Christians Send Death Threats to a 16-Year-Old Girl

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2012 Feb 15, 12:21pm   66,457 views  185 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

And they are better than Muslims, how?


And atheist girl bravely points out the illegality going on in a public school, funded by tax payer dollars, that has been going on for half a century. Instead of correcting the problem, the local Christians threaten to kill her forcing the local police to escort the girl during school.

So where's all that "love thy neighbor" crap?

The real hypocrisy is that if a school had a Islamic prayer, all the Christians would be up in arms banning Sharia Law. Funny how separation of church and state only applies to other people's religions.

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146   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 6:19am  

marcus says

Without the death threats

Well, that's a big fucking change Marcus. Christ, Marcus, do you have children? If someone made a death threat against your daughter and you didn't know whether it was just some asshole blowing steam or a crazy zealot who intended to go ahead with it, wouldn't you be damn concerned?

147   nope   2012 Feb 20, 12:05pm  

If someone made a death threat against my daughter, I'm pretty sure that they'd find themselves on the receiving end of my boot.

148   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 20, 9:00pm  

Look I grew up with Catholics and Christians. They can be brutal sometimes no doubt. I've seen people put through "hell" for what they consider "perversion". They go to church then the next day are merciless with their teasing of those that don't "fit in". Now the people that "get" all this religious bullshit or know its bullshit. Have sympathy for the people picked on. However they don't do one fucking thing to get rid of the "religious bullshit". So "religous bullshit" is a standard used to keep people in line. Paying there bills. Not giving the people "in charge" any trouble. The people that don't "fit in" are causuaties in all of this. They consider that "tough shit". Because once again in order to make "religion" work. You have to have a "bad guy". So to speak. The rich are "bad guys" however they are left till the "bitter end". Where "God" gets them. The rest? Well if they are dumb enough to fight back. Well they have their fight. While the rich with half a brain just let them wait for the apocolypse. Letting them be good little Christians turning the other cheek. Taking their cloak, pants and underwear. With the stupid little Christians just happy as hell because well the rich will get theirs in the end. Take a tip from the rich. Leave them the fuck alone and they go away. One thing you'll notice from that book. Other religions, "perverts" get theirs right now. Read the book. You'll see he fucks up everyone with a bad religion. He even stones perverts. The GD rich he leaves alone till the end. Why? It's who had the "book" printed. It wasn't Anton Levey. It was the people that wanted to be left alone while they stole every fucking thing they could find. I can see I'll never see anyone with much sense about this. Why? Because people love to be in their division. Which they are a part of in the first place, its cozy. They love a good fight. To some its better than being rich. The sad part watching their, wheels spinning, taking up their life. It's sort of a distraction from their reality. A form of entertainment. The funniest part is watching the well meaning non-Christians trying to talk "sense into the Christians. While the Christians are pretty sure the non-christians are in league with the devil.

The Christians of course at the same time are trying to talk their sense into the non-christians. Yes folks it can go on forever. At least till the end when nothing fucking happens and the rich enjoy a marvelous life. Courtesey of the very, very rich that were smart enough to print the book in the first place. To keep everyone away from them their familes and their stuff. While the rest work for some kind of cause or religion or philosophy not giving up until the bitter end. Each side, arguing, fighting trying their best to get the other side out of their delusion. Because thats what a nice person does. All in the meanwhile they are busy carting off everything you have or should have.

149   Patrick   2012 Feb 21, 9:50am  

Dan8267 says

b. Marcus is full of shit and has always been.

C'mon, don't insult other users. I don't want to have to jail anyone.

Dan8267 says

Hmmm, anyone want to take bets? I'll give 2:1 odds that I am not Shrek. Any takers?

I will say right now you are not Shrek, based on IP addresses.

150   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Feb 21, 10:59pm  

Jessica Alquist is getting a $40k scholarship thanks to various Atheist groups.


Enjoy the comments section, after all, it is Fox News.

151   Dan8267   2012 Feb 22, 4:32am  

C'mon, don't insult other users.

I try, but some people just keep begging to be put down.

152   Dan8267   2012 Feb 22, 4:34am  

thunderlips11 says

Jessica Alquist is getting a $40k scholarship thanks to various Atheist groups.

Good for her.

153   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 22, 9:58pm  

This is a little off yet to me its good for a laugh.

Britain and France demanded Syrian President Bashar al-Assad cease attacks against the besieged opposition stronghold of Homs to allow three journalists to receive medical care.

How many times have we read something like that? Think about it. We are outraged of course. Because well its newspeople folks. The ones that bring us the stark truth every single day of the week. Now they are under attack from the people that CENSOr and lie. British and french journalists always get lost and captured for some reason. Cause if a Journalist gets hurt whoah fuck. If they did get another gov't installed. They would chuckle at all the stupid people that actually believe that they had won their revolt. Take a look at the Democracy in Iraq and Afganistan. It's a fucking joke. You don't let countries like that go after all the effort gone to. For the purpose you went after them in the first place. If you think otherwise. You really believe in Jesus way to much. Or you have the ideaolgy of a 12 year old.

You've got your women, childern. Unspeakble acts. God do somethings. Throw in your journalists abused or cornered. Let see what else. Oh a target or two to outrage a country (thats if it really gets bad). Involve some Nato countries an outrage or two. Just so they can get the right puppet back in there. If you don't think Assad is their buddy. Think again. Mollamars didn't have a friend in the world. Ole Assad has the *trifecta of nuclear nonsense on his side. Deal is how to help him out. In a genuine revolt. Of large proportions. If hes been dead well fuck. What would Jesus do?

So Operation HARD PUPPET continues.

They tried it in Egypt folks you saw. They now have just about every ministry building. Even showing old film of the parliment meetings. They are huddled in a bunker just praying the outraged Egyptian people don't get ahold of them.

Call that one Operation Fucked Puppet.

*Nuclear trifecta exlained: A group of counties that have never gone to war with each other even before the "stink bomb" was invented. Nations that claim to be the "richest" on earth. Each country has aligned with it as many naive nations it can bullshit. Pliable bullshitted nations sometimes in "Zone" near largest trifecta bullshitter (eastern europe, duh)One example. Trifecta consists of 3 countries that have robbed the earth blind.

I get tired of this country setting up its own serve to invade another country. Question on CNN. Why isn't the world coming to help Syria. When setting up a puppet one has to be clever. If not even with their own people. Especially when they have one of the most incredible puppets ever in show. (I mean guys if you believe that one up there now in a country that has never fucking elected minority even to govenor. Your really gullible and lost in life. It just ain't natural.) Anyway no one wants to be invaded by this country and puppeted by it or the Nuclear Trifecta. That is if they know it.

So your being prepared for another great victory for democracy in Syria or some Russian strongman. Either way is should work out for US cause well in like in good ole Iraq. Iran has its pipelines right into its *refinery from the conqeored Iraq. Russia is pumping oil right there along with its buddy China and it really good ole boy poker player the U.S.

*They ship straight to terminal by the way. B.P. Shell, Exxon etc. Its much eaiser to refine heavy crude first then ship.

154   marcus   2012 Feb 23, 10:49am  

Dan8267 says

When you questioned my credentials, I can justify my experience in my areas of expertise. You can't.

I never questioned your credentials, but you twice have thought that showing us some code (gawwwleee - real programming code), and another time you thought that giving me your resume, was some kind of substitute for an argument. This is in fact what happens when you realize you are logically on thin ice.

"i'm not all about being right." Yeah, right, like you don't know that about yourself,...really?

Dan8267 says

no one would obsess so much over a random adolescent prick.

I'm not obsessing. Just trying to give you some constructive feedback to you about your bizarre behavior (see quotes above).

Dan8267 says

you are stalking me on this site

Right. It's all about you, not your post "Christians Send Death Threats to a 16-Year-Old Girl."

IF you want to learn more about NPD there are many internet sources, such as http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001930/


A person with narcissistic personality disorder may:

React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation

ding ding

Dan8267 says

You've never added anything to a conversation other than vicious personal attacks and deception

Dan8267 says

I can only conclude that your dick is so small that any woman would laugh at the sight of it. This is perhaps quite typical of trolls.

Perhaps you wouldn't be such a whinny, spiteful bitch if only you got some the last time you went to the cemetery. I guess you shovel must have broke.

Other Symptoms

Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals

Have excessive feelings of self-importance

ding ding

Exaggerate achievements and talents

ding ding

Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love

ding ding

Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment

Need constant attention and admiration

Disregard the feelings of others, and have little ability to feel empathy

Have obsessive self-interest

Pursue mainly selfish goals

Dan8267 says

But like many trolls, you claim to be experts in things that you are not.


155   Dan8267   2012 Feb 23, 12:12pm  

I thought you were going away loser. You want another beating?

marcus says

IF you want to learn more about NPD there are many internet sources, such as

If you want to learn more about small dick syndrone, there are many Internet (it's a proper noun, dumb-ass), sources, such as


Small-penis syndrome is the anxiety of thinking one's penis is too small

ding ding


Personality syndrome identified by low self esteem in association with a disproportionately small penis. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, the provocation of others in argument in an effort to boost the Small Penis Syndrome (SPS) sufferer's low self esteem. SPS is easily identifiable among owners of monster trucks and forum trolls.

ding ding


a male with a penis too small to put into a vagina could not find a satisfactory social and sexual place in society.

ding ding


A certain psychological rigidity, obsessionality or fixation is present. These men are absolutely adamant in their conviction that their genitalia are too small. They insist that they have measured themselves and seem inordinately focused on such measurement. They are similarly convinced that they are incapable of pleasing a woman via intercourse, although they are, by and large, not able to cite much evidence to show that this is true. In fact, many of these men admit to having had few or no sexual experiences. There is an implication that some of the few sexual experiences had by some of these men were with prostitutes. Many may have had only a single sexual encounter. Others state that they avoid sexuality entirely as they feel deeply ashamed of their penis size. All of these men affirm the belief that women would universally treat them with contempt if they were to see them nude.

ding ding ding ding ding
They even have a picture of you, Marcus!


Women are much more interested in a man's personality and looks than the size of his penis,

Sorry, I guess that doesn't help you since you're ugly and have no personality, but hey, just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.

Marcus, I know you're very, very angry at me. But this video explains the real reason you are angry. It's called projection.


156   marcus   2012 Feb 23, 1:59pm  

Very creative.

The difference is that I really do think you have NPD, and the quotes I gave are really good evidence of it.

Do you really think someone who is confident of their superior intellect talks like that ? They don't. Trust me. In fact nobody does except the most royal type of jerk.

But from what I know of NPD, and other character disorders as well, is you won't come close to seeing it. In fact you have no idea how such comments reflect on you.

I'm not angry. But I am vicariously embarrassed for you at this point.

ps: I would be flattered that you can't stop thinking about my penis, but sorry, I'm straight.

157   Dan8267   2012 Feb 23, 2:05pm  

marcus says

The difference is that I really do think you have NPD, and the quotes I gave are really good evidence of it.

Only in your delusional, pathetic, little mind. But I guess you also have a masters in psychology along with a Ph.D. in bullshitting. Oh, I really do think you have a tiny penis.

marcus says

Do you really think someone who is confident of their superior intellect talks like that ? They don't. Trust me. In fact almost nobody does.

Trust you? Now there's a laugh. You're as trustworthy as a retard in a crayon factory. (Oh yeah, I'm going to get heat for that, but it was worth it.)


marcus says

I'm not angry. But I am vicariously embarrassed for you at this point.

If only you weren't a pathological liar, I might believe you. Well, no, not really.

158   JodyChunder   2012 Feb 23, 4:32pm  

marcus says

I've done all of the following. How many have you done?

1. Written open-source code that is used by people on every continent and almost every country.
2. Designed and built a working computer right down to the level of digital logic gates.
3. Built a robot with a neural network capable of learning and obeying commands.
4. Implemented video encoders and decoders.
5. Wrote code that transmits pages of the Wall Street Journal over Dow Jones' corporate satellites.
6. Wrote chess playing AIs.
7. Built ecommerce systems under various architectures.
8. Wrote code for law enforcement that tracks down pedophiles using the information embedded in digital images and displaying the address where the picture was taken on Google Earth.
9. Created 3D rendering engines and applications with 3D interfaces.
10. Wrote various distributed processing systems including audio encoder load balancers and ray tracers.

Well Dan, even though a lot of what is on this list is a little dorky, I must say you have inspired me. Here's my list plus one:

1. Threw a man near twice my beef out a plate glass window on account he sonofabtiched me. Almost made it with this same dudes woman that same night.
2. Rescued a litter of unweened kittens from a hopsack what was left in a storm drain and raised them to adult cats even tho I am allergic.
3. Got bit twice by a Mojave green on two separate occassions and lived without antitoxin treatment.
4. Bedded at least one woman in every state of the union except for Vermont and Hawaii (I got time yet)
5. Held my breath for four minutes.
6. Wove a complete sweater without a single lesson size 46 chest
7. got a kid out of gangbanging and into his own dent removal biz
8. skinned a horse
9. Met Clark Gable's brother
10. Won Spectacularly at the 1979 Kentucky Derby. Enough to start investing like a mother
11. Karate

159   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 23, 9:15pm  

JodyChunder says

8. Wrote code for law enforcement that tracks down pedophiles using the information embedded in digital images and displaying the address where the picture was taken on Google Earth.

Praise Jesus! Thank you Lord! I'll bet that lil fucker tracks down Bar Mitzvah's too.

160   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 23, 9:19pm  

World powers convening Friday in Tunisia are working to deliver aid to the Syrian opposition, while Arab nations (FedEx) have begun supplying arms to rebels, sources say: Meawhile Saudi Arabia (FedEx)(Das Vidania) (Should say ARAMCO on the box. Pronounced Armco) will be handling arms shipments for the Assad government. Hey are those guns in that oil equipment?


Adnan Khashoggi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Showing you how the game is played daily. CUZ..

tHEY SAId don't come back here yankee cause if you ever do......

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the opposition Syrian National Council is emerging as an alternative to the Bashar al-Assad regime and that the consensus opinion among Arab League and other nations.

This ought to be hysterical. Want to see them try to install their puppet? Right before your eyes.

Notice it did not say the Assyrian people that are revolting. Its a consensus of outsiders. I asked my GF. Syrians don't know who the fuck these people are. It's not the people in the streets thats for sure. So in essence they have spilled their blood to put the same people in power. That were before. Shhh wonder how they will get Assad out shhh.

I want you to notice one thing. When they march these new "leaders" in watch the army stand down. Another democratic miricle folks. The key is easy installation.

Where ever the assholes gather. There the puppet will be.

161   JodyChunder   2012 Feb 23, 9:43pm  

Lettuce make it a dozen.

12. I just now this morning killed a vinegaroon with a headbutt.

162   bg   2012 Feb 23, 10:46pm  

marcus says

f anyone is curious what narcissistic personality disorder looks like, this is textbook.

That was pretty excellent. I wish you could link your post to the NPD websites. It is like the DSM criteria are all just sitting there in the posting.

I was wondering if you could say a bit more about what it might be like to be him. What would be his cross to bear? What is it like to be in his skin?

163   Dan8267   2012 Feb 24, 3:07am  

PersainCAT says

haha such and accomplishment, am i the only one that thinks this list is more impressive than Dans' list.

You can get paid six figures for doing the shit on my list. Money talks.

164   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 24, 7:20am  

How many time are they going to run that fucking Iran story? Shit its been going on for years. Blow something up already then we will pay attention to it no one gives a damn. They are religous maniacs that never seem to do anything. YOU WANT TO EXPLAIN THE PIPELINE THAT RUNS STRAIGHT OUT OF IRAQ INTO THE IRANIAN OIL REFINERY THAT EVERYONE AND HIS FUCKING BROTHER KNOWS ABOUT NOW. TALK ABOUT THE EMPEROR WEARING NO CLOTHES. YOUR DANCING NAKED IN A FUCKING LAUNDRYMAT. Your good. Your righteous. You would even make a great retail store mannequin. Thank you from saving us from the Apocolypse. I really don't look forward to a horde of Ronald Reagans and Jerry Falwells coming out of the abyss with stingers on them......... There is something really fucking warped about those people that keep all this war bullshit going.

165   JodyChunder   2012 Feb 24, 10:06am  

Dan8267 says

PersainCAT says

haha such and accomplishment, am i the only one that thinks this list is more impressive than Dans' list.

You can get paid six figures for doing the shit on my list. Money talks.

Don't be silly. I am rich.

166   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 24, 6:58pm  

I'm a self made person. When I was very young I got to know a guy that was older. He owned several duplexes. Never told me a fucking thing about his business. I used to sit there talking with him. I calculated. I stuffed it in my long term memory. It wasn't till much later I pulled all of that out again and used it. You don't need a bullshit university. You don't need any fucking education. My point? I am a business person. To get anywhere in my opinion. It takes being not gullible.

These MF's are telling me there is a Nuclear Reactor in fucking Iran. After they raped and pillaged Iraq. Iran has a pipeline running from Iraq right into its oil refineries. Now one of two things could be going on here. We could gullible idiots. OR your obviously doing business with Iran. Which I pick because it makes sense. Which also = nuclear poo.

So with that finished. I declare America. The United States. OWNED. Democracy is bullshit. Your elections are rigged. Just like the one in Afganistan. Just like the one in Iraq. I'm supposed to sit here an believe a minority that could not get past minority status accept in minority congressional districts was legitimately elected. You did that to pacify the people of the countries you invaded. Also the world. You also know the people of this country are "owned" in debt and much of them, really indoctrinated and gullible. I also noticed something you like to back down after an unsuccesful invasion like say Vietnam. It appears to be so God sent. When in fact you plan many years ahead for your next incursion.

Your honest news is filled with people that talk about whats in front of them. They don't have any brains and look good talking about whats within the framework of what they should say.

Was America never OWNED. I think not. I think this bullshit has been going on for a long long time. I've given up on the zombies that really fall for the BS. I'm not going to waste time trying to deprogram religous nutcases or patriotic retards.

I can buy property anywhere on earth. Mexico, Canada, Britian even Russia. Not that I speak the language. I'm not naive enough to believe those places are to dangerous to live in. Just like the inner city which I frequent. Isn't anything but very friendly. You love to scare the hell out of people for some reason. Everything is a threat. Especially from other countries. The United States is nothing more than a country of invaders. That set up their serve. Then follow through with the invasion when they can. You can see them setting up their serve. By the telling of the horrors of something going on in another country. The USA is bullshit. I don't believe a word they say.

The only thing that really bothers me is: I get to see the ludicrious BS that is spilled out daily. In uniform fashion across hundreds of different papers and newsources all carrying the same bullshit stories. I mean am I supposed to be that fucking gullible not to see all those different news sources all carrying the SAME FUCKING STORIES? You call Hitler scary. Your the fucking scary people. Its way, way beyond Facism. Its not propaghanda. Its advanced propaghanda. When you can get people to believe the stuff you spew out in identical fashion and have them not think something is wrong. Its downright frightening. It also shows me who OWNS all the news and information. I will add google and the other "engines" you catalogued and put in line. Dumping anything that could get you to whats really going on.

Individual commerce once again should come as no suprise. Its all over the earth. That no control freak country can stop. So I'm really not impressed that I can buy and sell with no problem. You like to tout that. However its hard to stop. If you could find a way to control that I am sure you fucking would. I consider myself to be lucky enough to live in a country that is way to busy pursuing larger fish. The big kill. Raping the resources of any planned invasion you have your fucking eagle eye on. That keeps you out of my life. That I am grateful for.

Thank whatever is good for Patrick.net. For the people on here. That refuse to be fucking cattle. That think for themselves. That aren't gullible enough to fall for "anything".

I don't like gullible, pliable people. They aren't worth knowing.

167   FortWayne   2012 Feb 27, 12:26am  

Fundamentalists are always crazy...

Please don't lump all Christians into the same category.

168   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Mar 1, 8:27pm  

I'll say it one more time Christian, Catholic and I am very sure even muslims. They are wonderful social organizations. One of the best ways to meet friends, aquaintences, people of similar ilk and interests. People that like the same sports teams. Good places in my experince to have a really good time. There is nothing quite like them. Even the local business establishments like them. They get together and go into those places. I have met some fine upstanding women there. Not to mention "soiled" women trying to repent and recover their respectability. Yes I was always there to help. Most people realize it or not go there for social reasons. Its the part they love most about it. The rest is way to confusing to me anyway.

169   marcus   2012 Mar 1, 11:08pm  

ArtimusMaxtor says

I'll say it one more time Christian, Catholic and I am very sure even muslims.

You have heard of the grammatical structure we sometime call a "sentence" right?

ArtimusMaxtor says

One of the best ways to meet friends, aquaintences, people of similar ilk and interests.

You might not realize how difficult you are to read for people who are accustomed to sentences. I'm not trying to put you down, just suggesting you look in to it.

The best thing to do would be read more. Then when you write, read what you have written to see if it sounds right.

170   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Mar 2, 8:50pm  

marcus says

ArtimusMaxtor says

I'll say it one more time Christian, Catholic and I am very sure even muslims.

You have heard of the grammatical structure we sometime call a "sentence" right?

ArtimusMaxtor says

One of the best ways to meet friends, aquaintences, people of similar ilk and interests.

You might not realize how difficult you are to read for people who are accustomed to sentences. I'm not trying to put you down, just suggesting you look in to it.

The best thing to do would be read more. Then when you write, read what you have written to see if it sounds right.


171   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Mar 2, 8:53pm  


marcus who has 2,797 comments said:

To Elliemae. I'm A Mathematics teacher, and I have a masters degree in Math not English, although my personality is such that even if English were my subject, I would still sometimes make those kinds of errors in emails or in a forum such as this. Feel free to judge me. It's an interesting alternative to understanding where I'm coming from.

Jun 6, 2010 8:17 AM Like Flag Mish Shedlock calls public workers parasites

172   marcus   2012 Mar 3, 1:23am  

Thanks for reading my. Comments that far back. to the beginning when I has that exchange with Elliemay.

But seriously, I wouldn't expect perfection, or criticize your writing if it didn't seem almost like a parody of someone who writes a lot of sentence fragments. The truth is I find it hard to read, hard to follow and I guarantee others feel the same. I was really just trying to give you some feedback and would have preferred to do it without hurting your feelings.


173   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Oct 1, 1:07am  

Some of this random computer generated spam is almost poetry.

174   Dan8267   2012 Oct 1, 1:25am  

thunderlips11 says

Some of this random computer generated spam is almost poetry.

Homo Economicus. A Legendary Creature, like Bigfoot, claimed to exist by Pseudoscientists.

I think it's a Haiku.

KexDrobOrildNaliNib says


wolf suckled co founder of

rachel aziani pool blowjob


There used to be a time when people were waiting for computers to master human conversations so well that they would pass the Turing Test. Little did the scientists of the time know that the real solution was to dumb down human conversations so much that even the dribble above passes as possibly human.

175   Shaman   2012 Oct 1, 2:13am  

Dan8267 says, "The only way to protect society from religious crazies is to take away the power of religion all together. Religion causes people to do bad things, and this incident along with countless others proves it."

Two statements, each more ignorant than the other. Lets address the first: religion is not so much an institution as a set of personally held beliefs that purport to guide ones life path. This means that it exists on a level that precedes any sort of politics or government intervention. To eliminate it is to eliminate those who hold such beliefs. Since that is what you advocate: congratulations! You most resemble chairman Mao! If given a choice you would kill millions to advance your ideology.
Second statement: also ridiculous. To assert that religion makes people do bad things is about as meaningful as to say that antibiotics make people die of allergic response. Yes, some people use religion as an excuse for violence, hatred, and bigotry, but some atheists use "religious injustices" as an excuse to act like assholes. Looking at the greater picture, religious people do a lot of good. The vast majority of people who give to charities or serve in them are of one faith or another. Percentage wise it isn't even close, with atheists being rather stingy and self interested in comparison to the much more giving religious crowd. Christians in particular tend to be very generous with their time and resources in assisting the poor and people in trouble.
How much did you give to charity last year? My wife and I average over $10,000 annually.

176   Dan8267   2012 Oct 1, 3:12am  

Quigley says

Two statements, each more ignorant than the other.

Why is it that whenever someone claims a someone else is ignorant on this site, the writer proves himself to be ignorant?

Quigley says

religion is not so much an institution as a set of personally held beliefs that purport to guide ones life path.

Bullshit. Philosophy is a set of personally held beliefs that purport to guide one's life. Religion is a hierarchical power structure based on superstition. The Catholic Church is most certainly a power structure, not a set of beliefs, which is why Catholics can argue with each other. The same is true for all religions.

Quigley says

This means that it exists on a level that precedes any sort of politics or government intervention.

More bullshit. Religion is entirely a political structure and it materially affects government and is often enforced by government, especially in theocracies like Middle Eastern states. There has never been a religion that hasn't tried to coerce people to behave in specific ways.

Quigley says

To eliminate it is to eliminate those who hold such beliefs. Since that is what you advocate: congratulations! You most resemble chairman Mao!

You are the biggest fucking idiot in the world. This has to be the mother of all Straw Man arguments. There isn't an empty chair big enough to stand beside you on stage as you rant your delusions to the world. To suggest that I believe that all religious people must be killed to end religion is just plain fucking retarded on a level I cannot even comprehend.

I'd explain to you why you're wrong, but if you actually believe that then you are so fucking bat-shit delusional that no explanation would enlighten you for you are willfully ignorant and happy to stay that way.

It's really impossible to have any respect for a person using such a blatant and disingenuous Straw Man argument. I could actually respect you if you disagreed with the positions I do advocate, but when you disagree with positions that no one outside your fantasyland mind advocates, I just have to consider you the village idiot.

Quigley says

To assert that religion makes people do bad things is about as meaningful as to say that antibiotics make people die of allergic response. Yes, some people use religion as an excuse for violence, hatred, and bigotry, but some atheists use "religious injustices" as an excuse to act like assholes.

When a person bombs an abortion clinic, he's doing it specifically because of his religion. When someone holds up a sign reading "God hates fags!", he's doing it not despite his religion but precisely because of it. The assholes who threaten the girl in this thread's article did so specifically because of their religion. When the terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center, religion wasn't an excuse to act like assholes, it was the prime motivation. Name one atheist suicide bomber. Your statement is empirically false, and that's the worst kind of false.

Quigley says

Looking at the greater picture, religious people do a lot of good.

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
- Steven Weinberg

To suggest that religion is responsible for empathy, compassion, or generosity if utterly ridiculous. The Republican Party disproves that theory every day. Hell, countless other social species have all these traits without religion.

Quigley says

The vast majority of people who give to charities or serve in them are of one faith or another. Percentage wise it isn't even close, with atheists being rather stingy and self interested in comparison to the much more giving religious crowd. Christians in particular tend to be very generous with their time and resources in assisting the poor and people in trouble.
How much did you give to charity last year? My wife and I average over $10,000 annually.

Given all the other lies you stated, why would I trust an unverified brag? Not to mention, you and I probably have very different ideas of what constitutes a charity. I don't consider the American Family Association to be a charity, but I do consider the American Civil Liberties Union to be one. In any case, you sure don't let the facts get in they way of your rant.

Atheists do greatly give to charity. But far more important is the reason why. Atheists are more motivated by compassion than the faithful. In other words, the faithful give to charity as a way of buying into heaven, a way of bribing god. This is hardly an altruistic motive. Atheists, on the other hand, do not perceive they personally have anything to gain, but help out others anyway. We're way the fuck nobler than someone "doing good" because he thinks some cosmic cop is watching him. So get off your high horse. Your motives are less altruistic and selfless than ours, and your morality is merely a facade masking selfish motives.

177   Shaman   2012 Oct 1, 4:02am  

Dan8267 says, "More bullshit. Religion is entirely a political structure and it materially affects government and is often enforced by government, especially in theocracies like Middle Eastern states. There has never been a religion that hasn't tried to coerce people to behave in specific ways."

Ignorance! This just shows me that for all your ranting, you have never truly looked into religion. Yes, certain nations have favored or even government enforced religions, but thankfully we do not live in one of those. A small example that refutes your second statement is Wiccan, whose followers beliefs include freedom of thought about their religion. Certainly the Wiccan faith is superstition according to your beliefs, but they hardly run around trying to force others to draw pentacles and pray to woodland spirits.

Dan says, "I'd explain to you why you're wrong, but if you actually believe that then you are so fucking bat-shit delusional that no explanation would enlighten you for you are willfully ignorant and happy to stay that way."

Translation: "I do not even understand the argument presented, let alone have a coherent argument to sustain my point." Calling someone who just handed you your rhetorical ass an "idiot" only proves that you have nothing of substance to say.

With a small exception where you disagreed on the nature of religion vs. philosophy, you offered no actual relevant arguments. Rather you went on and on about how I am wrong, so wrong that you can't be bothered to say exactly why I am wrong. That's a very suspect sort of reasoning, usually taken by people who are absolutely wrong and they know it.

To refute your first and only point: religions can be enforced and perpetuated by institutions, but the beliefs reside in the minds of the followers. That is why some Muslims storm embassies and some do not. They believe different things in their minds. Beliefs shape political opinions that the believers hold, which translates into government that will enforce the beliefs of a society. But as I said, the beliefs come first. Change a law and you may change behavior for a while. Change hearts and you change your entire nation.

178   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Oct 1, 4:37am  

Quigley says

as a set of personally held beliefs that purport to guide ones life path.

Suicide Bombers, Doctor Assassins, Inquisitors, etc. also have "personally held beliefs"

I think rabid political beliefs come from the same brain area as Religion.

Quigley says

The vast majority of people who give to charities or serve in them are of one faith or another. Percentage wise it isn't even close, with atheists being rather stingy and self interested in comparison to the much more giving religious crowd.

Giving per person or giving overall? Given the large quantities of believers, obviously they are going to win. Also, is funding Madrassahs and Evangelical Outreach charity? It seems to me Missionary work isn't really charity, it's more of a club membership drive.

Here's some food. Now let me tell you about the Greatest Story ever Told, about A Jewish Zombie Carpenter from the Iron Age. Or "Let me give you some food, so you can concentrate on learning Salafi/Wahabi law and Classical Arabic"

Ditto for Drug Rehab and other programs that come with accepting the Prophet/Son of God as a quid pro quo. Many religious groups separate poor families, the father from the children, even in the US. They do this in Eugene, Oregon, not just in the Third World.

When non-believers give aid it's out of genuine concern for humanity; when believers give aid it's about good works because an authority told them so (or to entice more believers).

However, I believe that per Capita, Norwegians are the most generous people on earth.

Sweden comes in at Number 2.

179   Dan8267   2012 Oct 1, 7:49am  

Quigley says

Ignorance! This just shows me that for all your ranting, you have never truly looked into religion. Yes, certain nations have favored or even government enforced religions, but thankfully we do not live in one of those.

Quigley, you ignorant slut. When I say religion is a hierarchical power structure based on superstition it is because

1. Religions wield power over their disciples and most often the nations inhabited by their disciples.
2. Religions are hierarchies whether we're talking about the Catholic Church, Orthodox Jews, Islamic sects, or any other religious group.
3. The higher a cleric is in the religious hierarchy, the more power he has.

To deny this is obscenely stupid.

Quigley says

Certainly the Wiccan faith is superstition according to your beliefs, but they hardly run around trying to force others to draw pentacles and pray to woodland spirits.

The words faith and religion are not synonymous, dumb ass.

But you know who has gone around trying to force people to convert? Every fucking successful religion in human history including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. And they all used torture, death, and rape as techniques for saving souls.

Quigley says

Translation: "I do not even understand the argument presented, let alone have a coherent argument to sustain my point." Calling someone who just handed you your rhetorical ass an "idiot" only proves that you have nothing of substance to say.

Wrong translation you you dirt-eating piece of slime, you scum-sucking pig, you son of a motherless goat. But hey, if you really want me to tear you a new asshole here, I'll gladly oblige.

Your original statement was that I, like Mao, am in favor of committing genocide because that's the only way to get rid of religion.

Yet, just this morning I stated unequivocally

Still, I think the Islamic world can be modernized without force. The Internet is a powerful tool for spreading information. If the Middle East had unrestricted Internet access -- at least unrestricted in some places -- then the culture will change.

in response to Raw's statement

It took criticism and force to bring the Christian world into the modern world.
Now the modern world refuses to use criticism and force to bring Islam into the modern world.
I feel it it is us who are being dragged into their medieval world.

Well, that completely disproves your bat-shit assertion that I want to commit genocide, which by the way is such a fucking stupid assertion that it needs not even be addressed. My posting history is full of examples where I promote reasoning, scientific education, and economic development as the means of combating religious bigotry and violence. So, yeah, I'm just like fucking Mao.

You know what, I'm amending Godwin's Law to include comparisons to Mao and other genocidal maniacs.

Your statements do show one important thing. The Christian right is so fucked up in the brain that they actually think they are "handing you your rhetorical ass" when they show what utter fools they are. Just like you think Romney stands a chance of winning now after coming out against half the country. Reality never gets through that bubble.

But hey, your so fucking winning it's amazing. You snort coke off of Charlie Sheen's balls.

It would be one thing if you actually made a good point and then bragged about it, but when you brag about an asinine argument that's been torn apart to a humiliating extent, you just show that the new Republican strategy -- and I know you are a Republican because no Democrat is this batshit crazy and delusional -- is to take utter failure and call it victory.

Can't control anger, troll too much of an ass...

I want you off the fucking site you prick!

No, don’t just be sorry, think for one fucking second. What the FUCK are you DOING ? Are you professional or not?

Do I fucking walk around and rip down –

No, shut the fuck up! Do I want – no! No! Don’t shut me up.

Am I going to walk around and rip your fucking church down, in the middle of a sermon? Then why the fuck are you making strawmen right through our discussions? Ah da da dah, like this in the background. What the fuck is it with you? What don’t you fucking understand?

You got any fucking idea about, hey, it’s fucking distracting having somebody hijack a conversation in the middle of the fucking discussion? Give me a fucking answer! What don’t you get about it?

Fuck-sake man, you’re amateur. thunderlips11, you got fucking something to say to this prick? What, you didn't see it happen? Well, somebody should be fucking watching and keeping an eye on him.

It’s the second time that he doesn’t give a FUCK about what is going on in a thread, alright? I’m trying to fucking do a debate here, and I am going “Why the fuck is Quigley talking bullshit in there? What is he doing there?” Do you understand my mind is not in the conversation if you’re doing that?

Stay off the fucking forum man. For fuck-sake. Alright, let’s go again. Let’s not take a fucking minute, let’s go again. And have YOU fucking walking in! Can I have Shrek put this on please.

You’re unbelievable, you’re un-fucking-believable. Number of times you’re trolling-a-fucking around in the background. I’ve never had a troll behave like this. Ehhh…you don’t fucking understand what it’s like working with rationalists, that’s what that is.

That’s what that is man, I’m telling you. I’m not asking, I’m telling you. You wouldn’t have done that otherwise.


I’m going to go…Do you want me to fucking go trash your sermon? DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING TRASH YOUR? Then why are you trashing my thread?

You are trashing my thread!

You do it one more fucking time and I ain’t walking on this forum if you’re still here. I’m fucking serious. You’re a nice guy. You’re a nice guy, but that don’t fucking cut it when you’re bullshitting and fucking around like this on forum.

Yeah, you might get it, thunderlips. He doesn’t fucking get it.

You might. He. Does. Not. Get It.

No, I don’t need any fucking strawmen. He needs to stop strawmanning.

I ain’t the one strawmanning. Let’s get Shrek and put this back on and let’s go again. Seriously man, you and me, we’re fucking done professionally. Fucking ass.

180   Shaman   2012 Oct 1, 8:16am  

Dan8267 says, "You are trashing my thread!"

No, your last post did that. Wow, I mean wow!! That was some totally insane ranting. I don't think I've ever seen such a glaring example of someone who is off his meds crazy as what you "wrote," and I'm putting that in quotes because I have respect for the written word, but crazy stuff like that shouldn't qualify. I know thunderlips usually agrees with you, but I bet he won't want to be associated with what you just wrote. His posts don't seem crazy, at least.

Sorry to wreck your thread, but honestly, it was offensive to begin with. You cherry-picked a news story, took a quote about nebulous unconfirmed death threats, and asserted that Christians are homicidal control freaks. I take issue with that. I defended my POV, vigorously. You flipped out and fell off the crazy tree, hitting every branch on the way down. If you can't have a reasonable discussion without resorting to name calling and swearing at anyone who disagrees with your POV, it WOULD be better if you took a break from the forum.
Good day, sir!

181   curious2   2012 Oct 1, 8:23am  

Quigley says

To eliminate it is to eliminate those who hold such beliefs. Since that is what you advocate: congratulations! You most resemble chairman Mao! If given a choice you would kill millions to advance your ideology.

Although obviously fallacious, this particular straw man argument is very common in religious circles. The reason people fall for it is because they hear it from a source their parents have told them to trust: their preachers. The reason the preachers say it is because fear works. If you frighten people with sermons of hellfire and brimstone, and get them to mistrust everyone else, then you can control them. When people become fearful, they retreat from the unknown to the familiar. They then donate to their church, not due to charitable compassion but out of fear, trying to appease the deity or deities whom they have questioned or defied. (Doubt is intrinsic to faith, even though fundamentalism denies it, and we are all of us sinners.) The church then becomes rich, thus "proving" the validity of its doctrine, QED.

182   leo707   2012 Oct 1, 8:31am  

Quigley says

No, your last post did that. Wow, I mean wow!! That was some totally insane ranting.

I would not take anything written in Hulk green too seriously.

183   Dan8267   2012 Oct 1, 10:26am  

leo707 says

Quigley says

No, your last post did that. Wow, I mean wow!! That was some totally insane ranting.

I would not take anything written in Hulk green too seriously.

The dumb ones never get the joke. Even when you go through the effort of making an obvious setup.


184   richwicks   2022 Jun 25, 12:51pm  

ArtimusMaxtor says

How many times have we read something like that? Think about it. We are outraged of course. Because well its newspeople folks. The ones that bring us the stark truth every single day of the week.

No they don't. The people in Syria are propagandists, not journalists.

original link

Did you know that the Douma Chemical attack never happened, and it was staged as propaganda to support the Syrian war? If not, you've not listened to a single actual journalist covering the Syrian war.
185   mell   2022 Jun 25, 1:07pm  

It's from npr so likely a lie. No use debating anything npr says since it's 90% lies, and that is a benevolent estimate.

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