Houses trade like over priced Antiques

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2013 Jul 23, 1:20am   1,488 views  2 comments

by dhmartens   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Houses trade like over priced Antiques.
Lets look at an example:
The 1968 Camaro sold new for $2,726
and you can but it today for $85,000 or less.

We see the same for houses
www.thepeoplehistory.com/1968, average price for a new home: $14,950.00

Today a house sells for $152,000

The difference is you can buy a new 2013 Camaro for $23,345

House $14,950 to $152,000
Camaro $2,726 to $85,000

Today you can buy a new Camaro for $23,345.
But a new House on average sells for $263,900

So the realestate market is distorted with no competition. A new house should sell for $60,000 if auto manufactures were allowed to build them.

It is being manipulated by a mafia of "Old Guys" who want to keep the values up high so they can transfer wealth from young to old.

Maybe if young people sign a sworn pledge that they will never buy a house, prices will drop. We don't want to buy your Tulip Craze antique doll houses.

There needs to be a new technological house that reduces the cost. Young people want to retire at 40 with $400,000 and not be a slave to an antique dollhouse and being a slave to banking mafia/cartel until age 65. Besides when you buy a house you don't own the land. There is another map that shows who actually owns the land parcel your parcel is placed over. Release the GMO pesticide resistant termites, let nature take its course.

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1   Reality   2013 Jul 23, 1:47am  

There seems to be some math problem:

The same ratio for new car price rising from $2726 to $23,345 would have the new house rising from $14,950 to $128,029, not $60k.

The typical family in 1968 had one car, whereas now the typical family has two cars because both parents have to work. So the total family expenditure on cars and on houses has not changed much proportionally.

The very fact that an existing house sells for less than a new house goes to show that houses are not being sold as collectibles.

GMO pesticide resistant termites would only reduce house supply, thereby raising house prices.

2   dhmartens   2013 Jul 23, 2:02am  

New houses are being made larger with more square footage. Maybe 3 times larger than a 1959 house.

Both Husband and Wife have to work because of the enslavement to banking cartel. Not enough children are being born to sustain this business model into the next generation. The prices will collapse. If men can have 2 wives one wife can stay home and raise the children.

A new Nano-Tata is $2,500 in India, A GM Spark knock off is $3,000 in China.

Technological advancement, economies of scale, foreign competition in the house construction market would lower house costs.

You can buy live termites on the internet $18 for 1000.

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