Change the System!

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2012 Nov 1, 5:41am   1,263 views  1 comment

by GonzoReal   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

Have soup and bread kitchens for those who can't afford food.
Have clean safe showers and cots for people that don't have a place to live.
Voluntary treatment instead of mandatory jail time for substance abusers.
Fire the bureaucrats and employ the workers.
Healthcare not insurance reform.
Education not indoctrination.
Peace not war.
Love not hate.

Socialism is impractical, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." It is impractical because too many people want to game the system. They don't want to work but they do want rewards.

Like the investors who want to finance property at a cheap rate and then rent out at a large profit. They manipulate the market not caring about the damage they do. At least the flippers and landlords work for their money.

Socialism is also defined as a system whereby the laborer receives the full product of his labor so to eliminate exploitation and "unearned" income accrued to the capitalist. The capitalist exploit wage slaves in America and real slaves abroad. Most people earn far less than their labor. A very few collect magnitudes more than that they work for.

Change the system.

We currently give people direct payments in the hope that they can pull themselves up. We all have heard of the welfare queen and probably know of somebody that could be working but are on disability. Just like the hedge fund operator they have gamed the system. Neither really contributes to a better society.

Back to my list:

Instead of food stamps we should have cafeterias. A place where anyone can get a free nutritious meal. If you don't want to eat the free food there will still be restaurants and stores where you can buy your meal.

Section 8 rent subsidies and other programs to help low income people buy homes have not helped poor people find good shelter, but they have transferred a lot of wealth, to the wealthy. We should have YMCA like facilities where a shower and a cot are always available for those that have no shelter.

The 50 year war on poverty has brought the poverty rate down from twenty something percent to 15%. Another 100 years and we could get it to 0%, if it was not going up.

The 40 year war on drugs has failed miserably. The key to fighting abuse is to bring it out into the open. What grade school kid would ever try cocaine if a crack hoe was a guest speaker at drug education week? Decriminalization and regulation of all drugs would reduce prison populations and restore respect for law enforcement

Government is bloated. Too many people do nothing for a lot of money. Paper pushers have no incentive to hurry as there will always be more paper. So much of government does nothing productive.

We don't need health insurance we need healthcare. There should be a lot of little clinics where you can get stitches, a tetanus shot, and get that cough looked at. The clinics could escalate patients to specialists as needed. Everyone should have their own healthcare manager that assures wellness. The current system is overloaded with paper pushers who add nothing to healthcare.

Public education is broken. Classes are too big for learning. It seems as though the main purpose of school is to regiment the students into a wage slave economy or prepare them for future incarceration. The paradigm has already shifted from the student to the Learner. Public education must catch up.

War is killing us. It adds nothing to society. It enriches a very few and creates misery for millions. We can't waste technology and humanity fighting over the limited resources of this big blue marble.

Treat the other as you would like them to treat you. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Love expands. Hate contracts.

We're about to vote again. Someone will get elected and continue to support the oligarchy. Agents of change will be ridiculed, sidelined, or eliminated.

We have a big beautiful world. Most people want the best for everyone.

We have an infinite universe waiting for us to live up to our potentials as human beings. Do your part by rejecting what is wrong and embracing what is good.

From each according to their ability. To each according to their need.

I never thought I would be a gray haired socialist.

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1   coriacci1   2012 Nov 2, 1:56am  

i vote for the professor!

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