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the only reason government is even involved in marriage is for money and control.
the only reason government is even involved in marriage anything is for money and control.
Speaking of religion. The government logically cannot protect religion or even tolerate it while banning polygamous marriages. This is a simple contradiction.
The Mormons gave up polygamy because they were forced to by Congress in order to get the protection of the U.S. army. If a subset of Mormons or any persons wanting to set up a new religion, decided that polygamy was a core part of that religion, the First Amendment's restriction on "prohibiting the free exercise" of that religion would go out the window faster than you can say "god is a fraud".
So, no, we don't have real religious freedom in this country and we never did. It was always a thin facade.
Conspiracy to commit and conceal child abuse is a crime, no matter who does it and no matter how funny their hats.
Even for cats?
First amendment protects religion even from haters.
It also protects other religions, including those that have been marrying same-sex couples since long before the arrival of cellular phones. First amendment protection isn't limited to a church that calls itself "universal" while insisting that marriage can only be defined by a cabal of elderly "virgins" whose only sexual experiences consist of abusing children. Conspiracy to commit and conceal child abuse is a crime, no matter who does it and no matter how funny their hats.
Let the church marry whoever they choose just leave the government out of it.
By the way folks this thread was established to discuss the NPR radio interview of a Georgetown University professor and lawyer ( a catholic/ Jesuit institution ) who is defending his clients right to live a polygamous lifestyle, and the extensive similarities between strate sanctioned polygamy and the agenda of those seeking state sanctioned "gay marriage." If you have not listened to the lawyers arguements I strongly encourage you to check it out. The link is posted in comment #2 above.
100% agree with you. I have yet to f**ing see even one gay marriage rights
supporter who also supports all other alternative forms of marriage. Hypocrisy
to the core..assholes!
Huh-you don't read before going on your imaginary tirades? In this thread alone, you have me and Dan support both gay and other forms of marraige. On top of that I support prostitution and drug use too-so there.
Any thoughts? It seems changing laws and customs could easily become a Pandora's box.
hey man polygyny is biblical so the fundies, all 60M of them, can't object.
And them just how far will they then go in redefining it?
Well the Christians and Mormons should rise up and RETURN marriage to it's Biblical roots.
Fighting for multiple wives, concubines, slaves, and of course the requirement a widow be remarried to the next brother. It's right there in the Bible like the Good Lord wanted it.
I had a boss once . She would ask the most dumb, unconnected questions to the topic being discussed. One day I asked her, why she asked so many questions. She said, hey out of 10, if 1 question sticks that is fine.
Also Its illegal for a brother to marry his sister in USA. Imprisonment can be up to 20 years in prison.
If there is a weirdly wired couple ( brother and sister) who want to marry and agree to not having a biological kid but adopt a kid, are we going to allow them to marry and change the definition of marriage ?
I am sure the world is screwed up enough that there are enough of these couples hiding in the closet somewhere just waiting to come out to fight for their rights.
Technically , all arguments that people are using today hold true in this case.
Incest is legal (but mostly not marriage supported although some even do that) in quite a few countries to various degrees. The medical risks of having kids within the family are commonly overestimated and can be fairly well managed with today's modern early detection. I would assume that in early times it was far, far more common as the world wasn't connected and people often never left their home village. let alone their neighborhood/family.
i had a boss who would use this exact line when he was fucking clueless and
could not answer a question
Ahh typical. You don't even read a thread and throw out insults against gay marraige supporters, claiming they won't support other forms of marraige-but right in this thread two different people support polygamy and polyandry. So instead of that shutting you down-you go to the next question. Here, let me give you some ammo-The Creator's right Party's candidate for Governor of Georgia admits to having had sex with a mule.
I much like people like FortWayne or Bap33-they are honest in their opposition to gay marraige and are not hypocrites grasping for straws trying to appear like something else. If that is your position, then that is your position. My parents are against gay marraige-so?? That is their position.
don't divert the topic here. We are talking about two consenting perfectly
normal HUMAN beings here who want to marry and live peacefully ..why does it
bother you so much ?
Hahahaha!!! You are diverting the topic. You brought other forms and threw out insults. Got shut down. Now, off to the next silly diversion. I answer this, you will bring animals -so I made it easy for you. I had that boss for 5 years-know their kind.
do that) in quite a few countries to various degrees. The medical risks of having kids within the family are commonly overestimated and can be fairly well managed with today's modern early detection. I would assume that in early times it was far, far more common as the world wasn't connected and people often never left their home village. let alone their neighborhood/family
So looks like, we are primed for our next civil rights fight..lets get started while we are at it.
It goes to show that government best stayed out of marriage completely. But I don't think those won't be looming anytime soon as current public sentiment for those topics is not favorable like it is for same sex couples ;)
perfectly normal HUMAN beings
Who decides what is normal? Bap and FortWayne (and a lot of others) don't think it's normal. I think people should be allowed to marry and bone their animals. All this outcry over bestiality while meat is for dinner, I bet the good ole mule prefers to have sex with a human anytime over being slaughtered and served at Ikea as meatballs.
Incest is legal (but mostly not marriage supported although some even do
that) in quite a few countries to various degrees. The medical risks of having
kids within the family are commonly overestimated and can be fairly well managed
with today's modern early detection. I would assume that in early times it was
far, far more common as the world wasn't connected and people often never left
their home village. let alone their neighborhood/family.
Yup, the Egyptians routinely practiced this to protect their bloodlines. Other cultures recoil at it. Even now, in many cultures it is ok to marry your uncle or cousin-it varies by culture. It did happen in European royalty. Throughout history, marraige has always been upto local cultures and most areas had homogenous cultures. Your village or those around you typically had the same beliefs and so it was never questioned. Shunning by the public when you crossed a line was bad enough. In today's world everything has become big government and rules and regulations that govern every part of our life.
I don't see how i got shutdown
shows how clueless you are
You don't let anything that opposes your viewpoint get into your head do you? LOL!!!!
"The issue of whether a person can have one spouse is a different issue from whether a person can have multiple spouses, whatever your opinion of either issue might be."
I respectfully and adamantly disagree. The question is does government have the authority to define marriage?
Then do we want them to do so?
And them just how far will they then go in redefining it?
I believe you are in agreement that it would be best if government did not regulate/define/license/prohibit/encourage people from marrying who they choose. If this is so, I completely agree. There are plenty of people out there who want to tell us what to do and what not to do, we don't need a government with armed thugs taking that authority.
It's more than a little hypocritical for gays to [. . .] demand that right be withheld from those seeking to form polygamous marriages.
What gays are "demanding" this? I wasn't aware they were making a public stance? Or we just like to brandish red-herring trigger words like "hypocrite"?
It's more than a little hypocritical for gays to demand the right to marry on one hand, and demand that right be withheld from those seeking to form polygamous marriages.
Except that gays aren't protesting against polygamous marriages.
Actually, shouldn't your statement be that it's more than a little hypocritical for straights to demand the right to marry on one hand, and demand that right be withheld from those seeking to form same sex and/or polygamous marriages, especially since a good percentage of monogamous marriages include extramarital affairs.
And yet, according to the Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, approximately 50 percent married women and 60 percent of married men will have an extramarital affair at some time in their marriage. And since it is unlikely that the people having affairs are married to each other in every case, the current statistics on the percentage of married couples who cheat on each other means that someone is having an affair in nearly 80 percent of marriages.
OK, 80% seems a bit high, but even if its off by a factor of two, it's still at least 40%. Yeah, blame it on the gays.
100% agree with you. I have yet to f**ing see even one gay marriage rights activist who also supports all other alternative forms of marriage. Hypocrisy to the core..assholes!
I have yet to see one gay marriage rights activist who has taken a stance against drowning puppies in a river. Does that mean all marriage equality advocates want puppies to be drowned?
In any case, as lostand confused says, if you read this very thread, you'll see at least two "gay marriage rights activists" who support alternative forms of marriage including polygamy, at least if what you mean by support is a vocal objection to the government discriminating against them. As for polygamy itself, I would never recommend that a person get married even once. At least not with the family court system we have in this country.
APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says
I think Polygamy should be legal but the wives should be held in a harem and sleep in the same bed and be monitored by webcam to entertain the rest of us when they have lesbian orgies on nights when the husband is off recruiting more wives or is sick or something.
I'm going to have to veto that on the grounds that this is what Mormon wives look like:
Let the church marry whoever they choose just leave the government out of it.
That was my solution. Of course that solution means immediately rescinding all laws that use the word "marriage" anywhere in it. Such laws would have to be replaced with marriage-agnostic laws. Furthermore, all employment benefits would have to be marriage-agnostic as well, which actually most business want because it's damn cheaper than maintaining two separate systems. And, of course, adoption agencies cannot ask about the marital status of applicants.
In fact, it would have to be illegal to demand the marital status of a person for any reason by any company or government agency just like a person's racial status cannot be demanded. (Yeah AA forms shouldn't be given, and that's another story, but at least they are voluntary.)
Lazy people quote Wikipedia because they erroneously believe doing so makes them look smart.
Wikipedia is not a source, and doesn't even claim to be a source.
no Wiki not a source.. but certainly a start... and many dont like it because it does give information many dont want disclosed. it certainly is disliked by fraudsters.
Who is John Boswell.. JB was gay who died of AIDS... not a good independent source since he already had an axe to grind.
"Except that gays aren't protesting against polygamous marriages."
The "gay marriage" activists don't see the irony of pushing for adding their idea of family to the state and federal code while not promoting other "alternative lifestyles" like polygamy. Their actions speak louder than their words when people like curious2 advocates for same sex "marriage" but not for polygamy. The question is how can you seek to redefine marriage and skew the definition towards your own agenda at the expense of yet another fringe minority. If you want the state to sanction you union and deny it to other consenting adults, you are perpetuating the very same " discrimination" you are protesting against.
This is why government should not sanction ANY marriage.
Their actions speak louder than their words when people like curious2 advocates for same sex "marriage" but not for polygamy. The question is how can you seek to redefine marriage and skew the definition towards your own agenda at the expense of yet another fringe minority.
Equal protection of the same laws pertaining to marriage, for both same-sex and opposite-sex couples, has no effect on polygamy one way or the other, so it isn't particularly "at the expense of" an unrelated group such as polygamists.
BTW, Vaticanus, when you put "marriage" in quotation marks, but only in the context of same-sex marriage, are you trying to say that you don't think same-sex marriages are really marriages? Why would that be? Is it because the child molesters in the Vatican told you that only they can define "marriage", and that public laws pertaining to marriage must not apply to any marriage that doesn't fit Vatican rules? Would it become a real marriage if the spouses buy a Papal dispensation, as happens with uncles marrying nieces?
Vaticanus, can you cite any example in which you have ever supported polygamy or said "government should not sanction any marriage," prior to the context of same-sex marriage? I want really to understand, is this an issue that you have cared about independently of same-sex marriage, or is it your reaction to same-sex marriage? I don't want to accuse you of dishonesty without evidence, but it's been a common red herring to conflate these two different issues, as a way of attacking those who support the equal protection of the laws. For example, Chan has gone berserk in his accusations against marriage equality supporters, without ever throwing similar bile in the direction of marriage equality opponents (the "one man one woman" crowd symbolized by your newly selected toilet sign avatar). Dan pointed out that the real hypocrites in the room are those who have demanded special protection for the marriages you seem to symbolize with your toilet sign. Did you switch your avatar to a toilet sign because you happened to be feeling constipated, or was it your response to other people switching their avatars to an equality sign? Can you point to any comment you have ever made, ever, saying "government should not sanction any marriage," prior to the likelihood of government recognizing the legal equality of opposite-sex and same-sex couples?
How many of the members of the Supreme Court are gay or bisexual? Odds are at least two.
Maybe Mormons, too, since they all wear black prairie dresses.
Chan, your endless protestations feigning incomprehension are becoming tedious. Can you point to any example of where you've championed polygamy etc., and called "one man one woman" marriage supporters hypocrites, prior to to the context of same-sex marriage, or is it simply your silly effort to disguise your opposition to the equal protection of the laws?
no Wiki not a source.. but certainly a start.
Only if you want misinformation to start. Even the "references" will point you in one particular direction, whichever the article controllers want, and away from everything else.
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I was listening to NPR yesterday, a lawyer made a compelling arguement that his clients are worthy of the same/equal right to marry as many people they wish, to establish the homes and fAmilies as they choose without government intrusion. He equated polygamy with "gay marriage" he said how can you argue for one persons right while denying it to another minority group?
Any thoughts? It seems changing laws and customs could easily become a Pandora's box.