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This is a betrayal. No corporate entity should be above the law, yet this is exactly what this provision does. Makes them above the law through a backroom deal with someone in congress or white house.
I wrote a letter to my senator asking her to put a vote for repeal of this unconstitutional mess.
Monsanto historically has been very bad with environment, they've destroyed a lot of lives with their pollution and never been held liable. And this act just made sure they can legally do as they please with no consequences. To be very open this is just the kind of complete corporate backroom deal bullshit that I disagree with.
This is another case of misguided environmental groups forcing undue lawsuits
upon Monsanto
Oh poor Monsanto, they never sue farmers. If they didn't fight labelling so hard, more people would be ok with them. Since they insist on shoving it down our throat, without a choice-consumers will always be suspicious.
I can see no justification whatsoever to do genetic experiments on any nutrients unless it was somehow connected with an orphan medical treatment for a disabling or deadly disease, i.e. a medication. The huge risks far outweigh any potential benefits. We have always had enough food for everybody on this planet and it has always been a problem of distribution, similar to the general wealth disparity observed. So fuck Monsanto.
Monsanto historically has been very bad with environment, they've destroyed a lot of lives with their pollution and never been held liable.
Provide a reference.
Make sure it's from an independent study, not from a tree-hugger website.
If you like reading simple, try wikipedia. Agent Orange also comes to mind from some wars we fought in.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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