by Patrick ➕follow (60) 💰tip ignore
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Science is not a Political discussion.
Science works wonders for providing engineering solutions. Not so great for solving Social and Economic problems.
I watched Paul last night, an entertaining premise in it's own right.
But by the middle of the movie, it was clear it had an agenda message.
My first instinct was to change the channel, but then it gave me insight to what bothers about the Science/Politics relationship these days. I certainly am not anti Science, but the way Science is wielded these days, like a Holy scepter to drink from the cup of knowledge that will cleanse all of your sins. But I couldn't put my finger on it.
Science is being used in Modern Politics as a Religious antidote, like Religion(Christianity to be sure, Jews aren't under attack) is some kind of disease that can be treated with a Liberal dose of Science. And not the Laws of Science either, these people are going head to head against religion with Theories and Speculation. One form imagination doing battle of the wits with another form of imagination. Like the Religious right that think they can Ungay someone, with a good old fashioned logic argument.
The thing that bothers me about Paul, is it reckoned that if someone could just put their hands on some religious persons head and just project the knowledge of Science in that person, and he would be miraculously cured, like Christianity is a disease in the first place.
This premise is very naive, there are plenty of Christians, that did quite well in Science, they studied Science and perhaps got out standing grades while doing so. Just because someone understands something, doesn't mean they understand it as religion or in lieu of religion.
Science has no business being hijacked by the Liberal left as some antidote Jesus begone tonic. You guys have taken the fun out of Science, now it's hard to get excited by new discoveries with out some how feeling like you're being played once again by the Liberal institutions putting shit on the Religious right once again.
Can we please have Science back, or at least put the Adults back in charge. The ones that respected Science enough to not use it as some secret deity to threat to unleash the power of Global Warming on all of the SUV Republican sinners?
Now that I have a clear understanding of what has been gnawing at me, about this topic. I will leave it at that, and this is last I'll ever mention it here. But I really want you to think about what you are doing to the future of Science. Do you want a legacy, centuries from now, that the contemporary Science crackpots arguing with the Religious crackpots, to get them to repent in the name of Darwin?
Or it could be at this rate Science may very well end up as a religion.
A religious book written by a Zealot consortium that called Mars a rock and accepted the theory of everything as the universal accepted version, and anyone that posed counter theories or beliefs gets ridiculed politically ostracized or by then even drawn and quartered.
All of which is happening now, except for that last part, but we're getting there.
Study: The larger a scientific field, the more conformist that field becomes, and the more lethargic its progress
Bad news for Team Science. ...
A recurrent pattern, since January 2020, has been the tendency of Team Science to get wronger with each passing moment. I won’t ever defend containment, masking or mass vaccination, but in the beginning – when Science first hit upon these ideas – the possibility that they’d have some mitigating effect was at least defensible. Over time, though, as events have discredited each of these policies in turn, it’s proven impossible to remove any of them from the scientific canon, and all signs are that the Science Followers will follow these broken ideas straight off a cliff. Corona simply attracted too much attention too soon, and rapidly became mired in a set of early, ill-informed and unproductive paradigms, that will probably still be plaguing the Science twenty years from now.
Science is being used in Modern Politics as a Religious antidote, like Religion(Christianity to be sure, Jews aren't under attack) is some kind of disease that can be treated with a Liberal dose of Science. And not the Laws of Science either, these people are going head to head against religion with Theories and Speculation.
In the last few years, it's become abundantly clear to me that people do see "science" as some sort of religion. Remember "follow the science"?
richwicks says
In the last few years, it's become abundantly clear to me that people do see "science" as some sort of religion. Remember "follow the science"?
Yeah I was reading my two posts there, and was thinking, "well that really escalated fast!" in just 10 years, didn't it?
Tenpoundbass says
richwicks says
In the last few years, it's become abundantly clear to me that people do see "science" as some sort of religion. Remember "follow the science"?
Yeah I was reading my two posts there, and was thinking, "well that really escalated fast!" in just 10 years, didn't it?
Sure did!
I really can't get over how so many engineers I know don't actually think. I thought they just didn't bother to follow world events and that's why they were so clueless and repeated the propaganda, but even when it effects them directly, they don't even do basic elementary thinking. One engineer's wife, quite obviously, doesn't want me in her house because I've been quite open about the refusal to be vaccinated, and she thinks I am a threat to them as a res...
HA! You're complaining about engineers - what about doctors?
They had to take my blood pressure twice because the first time I was thinking about the collateral damage from the clusterfuck that is the clot shot, and my systolic hit over 150. Rage, indeed.
stereotomy says
my systolic hit over 150.
Must have been quite a hot nurse that put the cuff on.
I never respected doctors too much. They are glorified mechanics.
NP was a natural blonde late 20's - I'd rate 7/10. I think she got butt hurt when I talked about all those 7 year olds dropping dead from the clot shot.
BMJ Opinion from former Editor - Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise?
Health research is based on trust. Health professionals and journal editors reading the results of a clinical trial assume that the trial happened and that the results were honestly reported. But about 20% of the time, said Ben Mol, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Monash Health, they would be wrong. As I’ve been concerned about research fraud for 40 years, I wasn’t that surprised as many would be by this figure, but it led me to think that the time may have come to stop assuming that research actually happened and is honestly reported, and assume that the research is fraudulent until there is some evidence to support it having happened and been honestly reported. ...
Others have found similar results, and Mol’s best guess is that about 20% of trials are false. Very few of these papers are retracted. ...
We have now reached a point where those doing systematic reviews must start by assuming that a study is fraudulent until they can have some evidence to the contrary.
They had to take my blood pressure twice because the first time I was thinking about the collateral damage from the clusterfuck that is the clot shot, and my systolic hit over 150.
Must have been quite a hot nurse that put the cuff on.
Martin Kulldorff
During the 16th century reformation, many lay people understood the bible better than most priests.
During the 21st century pandemic, many lay people understood science better than most scientists.
Long terms implications will be equally profound.
August 10th 2022
Ezra Levant 🍁🚛
Nobel laureate Richard Feynman said science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts. A scientist never trusts anything without testing it. What you really want is obedience to ruling elites who want to be above criticism. Maybe start by not calling critics “stupid”
forget "being the science," apparently the UN now claims to OWN it
more adventures in "saying the quiet part out loud"
... had i posted a quote from an unknown speaker that stated:
“we own the science and we think that the world should know it…”
how many of you would have presumed that it MUST be over the top pastiche and that no one would possibly mistake for a sincere position on a topic?
because this is no joke. those are her precise words. please give her a listen. it’s amazing how much quiet part you can say out loud in 42 seconds.
1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility
More than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments. Those are some of the telling figures that emerged from Nature's survey of 1,576 researchers who took a brief online questionnaire on reproducibility in research.
The data reveal sometimes-contradictory attitudes towards reproducibility. Although 52% of those surveyed agree that there is a significant 'crisis' of reproducibility, less than 31% think that failure to reproduce published results means that the result is probably wrong, and most say that they still trust the published literature.
Nov 16
What was the silliest, least scientific 'pandemic' policy?
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