GOP will win round 3 of budget battle

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2013 Feb 19, 9:12am   3,751 views  14 comments

by SFace   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

Round 1 - debt ceiling - dems win
Round 2 - fiscal cliff - dems win
Round 3 - Automatic cuts - GOP will win

At this point, I don't think the GOP will come to anything agreeable that will be basically mostly cuts. Unlike the fiscal cliff that effected every taxpayer thus GOP burnt the blunt of the blame, there is broader support for across the board government cuts, especially since these cuts don't effect entitlements. GOP is set up and will win round 3.

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1   anotheraccount   2013 Feb 19, 10:40am  

I'll believe it when I see it. Something is needed to force reform.

2   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 19, 11:15am  

robertoaribas says

Such erudite and poignant comments...

Meh what do you expect from Teaturds.. was it?

3   FortWayne   2013 Feb 20, 12:39am  

It's about time they started addressing spending money they don't have by stealing it from our children's future. And I don't think they are even cutting enough, some little baseline budgeting cuts of future growth is not enough.

And I know poor people don't care, many feel like they have nothing to lose. But we all do when our nation can't afford basic safety nets and basic programs because we spent it all on special interests and frivolous union perks.

4   edvard2   2013 Feb 20, 1:15am  

FortWayne says

It's about time they started addressing spending money they don't have by stealing it from our children's future

LOL! Oh boy, here we go again with the same Cliche's. Like I said before- you want to talk about big spender, look no further than the GOP and the fact that have spent more money than the Democrats for decades.

5   WIP   2013 Feb 20, 1:35am  

Roberta has just exposed himself as a big government cheese eater. Nice work Raberta. The government should control everything including proping up home prices. What a libtard.

6   gbenson   2013 Feb 20, 2:05am  

WIP says

Roberta has just exposed himself as a big government cheese eater.

And you guys are exposing yourselves as utterly incapable of understanding how governments, economies, and currency work. Your perception of Roberto is based on a distorted view of reality.

Look no further than Europe to watch austerity plow their economies into a brick wall.

I know of no 'libtard' who doesn't want to see abuses and excesses eliminated.

7   WIP   2013 Feb 20, 2:26am  

I can tell you this, if it weren't for the Federal Reserve the government would never have been able to get half this big with half of the world dominance they have now.

I do know how governments work. They grow and grow and dominate. Government is force plain and simple.

8   EBGuy   2013 Feb 20, 4:21am  

I'm not sure I'd put this in the 'winning' category. Simpson-Bowles is a compromise that that would benefit the GOP (as it forces Dem concessions). As I noted in another thread, they're instead going the scorched earth route.
Anybody going to 'short the sequester'? Yesterday was probably the right day to do it, but there is still some time...

9   carrieon   2013 Feb 20, 9:15pm  

Anything that limits Obama's credit card abuse is required right now to avoid a national bankruptcy. That was the original intent of the mandatory spending cuts two years ago. If the spending cuts don't go through, then a bankruptcy will. If that happens, everyone will pay with a new level of slavery to some foreign government that won't be pretty.

10   HEY YOU   2013 Feb 21, 2:25am  

Wonder what happens when individual Republican,Conservative & Tea Party voters realize that cuts may have a direct effect on them & their families? How many will lose jobs? How many will lose some type of govt. benefit? You Righties remember 174 House Republicans voted for Sequester?

11   FortWayne   2013 Feb 21, 2:28am  

HEY YOU says

Wonder what happens when individual Republican,Conservative & Tea Party voters realize that cuts may have a direct effect on them & their families? How many will lose jobs? How many will lose some type of govt. benefit? You Righties remember 174 House Republicans voted for Sequester?

Temporary convenience today should not be a reason to max out our children's credit cards. Time for some people to get off the government tit and start living within means of their labor.

12   HEY YOU   2013 Feb 22, 4:04am  

"Time for some people to get off the government tit and start living within means of their labor."

Exactly, eliminate ALL subsidies & tax breaks to all businesses & individuals. I'm tired of supporting these parasites with my tax dollar.
No extended unemployment,no Medicaid, no SNAP, no on & on & etc. This would only be a temporary inconvenience. Businesses & individuals would learn to take responsibility for themselves.
I'm a true Conservative. Anyone that disagrees with me is a Leftist,Socialist,Marxist,Communist....
Sometimes I can't help myself.

13   varmint   2013 Feb 22, 6:28am  

SFace says

Sorry, a 5% domestic cut and 7% defense cut is nothing.

This is the part that most people don't get. OH MY GOD THE FISCAL CLIFF WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! Umm, really even with all the cuts and proposed tax increases we're just going to run a 800B deficit rather than 950B. All the cuts/tax increases they talk about look huge, but they're over a 10 year span and probably aren't even binding.

14   CL   2013 Feb 22, 7:36am  

SFace says

Round 3 - Automatic cuts - GOP will win

Don't the cuts leave Social Security and Medicare alone? I thought Docs and hospitals get shorted, but wouldn't they view the GOP as the enemy there?

The optics are that Obama is fighting against the cuts, and the GOP is pushing for them, so any residual fallout that affects their loyal lobbyist constituencies will be directed at the GOP.

Point: Obama/Dems. A rout!

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