Public Education Should All Be Destroyed & Eradicated.

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2012 May 15, 5:56am   25,539 views  46 comments

by Robber Baron Elite Scum   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

The government needs to get out of the education sector and let the private market handle it.

Mandatory schooling should be banned as well.

Public schools are a parasite institutional system which forces others to pay money for others to get a substandard low quality "education" which ends up benefiting neither society nor the students...

They only ones benefiting are the school teachers, administrator, unions and the board members with their criminally undeserved high salary all paid from you forcefully...

School budgets are a fraud as well. The money only goes to pay for higher salaries with hardly any investment made for the students who are forced to attend like it's prison.

And the voting of school budgets is also a fraud. When they don't get their budgets...

They just do another voting and keep doing it as many times as they like until they get the budget "won". The voting for the school budget is rigged as well.

Others should not be responsible paying money in form of propery taxes to babysit your children.

Public schools are worthless. They teach nothing of any fucking value and anything they do teach of value can easily be mastered within 3 years tops if you are a retarded moron.

Their job is to simply brainwash and indocrinate your children with propganda. Feed them misinformation about history and to program them about completely false idealogies about the world and how the world works.

College subsidies should also be banned and the government should get the hell out of the student loan business. It has no business there and it is causing a lot of harm by reckless lending of student loans.

College is also worthless as well.

Want to be a doctor? They should work in the field as interns, apprentices and residents after they pass a state exam proving that they are knowledgeable and competent.

Medical school is useless and a waste of time. US doctors spend 7-10 years in school yet are extremely incompetent fucking idiots.

Want to be a lawyer? Work as a apprentice in a law office and than take the bar exam.

The teacher appears when the student is ready. The teacher never appears by force.

To have truly competent doctor, lawyers, engineers, police men, mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, writers etc...

You need to have people be self-motivated to learn themselves and use work experience as education. Mandatory schooling and having someone shove information down your throat kills independent thought and learning by inner motivation.

The student must be ready by themselves for the teacher to appear.

If I became President...

I would immediately end all public education and college subsidies. Fire all public school staff and employees. End their pensions as well.

I would also end social security, unemployement, medicaid, medicare, disability benefits, welfare, food stamps and public housing.

I would completely abolish all property taxes and income taxes. I would abolish the Federal Reserve and give congress back the authority to print money. Money would be back on the gold and silver standard.

The IRS would be abolished. Several banks who own private shares in the Federal Reserve will be raided by the FBI and National Security. They will be shut down. (JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs to name two.)

The borders will be closed & secured. Illegal immigrants will all be deported back.

Unions will become illegal and all unions will be raided by authorities. Any resistance to obey will not work. We will come with guns pointed in the face of you parasites.

The American Medical Association will be raided and shut down. Pharmaceutical lobbyists giving bribes will no longer work and their monopoly on health care will be shut down. Natural medicine & cures will be released to the public.

Health insurance will become illegal and Doctors/Hospitals will have to give a price for their services directly to patients. Of course, their salaries will fall with this new policy.

FDA will be terminated and shut down for fraud and collusion.

I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for wanting to ban all these programs and shutting down instituions.

But the majority of the opposition are the parasites feeding off this system and shutting it down is not in their interest. The rest of the opposers are unintelligent naive idiots who are brainwashed by the parasites who feed off the system.

If I was President, I would still do it regardless of all the protesting and hate.


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41   New Renter   2012 Oct 14, 10:27am  

theoakman says

New Renter says

theoakman says

And, if you think teachers make a high salary, by all means, enter the field yourself. You're almost certain to live a slightly below average middle class lifestyle.

I'm not baiting here, but asking a serious question - how many days a year do you work? How about hours/day spent doing job related activities?

I'm not lying when I say this, but I worked 365 straight days, 15 hours a day for 3 years straight. I taught Chemistry, Physics, and AP Physics, three different preps. You teach at school, and you spend all day at home developing new lessons or grading tests/reports. I also write approximately 45 letters of recommendation a year. That's the life of young teacher.
Now that I'm in my 4th year, and do not have a new prep, I'd say I work 6 days a week. Sunday is for grading and I don't have to do much lesson prep. Probably 2 hours of work a day at home on weekdays.

The characterization that exists for teachers in general is hardly one to believe. If anyone believes they can coast through this job, by all means have at it. The people who try to tally up hours worked for the profession have no idea what the profession entails. You are on your feet the entire time. Those "periods off" involve kids coming in for extra help, or you setting up for class, or gathering materials to move to a different room. That so called 40 minute lunch period I has never allowed me to spend more than 5 minutes eating lunch. If you are dedicated to the job, you kill yourself in and out of school.

It's the few lazy teachers out there at each school who do nothing and sit on their tenure who ruin it for everyone else.

That's pretty much in line with what I have heard from the public school teachers I have worked with. The job has its rewards but they are pretty much all non-monetary.

Still if you have a house bought and paid for you are doing pretty well.

42   Dan8267   2012 Oct 14, 10:48am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Want to be a doctor? They should work in the field as interns, apprentices and residents after they pass a state exam proving that they are knowledgeable and competent.

Medical school is useless and a waste of time. US doctors spend 7-10 years in school yet are extremely incompetent fucking idiots.

Want to be a lawyer? Work as a apprentice in a law office and than take the bar exam.

The teacher appears when the student is ready. The teacher never appears by force.

To have truly competent doctor, lawyers, engineers, police men, mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, writers etc...

I want to become a porn star. Where's my teacher?

Oh, I shouldn't have asked that...

43   Rin   2012 Oct 14, 11:39am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Want to be a lawyer? Work as a apprentice in a law office and than take the bar exam.

BTW, this is what Alexander Hamilton did, to pass his bar.

Today, he'd have to first, get his BA from Columbia College and then, another 3 years at the Law school, to even start the process.

Otherwise, he'd be a lowly paralegal for life.

44   theoakman   2012 Oct 14, 1:07pm  

New Renter says

That's pretty much in line with what I have heard from the public school teachers I have worked with. The job has its rewards but they are pretty much all non-monetary.

Still if you have a house bought and paid for you are doing pretty well.

House is bought and paid for purely from speculation in the market. When I was 28, I went all in on Silver and mining stocks right after the 2008 crash. Haven't paid off the house, but I could if I wanted to at this point. I'm content to hold the debt while I get some good dividend returns and await currency depreciation to wipe out that debt.

45   Dan8267   2016 Apr 25, 12:00pm  

Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq says

This is my playground nancy-boy. Go find some other wretches to crap on.

I spend a few weeks in Greece shopping for slaves and some asshole comes in with Frankston-esque ideas.

Man, it's been four years since Moneyworth posted. Time sure flies. So many people have left this site. Unfortunately, not the ones that should.

46   Dan8267   2016 Apr 25, 2:48pm  

Wow, piggy is really upset. Maybe I shouldn't have fucked his daughter so hard.

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