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Government Agencies are supposed to make a profit?
Great, where is my free Iraqi Oil as my share of the Iraq War II profits?
Compare USPS to private sector FEDEX & UPS.
Say what you will about USPS, as it does have some problems, that's a false comparison. USPS is a universal service, and Fedex/UPS are not.
A GIANT premise or benefit of the COMPUTER is to reduce man hours. I suggest a NEW quest for ALL fellow citizens.
We all want to take our government back. (right?) Control them as opposed to them increasing it's control over US. How can we eliminate costly gubmint offices and their waste ? By transferring those tasks to you ! Yeah YOU ! You with the keyboard and your access to more information than any man has ever had before in history. A new stop sign in your neighborhood ? Take a test on the issue and keystroke your vote !!! Maybe send troops into oil producing villages ? A couple keystroke later and you vote with the average JOE. Eliminating special interests and those who might benefit financially at our expense.
Of course, departments like Center for Disease Control, Department of Defense, etc. should have MANY more questions on the test, but damn, the S.E.C. is fubar. ( bernie madoff, & thousands of self incriminating docs shredded !!!) The D.M.V. could be privatized. U.S.P.S. is a good example of government failure, And that's just trying to run a delivery business. Compare USPS to private sector FEDEX & UPS.
TRUST ISSUES ? Most of us have control over our GROSS WORTH via the keystroke.
How might this concept be tested ? ANYONE ? EVERYONE ?