
United States, joined 2011 Dec 16   Has 4 followers.   Is following 1.
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threads pinned by Shaman
authored 14,278 comments and 367 threads

Shaman's threads

Today is the day! Sell stocks, invest bonds!
by Shaman on 11 Nov 2022   68 comments, latest 2 months ago
The market had a nice bump (exactly as I predicted) post election, indeed rising over the couple of weeks before the election. We have reached another peak, and the ...

Vehicle hardening vs EMP/CME
by Shaman on 1 Feb 2024   27 comments, latest 3 months ago
Does anyone know how to fully harden a modern vehicle against an EMP blast or Coronal Mass Ejection event like the Carrington Event? The second scenario seems to be the ...

Gluten sensitivity: it's in your head.
by Shaman on 16 May 2014   63 comments, latest 3 months ago
So the same researcher who "discovered" gluten sensitivity for non-celiac patients has debunked his own work with nothing less than a rigorous application of science. His conclusion: perceived sensitivity ...

Cannibal anarchy at last!
by Shaman on 10 Mar 2024   50 comments, latest 4 months ago
We’ve speculated on this for years! The day has finally come and there’s nothing on the menu but FACE!

NPR validates Trump’s Psychology
by Shaman on 23 Dec 2017   3 comments, latest 4 months ago
Here we have it! The final capitulation from the armchair psychologists who love to diagnose our President with various diseases from afar. Since we’ve had so many Patnet posts speculating ...

Why we will never have term limits.
by Shaman on 19 Jul 2020   26 comments, latest 5 months ago
82% of Americans want term limits for Congress critters. Yet that is never going to happen because Congress is the only body which can create such a law and they ...

21 million vaxxed sought medical care for vax injuries
by Shaman on 6 Oct 2022   5 comments, latest 5 months ago
Using this data supplied by the app that CDC ran called V-SAFE, which they sat on for over a year, and were finally FORCED to release by a court ordered ...

Feminist Elmo gets tickled!
by Shaman on 11 Jan 2020   4 comments, latest 6 months ago
“That was not consensual!” More glorious snark from the Bee

We need to talk about ChatGPT
by Shaman on 28 Feb 2023   13 comments, latest 8 months ago
So in the last three months, ChatGPT the AI service has exploded into public consciousness, and people are increasingly finding it useful for writing things. People are using it to ...

Fuck teachers unions
by Shaman on 4 Aug 2020   189 comments, latest 8 months ago
Teachers unions are the primary driver of systemic racism. Making sure kids don’t get an education and don’t get a choice of a different school. The poorer the kids are ...

Medical code: Z28.310
by Shaman on 7 Apr 2023   7 comments, latest a year ago
This is the new medical code for “Unvaccinated for Covid-19” After thinking about it, I decided to flip the script and turn it from a shameful thing to a point ...

Pilot dies in flight, no copilot!
by Shaman on 23 Mar 2023   5 comments, latest a year ago
Confirmed the story elsewhere. This info seems accurate. Makes this short (1 min) video even more relevant !

The Vax Nazis are Coming for Your Children Next!
by Shaman on 24 Sep 2021   296 comments, latest a year ago
California HHS considering how to implement a Covid vax mandate for 12-18 year old students. Possibly implemented by next semester. I don’t know how you guys feel, but I’m never ...

Céline Dion admits jab injury
by Shaman on 9 Dec 2022   13 comments, latest 2 years ago
Well, not in so many words, but we can connect the dots. Got boosted in September. Got ill in October. Been out of commission for a year. Admits she has ...

Just got my FB account restricted
by Shaman on 8 Dec 2022   15 comments, latest 2 years ago
Here’s the post I made that did the trick. I was replying to George Takei’s post about being interned as a child thanks to FDRs policies. “Fascism is awful no ...

Even the heavens portend a great red wave!
by Shaman on 6 Nov 2022   6 comments, latest 2 years ago
On Tuesday, Election Day, the celestial verdict is in. The moon will be eclipsed by the penumbra of the earth, and turn crazy red in response! Place your bets, people! ...

RCP projects 54 GOP Senators.
by Shaman on 1 Nov 2022   6 comments, latest 2 years ago
It’s going to be a spanking folks! The House looks like a total loss for Democrats, with the GOP controlling 2/3 of it come next January. (I’m tossing all the ...

Insane NIH-funded Study Creates Covid-Zilla!
by Shaman on 16 Oct 2022   14 comments, latest 2 years ago
So from what I’m reading in this abstract, they took the hyper-infectious spike protein from omicron and put it on the alpha Covid-19 strain and got something new that killed ...

Paypal to fine users $2500 for “misinformation”
by Shaman on 8 Oct 2022   43 comments, latest 2 years ago
Ok, so they put a bunch of stuff about this new policy in their EUA, that long ass thing that nobody reads. It has you agree that such a fine ...

Get ready for Kamala and Gavin!
by Shaman on 24 Jul 2022   27 comments, latest 2 years ago
Kamala is about to become our next President. The media has ceased sheltering Joe from the slings and arrows of his shady past and demented present. His failures are stacking ...

COVID Vaccinated Children are 4423% more likely to Die!!!
by Shaman on 8 Sep 2022   9 comments, latest 2 years ago
So the UK has a new prime minister and quite suddenly their ONS has released new data about jabs and child mortality. One news site has compiled that data into ...

Vax injured forum needed
by Shaman on 30 Aug 2022   2 comments, latest 2 years ago
I have been searching for a forum for people dealing with vax injury to post and compare stories, treatment options, and provide each other community support. Not being a programmer, ...

Pfizer Pfraud - hidden study results!
by Shaman on 17 Aug 2022   8 comments, latest 2 years ago
Showing 44% of women in the vax trials that Pfizer did to prove it safe actually lost their babies. The baseline rate of miscarriage is 11%. Pfizer hid this data ...

Saudi TV ridicules Biden (1 min video)
by Shaman on 29 Jul 2022   2 comments, latest 2 years ago
This is how our enemies perceive the USA and our POTATUS.

Legalize it
by Shaman on 24 Jun 2019   21 comments, latest 2 years ago
Looks like they’re making first steps. It’s never gotten this far before.

Gay teacher defends grooming, gets caught being a pedophile
by Shaman on 18 Jun 2022   5 comments, latest 2 years ago
This homo abused and had sex with a 13 yo boy and filmed it and sent it across the country using Telegram. Gross. But it’s “right-wingers” who are PROJECTING?!! ...

Supply Chain about to get MUCH worse!
by Shaman on 4 May 2022   14 comments, latest 2 years ago
These are ships waiting on the East Coast of China for the lockdowns to end and container traffic to resume. Draw your own conclusions!

Global Covid Summit Declaration
by Shaman on 12 May 2022   2 comments, latest 2 years ago
Dr. Malone and 17,000 physicians have come together to declare some harsh truths about the pandemic and the vax. Is this the beginning of The Reckoning we’ve all been impatiently ...

Italian study finds SNAKE Venom in Covid patients!
by Shaman on 27 Apr 2022   11 comments, latest 2 years ago
This is from the NIH website, and documents a study where they did a toxicology analysis of 20 different Covid patients blood, urine, and feces. In all the Covid patients ...

Real estate advice requested!
by Shaman on 5 Apr 2022   2 comments, latest 2 years ago
I’m trying to find out who owns a specific parcel of land in Orlando. I think it may have been owned by my recently deceased aunt but it’s not listed ...

Forums for the Vax injured?
by Shaman on 23 Mar 2022   6 comments, latest 2 years ago
These seem to be incredibly difficult to find. I know they exist, but the searches are blocking them. They can’t be on the major social media because those platforms just ...

Comedienne Heather McDonald struck down by God
by Shaman on 8 Feb 2022   13 comments, latest 2 years ago
After telling this joke on stage. “I'm vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted ... and flu shot and shingle shot and haven't gotten COVID and Jesus loves me most."

Pfizer and Moderna and J&J are going to zero
by Shaman on 1 Feb 2022   8 comments, latest 2 years ago
“ What about the blanket immunity protection for vaccine manufacturers, Paine asked. “Fraud eviscerates all contracts,” Dowd responded. “Moderna and Biontech are going to zero… Pfizer could be a $5 ...

AB 1400 - CA Healthcare Takeover
by Shaman on 31 Jan 2022   16 comments, latest 2 years ago
So they’re voting on it today. I expect it to pass. What next? It makes California a single payer healthcare entity. It seems there is real drive behind this. No ...

CDC recommends..
by Shaman on 23 Jan 2022   Posted 3 years ago
You stay away from windows…

The Nazi Next Door
by Shaman on 19 Jan 2022   5 comments, latest 3 years ago
Beautiful article. Really skewers the Democrats.

What’s driving Narrative 2.0
by Shaman on 18 Jan 2022   1 comment, latest 3 years ago
It’s not what you think. The elites are willing to admit to some obvious truths as long as they’re able to propagate the next Big Lie with impunity. The war ...

Biden to give illegal border crossers $450,000 each!
by Shaman on 28 Oct 2021   20 comments, latest 3 years ago
If they were a “family separated by the Trump administration!” Up to a million dollars per family! Why do we work again instead of do illegal things? “ WASHINGTON—The Biden ...

Vax injured: what now? Ideas?
by Shaman on 17 Dec 2021   30 comments, latest 3 years ago
So my sisters friend got pressure into taking the vax six weeks ago. She took the J&J for a one and done, but two days later began to have severe ...

The Omega-6 Apocalypse: how seed oils are killing us
by Shaman on 2 Dec 2021   7 comments, latest 3 years ago
Great article in the Epoch Times today! I’ve known for years (thanks to Dietician wife) that seed oils are bad for you and inflammatory/destructive for circulatory systems, but this article ...
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