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This is why 90% of the 99%'ers don't want to raise, ANYONES taxes.
We're smarter than the Bush administration or the Obama administration gives us Credit for.
In the guise of raising taxes for the rich, based on the recent government MO, everyone else will end up getting taxed, the rich will be taxed less, and the majority of the tax increase will go to more secret bailouts.
Just listen to the noise in Washington. The Liberals have turned on their base, and are in serious debate on cutting social security, and are content with the results of their Health care legislation that has risen most people's premiums across the board 50% across the board since the debate in '08 first picked up.
As long as it's Tax dollars, and money from the other 50% they loathe and despise, the Liberals are tickled Pink with any and all creative ways Congress can up to squander it.
I am so bitter ... Down with POS banks, Tim Geithner and fuck Ben.