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I want to buy some some driveway gravel. Anyone have some advice?
For small vehicles, buy 1/4 inch crushed gravel. For medium vehicles, buy 3/4 inch crushed gravel. For big vehicles, buy 2 inch crushed gravel.
I want to buy some some driveway gravel. Anyone have some advice?
No one giving advice here.....
Try these guys
Oh god. That's underwaterman's favorite link.
When he sold his investment property in early 2012 and bought gold with that money, I was thinking that he jumped from the frying pan into the fire. I think there's a good probability that I might be correct.
I want to buy some some driveway gravel. Anyone have some advice?
No one giving advice here.....
Try these guys
Oh god. That's underwaterman's favorite link.
When he sold his investment property in early 2012 and bought gold with that money, I was thinking that he jumped from the frying pan into the fire. I think there's a good probability that I might be correct.
He's back. I wonder if he'll delete all of these posts as well.
My advice, buy and stock food. Gold does not have enough calories and proteins to sustain life.
In case anyone's missed it, there's been a run on banks in Cyprus over the weekend as the EU Finance ministers decided to STEAL A PORTION OF EVERYBODY'S FUCKING SAVINGS.
It's no longer far fetched to consider it happening here.
I think I'll buy a shit ton more gold.
In case anyone's missed it, there's been a run on banks in Cyprus over the weekend as the EU Finance ministers decided to STEAL A PORTION OF EVERYBODY'S FUCKING SAVINGS.
It's no longer far fetched to consider it happening here.
I think I'll buy a shit ton more gold.
And do what with it, stash it under your mattress?
Gold will continue its uptrend while the FED is debasing the currency.
If the FED changes course, it will still be hard for them to stem the rise of gold. It took nearly 20% fed fund rate to break inflation during the 1980s. We have a long way to go yet.
And do what with it? Stash it in the backyard? Facebooksux says
In case anyone's missed it, there's been a run on banks in Cyprus over the weekend as the EU Finance ministers decided to STEAL A PORTION OF EVERYBODY'S FUCKING SAVINGS.
It's no longer far fetched to consider it happening here.
I think I'll buy a shit ton more gold.
And do what with it, stash it under your mattress?
Like I'd tell anyone on a public forum.
I may lose all of it in a tragic boating accident.
Like I'd tell anyone on a public forum.
I may lose all of it in a tragic boating accident.
Or bury an old chest full of gold coins on a desolate tropical beach somewhere. Nice if a little 17th century.
Shreveport, Louisiana Has A Bigger Economy Than Cyprus
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The precedent is set, the cat's out of the bag. Now there are calls for a similar "wealth tax in Italy." Italy's economy is a bit bigger than that of Shreveport or Nampa. This is going to lead to a widespread run on the European banking system and will affect us as well. Short term dollar strength may cause gold to dip, but that will be temporary.
If you don't hold it, you don't own it.
yeah the gold heads must only have a few k in gold.
once you start to consider putting a few hundy thou in physical gold it quickly turns into an idiots trade to 'hold physical'.
I'd much rather hold gold etfs than physical, but I can see why people prefer actually holding it. Right now gold is a sell.
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