Romney the tax cheat.

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2012 Oct 29, 2:30pm   4,098 views  14 comments

by gbenson   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

In short, Romney's trust funds for his kids are earning astronomical returns on investments that historically have modest returns. As conservative columnist George Will said, "Romney has calculated that releasing his returns will be much more damaging than not releasing them."


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1   Tenpoundbass   2012 Oct 30, 12:23am  

Hah it must have been a lie, that page is all about Hurricane Sandy.

2   gbenson   2012 Oct 30, 2:02am  

Works here... Must be that Republican alter-universe you live in that blocks all negative information that conflicts with your beliefs.

3   Nobody   2012 Oct 30, 4:40am  

It is amazing to see close to majority of the people, including the middle class that Romney is trying to screw, are buying this bs.

4   Vicente   2012 Oct 30, 5:40am  

It's good that RMoney has "calculated" the political fallout about being honest about what a spoiled Richie Rich clan he heads. I hope to see that his calculations run afoul of the American sense of equality and openness.

5   PolishKnight   2012 Oct 30, 6:51am  

"It is amazing to see close to majority of the people, including the middle class that Romney is trying to screw, are buying this bs."

Apparently, the majority of the "middle class" don't appreciate the benefits of high unemployment and high gasoline prices. Haha!

Why not just give everyone a high paying, preferential government job? Oh, wait, once EVERYONE has access to the GUM store, then what's the point?

6   thomaswong.1986   2012 Oct 30, 7:47am  

"The letter, by University of Texas Law School Professor Calvin Johnson, focuses on two trusts Romney has set up: one for his children, which is worth over $100 million, and an $87 million retirement trust. "
It does make you wonder why the media is always pulling up someone from the academia or a lawyer to discuss what otherwise would have been a question for a CPA ? This guy probably never even worked on a clients individual or corporate tax return in his life. I doubt he has any experience in such tax matters.

7   anonymous   2012 Oct 30, 8:20am  

I always assumed everyone cheated like hell on their income taxes. Its the american thing to do. What kind of jackass doesn't "cheat" on their income taxes?

8   rooemoore   2012 Oct 30, 9:01am  

PolishKnight says

"It is amazing to see close to majority of the people, including the middle class that Romney is trying to screw, are buying this bs."

Finally, PolishKnight is making some sense.

9   gbenson   2012 Oct 30, 9:16am  

thomaswong.1986 says

It does make you wonder why the media is always pulling up someone from the academia or a lawyer to discuss what otherwise would have been a question for a CPA ?

Yes, why on earth would be believe a respected tax attorney who teaches tax law could know anything about this subject. Dumbass...

10   gbenson   2012 Oct 30, 9:16am  

Melmakian says

How does that prove HE CHEATED on taxes

Because Romney filed taxes that said he gave his kids an asset worth $X, (not taxable) when when in fact it was worth $Y (which is taxable). That's tax fraud, pure and simple.

Either that or you have to believe that while you and the rest of the planet are getting 2% interest on your bond investment, but Romney's investment has magically been earning 4% (note, I know its not actually a savings bond, but the concept illustrates the point)

11   PolishKnight   2012 Oct 30, 9:35am  

"Finally, PolishKnight is making some sense."

Hahaha! Go to work for the dailyshow or SNL. Please. You might be able to make 95% of the shows somewhat funny.

12   Honest Abe   2012 Oct 30, 9:45am  

Headline News, this just in: "If Romney gets elected, he voes to donate his salary to charity. If Obama wins, he voes to donate yours".

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