Dog shoulda pissed on the veggie plate. Making dogs vegetarian is cruel and unusual punishment. We had a neighbor who did that with her Bisson and the animal could barely walk.
The vast majority of vegetarian animals are ruminants; there are sloths, pandas, and gorillas as well, but they are relative niche adaptations to local environments. All else are omnivores or carnivores. Even blue whales are carnivores - they eat krill, a crustacean akin to shrimp. All birds are at least omnivores, with the raptors leaning more towards carnivore.
This vegetarian bullshit is a 19th century mind virus that must die. India is another story - there's a lot more meat eating for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as for young children. Let the Indian bothers chime in about this - I'm sure all of us sahibs would dig your perspective.
Dogs are opportunist. The pet food industry is pure crap and dogs only eat it as the last resort, if they have ever eaten human food and knows the difference. Sure your dog will eat a carrot stick, because you're eating it. He takes it because it means a meat morsel might be following. But if you put that carrot stick up against a slice of beef, the dog wont even give the carrot another look.
Our Husky German Sheppard mix, gawks at us during every meal. If the doesn't get a table scrap, he will begrudgingly swagger over to his kibble bowl and take a few bites.
Fuck those cutesy wild animal videos. Obviously those are quasi domesticated big cats that are cared for on a preserve. They have probably known those vets since the day they were born.
I hate those videos, where the Sean Hannity AI bot is saying a guy stumbled on a Deer trying to get his attention, the guy ran over and saw another deer stuck in a fence, and rescued it. The next day the deer family were so grateful they brought all of the fawns to meet them. They also do it with Owls, Wolves or what ever. Always obviously kept animals that has a report with the person in the video. Many times, the animal they keep showing in the video isn't even the same animal, the same place or the same person.
I'm more tolerant of the sexy Powerball winner women on Twitter that keeps messaging me, wanting to give me money.
True, I didn't realize this until we had chickens. Throw them a carcass and they will strip it to bones. They might even eat swallow the smaller bones.