by Patrick ➕follow (60) 💰tip ignore
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mell says
"My suggestion would be to have threads with invited guests only..."
This is no longer a debate. It is propaganda.
I can see one Globalist inviting 3 or 4 other Globalists and the end result is propaganda and the destruction of the forum.
"I'm not talking politics. There are other things besides saving world politics from your keyboard. This is more about advice and experience about certain lifestyle/family issues and events. No need to involve 1000 users on it"
mell says
"I'm not talking politics. There are other things besides saving world politics from your keyboard. This is more about advice and experience about certain lifestyle/family issues and events. No need to involve 1000 users on it"
mell, can you accomplish the same thing by giving your thread a very narrow (and well defined) title?
Hi, Patrick - I'm only seeing two pages listed for viewing for several weeks now. I used to see 6. Code change?
I admit the blinky thing is not obvious, given how many people never noticed that they can click on it. I could just replace it with text like "latest unread comment" or something.
BTW, I'm going to be in Chicagoland in late May, also in Ottawa, IL. If you're anywhere near those, I'd be happy to buy you a beer. Send me an email:
If you're anywhere near those, I'd be happy to buy you a beer.
I think it should be at the left of the title of the thread, and not at the end and it should not only be the blinky thing, but text next to it (perhaps as an image) "latest post".
Patrick - I want to know - how is it you pull in images from other sites?
function cache_image(image_url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const parsed = url.parse(image_url);
const protocol = parsed.protocol.replace(/:/, '');
const rand = md5(Math.random().toString()).slice(0, 8);
const tmp_path = `/tmp/${ rand }`;
const file = fs.createWriteStream(tmp_path);
setTimeout(() => { reject(new Error('image load timed out: ' + image_url)); }, 3000); // wait max three seconds
PROTOCOLS[protocol].get(image_url, response => { // global['http'] will refer to the global http var, eg
file.on('finish', () => {
file.close(async () => {
const normalized = await normalize_image(tmp_path).catch(error => reject(error));
}).on('error', err => reject(err));
richwicks says
Patrick - I want to know - how is it you pull in images from other sites?
It's like this:
Any way to make the site have a "dark mode"?
When opening up a reply or a post, I think there should be instructions (maybe just a link to open to a new page) explaining how to do stuff.
Like for Rumble, that's weird, to embed the video takes a little more effort. Perhaps explaining how to embed videos, highlight text, etc.
richwicks says
When opening up a reply or a post, I think there should be instructions (maybe just a link to open to a new page) explaining how to do stuff.
Like for Rumble, that's weird, to embed the video takes a little more effort. Perhaps explaining how to embed videos, highlight text, etc.
can videos be posted here? i have short clips, but i don’t think they’ll post due to size maybe
can videos be posted here? i have short clips, but i don’t think they’ll post due to size maybe
When opening up a reply or a post
richwicks says
When opening up a reply or a post
richwicks What do you mean by "opening up a reply or post"?
Do you mean editing it?
I have a ton of predictions here, I want to see where I was wrong and how OTHER people were wrong. I noticed I could edit a prediction from years ago. I didn't do it, I KNOW you can detect it, I want you to disallow it.
So I loaded up lots of threads from patnet to read and realized I was the only one in the area who had a light on - my phone.
It's a good idea, and I added it at the top of my todo list.
If anyone knows CSS well enough to send me a viable sample of how to do it, I'd be grateful for it. I can figure it out, but it will take me a bit. CSS is my weak point.
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