Feminist Misandry

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2013 Aug 10, 12:40pm   36,407 views  116 comments

by John Bailo   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I've been waiting a long time for someone to confront the Agenda like this:

Paul Elam, founder of avoiceformen.com discusses the biggest issues men currently face, namely feminist ideologies and the psychological war against men. Paul explains how he woke up to anti male sentiments in politics. He points out areas where men are victims of discrimination and in which female abuse of men is facilitated by law.


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14   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 11, 7:15am  

CaptainShuddup says


it's all part of the plan. They can only implement policies like Feminism if they have COMPLETE control of the marketplace. Of course small independent businesses can out compete- that's why they want them all destroyed. The end result isn't even equality for women- they're just using that as a selling point for their programs, which are designed to bring about a complete CHANGE in America- to be turned over to international bankers. When this is complete even those women won't have the freedom they were promised, nor will the blacks, nor will the gays or any other group they've conscripted into the cause.


15   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 11, 7:24am  

Dan you offer up many reasons why women voting is a good, practical, and thoughtful idea. What you avoid or miss complete is that since women have been given the vote - the democracy has become a malleable mess of passions that can be manipulated by psychology, sociology, etc. The access that marketers and advertisers have to the public today would be inconceivable 60 years ago. Our entire society has been converted into a shopping mall. We have surrendered control to international corporations and this is due primarily to Feminism.

While women are ultimately similar in structure to men, they lack the logical component and the ability to subdue their emotions. The moment you suggest this to them, they immediately respond in a way that confirms this statement. Often times they apologize for this by claiming this is actually an ASSET ie. 'Women's Intuition', or some other crazy nonsense such as calling it 'creativity'.

Now if I wanted to transform a society, wouldn't I want to give control to the people who dont have control of themselves? absolutely. You can even observe this effect in retail sales. If a salesman is trying to get a couple to buy a product, he will rarely talk to the man- he will always talk to the woman. The women perceives this as meaning that she must be more powerful than the man, when in reality it's quite the opposite- she is more susceptible to suggestion than the man and thus the salesman concentrates on her. This is similar to what we have going on in the US. The women believe they are being EMPOWERED. Really, the nation is being DISEMPOWERED and fleeced of it's wealth.

One need only look at a woman’s shape to discover that she is not intended for either too much mental or too much physical work. She pays the debt of life not by what she does but by what she suffers—by the pains of child-bearing, care for the child, and by subjection to man, to whom she should be a patient and cheerful companion. The greatest sorrows and joys or great exhibition of strength are not assigned to her; her life should flow more quietly, more gently, and less obtrusively than man’s, without her being essentially happier or unhappier. -Arthur Schopenhauer

Women are directly adapted to act as the nurses and educators of our early childhood, for the simple reason that they themselves are childish, foolish, and short-sighted—in a word, are big children all their lives, something intermediate between the child and the man, who is a man in the strict sense of the word. Consider how a young girl will toy day after day with a child, dance with it and sing to it; and then consider what a man, with the very best intentions in the world, could do in her place. -Arthur Schopenhauer


16   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 11, 8:05am  

what's happened on a interpersonal level is that men have been turned into tax-slaves, and women into tax-benefactors and thus they don't see the direct need for men. Thus the men whom they do have relationships with only provide for them a superficial function such as sexual thrills or various transient emotional support. But men are still required to support the system, for which they personally get nothing but enslavement. That's why they are either dropping out in huge numbers, expatriating, or finding ways to detach themselves from the system.

Do you ever hear women complaining? no one ever seems to point out that most women are enjoying the destruction of our nation. They've never had it better. That is the 'single' 'professional' woman, or at least thats the image the left projects. The moment a woman wants to pursue her natural desires of family, she is severely penalized and finds it financially unattainable. The ones in their 20s are severely confused and totally misinformed about what lies ahead of them. The typical experience of women in their 20s is one of extreme frustration as they cannot get men of their peer group to live up to their expectations instilled in them by(typically lesbian or bisexual) college professors. Again, go on OKCupid. Communicate with a few of these women. Scary stuff.

When we remove the FALSE images of romantic love, we find instead the economic and social functions of FAMILY, which the courtship process is meant to lead up to. Today's use of the term 'date' is really just a cover for what it really is, and entirely selfish sensual gratification ritual. When you remove the false notions of romance, it's fairly easy to see that the new economic rules have had MAJOR and DEVASTATING impact on the family. So much so that one would necessarily conclude that this result was by DESIGN rather than circumstance.

17   Dan8267   2013 Aug 11, 10:53am  

MershedPerturders says

Dan you offer up many reasons why women voting is a good, practical, and thoughtful idea. What you avoid or miss complete is that since women have been given the vote - the democracy has become a malleable mess of passions that can be manipulated by psychology, sociology, etc.

I hate to break this to you, but America was a malleable mess of passions manipulated by yellow journalism and charlatans long before women got the vote. America was never Eden. America started at as a backwater cesspool built on slavery and genocide. It has slowly been getting better, but there are no "good old days".

MershedPerturders says

The access that marketers and advertisers have to the public today would be inconceivable 60 years ago. Our entire society has been converted into a shopping mall. We have surrendered control to international corporations and this is due primarily to Feminism.

All true except the last bit. The power of marketing isn't due to feminism but rather to increase in technology. Facebook doesn't sell your data to marketers because of 1970s anti-male pseudo-feminism or progressive 1920s true feminism. Facebook sells your personal data because it can. Technology has made it possible for marketing to become intrusive. And our government takes bribes from lobbyists which keep the laws in favor of anything that produces a cash flow even when such an enterprise is inherently wealth destructive.

Don't blame misandrist women for the abuse of relational database systems. There's a lot of bad things that feminazis did over the past 40 years. The erosion of privacy is not one of them. Blame that on government, particularly "law enforcement", and on corporations. Yes, the destruction of privacy in America is a huge problem. It's just a problem that has nothing to do with men being second class citizens in family courts or the constant male bashing in the media.

MershedPerturders says

While women are ultimately similar in structure to men, they lack the logical component and the ability to subdue their emotions.

Here you are making the very same mistake that the feminazis and other bigots make. Yes, blacks kill far more whites than whites kill black. That does not mean the typical black man is a murderer. Yes, men commit rape far more often than women. That does not mean the typical man is a rapist. Yes, women are statistically worse than men at math and logic -- although most men suck at that too -- but that doesn't mean women are incapable of performing well at those subjects. Men are statistically worse than women at language skills. That does not mean that men are incapable of writing great speeches or communicating clearly.

Going from a statistically significant difference between two groups to making a judgment of an individual based on those statistics is the very definition of prejudice. It is to "pre-judge" an individual based on group affiliation. And that kind of reasoning leads to killing an innocent kid for buying Skittles.

Furthermore, the answer to Americas being too dumb to vote in a republic is to smarten up Americans, not to take away their right to vote. A republic, and even more so a democracy should one come into existence again, depends on the general population being as rational, intelligent, and informed as possible. This is exactly why agencies like the NSA should not be allowed to have secrets like Prism. It prevents a public debate on the issue and the people's ability to control their own government as they see fit.

Quite frankly, if we were to set a "rationality standard" for voting, about half of Americans of both genders would not qualify. Anyone who believes in a god or an afterlife clearly isn't distinguishing between fantasy and reality, and thus should not be allowed to vote. But the problem with setting any voting criteria is who gets to pick the criteria. Such a power would always be abused by those who posses it, and they would use it to gain money and power by tweaking the voting poll for the highest bidder. It's better we just allow everyone over 18 to vote.

Furthermore, if one is to talk about the credibility of people based on sexual hormones, we should divide the population into four, not two, groups: alpha males (high testosterone), beta male (low testosterone), beta females (low estrogen), and alpha females (high estrogen). Of these groups, alpha males are most destructive, followed by alpha females. Beta males are most beneficial to society followed by beta females. All social and technological progress has been make by beta males and females, whereas wars have been started largely by alpha males and females, the alpha female using indirect violence by manipulating alpha males to do the dirty work.

Men pay more for car insurance because alpha males are the worst and most aggressive drivers. Beta males are actually the best drivers followed closely by beta females and then by alpha females at a distant third. So auto insurance companies should give discounts to mathletes and penalties to athletes.

I've always said, alpha is the Greek letter A and stands for asshole. Beta is the Greek letter B and stands for better. That's certainly true for alpha and beta males. Basically, most things are good in moderation and bad in extremes including both estrogen and testosterone.

MershedPerturders says

If a salesman is trying to get a couple to buy a product, he will rarely talk to the man- he will always talk to the woman. The women perceives this as meaning that she must be more powerful than the man, when in reality it's quite the opposite- she is more susceptible to suggestion than the man and thus the salesman concentrates on her.

Yes, women make most of the purchasing choices in families. This is why marketing caters to them and why men are often shown as dolts in commercials. Of course, marketing is an industry largely dominated by men, so how is either gender the one to blame? The solution is too either stay single or marry an intelligent woman who isn't so easily manipulated. Of course, even marrying an intelligent woman is a huge risk given the family court system, but I think we all agree that the court system needs to be severely overhauled.

18   Dan8267   2013 Aug 11, 10:57am  

Oxygen posts video

So true. Sex is the motivation for getting things built and society regulates it for that reason (and others). It comes down to production. Yep.

Kind of reminds me of Millennial men being called lazy and forever boys because they can get laid without working their asses off and so they just play XBox.

19   Oxygen   2013 Aug 11, 11:03am  

Dan8267 says

Yes, women make most of the purchasing choices in families. This is why marketing caters to them and why men are often shown as dolts in commercials. Of course, marketing is an industry largely dominated by men, so how is either gender the one to blame? The solution is too either stay single or marry an intelligent woman who isn't so easily manipulated. Of course, even marrying an intelligent woman is a huge risk given the family court system, but I think we all agree that the court system needs to be severely overhauled.

- 90% of divorces between college educated partners is initiated by the wife. (Overall, 2/3 of all divorces are initiated by the wife).

- IQ swamped education as a predictor of divorce rates. IQ played a huge role in divorce rates within the college educated group. Those who were college educated with an IQ of 100 had a 5 year divorce rate of 28%. Those who were college educated with an IQ of 130 had a five year divorce risk of only 9%.

20   Dan8267   2013 Aug 11, 11:53am  

Oxygen says

- 90% of divorces between college educated partners is initiated by the wife. (Overall, 2/3 of all divorces are initiated by the wife).

- IQ swamped education as a predictor of divorce rates.

I guess that's bad news for me. I always found intelligent women to be the sexiest.

What's your sources on these statistics?

21   Heraclitusstudent   2013 Aug 11, 12:06pm  

A few good points about family courts.

However can it be avoided by not marrying?
If you want children at all you need to bow to women power.
And if you don't, you will be WEEDED OUT THE GENE POOL like a regular Darwin Award.
Everything you are will disappear after a short life spent going after lame luxuries and enjoying freedom - alone.

Yeah, marriage is risky financially. The opposite risk is to get weeded out.
(You don't need to get married to have kids, but having kids automatically exposes you to a lot of financial risks and a lot of parasites that will suck a lot of your money)

Personally I don't care so much about living in a 1bdr apartment with an old car. I was living like this before I got married. I don't need much.

Having kids is as good a use of the extra money as any other - certainly better than housing in any case.

22   Ceffer   2013 Aug 11, 12:33pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

If you want children at all you need to bow to women power.

And if you don't, you will be WEEDED OUT THE GENE POOL like a regular Darwin Award.

Everything you are will disappear after a short life spent going after lame luxuries and enjoying freedom - alone.

Nature fools you into having children by giving some kind of pleasure on the front side (sex) along with hormonally induced narcissism around the child somehow perpetuating you into future.

The fact is if you have descendants and any of them manage to reproduce out four generations, there is no individual who will be carrying any more than 1/32 of your genes, and of course, fewer in later generations.

You as an individual are eradicated by serial reproduction and genetic crossover/intermingling whether you like it or not.

You are going to wind up in genetic bits, anyway, and the random bits of genes making you up are probably already out there dispersed in the larger human population. If they are contributory, they will survive whether you survive and reproduce as an individual or not.

Individuals are packaged robots for genes where they aggregate temporarily, it is only our egos that make us think we are something else.

23   Dan8267   2013 Aug 11, 12:48pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Everything you are will disappear after a short life spent going after lame luxuries and enjoying freedom - alone.

Modern humans differ from each other genetically by less than one part in a thousand. That's 0.1%. That's what you're fighting for. Actually, it's 0.05% since you only contribute half the genetic code.

The vast majority of your genes will be passed along regardless of whether or not you reproduce. As for the tiny ass amount that you uniquely posses, let's say you have four kids. That's four kids in a world whose population is about 3 billion persons per generation.

Congratulations, all that time, effort, and sacrifice you have done allowed you to contribute 0.05% * 4 / 3,000,000,000 or 6.7 * 10^-13th of the human genome. That's 0.000000000067% of the genetic material for a generation.

Is your finite life worth so little that it should be spent servicing a handful of selfish genes that act like parasites inside you? Given such a finite time we have in life, I'd rather live life to the fullest than simply serve a bunch of genes that have little to do with who I am.

Reproduction is not immortality. Even if your genes are passed on, they are swallowed up in the sea of other genes and eventually are removed in favor of other genes. True immortality comes from making the world a better place through scientific or technological advancement, social reforms, spreading of good ideas, creation of art. And even then, immortality is not nearly as important as making the most of your finite life. Simply being a slave to mindless genes is not making the most of your life.

24   Heraclitusstudent   2013 Aug 11, 12:52pm  

Ceffer says

The fact is if you have descendants and any of them manage to reproduce out four generations, there is no individual who will be carrying any more than 1/32 of your genes, and of course, fewer in later generations.

That's an argument that works at the individual level. If enough of you believe it, your RACE will be weeded out. If all smart educated people stop having kids, what will remain is a populace of imbeciles having 4-5 children because they don't know how sex works.

We are here today because for millions of generations our ancestors did the effort to have offsprings, feed them and care for them. To throw all of this away - in what is a flash by historical times - just to enjoy "your lifestyle" is an act of monumental egoism as far as I can tell.

26   Oxygen   2013 Aug 11, 12:56pm  

Oxygen says

Dan8267 says

What's your sources on these statistics?


the most relevant part (to me) is the section "The impact of hookup culture on future divorce rates"

27   Oxygen   2013 Aug 11, 12:58pm  

I have no idea why there is all this hoopla of leaving a legacy. it's merely confirmation bias molded to fit the "i need something to justify me having kids" notion. if your brother has kids, your bloodline is extended. YOU dont need to have kids.

28   Dan8267   2013 Aug 11, 12:58pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

That's an argument that works at the individual level. If enough of you believe it, your RACE will be weeded out.

Oh honey, it's not just your race that will be weeded out, it's your entire species. Think about all your ancestors going all the way back to single cell organism. Your ancestors were members of thousands of species that no longer exist.

Even without genetic manipulation, human beings as they exist today, won't be around in a million years. Our descendents, if we haven't destroyed ourselves, will be a different species and whether or not you have kids will have almost no impact whatsoever on what they are.

Add in genetic manipulation and designer babies and your inherited genetic code makes even less of a difference.

And if our species invents a platform to which we can download our minds, it's all over for biological reproduction of our species.

29   Dan8267   2013 Aug 11, 1:00pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

We are here today because for millions of generations our ancestors did the effort to have offsprings, feed them and care for them. To throw all of this away - in what is a flash by historical times - just to enjoy "your lifestyle" is an act of monumental egoism as far as I can tell.

With a population approaching 10.1 billion, I'd say that becoming a parent is the most selfish and egotistical thing a person can do. When our species is endangered of going extinct due to low numbers, I'll agree with your statement. But that hasn't been the case in over 20,000 years. If anything, overpopulation is more likely to trigger an extinction event like nuclear war or ecological collapse.

30   rooemoore   2013 Aug 11, 1:08pm  

Dan8267 says

With a population approaching 10.1 billion, I'd say that becoming a parent is the most selfish and egotistical thing a person can do.

unfortunately, only the people who should be having kids think this way.

31   rooemoore   2013 Aug 11, 1:14pm  

This is such a sad, small, limp penis thread.

32   Heraclitusstudent   2013 Aug 11, 1:25pm  

Dan8267 says

human beings as they exist today, won't be around in a million years.

True. And that leaves the time in-between.
In the big scheme of things you can always say that nothing at all can matter at all: life cannot be destroyed and given 500 millions years a new species will arise later and succeed where we failed. Yet there are things that seem to matter enough to you to argue about it on Internet.

Dan8267 says

making the world a better place through scientific or technological advancement, social reforms, spreading of good ideas, creation of art.

That's not just your genes. It's your memes too - since you love Dawkin.
That answers the designer babies and computer uploads too.

Dan8267 says

With a population approaching 10.1 billion, I'd say that becoming a parent is the most selfish and egotistical thing a person can do.

That's worse in case it's left up to an uneducated 10 billions. Then it will be 15 billions.
I wouldn't worry too much about over-population: mother earth will take care of it the old way, via starvation, plagues and war. 100% of people that remain will be descendants of people that live now.

33   Dan8267   2013 Aug 11, 2:06pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

In the big scheme of things you can always say that nothing at all can matter at all:

Actually, what I would say is that seeking genetic immortality is a waste of the precious finite time you have. Instead, what matters is how you spend the time you have. Did you live a fulfilling life? If you did, then that lifetime will always exist as a thread in the space-time continuum and will always be meaningful.

Heraclitusstudent says

It's your memes too - since you love Dawkin.

Great, so the meaning of my life is reduced to Grumpy Cat.

Heraclitusstudent says

I wouldn't worry too much about over-population: mother earth will take care of it the old way, via starvation, plagues and war.

And that would be what we rationalist would prefer to avoid.

34   Heraclitusstudent   2013 Aug 11, 2:39pm  

Dan8267 says

Actually, what I would say is that seeking genetic immortality is a waste of the precious finite time you have. Instead, what matters is how you spend the time you have. Did you live a fulfilling life?

Most parents seem to think this job is fairly fulfilling by itself. People don't have kids for sex, nor for an illusion of personal immortality. So I guess they could agree with you.

But is there anything greater than yourself and your fulfilling life? Like a society around you, that requires to perpetuating? And if so are the costs involved beneath you and to be left to other people?

35   Dan8267   2013 Aug 11, 2:55pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Most parents seem to think this job is fairly fulfilling by itself.

And if that's what a person wants fine. But there is no civil duty to become a parent.

Heraclitusstudent says

But is there anything greater than yourself and your fulfilling life?

Sure. Adopting a puppy from a shelter, proving a scientific theory or mathematical theorem, contributing to the construction great wonder of the world like the Internet, adding a teaspoon of knowledge to mankind that eventually leads to the cure for cancer, spreading an idea that averts a war, creating a musical score that inspires for generations, taking care of an elderly parent, improving the safety of cars, spending time with those you care about.

Just to name but a few of the things that are worth spending the finite time you have in existence...

36   Heraclitusstudent   2013 Aug 11, 4:15pm  

Dan8267 says

And if that's what a person wants fine. But there is no civil duty to become a parent.

That makes sense provided it's a small fraction of people that opt out, rather than a large share. (I saw statistics of 40% of working women not having kids at 40)

37   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 12, 12:04am  

Since healthcare jobs will be the only jobs, in a post Obacalypse world. May these kids that you Libs so hatefully despise spit in your porridge while they care for you in the mandated Pelosi Senior labor camps.

38   zzyzzx   2013 Aug 12, 12:18am  

Dan8267 says

Add in genetic manipulation and designer babies and your inherited genetic code makes even less of a difference.

Just think of the genetic mutations that people will insist on having if this is allowed! Just like with pets, I suspect that the people wanting designer babies will want ones that can't live without some form of assistance. I'm thinking of things like Munchkin or hairless cat type of thing.

39   Indiana Jones   2013 Aug 12, 7:53am  

Excuse me, but this thread needs to be retitled "Patrick.net Misogyny".

40   Dan8267   2013 Aug 12, 8:57am  

Indiana Jones says

Excuse me, but this thread needs to be retitled "Patrick.net Misogyny".

No, you're thinking of this thread. Men sticking up for human and civil rights of all people including other men is exactly not misogyny.

There are a lot of abuses of women in our society, especially by criminal police. The outrage of men at the family court system is not an abuse of women. And ultimately, such an unjust court system hurts women because it prevents men from marrying and it harms all the male descendants of women. So it's a lose/lose/lose situation.

Granted, there are a bunch of things said in this thread that I disagree with, but that doesn't make it misogyny.

41   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 12, 8:59am  

Indy, I consider myself a feminist. I know that lotsa the generalizations they wrote here are not fair.

But there is some truth to some of it. There's a lot of high maintenance Princess type play the gender card attitude to go around.

42   Dan8267   2013 Aug 12, 9:16am  

curious2 says

others are old chestnuts.

True, MershedPerturders does come off as misogynistic, but I thought I had rebuked his points thoroughly and indisputably. I don't think that most of the comments made in this thread are anti-women but rather anti-privilege. And really, that's the definition of equality.

43   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 12, 10:21am  

curious2 has a beef with me. She just coughs up old feminist garbage and pretends to be rational and judicious. Feminists are currently in a defend-and-hold pattern, soon to give way to a retreat pattern.

Here's a fun article I ran into today. People are cracking: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/12/professors-appalling-tweets-after-apparent-meltdown-i-fued-porn-stars-i-met-through-class/

44   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 12, 10:23am  

Dan8267 says

MershedPerturders does come off as misogynistic

it's only misogyny if you define misogyny and any kind of criticism of Feminism.

the whole thing is just falling apart. I doesnt offer ANYTHING, not even happiness for women. Women can't find happiness on their own, it's been proven. They NEED a man to tell them what to do. Of course they're never going to admit this publicly, but look at any women's magazine or literature and you will see this subconscious desire coloring everything.

don't listen to these brats if you really want to understand women. They don't even understand themselves.

45   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 12, 10:42am  

rooemoore says

What happens to your theory when woman make more money and pay more taxes then men? We are on the path to that becoming a reality by the next generation.

we are on no such path.

I notice all the Sci-Fi movies for instance show a future where women are doing all these important risky things like exploring other planets, etc. When have you ever met a women who would be capable of such a thing? How would women do their hair, take their 4 showers a day, powder their crotch and whatever other crap American women do to make themselves appear desirable? It's BULLSHIT. You believe that the last 30 years are some kind of break in the order of humanity and the next 2000 years moving forwards are going to be some sort of paradise for women and slavery for men? This system has an expiration date of 10 years tops.

Notice every year it gets more ridiculous as they constantly try to debug the system that was never thought to be workable in the first place. It was never intended to deliver prosperity, equality or satisfaction. It has actually reversed all those things. It was a ploy by elites to degrade family units so they could install other programs.

46   rooemoore   2013 Aug 12, 10:55am  

MershedPerturders says

we are on no such path.

The pink represents women % in college and grad school. This chart is 13 years old. The trend has continued. Go ahead and google "men vs women in higher education".

47   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 12, 10:59am  

the number of women in higher education is not an indicator of how intelligent they are.

as has been shown many times, the entire system has been designed around the accreditation and even support of 'minorities' and women. It is not a statistical anomaly that this expansion of women students coincided with a complete collapse in academic standards, ethics standards at college, costs of education, and perceived value of education.

Women turned both the workplace and the University into a romper room for adults who simply collect money by merit of their government sanctioned position.

what is likely to happen to the world of feminism is it will die along with our current financial system. It's simply antithetical to efficiency, profit, even psychological health.

48   rooemoore   2013 Aug 12, 11:02am  

MershedPerturders says

the number of women in higher education is not an indicator of how intelligent they are.

How about the fact that they now are higher on IQ tests?

49   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 12, 11:04am  

rooemoore says

What about female MD's and lawyers?

two professional sectors that have also degraded beyond recognition since the advent of 'equal opportunity'.

Women simply don't have a sense of general responsibility. This has generated an environment of complete indifference and thus degraded the standards to a point where the field isn't even recognizable anymore. People argue endlessly about how to manage the economics of healthcare, when none of the discuss the real problem. The real problem is complete lack of professional standards. If doctors would resist practices and methods that cause harm to patients, we would have far less problems with our medical system. Women simply don't have this sense of responsibility, it's not built into their basic psychological framework. They naturally think of themselves- it purely biological.

Any time you see a woman in charge of anything, then things have gone wrong. This fully explains our current state of affairs in America and the west.

50   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 12, 11:06am  

rooemoore says

MershedPerturders says

the number of women in higher education is not an indicator of how intelligent they are.

How about the fact that they now are higher on IQ tests?

did they redesign the IQ tests too?

one must be naturally skeptical after several decades of this subterfuge.

I'll go back to one of my initial statements: if women are so f-ing brilliant, why dont' they form their own awesome businesses and take on the men? YOU NEVER SEE THEM DO THIS. Actually you never see them do ANYTHING on their own. The more 'liberated' a woman is, the LESS she wants to be around other women, because 'liberation' isnt' about independence it's about exploiting MEN.

51   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 12, 11:15am  

Do I have the right to discount practically everything the feminist movement produces as evidence?



"Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism." - Catharine A. MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State

52   MershedPerturders   2013 Aug 12, 11:23am  

rooemoore says

(I especially love his use of capital letters. You can practically see the veins bulging in his geezer neck.)

just to show you how totally off you are, I am not a senior citizen. Men are DROPPING out of the system. It's got women very concerned which is why you find them frantically defending these points. They are not going to get marriage, or really any level of compliance from men at all. Once Men's Rights activists get more organized, even the state run programs are going to be dismantled. At this point I can't imagine how we can afford to keep them running. The barrier really is in identifying the problem. We see the problem as 'inefficiencies' but really the reason for much of the corruption is because we have people in these organizations who are not being held responsible for their positions. They are unanimously women.


53   rooemoore   2013 Aug 12, 11:24am  

MershedPerturders says

you must be kidding me.

I am kidding you. I could never take you seriously.

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