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See, I'm not kidding. This stuff is easy to find. The America we used to know is gone and getting worse fast.
Inquiring minds want to know. Which do your prefer - having freedom or being controlled by sociopaths?
DAMN, its tough being a logical person in an illogical world.
Hey Abe.
If we can't beat em, Join em. If we could somehow put your message into shows like "DANCING WITH AMERICA'S XFACTOR WANNABE'S", the message might get through. Our present leader won on his concept of "CHANGE".
He didn't tell us that HE was going to change !
Ron Paul is the ONLY electorate that stands on his principals.
Bottom line, Being elected today is nothing more than winning some fantasy fashion talent show. The prime time Media wins that way and the people won't have it any other way.
Remember Boyle ?
The America we used to know is gone and getting worse fast.
So what else is new? I stopped caring a long time ago. We have legal contraception and abortion. Use it.
The Republican party is going down in flames thanks to the Tea Baggers, Birthers, Theocrats, Young-Earth Creationists, and other assorted nuts on the extreme right.
It's amazing what having a black president can do to some people.
Edvard2, Sorry, but if you're satisfied with the job mr Obama is doing - you're part of the problem. Or perhaps you didn't really read the hi-lited attachmnents.
Why not actually read them and see if you feel the same. If you do, you might need some immediate psychiatric intervention.
TMAC 54 - you made some good points, especially the part of winning elections are like winning a fantasy fashion talent show. Sad but true.
Yes. I am satisfied with the job Mr Obama is doing.
So much so you refuse to call him President Obama, huh?
It's OK you don't have to pretend just to tow the Liberal line. To be honest with you, he'll probably win the same way Bush won in 2004. Because there's no way in hell a douche like Kerry or his Republican doppelganger Mittler will ever president. Obama will win by default for not being "That guy".
So you don't have to play kiss ass, to tow the line. Just say "Yay Team!" on election day, that ought to do it.
It's OK you don't have to pretend just to tow the Liberal line. To be honest with you, he'll probably win the same way Bush won in 2004. Because there's no way in hell a douche like Kerry or his Republican doppelganger Mittler will ever president. Obama will win by default for not being "That guy".
So you don't have to play kiss ass, to tow the line. Just say "Yay Team!" on election day, that ought to do it.
The question was asked whether we that voted for Obama supported him still. I do. Hashing out negative responses to my choice isn't going to change my mind. Instead perhaps a better approach would be to make some real points as to why any of the current batch of Republican hopefuls would do a better job would be more effective.
EDVARD- you asked about why any of the Repub hopefuls would do a better job and be more effective. Praise God, perhaps you really are open.
If you're serious, then read Liberty Defined, or The Revolution.
Edvard, if you actually read either one, the "light" should go on for you and you'll be a changed person - for the better.
Good luck, I've got my fingers crossed, and I'm pulling for you!!!
I heard that Obama wasn't even born in the US.
File posted on the White House web site in April 2011 as Obama's birth certificate is a forgery.
Abe always either gets real quiet at this part of the conversation, or he starts talking about commie liberal sociopaths or something, using some other meaningless emotional generality that only describes how he feels about the propaganda he has bought, hook line and sinker.
I heard that Obama wasn't even born in the US.
You need not be born "IN the US" to be a US citizen. President Obama is a US Citizen and as such is legally qualified to run in the US presidential election. You should know this by now.
John McCain wasnt born "In the US", but in US territory.
commie liberal sociopaths or something,
In our life time communist have turned capitalist, liberals become social conservatives, atheists become christians ..
there is hope for you yet Marcus.. we will pray for you!
Marcus, I got tired of raking in the dough, so I'm on a vacation in my new 40 ft motor home. Yep, it's a diesel pusher. I paid cash for it.
I used the techniques available to everyone found in books such as The Richest Man in Babylon, Think and grow Rich, The Millionaire Next Door, The Automatic Millionaire, Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do, and the like
It's tough to establish multiple businesses while jumping through the goverent regulations, roadblocks and red tape. Real people who start real businesses while reporting to real probation officers are entitled to every dollar they earn.
People like me who work hard for what They earn resent the sociopaths who want to steal and squander it under the guise of helping others, when in reality they destroying our country. Who do you think is "the enemy within"?
Who do you think is "the enemy within"?
Answer - the emotional fool who can not handle reality.
Currently our "socialist" democrat President is forced in all ways to be to politically to the right of Eisenhower or Nixon. And yet the idiot public is so easy to manipulate, that they will believe some jackass on the radio or TV that tells them what they want to hear, "be scared, this guy is a socialist."
When Kennedy lowered taxes from a level that was in fact too high, the "conservatives" of the day argued that this was irresponsible and would lead to dangerous deficits.
(the dangerous deficits came much later - when the so called supply side "voodoo economics" was taken way too far. )
Now we live in a surreal world where "conservatives" swear not to raise taxes from the lowest they've been since WWII, even if it means bankrupting us, supposedly for our own good.
Who is the enemy within ?
Well everyone knows that humans tend to believe what they want to believe. The enemy within is the arrogant selfish child within, who sure would like to believe that what is best for himself personally in the short run must be what's best for the country. Why does he believe this, because his overlords fund ridiculously illogical propaganda that say the lower taxes are the better off we'll be. You know, because government can't do anything right and stuff.
That's what idiots like Abe believe, that's what he wants to hear from his politicians, and by golly that's what he does hear.
Our country is now too much under the control of the rich, who arrogantly believe whatever fits their self interest and who only give lip service to the idea of caring about the progress of our country.
The bullshit divide and conquer arguments are getting old. We argue about what is true, and what government should or shouldn't do while major problems are not being addressed.
Doesnt matter. Obama or not. The middle class is finished. The dollar is in decline. We are eating each other to survive now.
Currently our "socialist" democrat President is forced in all ways to be to politically to the right of Eisenhower or Nixon. And yet the idiot public is so easy to manipulate, that they will believe some jackass on the radio or TV that tells them what they want to hear, "be scared, this guy is a socialist."
Well said.
Remember, socialism for Big Banks is ok!
Well everyone knows that humans tend to believe what they want to believe. The enemy within is the arrogant selfish child within, who sure would like to believe that what is best for himself personally in the short run must be what's best for the country. Why does he believe this, because his overlords fund ridiculously illogical propaganda that say the lower taxes are the better off we'll be. You know, because government can't do anything right and stuff.
Scary isn't it?
If ever there was a word that was misused I'd say Socialism and Communism wins that contest by a mile.
I heard that Obama wasn't even born in the US.
I heard that Obama's health plan has Death Panels.
PLEASE stop playing the foolish "left" vs "right" game here that they use to divide us. BOTH parties are responsible for the mess we're in and BOTH parties had their hands in every one of the egregious and dangerous violations of our Constitution codified in the past several decades. When you look beyond the rhetoric and instead look at actions, there's not a dime's worth of difference between these two bought and paid for (due to our money-dependent election process) parties on the MOST important issues (and I'm NOT talking about the Guns, Gays and God crap they use to bring out the "faithful" at every election). You and your progeny are being robbed BLIND to the tune of TRILLIONS by BOTH parties to placate those who really control "your" politicians, the people who paid to get them elected. And unless you're a corporation or a billionaire, that isn't you.
BOTH parties are responsible for the mess we're in and BOTH parties had their hands in every one of the egregious and dangerous violations of our Constitution codified in the past several decades.
Since when did the Constitution matter? The only thing that matters in this world is money and power and the will to use it.
For anyone that cares to look, the BIGGEST media outlets are all Right leaning. So thus its absolutely no excuse to claim that the media is liberal when in reality if you look at it via real numbers its actually more heavily right leaning. McCarthy was the first to employee that tactic- claiming that any media that didn't agree with him were surely communists. That and generally over-using the terms" Socialist" and "Communist" for much of the same reasons.
wbblair3. Your post is almost word for word what my Dad used to tell me when I was a kid - and I'd roll my eyes. Geezzzz Dad, you're so negative.
Well guess what, I come to find out everything he said was correct. But be vigilant, the libs on this site will take aim at you. Unfortunately they don't have the cause and effect gene and simply worship government as if more laws, bigger and more intrusive government is the solution to all our problems - hahaha.
My Dad referred to them as dumbkoffs, nothing's changed.
His approval rating is 41% that means Mittler is going to win because he's not "That Guy!".
Yep the same default logic that got Obama elected is going to kick his mealy mouthed monolouging, do-nothing ass to the curb.
Hit the road Barak and don't you come back no mo, no mo.
Even the youtube Obama lady has turned on him.
Regardless of who is in office, the economy is going to suck for several more years. You don't get over a massive housing bubble w/o a major hangover.
We're also in serious trouble vis-a-vis oil. The age of "easy oil" is over. Mitt can't replenish declining reserves of a non-renewable resource.
The age of "easy oil" is over.
And we're at peak Oil, and Oil is the devil reincarnated and Oil stole my Sisters virginity.
We can't make up enough Lies about Oil, you would think with all of the gloom and doom Oil prophecies from 2001, we would have $10 gallon gas by now, and a shortage instead of a surplus.
True that. Maybe the simplest thing is to place limits on margin buying and short selling? Our bankster overlords won't like that a bit.
If Obama puts some limits on leveraged speculation, he's got my vote.
Here is a well stated article that should make your hair stand on end, if it doesn't you're not paying attention. What you'll also notice is that Obama (Democrats) are the opposite side of THE SAME COIN (Bush - Republicans).
In other words the beast is comprised of two components...democrats and republicans. Both are destroying our rights, both are destroying our economy, both are destroying our monetary system, both are destroying our freedom, both are destroying the consititution, both are destroying the rule of law, both want to maintain the status quo, both want more and more power, both want more war and more taxes to create and maintain it, both want more laws to further control the people. (I'm probably on the government kill list for stating the may be too for a variety of vague reasons)
Government is not your friend (do it for me, do it to me).
There is only ONE candidate who rejects the establishment's war against its own citizens - and you know who it is. Win or lose, the Ron Paul Revolution won't stop with this election. Freedom and liberty need to control government - not the other way around.
Good day.