The Tangent Thread

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2005 Nov 7, 3:26pm   26,363 views  166 comments

by SQT15   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Many of us have been here awhile, and while we think housing is an important topic (we wouldn't all gather her otherwise) we do digress quite a bit.

One topic that has come up time and time again is the issue of dual income families, and the rise in housing costs that have occured because so many familes now have two incomes instead of one.

We've discussed the role of the woman in the workplace and at home, so perhaps it's time to digress a little more.
-- Have dual incomes been a big factor in housing prices?
-- Do those of us who live on one income end up renters as a result?
--Are we better or worse off now that the majority of households have two incomes?
--Have the cost of other goods and services risen due to the extra income, or can that be blamed on inflation?

In other words, are we as a society in the same place economically as we would be if we stayed in a predominantly one income society?


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3   KurtS   2005 Nov 7, 3:47pm  

honking outside?

Must be those damn geese...horny buggers.

4   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 3:48pm  

I still love Heuy Lewis.

You say that like it isn't cool to like Heuy Lewis any more...

Did I miss something?



5   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 3:52pm  

Why are we not talking about how utterly kick-ass the FJ is?



6   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 3:53pm  

the FJ kicks ass

Yes. Exactly! But, further, *how much* ass does it kick?

What dilemma?


7   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 3:57pm  


_flaps hands up and down like a little girl_

So the FJ is like totally kick ass:

-240 hp v6 getting 20/26 MPG
-Build on the prado platform
-About the size of a jeep liberty
-Solid rear axle, IFS (oh well)
-Rubberized interior (no carpet!)
-Starts at 22K

I've been waiting for this truck for three years now. I'm so jacked.


8   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 4:00pm  

Oh, ah. The whole delete thing.

I vote against it, unless the post is by marina, who, if you are reading this, I am so much better looking than you, and my wife is totally hotter than you too, but otherwise, no, don't delete them.

Since I haven't had anything productive to say about the housing bubble for about six months, I am in favor of retaining off-topic posts.


9   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 4:02pm  

ts the reductivist road thing that prat posted pics of before

If, by reductivist road thing, you mean the first truck worth buying that has been turned out since the last FJ40 rolled off the production line in 84... You are correct, sir!


10   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 4:04pm  

But really, can a person talk about one thing for months on end?

Clearly, you have never met a Boston Redsox fan.


11   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 4:11pm  

OK, fine. No more FJ. I can head over to fjcruiserforms.com to talk about it anyway.

Best Huey Lewis Song?

I'm torn. But I have to say "Walking On a Thin Line" is pretty kick ass.


12   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 4:16pm  

Look, it doesn't count unless you have some *content* in your post.

I'm rereading The Republic again. Does anyone else find Socrates argument in books I and II totally unconvincing? Monty Python has ruined socratic dialog for me forever. I keep expecting him to say "And what else floats?"

Burn the witch!


13   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 4:18pm  

"Do You Believe In Love" is a pretty epic 80's song too, released right into the teeth of the pinnacle of 90's grunge/alternative.

You have to admire the man for not giving a shit. I mean, that hair. Wow.


14   HARM   2005 Nov 7, 4:20pm  

I used to wonder why so few people volunteered to be thread moderators.

I got deleted on another thread for straying off topic (hence the Tangent Thread) and gave Matt and Allah holy hell for the rest of the day.

It would be quite hard to do a zero content thread.
And i am not talking about Matts thread.

I don't wonder anymore (poor Matt). :-(

15   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 4:23pm  

Sqt, you must learn to let go of your aggression. Anger, darkness that way lies.

Pour down center.



16   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 4:24pm  

OK, I'm going to bed. I'll post more nonsense tomorrow.

BTW, Harm, buddy. Good to see you back.


17   HARM   2005 Nov 7, 4:24pm  

Ok, so he was a little overzealous. So...?
Jeez... I'm trying to ENCOURAGE more poeple to volunteer as threadmasters.

C'mon, everyone makes mistakes, especially on their first thread.

18   HARM   2005 Nov 7, 4:26pm  

Thanks, Prat - g'nite.

19   HARM   2005 Nov 7, 4:27pm  

Yes, I agree with you on that, SQT, but I think he 'got it' by now. Don't want to beat him to death about, that's all.

20   praetorian   2005 Nov 7, 4:29pm  

OK, last last post.

At some level I sympathize with the guys who want to keep the site on-topic. That's why I don't post as much as I used to. I don't have anything much useful to say, I don't have the time or desire to keep track of any interesting statistics, so all I really offer is the occasional smart-ass remark.

Did I mention how big Marina Prime's head is? It's like an orange on a toothpick. It's like sputnick: spherical but quite pointy at parts. It's got its own weather system!

I really wish we had a more general message board to work with. Then we could segment on topic much more easily. We are using wordpress in a way it just wasn't designed to handle.


21   HARM   2005 Nov 7, 4:32pm  

I agree about Allah's comments, Jack, but it was Matt's ballgame. You may not always agree with the call, but there comes a time when you've made your point and it's time to move on. I think we're well past it.

22   HARM   2005 Nov 7, 4:33pm  

Anyhoo, how about those Dodgers...?

23   HARM   2005 Nov 7, 4:35pm  

Whoops, wrong season... how about those Lakers?

24   HARM   2005 Nov 7, 4:46pm  

Yes, I agree that many of Allah's posts were mildly to overtly sexist, and Matt had a somewhat pro-male bias when censoring posts, whether intentional or not. And he was overzealous with the delete key.

And, no, this thread doesn't bother me. :-)

25   HARM   2005 Nov 7, 5:10pm  

— Have dual incomes been a big factor in housing prices?
Yes and No.

— Do those of us who live on one income end up renters as a result?

–Are we better or worse off now that the majority of households have two incomes?

–Have the cost of other goods and services risen due to the extra income, or can that be blamed on inflation?

In other words, are we as a society in the same place economically as we would be if we stayed in a predominantly one income society?

Well, glad that's all settled now. G'nite all....

26   HARM   2005 Nov 7, 5:46pm  

Sorry, couldn't resist one final jab...

Matt, thanks for hanging in there with the moderation, buddy. Despite your being a subconsciously sexist trigger-happy censor, I think you're doing a brilliant job!

But what do I know, I'm just an unrepentant chavinist appeaser?
Chauvinism is Prime :twisted:

27   KurtS   2005 Nov 8, 12:00am  

Where's PeterP....

Toll is off 12% sofar.
Not a great day for home builders

28   praetorian   2005 Nov 8, 1:33am  

Affordability dives:


So we are either entering the much predicted era of landlord aristo-dictatorship, where non-owners treck in MadMax-like packs from apocalyptic outpost to apocalyptic outpost, but in search of housing rather than gas, or the market is going to pull back.

I'm covered either way. If we go all MadMax, my FJ is going to be extremely useful.


29   KurtS   2005 Nov 8, 1:56am  

I’m covered either way. If we go all MadMax, my FJ is going to be extremely useful

And I'll mount a cannon on my deck, and charge boats for "right of passage".
Who knows...maybe we'll even get "positive cash flow"?

30   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 2:01am  

On tangents, trucks, and stuff:

Wow you guys were prolific last night--like bunnies. I missed out on the org--er, I mean, conversation.

Okay, and anyone who doesn't come around here much anymore (ahem...prat) because they feel guilty posting their smart-ass comments, needs to realize that the smart-ass comments provide much needed comic relief from what can at times be dry stuff. Prat, the blog suffers in your absence. And in Surfer-X's absence too.

That Toyota was pretty hot. But I have ridden through the desert in a real Hummer (not one of those candy-ass ones) with actual soldiers driving, and tanks rolling around everywhere, and it rocked. One of the highlights of my young life. :-P Hummers rule.

And sorry guys, Huey Lewis and the News?! You offend me. I can't think of many worse bands. Maybe Starship is worse. Prince ruled the 80s, with his little ass showing and everything.

31   Allah   2005 Nov 8, 2:05am  

And sorry guys, Huey Lewis and the News?! You offend me. I can’t think of many worse bands.

huh? Aren't you insulting someones listening favorites?

32   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 2:09am  

"huh? Aren’t you insulting someones listening favorites?"

Yes! And I was JOKING! And they KNOW it! :-P I'm all for joking around with you, allah. But don't try to claim you were just joking the other day, because the tone of your post made it clear you weren't. :-P :-P :-P

33   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 2:11am  

And if you were joking just now, use some smiley faces or something. Because, due to our history, I'm only able to imagine your tone as antagonistic. :-P :-P :-P

34   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 2:14am  

Ooooooh, look out, the claws are coming out! The claws, the big scary claws! And the explosive chemicals are reacting! Oooooh!

35   Allah   2005 Nov 8, 2:17am  

Isn’t Prince like 5′2″ or something. Huey beats him on looks at least.

You too SQT? Can't you just love us for our MINDS?

36   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 2:17am  

My husband hates Hummers too after having to drive one around the desert for a few years and even living on it. But I still think they rock.

Prince is probably that short, but hey at least he wears high heels. :-P Huey is sooooooo not better looking.

37   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 2:19am  

I really just love Prince's music and have no designs on him. I think he's freakishly brilliant, or brilliantly freakish, or something.

38   Allah   2005 Nov 8, 2:20am  

A mind is good. But really, do I want to be with a man who’s 8″ shorter than me? Shallow I know, but there it is.

Well now....admit that I am no more a sexist than you are.

39   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 2:25am  

Isn't it interesting that we're so biologically programmed to respond to certain physical features that we even choose dogs for pets that look like us?

40   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 2:26am  

And on that compelling note, I really need to go get some work done. Sorry I'll miss all the goat play--er, I mean, conversation.

Allah, why do you not reply to so many of my questions? On this thread and the others? I'm hurt. Terribly, terribly hurt. Horribly, irreparably hurt! Woe is me! I'm off to sharpen my long scary nails now.

41   Jamie   2005 Nov 8, 2:28am  

Oh, I didn't ask you any questions on this thread. Never mind. On the other threads--that's what I meant.

42   Allah   2005 Nov 8, 2:32am  

Only when you admit that looks aren’t important to you and that your attraction to your wife had nothing to do with her beauty.

Why would I admit something that is not true....Yes my wife is beautiful, young and has a body of a venus despite the fact that she had a child....However, my relationship with my wife is much deeper than looks. We understand each other and she has the qualities I desire in a Woman. She appreciates my old fashioned values and views. She knows me better than anyone....not only is she my lover, but she is my best friend.

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