by TPB ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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That makes sense, Obama's image is a powerful advertisement.
Sex sells, and Obama has been fucking us for 3 years now.
more T.otal P.athetic B.ullshit.
That is, if the Fed overnight loaned BOA $1B, but BOA paid it back (with interest) then borrowed another $1B a few days later and paid that back, they are counting that "cost" as $2B. Even though the cost to the budget was zero since it was paid back. (Again with interest so net cost was actually negative)
Thanks david1. If the money came from Federal Funds, then it is loaned out, not given out. It is supposed to be paid back, though debtors can declare bankruptcy. Money given and money loaned are two completely different situations.
The thing is the banks effectively paid us back with our own money.
They would take the government money and loan it back to the state government or to Wall St. at a higher rate. IIRC there was also some really shady stuff going on where $billion would get loaned out and repaid only to be re-loaned out again on a daily basis for something like a year on end. A half assed way to be sure to lend out hundreds of billions but apparently it worked.
Anyways crap like this is why Wall St if flush with cash and pumping up equities while the rest of the country goes to shit. They're playing with our money and keeping nearly all the profits. And when things go tits up again they're all expecting to get rebailed out since TBTF is now established government policy.
So sad that people have to invent reasons to dislike Obama, or even worse: play the politics as football game, when there are plenty of real reasons already.
It's utterly naive to think that this change only happened since Obama took office. Fact is that both Democrats and Republicans have similar big government policies. Both deficit spend, both look for government to solve problems, both support subsidies for their pet project, both voted for increased government loan guarantees in the mortgage markets that supported and created the RE bubble, both support the FDA and other big government ideologies.
America and its free market economy that once existed was destroyed over a century by both parties. Sure, they give you the illusion that they are against one another but when you take a thorough look at it you see how they both support one and the same.
And when things go tits up again they're all expecting to get rebailed out since TBTF is now established government policy.
True. We should be out on the streets protesting with OWS.
TPB, "Change" has turned into "Chains". But I'm happy to see how many kids are into Ron Paul. Its been said Ron Paul is not a candidate, he's a cause. Even if he isn't elected this time around, the cause is growing stronger.
Future generations should not be chained to the moutain of debt created by "President" 0bummer or any other socio-path in an elected position...and the young people know it.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
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I had my own Van and about $2500 worth of Flooring tools, and was a subcontractor for 6 different interior decorators, by the time I was 19. I was one of the first down here, in south Florida to work as a free agent(if you will), other installers depending on one shop, Dolphin Carpet, Carpet Expo ect. for their day to day work. I used to sit home and take calls from decorators and and a Postman that sold carpet and tile to people in his Century Village route.
I was full of Piss and Vinegar, as the old people used to say about me. When carpet was slow, you find me at the FP&L pay station selling knock off Rolexes or knock off designer perfume to inner city patrons on their way to pay their bill. One thing for sure, you weren't going to find me behind a counter, or sitting in a chair waiting to be seen by the HR administrator, I was paving my own way. I knew where corporate America was heading, and what was in store for those dependent on the Corporate payroll.
I was raised with the emphasis on the ability to adapt and shift gears, and for god sakes don't be at the mercy of the company store ever. When life throws you a curve ball when you're playing football, then you better hit a home run or you will get tackled.
Somewhere along the way, that sense of independence and innovation got replaced with people longing to fit in the corporasphere, and those that are trying to be self starters. Their ideas are to play follow the leader. School for the last several decade has drilled individuality out of the kids. Oh it's fine as long as we're talking about fashion and disruptive behavior, that's encouraged. But the focus has gone from preparing kids for the future, what ever that future may be, and giving the kids the tools they'll need to get by, to a politicized next stage qualifier.
You're either headed to College and will chose a career in publicly traded company and are told you'll make high end 6 figure salaries right out of college. Hell they cut out the pay your dues part, these kids were told they are on the fast track. That's if they can afford an education that cost as much as the average High end sports luxury car in Monaco. The other group is destined to destitution and welfare, for the women, and the men folk are headed to prisons profit centers.
Let's take a moment of silence and mourn for the lost of the best system in the world and death of the American innovative entrepreneurial spirit, regardless of class, race, age, weight or education.
Be careful what you wish for.
You want change? You got it!