worse. I kept hearing 3 years ago to buy because I would get: “priced out of the market.” I just kept saying to myself “no”, the laws of economics will re-apply and things will sober up. They haven’t. They really haven’t.

How is inventory in your part of the state--going up? Here, I'm seeing rising inventory/lower sales. Eventually, I suspect that will "adjust" prices. So hold on--things could get better :-)

(not "investment" advice)

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