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Roberto -- it's pointless, no one takes those trolls seriously anyway. You and I both know what we're seeing here in Phoenix -- and you and I have both done our research ; ) That's all it comes down to. Let the trolls trollolol until the end of time.
If I am lucky enought to laid off I'm not even going to start looking for work until week 98 rolls around.
Well, most people aren't as lucky as you who can find a job in 1 week. And most can't live off of unemployment alone so they would be eating into their savings every month they "eat bon bons and watch Oprah".
So that post is completely ridiculous.
NO my post is not ridiculous. Even if you wait 1 year to actually look for work (they give you 2 years of checks) then that is a huge skewed number.
Especially since as you say most people are broke, that means the lower your pay the more of your 'missing pay' the UE checks cover its capped at what 1800 a month? so if thats your salary before you are laid off and you get basically very close to it to sit ass on couch - who the hell would find a job asap?
The liberals like to imagine every single person on unemployment is honets and starving and spending all day looking for work - the truths is probably only half of them do. but impossible to quantify.
An accurate number would be difficult to gauge, but to answer your rhetorical question: it's their own damn fault if they don't do the leg work to be informed.
Yeah, so that's my point. How does that work out for all of us? I think you've described the way many think about many situations. It just doesn't seem helpful in getting us toward a more peaceful world. That's what I want. If that's not what you want, then I get it. Bring on the cannibal anarchy.
I'm a pretty smart person, if I choose to just go find people dumber than me and trick them into giving me money, that seems to be okay with most people. I don't get that. Although, while that might be a working strategy for getting money, I doubt how well it works in contributing toward peace of mind.
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