Patrick.net Suggestions

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2012 Apr 2, 7:09am   213,625 views  597 comments

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This is the place to make suggestions for how Patrick.net can be most helpful to you and to discuss them.


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386   mell   2023 May 8, 9:05pm  

The_Deplorable says

mell says

"My suggestion would be to have threads with invited guests only..."

This is no longer a debate. It is propaganda.

I can see one Globalist inviting 3 or 4 other Globalists and the end result is propaganda and the destruction of the patrick.net forum.

I'm not talking politics. There are other things besides saving world politics from your keyboard. This is more about advice and experience about certain lifestyle/family issues and events. No need to involve 1000 users on it
387   The_Deplorable   2023 May 8, 11:14pm  

mell says
"I'm not talking politics. There are other things besides saving world politics from your keyboard. This is more about advice and experience about certain lifestyle/family issues and events. No need to involve 1000 users on it"

mell, can you accomplish the same thing by giving your thread a very narrow (and well defined) title?
388   richwicks   2023 May 9, 2:45am  

I have a suggestion.

Implement polls.
389   rocketjoe79   2023 May 9, 8:48am  

Hi, Patrick - I'm only seeing two pages listed for viewing for several weeks now. I used to see 6. Code change?
390   Patrick   2023 May 9, 9:01am  

@rocketjoe79 Thanks for telling me, I'll figure out what happened.

@richwicks OK, I think that's not too hard. I'll do it.
391   mell   2023 May 10, 9:38am  

The_Deplorable says

mell says

"I'm not talking politics. There are other things besides saving world politics from your keyboard. This is more about advice and experience about certain lifestyle/family issues and events. No need to involve 1000 users on it"

mell, can you accomplish the same thing by giving your thread a very narrow (and well defined) title?

If someone is looking for input from certain members and doesn't want all of patnet to know about their topic/issue, the invitation scheme is preferred imo.
392   Patrick   2023 May 11, 9:54pm  

rocketjoe79 says

Hi, Patrick - I'm only seeing two pages listed for viewing for several weeks now. I used to see 6. Code change?

@rocketjoe79 That was a bug! Should be fixed now.

Thanks again for telling me.
393   rocketjoe79   2023 May 11, 11:32pm  

Very Welcome - thanks for the quick fix!
394   richwicks   2023 May 19, 2:45pm  

I think you ought to reverse the bell and link links.

Instead of a bell, it should be something like "top of thread", and the link itself should place you on what you last read.

I hate symbols. It's not like we cannot read here.
395   Patrick   2023 May 19, 2:53pm  

@richwicks To me, it seems like clicking the title of one thread in a list should take you to the top of that thread, where the title is.

I admit the blinky thing is not obvious, given how many people never noticed that they can click on it. I could just replace it with text like "latest unread comment" or something.
396   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 7:34pm  

Patrick says

I admit the blinky thing is not obvious, given how many people never noticed that they can click on it. I could just replace it with text like "latest unread comment" or something.

I think it should be at the left of the title of the thread, and not at the end and it should not only be the blinky thing, but text next to it (perhaps as an image) "latest post".

Second @Patrick - I want to know - how is it you pull in images from other sites? I want to fix the problem with Rumble, where people have to click the <> Embed link, open a window, and copy the lower text box.

I figure you MUST be running a program to pull off the image in some way. How are you doing this? If I knew, I could solve the Rumble problem.
397   WookieMan   2023 Jun 12, 7:46pm  

Patrick says

BTW, I'm going to be in Chicagoland in late May, also in Ottawa, IL. If you're anywhere near those, I'd be happy to buy you a beer. Send me an email:

I somehow missed this one. Ottowa is relatively close. Too late now. Everything for me is 30-40 minutes away outside of Chicago city limits. Starved Rock visit? Or just family? One of the cooler areas of northern IL. I'm roughly straight north of Ottawa. Don't want to give distance or town.
398   HeadSet   2023 Jun 12, 9:33pm  

WookieMan says

If you're anywhere near those, I'd be happy to buy you a beer.

Maybe you could meet at Maddie's Place.
399   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 5:29pm  

richwicks says

I think it should be at the left of the title of the thread, and not at the end and it should not only be the blinky thing, but text next to it (perhaps as an image) "latest post".

@richwicks That seems like a good idea. Will do, just need to switch context from working on genealogy stuff.
400   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 5:32pm  

richwicks says

Patrick - I want to know - how is it you pull in images from other sites?

It's like this:

function cache_image(image_url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const parsed = url.parse(image_url);
const protocol = parsed.protocol.replace(/:/, '');
const rand = md5(Math.random().toString()).slice(0, 8);
const tmp_path = `/tmp/${ rand }`;
const file = fs.createWriteStream(tmp_path);

setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error('image load timed out: ' + image_url)); }, 3000); // wait max three seconds

PROTOCOLS[protocol].get(image_url, response => { // global['http'] will refer to the global http var, eg

file.on('finish', () => {
file.close(async () => {
const normalized = await normalize_image(tmp_path).catch(error => reject(error));

}).on('error', err => reject(err));
401   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 6:11pm  

Patrick says

richwicks says

Patrick - I want to know - how is it you pull in images from other sites?

It's like this:

Argh, your new damned limit on quotes...

What language is that?

Can you make calls to the shell? If you can, I can provide a service for it.
402   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 6:20pm  

There's been a limit on quote length for a long time, but you may not have noticed because I was putting ... in the middle of very long quotes.

The language is javascript.

I could make shell calls, but it would be a big risk to performance. Node.js does not like to wait.
403   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 11:17pm  

please edit this and post just one video at a time, thanks

I'll need to send you this in email, apparently.

Sometimes, your site pisses me off. Anything between the "pre" marks should be taken verbatim and there should be no effort to embed or translate anything in them.

I'm just saying, IF you can run an offline script, I can convert Rumble URLs to the embeded link, but it does require the ability to access Rumble to get the page and pull information from it.
404   Patrick   2023 Jun 26, 4:42pm  

I figured out a safe way to make just clicking on the thread title go to the latest unread comment for that user. So now that's what it does again.

Sorry for changing it before, but I was stuck in a situation where some threads were not clickable at all if the latest comment had been deleted. Now it should be fine.

I also moved the

and the

to the end of the title line instead of being on the line below.
405   rocketjoe79   2023 Aug 9, 11:56am  

Any way to make the site have a "dark mode"?
I just got a big new monitor and it's painfully bright with all the whiteness!
406   Ceffer   2023 Aug 9, 12:01pm  

rocketjoe79 says

Any way to make the site have a "dark mode"?

How about a Netflix rainbow mode?
407   Patrick   2023 Aug 9, 12:03pm  

rocketjoe79 says

Any way to make the site have a "dark mode"?

It's possible.

Anyone with css experience want to create a mockup of that and send me the colors and where they go?
408   richwicks   2023 Aug 10, 2:54pm  

When opening up a reply or a post, I think there should be instructions (maybe just a link to open to a new page) explaining how to do stuff.

Like for Rumble, that's weird, to embed the video takes a little more effort. Perhaps explaining how to embed videos, highlight text, etc.
409   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Aug 10, 2:58pm  

richwicks says

When opening up a reply or a post, I think there should be instructions (maybe just a link to open to a new page) explaining how to do stuff.

Like for Rumble, that's weird, to embed the video takes a little more effort. Perhaps explaining how to embed videos, highlight text, etc.

can videos be posted here? i have short clips, but i don’t think they’ll post due to size maybe
410   richwicks   2023 Aug 10, 3:35pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

richwicks says

When opening up a reply or a post, I think there should be instructions (maybe just a link to open to a new page) explaining how to do stuff.

Like for Rumble, that's weird, to embed the video takes a little more effort. Perhaps explaining how to embed videos, highlight text, etc.

can videos be posted here? i have short clips, but i don’t think they’ll post due to size maybe

You can sign up to several sites, and just upload the video, and post a link to that. This site supports BitChute, rumble, and Odysee. Rumble is a little tricky, you have to open up the "Embed" link, and copy the last element you see. There's no direct translation from the URL to the video that I can find anyhow.

For BitChute and Odysee you just copy the URL.

Save your videos. Don't trust 3rd parties, many people have been fucked by that.
411   Patrick   2023 Aug 10, 3:54pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

can videos be posted here? i have short clips, but i don’t think they’ll post due to size maybe

@FortwayneAsFuckJoeBiden Yes, you can post .mp4 videos under 10MB directly. Just upload as if it were an image.

You can also post Rumble "embed" urls from their videos and the video will show up here.
412   Patrick   2023 Aug 10, 3:55pm  

richwicks says

When opening up a reply or a post

@richwicks What do you mean by "opening up a reply or post"?

Do you mean editing it?
413   richwicks   2023 Aug 10, 3:58pm  

Patrick says

richwicks says

When opening up a reply or a post

richwicks What do you mean by "opening up a reply or post"?

Do you mean editing it?

No, I mean when you hit reply, I suggest a button that will open up a new window that explains how to do things, like underline, bold, post videos from various sites, and so on. An instruction manual.

It doesn't necessarily have to open a window if that's too difficult, just open up a frame that allows the person to see instructions. I will ignore it since I'm used to this site, but others may benefit.
414   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 5, 1:08pm  

How do you place a picture/photo at the title of a thread?

415   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 1:10pm  

@The_Deplorable If you're asking how to get a photo to appear next to the title on the home page or some other list of threads, it's just the first image included in the thread's original post.
416   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 5, 2:11pm  

Patrick says
"...it's just the first image included in the thread's original post."

Thank you!
417   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Sep 5, 2:20pm  

selection in safari mobile, still no worky.
418   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 2:36pm  

True, I have not been able to make it work.

The problem seems to be iPhone "security", which prevents javascript from seeing what you have selected.
419   richwicks   2023 Sep 8, 1:09am  

You make posts impossible to delete after a point in time, you should also make it impossible to edit posts after the same point in time.

Hold our feet to the fire. Deleting a post is no different than making it possible to edit a post.

I have a ton of predictions here, I want to see where I was wrong and how OTHER people were wrong. I noticed I could edit a prediction from years ago. I didn't do it, I KNOW you can detect it, I want you to disallow it.
420   WookieMan   2023 Sep 8, 3:16am  

richwicks says

I have a ton of predictions here, I want to see where I was wrong and how OTHER people were wrong. I noticed I could edit a prediction from years ago. I didn't do it, I KNOW you can detect it, I want you to disallow it.

I'd agree with this. Though I thought this was brought up in the past and Patrick set it to 7 days to be able to edit? Maybe not?

Don't throw shit on the internet you're not willing to be called out on in the future is my take. Everyone has done stupid things in life, it's okay if someone calls you out later. I had 10 shots and 17 beers over 4 hours during college years. Yup, that was stupid. Almost died and the reason I don't drink hard alcohol from that day forward. It's okay to learn from the past. 20 plus years later and that mistake was one of my best having watched my BIL die from it by 42.

Being stupid has it's consequences and it's okay to be called out on your bull shit. Take it like a man.
421   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2023 Nov 5, 12:13pm  

I was on a red-eye flight from Maui to Dallas last week and I can't sleep on planes very well. So I loaded up lots of threads from patnet to read and realized I was the only one in the area who had a light on - my phone. So I dialed down the power on the phone screen but to read it I still needed it too bright.

I'm suggesting maybe a 'dark mode' would be nice that some website have that inverts the colors. It wouldn't have been so bad without that white background.
422   WookieMan   2023 Nov 5, 12:58pm  

just_passing_through says

So I loaded up lots of threads from patnet to read and realized I was the only one in the area who had a light on - my phone.

It's not a bad suggestion. But who really cares about the light on a flight? If it's that difficult for your fellow passengers to sleep during a flight, is that your problem? If anything it's the sleeping passengers snoring that's the bigger annoyance. I can sleep for hours on a beach in broad daylight. I just did it two weeks ago.

I don't know, it's a tangent but I despise picky sleepers that need everything a certain way. ESPECIALLY in public. Bring ear plugs and eye shades if someone on their phone is an issue. Otherwise just die or charter a private jet. I've been next to screaming babies for 2 hours on a flight. I put my headphones on and had a few beers to drown out the annoyance. Is what it is. Oh and I fart on flights frequently. I'm a dick. Cool part is no one knows.
423   Patrick   2023 Nov 5, 6:42pm  


It's a good idea, and I added it at the top of my patrick.net todo list.

If anyone knows CSS well enough to send me a viable sample of how to do it, I'd be grateful for it. I can figure it out, but it will take me a bit. CSS is my weak point.
424   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Nov 13, 1:12am  

Patrick says


It's a good idea, and I added it at the top of my patrick.net todo list.

If anyone knows CSS well enough to send me a viable sample of how to do it, I'd be grateful for it. I can figure it out, but it will take me a bit. CSS is my weak point.

425   Misc   2023 Dec 1, 11:33pm  

I'm going to second a recommendation from another member. That you take care to have a back-up plan if the site is taken off-line by the government or major Tech firm (probably acting on the government's behalf). Also, please have a way of communicating with members of the new site's location if you bring it back up.

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