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It is very politically incorrect but nonethess a fact that white people are much more likely to be murdered by black people in the US than vice versa.
So a rational white person should be about 100 times more afraid of being killed by a car than being killed by a black person.
Statistically true although the whole truth is more politically correct and means the average white person is even less likely to be murdered.
Murder goes hand in hand with economic disparity (neither relatively well-off people nor equally poor kill each other that often) with those on the loosing side killing each other _much_ more often than those on top.
People like to cite _Handgun Regulations, Crime, Assaults, and Homicides: A Tale of Two Cities_ (Sloan at el) as an example showing how American access to guns makes us less safe than Canadians where similar cities (size, geography, etc) are compared although this is incorrect.
Although Seattle and Vancouver are similar cities on opposite sides of the border they have radically different demographics.
At the time of the study white people on both sides of the border had similar economic circumstances and were safer in Seattle with 6.2 murders per 100,000 versus 6.4 per 100,000 in Vancouver.
In Vancouver the minorities were more affluent than average and their murder
rates were not out of line with those of the white population. In Seattle the black and Hispanic per-capita incomes from the 2000 census were about half the white population's ( $18,328 and $17,216 respectively vs $35,641) and murder rates consequently many times higher at 36.6 and 26.9 per 100,000 thus making for a substantially higher aggregate murder rate.
Applicants with white-sounding names were 50 percent more likely to be called for initial interviews than those with African American-sounding ones.
I think that only proves that "mainstream" names are more trusted than "ghetto" names. A black women named Jennifer may be percieved to be raised with different values than was a black woman named LaKeesha.
To be fair, they should have used "Trailer Court" names for the "white" variable. If you are going to use "La-Isha" style names for blacks, then you should use names like "Jagger," "Nascar," or "Juice" for whites.
While I think statistics are mostly lies, political correctness is a lie laced with poison.
People should not be forced to look tolerant. People should not even try to be tolerant. They should know that differences drive real progress and differences make life interesting. They should embrace differences.
Then we can be true to ourselves and accept consequences of such differences. We must not reject data or reason simply because they are politically incorrect.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).
Only Truth can set you free..
Patrick, you are looking at the math incorrectly . Think of this example:
You have a room with 100 Canadians, and 10 Americans, and no one knew who was Canadian and who was an American. Each one had one shot at hitting anybody across the room with a ball of yarn. At the end of the game, after everyone had had their one shot, you would end up with the same ratio to population of people hitting someone, ( 8 out of 10 Americans and 80 out of the 100 Canadians) except that the Americans will have hit mainly Canadians, while the Canadians will have hit mostly Canadians as well. ;O) Facebook : Patrick Edgar Regini
Each one had one shot at hitting anybody across the room with a ball of yarn. At the end of the game, after everyone had had their one shot
But in your analogy, you'd have to admit that not everybody got one shot. The Americans get about 8 times as many shots.
Back to reality: black people are about 8 times more likely to murder someone than white people are.
There were about 3,000 murders committed by white people, and 3,000 murders committed by black people. Yet black people are only 1/8 of the population.
So from a purely rational point of view, you should be about 8 times as afraid of a black person than of a white person, knowing nothing else about them. Such a calculation is racism, and yet it is also undeniably valuable information for self-preservation.
Paul Mooney said something like: If you want to stop Racism, kill all the white people.
Paul Mooney was wrong. There is plenty of hatred between African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans. The idea that racism is only a problem that white people have is empirically false.
The issue with these statistics is they show correlation but the question remains causation. The #1 driver of gun violence is the drug war. ATF gunwalking into Mexico resulted in a huge increase in gun violence there, part of a drug war that has killed more than 50,000 people, mostly Latino. They did not change color, they merely changed behavior: they had a drug war with a huge arsenal over smuggling profits.
The median likelihood of one person shooting another is near zero regardless of color. If you put the median likelihood black person in a room with the median likelihood white person, even if the room was chock full of guns and ammunition, neither would shoot the other. If they had to stay for a whole day, they might share a pizza.
That's why politicians claiming to care about reducing gun violence, by imposing gun control while continuing the drug war, is so obviously a farce. The gun violence occurs largely among illegal drug gangs, who are by definition breaking the law already. In the US, illegal drug gangs are disproportionately black, so gun violence is also. It would be very interesting to compare gun violence statistics by race today with statistics from the prohibition era - I suspect they would look quite different.
It would be very interesting to compare gun violence statistics by race today with statistics from the prohibition era - I suspect they would look quite different.
The Italian mafia was much smaller and very exclusive.. with associates at most 5000 members per family. With 5 major families that would be around 25,000 ... thats why they were taken down in a few decades. All but gone today..
Compared to todays US street gangs ..that would be well over 800,000 ... external links that would grow well over 1 million count organization and growing.
How many millionaire African-Americans have murdered a poor white person? I'd wager that historically, wealthy whites have killed more poor blacks than wealthy blacks have killed poor whites. Just a hunch.
It's class, and class is largely a product of racism.
It's class, and class is largely a product of racism.
It's nice to think violence is just a class issue. That's the politically correct answer.
It's not true though. Just think for a minute. The white population is so much larger that there must be at least as many poor whites as poor blacks overall. Yet blacks have 8x the violent crime rate.
The 2 basic arguments boil down to:
1. Whites are responsible for black actions.
2. Blacks are responsible for their own actions.
Either one of these choices show that blacks are like children: easily influenced, quick to rage and constantly making poor short sighted decisions in major life choices.
From Wikipedia,
"As noted above, scholars acknowledge that some racial and ethnic minorities, particularly African Americans, are disproportionately represented in the arrest and victimization reports which are used to compile crime rate statistics in the United States. The data from 2008 reveals that Black Americans are over-represented in terms of arrests made in virtually all types of crime, with the exceptions of "Driving under the influence" and "Liquor laws". Overall, Black Americans are arrested at 2.6 times the per-capita rate of all other Americans, and this ratio is even higher for murder (6.3 times) and robbery (8.1 times).[43][44]
If you're looking at math, I don't see how you can rely on any of this without knowing the true number of murders committed by each ethnicity.
--Not simply those charged, prosecuted or found guilty. The process is pervasive, right?
Your math winds up being effectively, blacks are in jail at this rate, and whites at this rate. Compare the incarceration rates and you have the rate of crime, which seems to be logically false.
The differences in arrests/jail between American whites and blacks are easily explainable if you accept all the data in racial intelligence. People of low intelligence commit more crime than people of average or high intelligence. The root of the "problem" is that black people are proven to be less intelligent than white people.
American blacks have an average IQ of 85 while White Americans have an average IQ if 100. IQ is the best measure of intelligence that the modern world has come up with, aside from "real life". Intelligence is what makes a modern civilization work.
Modern civilization does not work with an average citizen IQ of 85.
Alright; yet still, the problem is not seen truly for what it's cause and reasons are when you make the determining factor "a person's ethnicity". Because truth is, the skin color is not what makes someone prone to picking up a gun. It is a complex general social demographic and cultural condition involving many unfair and unjust factors leading to even their own conditioning in thinking that "that" is their life's predicament, of which blacks are actually the victims of, and not the other way around. I mean, I can see where the statistics are alarming, and in that, helpful in drawing our attention to a lot of things we may not be thinking of or even considering. But, if you want to speak of resolution, healing and solving the matter, then it is the social civil and cultural infrastructure and distribution of all resources including education and types of jobs that are given to one race as opposed to given to another race where we need to focus on.
How many millionaire African-Americans have murdered a poor white person
Because truth is, the skin color is not what makes someone prone to picking up a gun.
Skin color is only 1 obvious difference between the races. There are virtually countless other physical differences. Intelligence is one of these differences.
But, if you want to speak of resolution, healing and solving the matter, then it is the social civil and cultural infrastructure and distribution of all resources including education and types of jobs that are given to one race as opposed to given to another race where we need to focus on.
Blacks are given the exact same educational opportunities as whites in the US. It is the black genetic lack of intelligence that distances blacks from whites in school. It costs the American taxpayer trillions of dollars to pretend that blacks are capable of the same things as whites.
Jobs are not "given", they are earned through a combination of past performance, current ability and future potential.
The solution to the matter is not wasting money on trying to make unequal things equal. Once we deal with reality and stop pretending, we will be able to use resource appropriately and fairly.
It costs the American taxpayer trillions of dollars to pretend that blacks are
capable of the same things as whites.
Ouch it must hurt like crazy to have Obama in the White House. Must suck to be you. Carry on .
Now on the topic, yes blacks do have a higher rate of crime than any other race-in this country at this period of time. It wasn't so before-because they were treated as property and were owned by other people. But yes in current conditions, there is a lot of crime. I don't know if there are any studies done to understand why- scientific ones and not the rantings of the bigots who seem determined to turn any meaningful dialogue about race into something else.
It wasn't so before-because they were treated as property and were owned by other people.
No American black alive today was ever a slave. Very, very few blacks alive today ever met a former slave.
Blacks committed 13% of white homicides
447/3,327Whites committed 8% of black homicides
Add in the 3rd major group of homicide offenders in that list, hispanics/latinos. This will be very hard to do, as they are labeled "white" in many major murder statistics.
If the truth came out about how the super vast majority of crime was committed by blacks and hispanics/latinos when compared to white people then white people would have to do something about it. That is the last thing the liberal government wants.
No American black alive today was ever a slave. Very, very few blacks alive
today ever met a former slave.
Dear Lord....
Blacks have had 3-4 generations of equality in LBJ's great society. Equal funding/access in education and equal opportunity in employment. Thanks to AA, more than equal in some cases.
Blacks still lag behind whites in all desirable aspects of a modern society. Some think the old excuse of white racism is losing validity.
Some think the old excuse of white racism is losing validity.
Except you, nobody has brought whites are racist in this discussion. Now you are racist-but that has nothing to with which race you belong to.
Blacks committed 13% of white homicides
447/3,327Whites committed 8% of black homicides
218/2720It is only less than twice as likely that a white person will be killed by a black as a black will be killed by a white. From the perspective of the victim, isn't that the only statistic that matters?
5% of Americans are atheists. 0.209% of the US prison population are atheists. That's discrepancy is a factor of 24.
77% of Americans are Christians. Christians make up 79.10% of prison population
Christians are over 24 times as likely to commit a crime than an atheist. Much more so if you factor in court prejudices in favor of Christians and against atheists.
From the perspective of the victim, isn't that the only statistic that matters?
To call yourself a Christian and actually act like the idealized character are 2 very different things. Many criminals find religion while spending all of their time behind bars as a coping mechanism.
All religions are false. Faith in their fairy tales is a sign of being weak minded.
How many millionaire African-Americans have murdered a poor white person
She wasn't poor. But I'll give you one.
Now, how is it that class doesn't matter? I bet there are poor white meth-heads who would ransack a wealthy black man's home, and perhaps kill Dr. Huxtable to get their drugs.
Add into the mix the recidivism rate, and the much higher rate for prosecution and incarceration, the unequal sentencing for drug crimes and on and on, and you have a recipe for an almost permanent underclass.
It became convenient to yell "racism" in this country because there is a benefit to gain from it and nothing to lose. So way too many have learned that it's a good way to get some freebies out of politicians.
It's stupid really, we should be past the race card, race shouldn't matter. But people still find ways to reverse discrimination for personal benefit, selfishness and greed is the name of the game.
It became convenient to yell "racism" in this country because there is a benefit to gain from it and nothing to lose
In my lifetime, blacks have been lynched, and have committed no crime other than being born black. Is there nothing to gain by pointing out racism where racism exists?
Should the lynchee have just accepted his or her fate?
America has many racists, largely conservatives who are afraid that minorities might just reveal that the white community is not genetically superior to any ethnicity, despite Fox's protestations.
The last thing most racists want to openly acknowledge is that they have institutional advantage. Because, goddamn it, I earned all that I have!
It would be very interesting to compare gun violence statistics by race today with statistics from the prohibition era - I suspect they would look quite different.
The Italian mafia was much smaller and very exclusive.. with associates at most 5000 members per family. With 5 major families that would be around 25,000 ... thats why they were taken down in a few decades. All but gone today..
Compared to todays US street gangs ..that would be well over 800,000 ... external links that would grow well over 1 million count organization and growing.
As I am sure you know the murder rate for the past couple of years is at a 50 year low. Also, the murder rate during prohibition was close to double what the murder rate has been sense the year 2000.
Are you telling me that 25,000 organized white people cause almost twice the murder and mayhem than 1,000,000 street gang members?
In my lifetime, blacks have been lynched, and have committed no crime other than being born black. Is there nothing to gain by pointing out racism where racism exists?
Should the lynchee have just accepted his or her fate?
Go back to 1865 and complain about lynching then. I'll even give you credit for talking about racism in the mid 70's. Not in 2013 though, time to move on.
In my lifetime, blacks have been lynched, and have committed no crime other than being born black. Is there nothing to gain by pointing out racism where racism exists?
Should the lynchee have just accepted his or her fate?
Go back to 1865 and complain about lynching then. I'll even give you credit for talking about racism in the mid 70's. Not in 2013 though, time to move on.
Putting aside the fact that Trayvon Martin would be alive today if he had been white, and in this very thread foxman should give you reason to believe racism is alive and well in the US...
Sure, lynching is not something that happens today, but unfortunately for James Craig Anderson people are still being killed because they are black (or in Oak Creek, Wisconsin killed for being Sikh) but in this century the method of execution is typically vehicular, dragged or hit.
Is racism as bad as it was in the 70's? No.
Is racism non-existent in 2013? No.
To put things into perspective the US is probably one of the least racist countries in the world today, but we still have a long way to go before race is a relative non-issue. Pretending that we live a a colorblind society where blacks have all the same opportunity as whites is a step in the wrong direction.
As long as racism is still a prevalent force in the US, yes the racism "card" is still going to be played. While the "card" will sometimes get misapplied and overused, there is still enough racism to go around where it gets played in the "correct" circumstances.
In my lifetime, blacks have been lynched, and have committed no crime other than being born black. Is there nothing to gain by pointing out racism where racism exists?
This is more a problem to be solved by a guy wearing Lycra and a cape, than a policy failing of our Government and the Majority of the people.
Politicizing a few acts of violence and demonizing All WHITE people because we've got a black president, seems... Well just like I said.
I'm still waiting for those Black men that stripped a white kid nekkid, and whipped him because the boy's father owed them $20 dollars, that just happened last week, to be charged with "Hate Crimes" and called racist. If that can't happen then shut the fuck all ready. We get it, "Racisim" is just a one way street, so the Liberals can push their agenda.
I'll even give you credit for talking about racism in the mid 70's. Not in 2013 though, time to move on.
We're not talking about racism, just another white guy playing "Get Whitey", nothing to see here move on.
I'm still waiting for those Black men that stripped a white kid nekkid, and whipped him because the boy's father owed them $20 dollars, that just happened last weed, to be charged with "Hate Crimes" and called racist.
While I agree that I would like to see blacks convicted of hate crimes when they do indeed attack a victim just because of the race of the victim, but don't you have an actual example of that happening? It seems to me that in your example there was a motivation for the attack other than the race of the victim.
Any time two white boys whip up on a black or Gay person in this country it's called a hate crime. Even if they said, "This hurts us more than it hurts you" the whole time they did it. And they are labeled Racist, or Bigots.
Another interest fact is Black on Black crime is far higher. 93% of blacks murdered were done by other blacks. 49% of the murder victims in 2005 were black, as it was pointed out above, since African Americans account for less than 15% of the population, that's a staggering amount, more than three times what it should be.
Any time two white boys whip up on a black or Gay person in this country it's called a hate crime. Even if they said, "This hurts us more than it hurts you" the whole time they did it. And they are labeled Racist, or Bigots.
Your feeling that other crimes are mislabeled as hate crimes does not give any more credence to your example.
Go back to 1865 and complain about lynching then. I'll even give you credit for talking about racism in the mid 70's. Not in 2013 though, time to move on
What about James Byrd?
I guess that's like saying, "terrorists may have attacked the US, but that was a long time ago, so I can't understand why the families and descendants of the victims are still upset".
Then if you decided to punish the victims' families disproportionately compared to non-victims, denied them jobs, and generally looked down on them for no other reason than their families had been victims.
Why harangue the black community?
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It is very politically incorrect but nonethess a fact that white people are much more likely to be murdered by black people in the US than vice versa.
Most murders are within the same race, but even then blacks have a much higher rate of murdering each other than whites do.
From http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10shrtbl06.xls we see that in 2010, 447 whites were murdered by blacks, while 218 blacks were mudered by whites, for a total of 665 inter-racial murders.
Given that blacks are 12.6% of US population, and whites are 72.4% of US population, the population ratio is .174 to 1 black to white.
If the interracial murder rates were the same for both, we would expect 115 out of the 665 murders to be murders of whites by blacks. But the number was 447, which is 388% of the expected rate by populations.
OTOH, the total number was only 447 murders of whites by blacks, which is a small number relative to the total population of the US. There were over 40,000 deaths because of car accidents in the same year.
So a rational white person should be about 100 times more afraid of being killed by a car than being killed by a black person.