Public Education Should All Be Destroyed & Eradicated.

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2012 May 15, 5:56am   25,651 views  46 comments

by Robber Baron Elite Scum   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

The government needs to get out of the education sector and let the private market handle it.

Mandatory schooling should be banned as well.

Public schools are a parasite institutional system which forces others to pay money for others to get a substandard low quality "education" which ends up benefiting neither society nor the students...

They only ones benefiting are the school teachers, administrator, unions and the board members with their criminally undeserved high salary all paid from you forcefully...

School budgets are a fraud as well. The money only goes to pay for higher salaries with hardly any investment made for the students who are forced to attend like it's prison.

And the voting of school budgets is also a fraud. When they don't get their budgets...

They just do another voting and keep doing it as many times as they like until they get the budget "won". The voting for the school budget is rigged as well.

Others should not be responsible paying money in form of propery taxes to babysit your children.

Public schools are worthless. They teach nothing of any fucking value and anything they do teach of value can easily be mastered within 3 years tops if you are a retarded moron.

Their job is to simply brainwash and indocrinate your children with propganda. Feed them misinformation about history and to program them about completely false idealogies about the world and how the world works.

College subsidies should also be banned and the government should get the hell out of the student loan business. It has no business there and it is causing a lot of harm by reckless lending of student loans.

College is also worthless as well.

Want to be a doctor? They should work in the field as interns, apprentices and residents after they pass a state exam proving that they are knowledgeable and competent.

Medical school is useless and a waste of time. US doctors spend 7-10 years in school yet are extremely incompetent fucking idiots.

Want to be a lawyer? Work as a apprentice in a law office and than take the bar exam.

The teacher appears when the student is ready. The teacher never appears by force.

To have truly competent doctor, lawyers, engineers, police men, mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, writers etc...

You need to have people be self-motivated to learn themselves and use work experience as education. Mandatory schooling and having someone shove information down your throat kills independent thought and learning by inner motivation.

The student must be ready by themselves for the teacher to appear.

If I became President...

I would immediately end all public education and college subsidies. Fire all public school staff and employees. End their pensions as well.

I would also end social security, unemployement, medicaid, medicare, disability benefits, welfare, food stamps and public housing.

I would completely abolish all property taxes and income taxes. I would abolish the Federal Reserve and give congress back the authority to print money. Money would be back on the gold and silver standard.

The IRS would be abolished. Several banks who own private shares in the Federal Reserve will be raided by the FBI and National Security. They will be shut down. (JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs to name two.)

The borders will be closed & secured. Illegal immigrants will all be deported back.

Unions will become illegal and all unions will be raided by authorities. Any resistance to obey will not work. We will come with guns pointed in the face of you parasites.

The American Medical Association will be raided and shut down. Pharmaceutical lobbyists giving bribes will no longer work and their monopoly on health care will be shut down. Natural medicine & cures will be released to the public.

Health insurance will become illegal and Doctors/Hospitals will have to give a price for their services directly to patients. Of course, their salaries will fall with this new policy.

FDA will be terminated and shut down for fraud and collusion.

I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for wanting to ban all these programs and shutting down instituions.

But the majority of the opposition are the parasites feeding off this system and shutting it down is not in their interest. The rest of the opposers are unintelligent naive idiots who are brainwashed by the parasites who feed off the system.

If I was President, I would still do it regardless of all the protesting and hate.


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1   Vicente   2012 May 15, 6:18am  

It's too bad I can't specify a "dislike" for an original post, only to comments.

You have an opinion, but frankly it's wrong. Show me a successful country that lacks a public school system.

2   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2012 May 15, 6:36am  

Vicente says

Show me a successful country that lacks a public school system.

Show me a successful country/civilization practicing socialism and communism.

Public education and anti-child labor is a communist ideology.

Socialism, communism and fascism has always eventually collapsed.

The USA is secretly a fascist, communist and socialist country. It is slipping real fast and it is in big trouble.

Show me the results of America's education system. It's a complete utter fail.

And even if public education benefits someone... It doesn't matter because it ends up costing someone else who is forced to pay for it.

That is the very definition of socialism.

Public education will collapse anyway by itself... It is unsustainable, outdated and it breeds worse than mediocrity.

3   freak80   2012 May 15, 6:46am  

lol...his name is, after all, "Robber Baron Elite Scum"

4   Philistine   2012 May 15, 7:04am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Public education and anti-child labor is a communist ideology

This thread is such a delicious absurdity that I feel like I'm breaking up the fun to point out that communists for the most part were pro-child labor.

5   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2012 May 15, 7:12am  

Philistine says

This is such a delicious absurdity that I feel like I'm breaking up the fun to point out that communists for the most part were pro-child labor.

what else will children do if mandatory schooling was abolished and public education banned?

Children should work. Child labor is both good for the kid and good for business profits for corporations.

Child labor is good for the economy.

6   freak80   2012 May 15, 7:14am  

Children should become Realtors.

7   Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq   2012 May 16, 4:57am  

This is my playground nancy-boy. Go find some other wretches to crap on.

I spend a few weeks in Greece shopping for slaves and some asshole comes in with Frankston-esque ideas.

8   freak80   2012 May 16, 5:04am  

You mean you two don't hang out in the Hamptons together plotting global domination?

9   marcus   2012 May 16, 3:53pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Public schools are worthless. They teach nothing of any fucking value and anything they do teach of value can easily be mastered within 3 years tops if you are a retarded moron.

Say's the guy who knows a lot about what's involved in being a retarded moron.

This is from 2008, a Harvard Dean:

In previous generations, private secondary schools supplied the overwhelming majority of the students at Harvard and its peers. This September, public schools provided almost 70 percent of the students entering Harvard, and even that percentage is misleading with respect to the economic diversity of today’s Harvard.


I work in an urban school that has sent several students to Harvard in the past few years.

You have no clue what you're talking about. There are problems with public schools in low income areas, where many students are being raised in harsh less than optimal environments.

But there are tens of thousands of great public schools in this country.

10   marcus   2012 May 16, 4:00pm  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for wanting to ban all these programs and shutting down instituions.

As I read further, I see you're even more of a joke than I thought, advocating fascism and anarchy.

You'll have to hire half the unemployed as police and don't forget to buy a lot of stock in private prison operators before you implement your master plan.

11   freak80   2012 May 16, 11:52pm  

marcus says

You'll have to hire half the unemployed as police and don't forget to buy a lot of stock in private prison operators before you implement your master plan.

That's the far-right's wet dream.

12   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2012 May 17, 4:32am  

@ Marcus

You are one butt hurt little public school employee. I don't blame you, of course you would be if suddenly public education was shut down & you socialist liberal parasites were forced to begin living in the real world instead of being the parents of other people's children so you can shove useless information down their throats.

Public schools are a fraud. They purposely inflate grades, allow students to cheat & do all kinds of funny accounting of grades to make the sheeple think the school is great because of the grades. The schools in the wealthy areas allow anyone to take AP classes regardless of whether they can do the work or not.

But why would they do this? So they can have people think the school is so good & that the teachers deserve higher salaries so the budget should be raised. Thus, we will now tax the shit out of your property.

So this whole bullshit of low-income public schools being the ones wih problems is not much persuasive when you consider how wealthy districts are involved in all kinds of corrupt practices to undeservingly have the students' grades high.

"I work in an urban school that has sent several students to Harvard in the past few years."

So? You think Harvard admission somehow means you are smarter or that somehow by graduating Harvard, you are smarter or that there is a difference.

You are wrong. Harvard professors all give out A's no matter what, regardless of whether the student actually deserves an F.

The biology taught in Harvard is the same at a state or community school. Same goes with the chemistry, calculus, statistics & science subjects.

They only difference is that the state or community professor are much less likely to inflate your grades than Harvard, they cost less money in tuition & they have less of a "brand name".

Harvard is now all about the brand name & less about the actual merits.

But regardless of whether it's ivy league or not - All colleges are worthless institutions who don't produce thinkers but rather liberal socialist brainwashed morons like you who will repeat & memorize anything their master tells them too regardless of whether it's useful, true or fact.

I would be many times more doubtful on the claimed genius status that Harvard retards like to advertise themselves as than someone from a state/community school or no college at all or even no formal schooling at all.

Harvard graduates are all talk no walk. This is mostly true for any collee graduate as well but more true for ivy league clowns who think they are something special and know everything. But the truth is that they are so dumb that they don't even have the intelligence to acknowledge that they are dumb. Their ego prevents that.

But me & you know that, that you are defensive because your salary depends upon this flawed & unconstitutional institutional system.

I can't wait to see the expression on your face when all public schools shut down or your pension is wiped because the tax payers refuse to finance your retirement.

13   Bigsby   2012 May 17, 4:37am  

I take it that this is a joke thread.

14   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2012 May 17, 4:45am  

Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq says

This is my playground nancy-boy. Go find some other wretches to crap on.

I spend a few weeks in Greece shopping for slaves and some asshole comes in with Frankston-esque ideas.

You defaulted on my central banks' loans & your peasants' public playground is now my private playground.

It called "privatization" of public property.

15   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2012 May 17, 4:59am  

marcus says

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for wanting to ban all these programs and shutting down instituions.

As I read further, I see you're even more of a joke than I thought, advocating fascism and anarchy.

You'll have to hire half the unemployed as police and don't forget to buy a lot of stock in private prison operators before you implement your master plan.

Learn what fascism is... Mr. Genuis Public Teacher

We don't need any more police and we already have the highest prison population in the world. Adding in a few more peasants including yourself really wouldn't hurt but actually help us Robber Barons.

Prisons are a business. It's why in America you can get arrested for anything.

And I mean, it's not like you American idiots will do anything besides protest like pussies. Go abroad and the citizens get violent with no fear. But you dirty little peasants usually do nothing as we steal your pension, lay you off, tax the shit out of you & mortgage your life away into slavery.

Now be a good little sheeple minion, Marcus. Brainwash those little dirty brats with socialism & tell all of them to go to college to waste more years of their life
along with a nice 200,000 debt that can never be discharged with little prospects of any high paying job unless they are socially connected to us Robber Barons scums who own all the banks & practically are in bed with the government.

16   freak80   2012 May 17, 5:16am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Prisons are a business. It's why in America you can get arrested for anything.
And I mean, it's not like you American idiots will do anything besides protest like pussies. Go abroad and the citizens get violent with no fear. But you dirty little peasants usually do nothing as we steal your pension, lay you off, tax the shit out of you & mortgage your life away into slavery.

God Bless America.

17   FortWayne   2012 May 17, 6:22am  

I would have liked our public education system if it wasn't so corrupt. Doesn't seem like I'm getting the moneys worth out of it.

Politicians and unions always rob us there blind, while constantly pretending it's for the children. That system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.

18   Vicente   2012 May 17, 6:50am  

FortWayne says

That system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.

The kibitz and kvetch team has SOOO many valuable contributions....

19   marcus   2012 May 17, 8:21am  

FortWayne says

Politicians and unions always rob us there blind, while constantly pretending it's for the children. That system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.

Blind assertion from someone who's head is up his ass. FW listens to too much propaganda from those who claim that paying teachers less is the key to improving education.


Hey, everyone goes to school. There must be some serious money to be made in that "business "(??), right ? I know, let's get schools in to private hands, and lets put a lot of propaganda out there implying that public education has gotten worse in the last 50 years.

We need someone to blame for the hopelessness that many in the underclass feel about their prospects for upward mobility.

20   marcus   2012 May 17, 8:38am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

They only difference is that the state or community professor are much less likely to inflate your grades than Harvard, they cost less money in tuition & they have less of a "brand name".

Some fools think that the hardest schools to get in to (think SAT scores, AP exam scores and yes, those inflated grades), would have the most able students. And that just as in lower grades, the level of students (ie the academic competition) is one of the biggest determinants of the quality of an education.

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Learn what fascism is.

Maybe you should learn what it means. Because only under fascist regime could your fantasies be realized.

As for the rest of your sad attempt at humor. It's not working for me. As for your last insane comment:

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

I can't wait to see the expression on your face when all public schools shut down or your pension is wiped because the tax payers refuse to finance your retirement.

Public schools aren't going to be shut down. And as for pensions, I don't know. They might have to increase what I pay in to the fund, and the state could increase its contributions a little too. But the money in the fund was taken out of teachers pay checks (as shown on each stub). It's like social security, except they actually have a lock box for this one, not just IOUs from the government). The state can't raid that fund. Look into it. That would be like the state raiding some random mutual fund or your trading accounts (if you really were an elite robber barron).

The pension fund is not owned or run by the state. Why I am responding to your pathetic attempt at humor, I don't know. PRobably because it was getting FW and other RW dimbulbs all excited.

21   marcus   2012 May 17, 1:17pm  

Out in the real world, Robber Baron Elite Scum, is what we refer to as a "fucktard."

He needs to listen to:

Huntington Moneyworth III, Esq says

This is my playground nancy-boy. Go find some other wretches to crap on.

22   freak80   2012 May 18, 12:40am  

marcus says

Out in the real world, Robber Baron Elite Scum, is what we refer to as a "fucktard."

lol. I can't believe you take "Robber Baron Elite Scum" seriously. He's obviously a caricature created by someone who's trying to portray the plutocracy in a negative light. Just like Huntingdon Moneyworth III, Esq.

23   marcus   2012 May 18, 3:39am  

I can't believe you think I'm taking him seriously.
marcus says

As for the rest of your sad attempt at humor. It's not working for me.

He's not doing anything like what Moneyworth does. He's expressing pretty close to the actual views of many RW idiots, regardless of whether they are his views or not.

25   FortWayne   2012 Oct 11, 8:45am  

Vicente says

It's too bad I can't specify a "dislike" for an original post, only to comments.

You have an opinion, but frankly it's wrong. Show me a successful country that lacks a public school system.

United States of America.

Just face the music already, our education system sucks. And it needs to be a lot better. Our immigration and education policies revolve around corporate interests, aka bringing scientists and engineers from overseas, instead of educating our own.

It's been that way for many years. Add some idiocy from the unions and government bureaucrats and that's how we got here.

26   dublin hillz   2012 Oct 11, 9:26am  

Maybe we can "starve the beast" by eliminating property taxes?

27   marcus   2012 Oct 12, 12:01am  

Yes, the education of our kids has little to do with families and everything to do with the schools and teachers.

Here's the fix:

Step One: End all unions, and fire the teachers. It's an easy job that only requires a few hours of work a day and shouldn't pay more than $12/hr.

Step two: Privatize it. There's plenty of fat in education, for administrators to skim off of it and it should be opened up to profiteers. Just like health care, education only makes sense as a private enterprise. Without competition and the profit motive, how can education possibly be delivered effectively ?

PRoblem solved. It's a no brainer.

The least important pieces are the parents and the teachers. Once we take away half decent pay for teachers, we should see everything fall in to place.

28   New Renter   2012 Oct 12, 1:30am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Show me a successful country/civilization practicing socialism and communism.

Sweden. Its a nice place, you should visit sometime.

29   freak80   2012 Oct 12, 1:35am  

dublin hillz says

Maybe we can "starve the beast" by eliminating property taxes?

Prop 13.

30   New Renter   2012 Oct 12, 1:38am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Public schools are a fraud. They purposely inflate grades, allow students to cheat & do all kinds of funny accounting of grades to make the sheeple think the school is great because of the grades. The schools in the wealthy areas allow anyone to take AP classes regardless of whether they can do the work or not.

What about that "Gentleman's degree" from Harvard you have adorning your wall at home?

Harvard, isn't that a private school?


31   New Renter   2012 Oct 12, 1:44am  

Robert Barron Elite Scum - the IL Duce of the 21st century!

For those of you who don't speak Italian I think in English that translates roughly as "The Douche".


32   dublin hillz   2012 Oct 12, 9:47am  

marcus says

Yes, the education of our kids has little to do with families and everything to do with the schools and teachers.

Here's the fix:

Step One: End all unions, and fire the teachers. It's an easy job that only requires a few hours of work a day and shouldn't pay more than $12/hr.

Step two: Privatize it. There's plenty of fat in education, for administrators to skim off of it and it should be opened up to profiteers. Just like health care, education only makes sense as a private enterprise. Without competition and the profit motive, how can education possibly be delivered effectively ?

PRoblem solved. It's a no brainer.

The least important pieces are the parents and the teachers. Once we take away half decent pay for teachers, we should see everything fall in to place.

We should not allow others to educate our kids. That reeks of elitism. Who the hell appointed them the know it alls? Bunch of mara salvatruchas in disquise who depend upon extortion via property taxes. The only true difference is physical violence!

33   curious2   2012 Oct 12, 10:12am  

marcus says

our kids

dublin hillz says

our kids

All this talk of "our kids" is beginning to sound socialist. If "our kids" are the problem, surely they can be privatized and turned over to a corporation? Maybe their future earnings can be securitized to pay for it? That would teach them to take responsibility for their lives, instead of joining Romney's 47%. Oops - too late, the Bush/Obama deficits have already spent the future earnings of "our kids" so those creative corporations will need to find some other way to monetize them. At least "our kids" will all have ObamneyCare, so they'll all live forever.

34   curious2   2012 Oct 12, 10:27am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Want to be a doctor? They should work in the field as interns, apprentices and residents after they pass a state exam proving that they are knowledgeable and competent.

Medical school is essential to teaching how to prescribe PhRMA's most profitable products, and to indenturing each generation of doctors with enough debt to make sure they will have to work for corporate "people" instead of actual people. The Rockefeller family kindly donated to medical schools to teach drug prescription while also investing in drug companies, to bring you this wonderful system. Then Governor Rockefeller maximized the drug war with mandatory sentencing to lock you into it, literally.

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

If I became President...Health insurance will become illegal and Doctors/Hospitals will have to give a price for their services directly to patients. Of course, their salaries will fall with this new policy.

...which is why it won't happen and (sorry to be the bearer of bad news) you won't become President.

35   theoakman   2012 Oct 13, 3:44am  

As a teacher, I can shed some light on this subject for you guys. Regardless of how public schools are funded, there's no conspiracy to educate your kids one way or another.

Administrators are given mandates from the state. They ignore them. They only care about jumping the ladder to cash out on a big pension. Teachers are given their marching orders from administration. They ignore them because most of them can't be fired or their administrators aren't watching over their shoulder at all, because once again, the administrators are too busy working on the resume for a promotion.

At the end of the day, by and large, each and every teacher teaches a subject how he or she chooses. And there are just as many right wing nutjobs in the business as left wing loons. And, if you think teachers make a high salary, by all means, enter the field yourself. You're almost certain to live a slightly below average middle class lifestyle.

36   New Renter   2012 Oct 13, 1:11pm  

theoakman says

And, if you think teachers make a high salary, by all means, enter the field yourself. You're almost certain to live a slightly below average middle class lifestyle.

I'm not baiting here, but asking a serious question - how many days a year do you work? How about hours/day spent doing job related activities?

37   curious2   2012 Oct 13, 1:37pm  

Similarly, I'm still hoping for an explanation of these two apparently contradictory statements:

theoakman says

I bailed on all my Australian investments....

theoakman says

I'm still holding. Biggest winner....

These were in Investing in Australian $ or the Australian market.

38   theoakman   2012 Oct 14, 6:16am  

curious2 says

Similarly, I'm still hoping for an explanation of these two apparently contradictory statements:

theoakman says

I bailed on all my Australian investments....

theoakman says

I'm still holding. Biggest winner....

These were in Investing in Australian $ or the Australian market.

lol, funny...you are referencing two different investments.

My Austrialian investments weren't in precious metals mining, they were in base metals mining. They got crushed and I took over a 50% loss on everything I bought. One stock, Minara, I lost it all after commissions. Same with the coal industry there.

My precious metals mining investments were in Canada and South Africa, circa end of 2008 and they skyrocketed. Pure home run. I finally cashed out on them too. Took approximately 500% gain on them all in the end as well. I now hold physical gold, silver, cash, and a bunch of dividend stocks like Coke, JJ & Verizon. I accomplished my goal, I got a house and I can pay off my mortgage tomorrow if I want. Smooth sailing from here on out.

39   theoakman   2012 Oct 14, 6:24am  

New Renter says

theoakman says

And, if you think teachers make a high salary, by all means, enter the field yourself. You're almost certain to live a slightly below average middle class lifestyle.

I'm not baiting here, but asking a serious question - how many days a year do you work? How about hours/day spent doing job related activities?

I'm not lying when I say this, but I worked 365 straight days, 15 hours a day for 3 years straight. I taught Chemistry, Physics, and AP Physics, three different preps. You teach at school, and you spend all day at home developing new lessons or grading tests/reports. I also write approximately 45 letters of recommendation a year. That's the life of young teacher.

Now that I'm in my 4th year, and do not have a new prep, I'd say I work 6 days a week. Sunday is for grading and I don't have to do much lesson prep. Probably 2 hours of work a day at home on weekdays.

The characterization that exists for teachers in general is hardly one to believe. If anyone believes they can coast through this job, by all means have at it. The people who try to tally up hours worked for the profession have no idea what the profession entails. You are on your feet the entire time. Those "periods off" involve kids coming in for extra help, or you setting up for class, or gathering materials to move to a different room. That so called 40 minute lunch period I has never allowed me to spend more than 5 minutes eating lunch. If you are dedicated to the job, you kill yourself in and out of school.

It's the few lazy teachers out there at each school who do nothing and sit on their tenure who ruin it for everyone else.

40   theoakman   2012 Oct 14, 8:51am  

The Professor says

theoakman says

Smooth sailing from here on out.

Good luck on that !

Bon Voyage!

No problem...goal was to have a home paid in full by age 40. I did it a year and half outa grad school, 10 years ahead of schedule. Thank you Ben Bernanke.

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