Sorry, No More Donations for DNC Propaganda Masquerading as Housing News

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2011 Nov 22, 11:51am   7,357 views  18 comments

by JimAtLaw   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

It seems half of the so-called news posts on this site recently are one sided DNC propaganda not having anything even halfway directly to do with housing. This was a worthwhile site for housing news once. Now it's just a continuous vitriolic attack on anyone who doesn't parrot the DNC Party Line.

Yes, yes Patrick, more taxes, more bureaucrats, more government, that's the solution, I'm sure.

There are more than enough blogs for people to read that crap, enjoy your constant campaigning but I expect the site's slow death to be accelerated because of it.


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1   Â¥   2011 Nov 22, 11:59am  


Thanks for demonstrating how money corrupts the system.

One dollar at a time.

2   JimAtLaw   2011 Nov 22, 12:14pm  

Typical conspiracy language from someone trying to divert attention from the issue rather than address it. Yes yes, if only the government speaks the Pravda, then the corrupting influence of people's individual choices can be removed! Yay!

3   Vicente   2011 Nov 22, 12:39pm  

Something you agree with is just "news".

If you disagree, it's PROPAGANDA.

4   JimAtLaw   2011 Nov 22, 1:27pm  

If it's one sided in its disclosure of facts and discussion of causes and effects in favor of a particular political agenda, it's propaganda.

But again, attempting to distract from the point rather than address it - this was a housing news site. A large proportion of the articles posted on the front page are now political & economic news not directly related to housing, and overwhelmingly espousing the views of a particular political party.

If you like that, as it's plain many DNC partisans do, fine, but if you want to run a housing site rather than MoveOn.Org, alienating half of the potential audience by denigrating them and their views repeatedly may not be the best way to do it.

5   Vicente   2011 Nov 22, 2:12pm  

Were you in a time capsule since 2005? The Housing Bust is pretty old news and if you are coming here for 6 years on a regular basis beating on the stain where a bloody horse once lay, you have some kind of disorder.

I thought ya'll believe in freedom of speech and the right of owners of a piece of property to do with it as they see fit? If so, seems like Patrick is doing as he pleases personally and there is no "funding from the DNC" as you seem to imply.

6   Â¥   2011 Nov 22, 3:38pm  

"Yes, yes Patrick, more taxes, more bureaucrats, more government, that's the solution, I'm sure."

is just strawman argumentation.

You're the idiot here, not Patrick.

if you want your RNC/Rovian talkingpoints, you are free to take your attention elsewhere.

I guess it might have been this graph:

that hurt your tender fee-fees.

See, that's the reality of the situation, one that the "cut taxes to prosperity" republican viewpoint is utterly and oddly ignorant of.

I was just listening to the debate tonight and Santorum was saying we can't raise taxes now or it will kill the economy.

Nothing could be further from the truth -- this is the same bullshit line the Republicans were saying in 1993 when the Democrats last raised taxes, and they were as wrong then as they are now.

The critical problem -- the CORE problem -- of the economy is the thesis that I've been repeating ad nauseam of how rents are collecting at the top while the middle quintiles are just getting pummeled from every direction -- from $4 gasoline, $8000+ per-capita health costs, housing rents that are twice what they were just 15 years ago, and the $500B/yr trade deficit.

This country is on an escalator to Fuckedville and it's the Republicans and their myriad policy mistakes -- neoliberal free trade with NAFTA and MFN with China in the early 1990s, deregulating everything 1995-2005, cutting taxes for no good reason 2001-2003, launching two retarded wars in the mideast 2002-2007, "Drill baby drill!" and "Mental Recession" in 2008 that has put us on this collision course with mass penury.

That you are utterly unable to handle the truth of all this amounts to YOUR cognitive problem, not Patrick's.

Grow a brain or fuck off already.

But not that the Democrats have any idea of how to fix anything either. They give us about half the bumblefuckery as the Republicans, a passive form of incompetence vs. the Republicans' more actively evil kind.

I am sympathetic to the calls of a mass housecleaning, but I don't kid myself that the current electorate understands any of the issues that face us. We get the government we deserve, 'good and hard', as the man said.

The 99% movement is at least encouraging, that people are beginning to wake up or whatever.

7   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2011 Nov 22, 10:51pm  

Wait, I thought this was a dating site for Busty Mature Ladies Of The Night.

8   TPB   2011 Nov 22, 11:21pm  

It's no Huffington Post...

9   david1   2011 Nov 22, 11:48pm  

I think what the OP is saying is that HE personally will not be contributing any more to Patrick's site due to the left-lean of the recent links and forum posts.

Fair enough.

10   JimAtLaw   2011 Nov 23, 1:15am  

Thank you David.

I was also going one step further - if you want to have a politics section and if Patrick wants to post threads all day there advocating the DNC party line, fine. But if you put that stuff on the front page as the "News" this site as a whole simultaneously dilutes its relevance as a source of housing news and becomes an affront to those it is constantly belittling, making them want to get that housing news elsewhere. There are plenty of housing news sources that don't basically have "Republicans Suck!" written in new language on the front page every day.

It's Patrick's site, he can do what he wants with it, but making it just one more DNC campaign site will limit his viewership and success over time IMHO.

11   TPB   2011 Nov 23, 1:20am  

Well Republicans do suck. I don't blame him for that.
Though he could put up more Democrat sucks stories.
I would put them between the Republican's suck and the it's the Republicans fault that every Democrat in Washington, can't get anything done because the GOP said No.

Apparently an inept politician can be forgiven, just as long as you can sell fault.

12   Dan8267   2011 Nov 23, 3:11am  

Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq says

Wait, I thought this was a dating site for Busty Mature Ladies Of The Night.

It is.

13   Dan8267   2011 Nov 23, 3:13am  

The GOP says

Though he could put up more Democrat sucks stories.

I would gladly do that. The problem is that the Democrats don't do anything, therefore, they don't do bad things. The Democrats are too incompetent and inept to suck. Whereas, the Republicans have turned sucking into an art.

It's hard to do evil when you can't even tie your shoe.

14   PockyClipsNow   2011 Nov 23, 3:33am  

Yeah this site is searching for a purpose, thats for sure.

There are so many many many bailouts/free loan mods, foreclosure slowdowns and low DP loans out there it appears housing may have bottomed as far as it can considering the artificial sugar poured all over it.

BUT it still costs 800k for a house you aren't embarassed to own in coastal CA. So housing bubble has popped but 'nice areas still cost a lot'......not much of an issue to base a site on , is it?

15   Dan8267   2011 Nov 23, 4:08am  

Btw, what exactly constitutes DNC propaganda? If I post something that shows the police pepper spraying or tear gassing unarmed protesters, does that constitute DNC propaganda? Does it matter that I don't give a rat's ass what the people are protesting; I just want their human and civil rights not infringed? Does it matter that I'd do the same for both OWS and The Tea Party? Of course, the Tea Party wouldn't be protesting unarmed.

But shouldn't a "conservative" who claims to believe in small government as JimAtLaw just did be on my side on this one. After all, mass police forces is big government and it's exactly why conservatives say we need to protect the Second Amendment.

And what if I post about how much the rich-poor gap was increased. Is that DNC propaganda? Last time I checked, most Republicans and Tea Party members are dirt poor people from dirt poor states living in towns with dirt roads. The make up the bottom 20% of the wealth distribution.

If I show that all the bullshit myths surrounding Jesus Christ were stolen from Pagan myths, that the Bible is outright plagiarism, and I have the carbon dated scrolls to prove it, does that count as DNC propaganda? Shouldn't a conservative believe in the separation of church and state as much as I do? After all, you can't have small government if you let religion take it over. Religion is very, very big. Religion is very, very hands on. Religion demands that the governments it takes over become large and intrusive because religion is large and intrusive.

If I refute Creationism / Intelligent Design bullshit, does that count as DNC propaganda. Do I have to be a scientifically illiterate moron who pisses all over the Constitution and thinks that human and civil rights are unimportant to be a conservative? Because if that's the case, count me out.

I remember when the word conservative meant small, unintrusive government that protected the rights of individuals and conserved public property like the air, the oceans, and natural parks. I remember reading in history about how the conservatives were against large corporations, large banks, and trusts. It was the conservative position to support anti-trust laws and to bust banks. WTF happen to these conservatives.

It's like everything that conservatives used to believe in, modern "conservatives" believe in the opposite.

I want small government. I don't want to see our government bailing out banks, taking bribes from lobbyists, letting corporations write legislation, making it impossible for individuals or small business to compete against large ones, running an evil empire through violence, maintaining a huge police force to keep the public in check, secretly spying on our bank accounts, credit/debit card purchase, and electricity usage with new "smart" meters.

So, JimAtLaw, would you be willing to cut our military spending by 90%? Because if you wouldn't, I don't see how you are for small government. The U.S. spends more money on the military than all other countries in the world combined. And the majority of the federal income tax is spent on the military.

I don't want my government giving lucrative offshore oil drilling rights to greedy corporations who have majorly fucked up offshore oil drilling in the recent past without a conservative insurance policy to protect public property from major screw ups. A true conservative would demand that each offshore drilling operation must be fully insured to cover the worst case scenario: trillions of dollars of damages. That's a fiscally conservative policy.

The price of this insurance should be set by the free market. So, if Sarah Palin really believes that offshore drilling is safe, she'll invest her money for a low return in drilling insurance. If she's wrong, then she gets wiped out. That's free-market capitalism. And if the insurance premiums are too costly to make offshore drilling profitable, then that's just the free market telling you that it is inefficient to exploit that particular resource. And that's free-market capitalism too. Surely, any true conservative would agree with me.

Conservatism used to mean: small government, the rights of individuals, conserving natural resources, rugged individualism, protection of the small from the large including banks and corporations, separation of church and state, and an equal playing field where politicians looked after the rights and liberties of their citizens, not corporations. By the old standards, conservatism and liberalism were not mutually exclusive. In fact, you had to be a liberal to be a conservative. You had to believe in personal liberty to be a conservative.

Modern so-called conservatives talk about small government, but they really mean diverting resources from one part of government to another, say from the Dept. of Education to the Dept. of Defense. They also use "small government" as code for fascism, letting big business run big government with no accountability.

Modern so-called conservatives do not care about the individual person, but rather a few individual transnational corporations. And these pseudo-conservatives sure as fuck do not want a free-market system, because that would cause large corporations to crumble under their own weight. Modern so-called conservatives care more about clean airwaves than clean air. They let the coal industry poison our air, but prevent people from saying fuck on television or radio. Sorry, but the word fuck doesn't cause cancer or Mercury poisoning. Coal air pollution does. Modern conservatives have a completely fucked up sense of values and priorities, and they don't actually believe in their alleged core philosophies.

I wish the word conservative hadn't been taken over by religious nutcases and their overlords, the corporate ball-suckers. There was a time when conservatives did believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But when was the last time you heard a "conservative" Republican or Tea Party promote such things? The only thing I've heard conservatives promote in the past thirty years is the theft of wealth from the producers and the destruction of public property (the environment) to squeeze out some private profits. And the latter is just another form of wealth theft. Modern conservatives only believe in making it legal for the powerful few to steal from everyone else.

16   JimAtLaw   2011 Nov 23, 8:07am  

Many modern so-called conservatives in Congress are idiots and not living up to conservative ideals - small, unintrusive government and freedom within the bounds of minimizing externalities; they've been piss poor about containing big government, and I couldn't agree more about police pepper spraying students, etc. (Abhorrent behavior on all sides in the OWS case...) Of course, most so-called liberals in Congress are idiots too, and even worse - they're not doing nothing, they're actively working to grow their police state as fast as they possibly can, by nearly a third just since Obama took office, with new regulations and bureaucrats as far as the eye can see with nary a care as to the cost/benefit of anything they do and knowing that once such infrastructure is set up, it's almost impossible to take down or shrink.

But the substantive underlying badness of either party in the statehouse is not the point here - Patrick regularly calls out Republicans and conservatives and their causes on the front page here, and does *not* do the same on the other side. That hardcore partisanship is alienating for a lot of people, and if you want people to come here for housing news, this will keep a lot of them away.

17   Dan8267   2011 Nov 23, 10:02am  

JimAtLaw says

Patrick regularly calls out Republicans and conservatives

I think the Republicans give Patrick way more ammo when it comes to making housing unaffordable and siphoning wealth from the middle class.

Just about all the Republicans in office have clearly chosen the side of transnational corporations in the war of capital vs labor. As such, they cannot do anything in the interest of 99% of the population. And that's why they keep making the headlines on patrick.net.

I don't see anything in OWS that is as evil as what the police were doing. Yes, OWS so far has been retarded and ineffective and many of the members are dumb ass hippies who don't know anything about the economy. But the most "evil" thing I've seen them do is petty vandalism and that doesn't even come close to assault.

Now, the fires in London from earlier this year would be grounds to call foul, but OWS just forms drum circles and pass joints. Useless and stupid, but not evil.

Similarly, the Tea Party so far hasn't committed any atrocities even though they are as stupid as the college aged pot smokers in OWS. If you replaced racist Obama signs with ugly puppets of politicians, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Finally, I'd like to ask my question again. As you believe in small government, would you like to cut 90% of military spending? If not, what percent would you cut?

18   Dan8267   2011 Nov 24, 9:03am  

Young Turks explain why Republicans are by far more bought out by corporations.


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