So called vaccines were sequentially stacking more cancer causing agents and toxins as time went on. Mercury, perpetual foetal cell lines combined with carcinogenic viruses, etc. etc. They were designed for poisoning, sterilization, immune system depression, neurologic agency and disease causation, not disease prevention. Bill Gates sterilized half a million African women with 'vaccines'. They are literally bullets they use against the immune system and health of the population posing as health measures. Covid fraud and mRNA vaxicides were just the latest escalation. Silly me, I thought they were testing these things for efficacy and immune boosting. Hope I can stay alive on the leftovers of my immune system.
Lol, reminds me of my high school math teacher, who asked us all to guess a number between 1 and 10, and then he would show us that he knew in advance which number we would guess.
The class guessed 7, and he went to the chalkboard, lifted up an eraser, and there indeed was a slip of paper with 7 on it! Then he asked us to guess another number, and went to a different spot in the classroom where the next number was.
He got all the way to 10 and there was a girl in the class who was still astonished.