"that's an interesting take on family values there"...

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2012 Jun 15, 8:53pm   4,009 views  15 comments

by kentm   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Poll: 66% of Nevada Republicans think that brothels should be legal, but only 20% support gay marriage;



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1   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2012 Jun 15, 11:07pm  

They missed the opportunity to ask about gay brothels.

And republicans were just as likely to support brothels as dems. This is further proof that neither party has claim to generally higher sexual morals.

2   Honest Abe   2012 Jun 16, 5:04am  

So 66% of Nevada Repub's think the worlds oldest profession should be legal, but only 20% support gay marriage...whats wrong with that?

BTW, there is a difference in supporting the behavior between consenting adults and REDEFINING marriage - isn't there?

3   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2012 Jun 16, 5:24am  

Word definitions have nothing to do with morality. You understand that right? Word definitions change all of the time.

The talking points are that gay marriage would threaten straight marriage. The pope kicks the threat up a notch with his rhetoric...

In the speech, the pope, 84, unleashed what some consider being his strongest tirade against gay marriage

“This is not a simple convention, but rather the fundamental cell of every society,” he continued. “Consequently, policies which undermine the family threaten human dignity and the future of humanity itself.”

The pope seems to think that the global population is dangerously low and we must do all we can to populate faster.

It is safe to say that prostitution has ruined more marriages than gay sex. So what is your worry Abe.

4   Dan8267   2012 Jun 16, 5:56am  

Honest Abe says

So 66% of Nevada Repub's think the worlds oldest profession should be legal, but only 20% support gay marriage...whats wrong with that?

If 80% of a population supported slavery, particularly the enslavement of the other 20%, would that make it right? Do rights come from popularity or is there some logic behind the theory of rights? Hint: that's a rhetorical question.

5   lostand confused   2012 Jun 16, 10:31am  

Well modern marraige ain 't family values. When it ends-as the majority of marraiges do, in this country-the government mandates how much you pay and for how long, for the services rendered.

Now go to a brothel and you decide how much to pay for the services rendered.

6   woppa   2012 Jun 16, 12:31pm  

It's funny that people even think they can logically argue that gay marriage should be illegal. Republicans really are quite the characters.

7   kentm   2012 Jun 16, 2:46pm  

Honest Abe says

...behavior between consenting adults...

the replies to your posts practically write themselves....

8   kentm   2012 Jun 16, 3:05pm  

Speaking of that whole 'traditional marriage' and the 'Christian values' notion thing,
Abe, I'm sure you'll appreciate this irony:

Divorce Rates Are Highest Among Evangelicals


Just sayin'. Maybe it's the prostitution or maybe it's the illicit gay sex in airport bathrooms, I can't say.

9   HEY YOU   2012 Jun 17, 2:11am  


GREAT link! I read it twice. It brought back memories of REDNECK WHITE TRASH.

10   Honest Abe   2012 Jun 17, 3:48am  

What are the similarities and differences between REDNECK WHITE TRASH and LIBERAL WHITE TRASH?

Part of the liberal agenda is to destroy the family. The goal is to make everyone dependent upon the new provider of all things to all people - THE STATE.


11   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2012 Jun 17, 3:53am  

Honest Abe says

What are the similarities and differences between REDNECK WHITE TRASH and LIBERAL WHITE TRASH?

republicans comprise 95% of them. liberals are the other 5.

12   HEY YOU   2012 Jun 17, 4:05am  

Any conservative who uses Fire,Police,public roads,public infrastructure,etc. is a SOCIALIST. These are paid for by that nasty TAX dollar.

13   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Jun 17, 4:19am  

Dosen't appear anyone is shutting any whorehouses down anywhere so whats the difference? No one told me who I can screw and can't screw except maybe someones husband. How can you stop it? The answer is you can't. Legislative morality is a tourist trap.

14   Vicente   2012 Jun 17, 4:31am  

Honest Abe says

Part of the liberal agenda is to destroy the family.

The majority of the customers at brothels are married men.

Hypocrisy calling!

The rest are basement dwellers who watch too much Fox News.

15   Vicente   2012 Jun 17, 4:37am  

kentm says

Divorce Rates Are Highest Among Evangelicals

They have a phrase for this:

Unevenly Yoked.

That's where the lawyering comes in. If you decide Billy Ray just isn't cranking it for you, well you can say you don't share the same beliefs in Jesus. They are not pure enough anymore, so of course "'til death do us part" no longer means anything, as it's always fair to cast out heathens.

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