If you can't bear to hear opposing opinions, don't moderate a post.

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2013 Jan 18, 1:48am   17,455 views  44 comments

by edvard2   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Simple enough. If you post a political post, then you should expect there to be a debate between people who disagree with each other. If that's the case and you then in turn decide to delete any comments that are contrary to your own ideas then you shouldn't post one to start with.

That is all.

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1   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 18, 2:10am  

121212 does it all the time. I only delete his threads, where he's calling people names. Which is damn near everything he posts.

2   edvard2   2013 Jan 18, 2:20am  

My responses are repeatedly being deleted on the "Obamas shameless exploitation of children" post. So I'll re-post it here.

The reason some of us "liberals" aren't seriously debating that topic is because the very idea that this was spawned from was from the right wing media, whom simply decided to make a story out of a non-story.

And I agree, name calling is inappropriate. We can disagree with each other, but don't call people names.

3   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 18, 2:28am  

edvard2 says

The reason some of us "liberals" aren't seriously debating that topic is because the very idea that this was spawned from was from the right wing media, whom simply decided to make a story out of a non-story.

Believe it or not, there is those of us, that saw Obama's statement in real time live, and drew our conclusions then. Sit down this might come as a shock to you, but there is actually some of us that don't wait to take our queues from ... uh... um... You know I can't even think of the damned guy's name right now. So what does that tell ya?

4   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 18, 2:29am  

Glen Beck!
I had to Google, "Fox talk show host" to think of his damn name.
TPB still has never seen a Glen Beck show, unlike every Patnet Liberal.
Now what does THAT tell ya?

5   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 18, 2:38am  


I have never complained about liberals deleting my posts.

6   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 18, 2:41am  

I would rather people start a separate thread than attempt a thread derailment.

7   Ceffer   2013 Jan 18, 2:41am  

In the Great Socialist Paradise, opposing opinions are much appreciated.

They help to isolate the individuals slated for liquidation and re-education.

8   Homeboy   2013 Jan 18, 2:44am  

CaptainShuddup says

I had to Google, "Fox talk show host" to think of his damn name.

Yeah, right....

9   HEY YOU   2013 Jan 18, 2:56am  

I should delete my threads. I don't like me.

10   dublin hillz   2013 Jan 18, 3:03am  

Ceffer says

In the Great Socialist Paradise, opposing opinions are much appreciated.

They help to isolate the individuals slated for liquidation and re-education.

And in the great right wing paradise too, just ask Pinochet!

11   edvard2   2013 Jan 18, 3:03am  

Ceffer says

In the Great Socialist Paradise, opposing opinions are much appreciated.

What is that even supposed to mean?

12   edvard2   2013 Jan 18, 3:04am  

zzyzzx says

I have never complained about liberals deleting my posts.

I don't delete anyone's post. So the crybaby response was inappropriate.

13   EBGuy   2013 Jan 18, 3:05am  

Speaking of opposing views: It was a mind-blowing political tableau: a co-founder of liberal bulwark MoveOn sitting in her Berkeley living room, laughing, sharing homemade blueberry scones and occasionally agreeing with a national Tea Party figure... for starters, they'd all support reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act. Reinstating Glass-Steagall has an appeal to both the political left and the right because it curbs the power of major Wall Street players that control the nation's politics and finances. Nobody in this living room likes "crony capitalism," and they know why reinstatement hasn't happened.
From the SF Chronicle.

14   turtledove   2013 Jan 18, 3:07am  

I tried to put myself on "ignore" but I couldn't figure it out.

Personally, I never delete posts. Threads should run their course without manipulation, IMHO. It's more interesting that way. You learn more from people with opposing views. Either they convince you of something new... Or their arguments help to solidify the opinion you already held. And... name callers hurt their own credibility. No deletion required.... Which should be obvious to anyone who isn't a stupid moron.

See... Now did that last line make YOU feel bad or ME look ridiculous?

15   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 18, 3:31am  

Homeboy says

Yeah, right....

You guys got me all wrong. My idea of a nice evening is sitting in my Man cave working through the Real Jazz fakebook Vol I-III or writing my own songs, with Pawn Stars on the television with the volume on mute.
I watch Stuart Varney on Fox business news when I used to work from home home. But that is the only talking head news show I have ever watched. Stuart is just a televised version of your typical Patnet post. Not some demented right wing diatribe.

I listen to NPR a hell of lot more than I listen to any cable news.

I get most of my news from the internet, and primarily CNN. How ever there are days CNN is being an obvious participant of the ministry of misinformation and refuse to report any important stories that doesn't lick Obama's asshole. I'll go to FOX.com then but only to read the headlines. But even that is unsatisfying because they don't allow comments on their articles anymore.

I never read the TV personality BLOGS from either one of those internet organizations.


16   leo707   2013 Jan 18, 3:35am  

zzyzzx says

I have never complained about liberals deleting my posts.

You just incessantly whine and complain in general about what you image liberals to be.

17   edvard2   2013 Jan 18, 3:48am  

CaptainShuddup says

You guys got me all wrong. My idea of a nice evening is sitting in my Man cave working through the Real Jazz fakebook Vol I-III or writing my own songs, with Pawn Stars on the television with the volume on mute.

I have to shamelessly admit that I too watch Pawn Stars. Its wayyyy addicting.
As far As NPR, apparently something like 40% of their listeners identify themselves as being conservative. So that's close to half their listeners.

18   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 18, 3:53am  

I have a suspicion that Pawn Stars is staged. I'm sure the producers put ads in Craigslist or somewhere to round up those customers with outrageously interesting artifacts. And since both parties are being compensated, I'm sure the price is already predetermined as well.
I mean since they got 10 or even 5 grand to be on the show, they don't seem too upset to let Grandads one of kind Gold watch made by the Kaiser's chamber maid only sold for a measly $230.

But yet a twinkie wrapper from a twinkie once eaten by Babe Ruth fetches thousands.

19   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 18, 3:54am  

Watch Pawn Stars on mute???? I love that show, but I can't imagine it being any good on mute???

20   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 18, 3:59am  

I just like the eye candy. Every transaction ends up the same.
Plus they show graphics of how much the bid is for as they go along.

I find that "Reality show modulation" gratting. Are these people prepped on their phonetics? It started with Paul Teutul, Jr. from OCC, now everyone sounds like him on those shows when they talk. Who in the hell talks like that?

And Rick and Corey Harrison on Pawn stars it's so Obvious that they just Googled information about the article in question. Their schpeil on the subject just seems so fresh and limited. Though they go on and on like they are an authority about it, in a Paul Teutul sounding tone.

Give me the mute already!

21   lostand confused   2013 Jan 18, 4:16am  

edvard2 says

I have to shamelessly admit that I too watch Pawn Stars

Good Lord! I watched Honey Boo Boo to see what the buzz is about and I actually kinda liked it! Gasp there is no hope for me-Jerry Springer and Maury were my guilty pleasures and now maybe an occasional peek at Honey Boo Boo!!!

22   zzyzzx   2013 Jan 18, 4:20am  

lostand confused says

I watched Honey Boo Boo to see what the buzz is about

23   edvard2   2013 Jan 18, 4:30am  

lostand confused says

Good Lord! I watched Honey Boo Boo to see what the buzz is abou

I've heard about that show. WTF is it supposed to be?

24   lostand confused   2013 Jan 18, 4:36am  

edvard2 says

lostand confused says

Good Lord! I watched Honey Boo Boo to see what the buzz is abou

I've heard about that show. WTF is it supposed to be?

Typical mindless entertainment where you laugh at strange acting folks-I know it is bad manners. But hey at least they make some money out of it!!!

25   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 18, 4:38am  

She's that girl we all cringe at when she's in public barking out orders to her parents, and subjecting everyone to her dominion.

But what I haven't figured out, is WHAT makes her so special.

26   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 18, 4:39am  

Oh yeah back to the thread, xxy something or another, you're an asshole.
Just keeping the thread on track with civil discussion.

27   Homeboy   2013 Jan 18, 3:22pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Stuart is just a televised version of your typical Patnet post. Not some demented right wing diatribe.

The typical Patnet post IS demented right wing diatribe.

28   coriacci1   2013 Jan 19, 12:07am  

wanna an education? just turn the damn tube off and call goodwill to come and pick it up. ya can’t learn anything in this country if you heed corporate sponsored or owned media.

29   marcus   2013 Jan 19, 8:17am  

CaptainShuddup says

Believe it or not, there is those of us, that saw Obama's statement in real time live, and drew our conclusions then.

So in other words, if a citizen hates Obama enough, they could actually be a writer for Fox news ?

CaptainShuddup says

How ever there are days CNN is being an obvious participant of the ministry of misinformation and refuse to report any important stories that doesn't lick Obama's asshole. I'll go to FOX.com then but only to read the headlines. But even that is unsatisfying because they don't allow comments on their articles anymore.

Interpretation: if CNN isn't viewing an Obama related situation through an "I hate Obama" lens, then you might just have to turn to Fox to get the reinforcement you're looking for.

30   PeopleUnited   2013 Jan 19, 9:11am  

Moderator gets to choose. Don't like it? Delete this post !

31   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 20, 1:06am  

marcus says

So in other words, if a citizen hates Obama enough

OH bullshit, you don't have to hate someone to recognize they are full of shit. You wanna know something. I could have respected Obama had he told the Nobel Peace prize committee, "Save it until I fulfill my goals." Or donated the Money to something.
Or how about if every thing Obama did, DIDN'T involve him riding on the coat tails of Great historical figures that actually did accomplish something? There's not one fucking thing that man does that doesn't involve him trying to tie himself to Kennedy, Lincoln, or King he just gets more pathetically cheesy every time he pats him self on the back.
Don't ask for examples, you'd be quite disappointed in your Historical interloper hero.

32   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 20, 1:48am  

Video posted online by the site Mediaite shows the vice president stumbling over his title at an inauguration party in Washington.

"You saw what America came to see. You saw early on, Iowa Democrats saw early on the incredible promise and the incredible capability, the incredible leadership of the guy I now serve with," Biden told supporters at the party, sponsored by the State Society of Iowa.

"I'm proud to be president of the United States, but I'm prouder to be Barack ..." he continued, trailing off as laughter erupted in the room.

"I am proud," he corrected himself, speaking over the crowd, "to be vice president of the United States."

If he was testing the waters for a presidential bid, he found a sympathetic crowd from the state which kicks off the presidential selection process with their caucuses.

The video shows him chuckling as he said, "Well, there goes that," and attempted to move on.

"Look, on a serious note," he started, as some in his audience continued to laugh. "I guess I'm not going to get back to a serious note, am I?"

ha huh ahh No. And these are HIS own people. His own Hommies know he's full of shit.

Barack Obama once offered Biden for the same promotion to the top of the ticket.

When in August 2008 Obama introduced Biden as "the next president of the United States," then quickly corrected himself.

Well Great minds do think alike.

33   marcus   2013 Jan 20, 2:00am  

CaptainShuddup says

There's not one fucking thing that man does that doesn't involve him trying to tie himself to Kennedy, Lincoln, or King he just gets more pathetically cheesy every time he pats him self on the back.

YEah. I hate it when we have a literate President, who is aware of how big the job is, and looks at history to try to figure out how to do it.

You start with fucked up premises about OBama.

What could be seen as a humble guy (as Presidents go) trying to do his best, you see as an unusually arrogant President who only thinks about himself and what a rock star he is and how he can be seen as the greatest president ever.

34   dublin hillz   2013 Jan 21, 1:41am  

ICall it Crazy says

marcus says

What could be seen as a humble guy (as Presidents go) trying to do his best, you see as an unusually arrogant President who only thinks about himself and what a rock star he is and how he can be seen as the greatest president ever.

Are you kidding or do you really believe that??

I though GW was way more arrogant than Barack especially with that smirk of his and his direct attempts to disregard other perspectives of the population. Yet for some reason many folks on the right consider him to be an average job. That is the true irony.

35   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 22, 4:28am  

CaptainShuddup says

121212 does it all the time. I only delete his threads, where he's calling people names. Which is damn near everything he posts.

A bigot says what?

36   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 4:46am  

Thedaytoday says

A bigot says what?

I don't know, why don't YOU tell us?

Oh and use some of that unemployment money to buy an apostrophe, will ya?

37   edvard2   2013 Jan 22, 5:11am  

CaptainShuddup says

There's not one fucking thing that man does that doesn't involve him trying to tie himself to Kennedy, Lincoln, or King he just gets more pathetically cheesy every time he pats him self on the back.

I have yet to see Obama try to tie himself to any of those figures. If anything, Obama has been one of the most humble presidents we've had in a very long time.

But if we're going to go down this road, then how do you explain the right's utter admiration of Ronald Reagan and continually suggest we should go back to his policies and so on ( even though ironically Reagan actually raised taxes 11 times and was far from the fiscal conservative those on the right make him out to be)

38   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 5:29am  

edvard2 says

I have yet to see Obama try to tie himself to any of those figures. If anything, Obama has been one of the most humble presidents we've had in a very long time.

Come on he just swore in office on TWO bibles, one was tied to Lincoln and the other one was Kings bible. His ministry of propaganda called him this generation's Kennedy the day he was sworn in the first term.
edvard2 says

But if we're going to go down this road, then how do you explain the right's utter admiration of Ronald Reagan and continually suggest we should go back to his policies and so on

Not me!

39   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 22, 6:13am  

CaptainShuddup says

I listen to NPR a hell of lot more than I listen to any cable news.

Your a bigot.

40   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 22, 6:13am  

CaptainShuddup says

Come on he just swore in office on TWO bibles, one was tied to Lincoln and the other one was Kings bible. His ministry of propaganda called him this generation's Kennedy the day he was sworn in the first term.

Racist bigot

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