Funny how the Obama haters can't say exactly why they hate him

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2011 Nov 9, 6:45am   98,102 views  262 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Is it the 15 cent Christmas tree tax?

I don't think so.

Hate for Obama is something they can't explain by anything Obama has done or not done.

Just they hate him because... well, you know.


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249   thomas.wong1986   2012 Mar 25, 6:25am  

curious2 says

Having opposed Hillary's Plan when it was named for a white woman, why would people support it when it gets re-named for a black man who had previously opposed it?

Or the white guy called Kennedy who has been pushing it for how many decades ? Its all the same plan...

250   Honest Abe   2012 Mar 25, 8:26am  

Game Over, maybe Patrick has LOTS of red shirts. I don't see anything wrong with red - although I seldom agree with Patrick on matters of politics.

You know what they say about the Irish: Strong backs, Weak minds. Haha [I get to say that because I'm part Irish]

BTW, BO supports the wealth takers, not the wealth makers.

251   curious2   2012 Mar 25, 10:35am  


252   freak80   2012 Mar 25, 12:08pm  


Where'd you get that graphic that shows the spending under Bush vs. Obama?

I'm not saying I don't believe it. But I don't see a "source" on there anywhere.

253   marcus   2012 Mar 25, 12:22pm  

I'll answer for him. That graphic has been around for a while


254   freak80   2012 Mar 25, 12:54pm  


It just goes to show that Fiscal Conservatism really is DEAD.

Democrats = Tax and Spend

Republicans = Borrow and Spend More Than Democrats

That makes the Democrats more fiscally responsible than the Republicans.

255   marcus   2012 Mar 25, 1:50pm  

wthrfrk80 says

That makes the Democrats more fiscally responsible than the Republicans.

By far.

Obviously if we paid for what we spent we would have to make the tough decisions.

But it's not that hard to understand the strategy behind republicans borrow and spend. Run up deficits so high that democrats can't afford their programs in the future (aka "starve the beast"). I guess the possible financial ruin of our country is just a risk they are willing to take, if it helps avoid spending on social programs in the future.

(oh and besides - side benefit: for now the rich get richer)

256   freak80   2012 Mar 25, 1:56pm  

marcus says

But it's not that hard to understand the strategy behind republicans borrow and spend. Run up deficits so high that democrats can't afford their programs in the future (aka "starve the beast").

A totally insane strategy. But then again, politicians aren't known for thinking past the next election cycle. So you're probably correct.

Of course, Bush gave us Medicare D. So even the Republicans will do social spending if they can buy votes with it (in that case the senior citizen vote).

257   swilliamscc   2012 Mar 25, 8:14pm  

What a joke. Obama is not any better than Bush. They have the same policies across the board. I notice they are putting both wars on Bush's side and the bank bailouts even though Obama has pushed for and continued all the same policies. Both parties are the same. The sooner people realize this, the better.

258   Medic   2012 Mar 26, 1:52am  

Nomograph says

Honest Abe says

He's run up the debt to unimaginable levels which is akin to financial terrorism against American citizens.

This has been discussed but it bears repeating. Most of the debt is the result of Conservative policies and actions, Obama policies have added very little:

Of course, Dishonest Abe will refuse to address this and will vote Republican just like he has voted Republican in every other election.

He will continue to believe whatever he hears on AM talk radio.

This chart has somehow left out just a tiny bit of math i.e.

Obama Care which the CBO is now stating a minimum of
2.1 trillion.

Bail out of Fanne #2
Opening the discount windo to any instituion
Giving the banks 0% so they can buy treasuries @ 3%
Extended unemployment
Increased food stamp program

Other acronyms that are just boring to go into

Corporate Bail outs

During nine month periord in 2009 Mr. Obama let the Government hand out...................................Wait for it..............................Wait for it...................................7 Trillion,
Thats right 7 Trillion, confirmed by Bloomberg and the WSJ
through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Look over there at the discrimination, see the shinney ball. Look at the evil conservatives, wow listen to that loud noise.

It's all misdrection Patrick, both parties are pros at getting there followers to believe and look at what they want them to.
Obama lost the following of cross over republicans and independents when the health care bill got shoved thru in the middle of the night on a weekend, that gave literal birth to the Tea Party, and the sweeping change in the midterm election. It had nothing to do with black.

He had tons of crossover voters supper excited in '08 about "Hope and Change" "Transperency" but instead they got bullying, Presidential Executive orders and regulations up the whahzooo, as well as 15 Trillion in dept as it stands right now.

Follow the money Patrick it's always about the money, nothing else.

I'm a huge fan and have been for years, thank you for all your efforts.

259   mdovell   2012 Mar 26, 10:02am  

The problem with the graphic is it says new programs...

It is highly misleading given that Obama allowed the bush tax cuts to continue and frankly has done little to actually change bush policies.

And the other factor is that congress controls spending. In all due respect it generally is a bad thing to have congress controlled by the same party as the president..six of eight years of bush were like this and two of clintons and pretty much one of obamas.

Gridlock isn't that bad as it blocks spending..that's what the 90's taught us.

260   deepcgi   2017 Feb 18, 9:57am  

How about because he could club baby seals to death before breakfast and it wouldn't make the front page?

261   Tenpoundbass   2017 Feb 18, 11:27am  

TPB says

I said when he was campaigning in 2008.

The Man is a media product, he has not intentions on changing anything but making more rich Washington insiders even richer.

I said he was not a presidential candidate wining on his merit by words he believed and owned. I was convinced he was the front runner then, because he had endless air time by the Liberal media, some believed his lies, and some part of his lies.

I deleted it, because less than two minutes of research showed it was not true.

Huh! Turns out I wasn't a racist after all...

262   Tenpoundbass   2017 Feb 18, 11:31am  

I should get a Civility Credit for 2008 and 2011, they beat the hell out of me for telling the truth. They were facist bastards then.

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