To hate Jews is to hate God.

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2012 Jun 30, 5:35am   7,459 views  20 comments

by Greatest I am   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

To hate Jews is to hate God.

If you believe in the sacrifice of Jesus, then you must believe that God planned for it and set the conditions even before the earth was formed. If as most believe, the Jews were the cause of the sacrifice, then one must believe that God put the notion and desire to kill Jesus in the Jewish hearts. Jews then were God’s tools in carrying out God’s plan. Jews then should be venerated just as Jesus is because Jesus and Jews were required and caused by God to participate in the sacrifice. They were all doing God’s will and not their own.

Jesus was a Jew and to hate Jews means that Jesus is also hated. The church has historically persecuted Jews and only repented for their actions in 2011 with the pope acknowledging that not all Jews should be hated. Just those directly involved in the sacrifice of Jesus. Ignoring of course that they were charged directly by God to be and do what God wanted.


Why then have Christians historically hated Jews, and by inference, hate the Jew part of God/Jesus the Jew?




The weird twist to this history is that the Christian right who hates Jews the most, is now the ones pushing for funding of the Jewish homeland to fulfill prophesy.

Most Jews do not believe that Jesus was the messiah. Is the Christian right just funding Jews to help drive them to destruction at the hands of God?

Jews tend not to read the O. T. the way Christians do. Are Christian interpretations of Jewish text superior or inferior to the Jewish interpretation of their own myths?


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1   Greatest I am   2012 Jun 30, 5:36am  

I asked a well-informed Jewish friend to comment before I posted this and this is what he had to say.

Modern Jews and ancient Jews for one. I suppose you are concerned about modern Jewish opinion. Yes, some modern Jews are concerned that Christian Right support isn't for the best, that there is a hidden agenda to benefit Christian Right at the expense of Jews. Other modern Jews (particularly Israeli Right) don't care if there is a hidden agenda or not, they are happy to take anyone's support. These same cynical guys gave and took support from White S African racists (prior to Mandela liberation) and supported the White S African nuclear weapons program. Such people are typically atheist Israeli Jews BTW. Religious Jews generally distrust any Christians bearing gifts (they are Greeks of a sort anyway). Atheists Jews aren't particular, they will take support from anyone (see their behavior in the early Soviet Union). Modern Israel was founded by atheist socialist Jews (the Bund). Religious Jews prior to 1948 and some even prior to 1967 did not believe that Israel should be re-established, without the Messiah. Some religious Jews still believe this (Naturei Karta) and these Jews have cordial relations with Hamas. Such Jews of course would be anathema to the Christian Right. The Christian Right doesn't mind atheist Jews, because they believe all Jews atheist or not will be damned by G-d. Some of the Christian Right also believe that the Jews are not real Jews, only Gentiles are Jews (at least some are seen as such, such as the British Royal Family ... see Anglo-American Israelitism). Many Gentiles believe that modern Jews are of impure "race" anyway, or are even nephelim (angelic spawned demons). A good book on the death of Jesus (at least in literature if not in fact) is "Who Killed Jesus?" by John Dominic Crossan.

Actually I would say that to hate anyone, is to hate G-d ... so some of the verses of the Bible are clearly not inspired, because hate is talked about positively at times. It is possible that some verses are meant ironically. The other thing your scheme implies is that of Pauline predetermination. Paul clearly went beyond predestination to predetermination. He didn't believe in free will, and pointedly talked about his lack of free will, and resulting lack of responsibility, in the beginning of the Epistle to the Romans. In no way did Jesus ever talk in those terms, but then Paul wasn't a follower of the fictional synoptic Jesus (aka a historical Jesus), but of a gnostic angelic figure (vision on the road to Damascus) more like the Johannine Jesus. I don't believe the idea of a realistic Jesus even occurred to anyone until after the destruction of Jerusalem, which was after Paul's death. The realistic synoptic Jesus was turned into the historical Jesus by Christian argumentation. The actual Johannine gospel came last, but its ideas were first, having been written in reaction to the synoptic Jesus, who was written in reaction to the Gnostic Jesus aka Avalokiteshvara and the Gnostic Virgin Mary (Prajnaparamita).

There are lots of reasons for Christians to hate Jews and vice versa:

But I don't think it has ever been legitimate, that is ... it is an expression of sin not virtue. Christians and Muslims should especially value Jewish people, but they are violent, immoral, jealous, stupid (well that is the Jewish stereotype).


2   StoutFiles   2012 Jun 30, 5:41am  

To hate Bernie Madoff is to hate God? Well crap, then I'm sorry God.

Try this: God created all humans, loves them all, and gave them free will, but some people are dicks and will be punished for it in the afterlife (assuming you believe in God). It really has nothing to do with heritage. People who are dicks can be hated.

3   HEY YOU   2012 Jun 30, 8:06am  

GOD hates all Jews unless they believe in CHRIST & we know where the unbelievers are headed?

4   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Jun 30, 8:35am  

Ok well that explains the miraculous 6 and 7 day wars where they stopped a 20 nation onslaught. Not to mention the Yom Kipper war whatever that is that lasted only 19 days. I've really had enough of this. Most Hebrews don't call themselves Jews. Some do let others say it. Some even consider the term insulting. I'm Semitic again. It upsets me even to call a Hebrew a Jew. It really does. I feel like I am spitting in his face if I do.

They run it up on one side for the religous. Then they run it up on the other side for the people that believe in government. Its not your fault at all. Its just a really sneaky way of manipulating people. Dividing them along just about every line and thought they can possibly think of. Leaving them like little kids pointing at each other for every little instance saying you did it! You did it ! That game sucks. I don't like it when its played on me. So I'll get back to the point. Divide and conqueor is a lousey government. My people know and understand. They catch on super fast. They don't get immersed in other peoples governments as much. If other people like it and want it hey. None of my business. I just don't like it foisted upon myself.

Greatest. I think your a nice guy. I really do. I don't know your persuasion. Most Hebrews and Semetics can only take white people for so long. Its like chalk on a board. That screaches. Don't get me wrong one of my best friends was Caucasian. I'm not kidding. I loved him like a brother. We would go everywhere together. Our friendship was important enough that we worked out our differences through conversation. But a lot of people aren't like that and hate us because we are Semetic. Like what they would call muslims. A lot of those people are Semetic also. Here to most people aren't religious and on Sunday the roads are quiet for the most part. Same thing there but they insist on using religous hate instead of being just plain Anti-Semetic. Its the only way they can get away with things. A lot of the "Caucasian" world is that way weather they percieve it or not. To me Israel is just one more "Money Store" just one more monetary system that is nothing but lending and loans. To be persecuted isn't fun. The Hebrews get it nice sometimes the rest of us get pounced on. I don't like that at all. One more thing they use a religous "driver" of sorts to grind Palestinians into the ground. Expanding with loans by the way its not religous theres your first clue those builders need loans to get those "settlements" built. Palestinians are very good people I'm not one of course. My people come from a nice place more near southern Syria. lol. I like Palestianians a lot. These usurors are getting on my nerves with all of this "stuff". Palestianians are a people mostly not inclined to theft and I like them.

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Jun 30, 12:09pm  

I wonder if this was related to the "Black Plague Libel".

At the time of the Black Death, there was a rumor that Jews poisoned the wells to get back at Christians (ironically for their bad treatment). So throwing a Jew down the (poisoned) well (to quote Borat) would be "Just Punishment".

Religion blows.

7   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Jun 30, 10:28pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Oy Vay!

Exactly play the part. lol. See. Sense is important. Everything isn't of hatred of course. Then again. It isn't necessarily the physical difference between races. Don't laugh at this its more where you live. So your location, location has more to do with the way you are than your ancestory. Take 2 NYC boys you can't tell which one is Hebrew and which isn't by the way they talk and behave in many cases.

Blacks may be the exception in that however THAT has to do with the physical.

However the rules make the difference for the people that are similar in weight, height and appearence. The dissimlarities in appearance make for identification as to the similar adherence to the rule or it is assumed by the person with the similar appearence. That the other person of that race is with it as far as the rules are concerned. Another words you take a Semite living, growing up in North America and put him in the Middle east hes a fish out of water. Hes going to want his old buddies in North America just to remember who the hell he is. However because of the rules of his kin he is going to know some things of the middle east. It seems very sociological what I have just pointed out. However actually its more of whats there. See even as a Semite I can function very well amoung other peoples as can they. Especially if growning up in one location never leaving. It's not so much the mimic as they may think as it is the location. Very well ok. Even intelligence can be affected greatly by the "rules" of a people. A people may have rules of being physical.

Intimidation by a physical people on a person that is not physical to adhere to those rules. Can bring a person down to that "level". However the "level" is nothing more than the rules of that particular people. Its not their intelligence. It's the rules that sway them to the physical.

Blacks once again are the exception in that do to body mass. So the difference in the "similar" as far a being physical is only do to the "rules" of that people. More importantly where they are from.

Gay people have a much higher degree of intelligence. Some may laugh at that. Some may call that balance. They don't adhere to the rules of the physical. However intimidation may change that to some degree. It is fairly easy to detect. Say in a location where a people are physical by rules or even by a family member, rules also. The physical or the intimidation to be physical will degrade the ability to think and to have that person use the aggression of the physical more than intelligence at some level where that person is uncomfortable.

The quick of it is this. One can be intimidated out of using sense by the use of the physical, physical aggression or the threat of. Another words. When sense is used and detected by the people who use sense also also make no mistake. The use of the physical to dummy that person by intimidation of the physical. Will upon threat shut that persons use of sense down. Bringing that person more in line with the "rules" of the people using the physical. So for the "thinkers" amoung you lol. That would bring a person more into "conformity" of whats being done or the rules of that people. Once again for the "thinkers" its not so much the conformity however more of being ah, categorized by a people that has its own rules. Who take advantage.

That leads me to Warren who has no sense at all probably and who you wouldn't want to mess with in all likelyhood. It's funny of course. However more closer to the truth.

There are also peoples that are "intellectually arrogant". That by the rules consider every other societies inferior intellectually by their own rules. Once again location comes into being. Which is fairly important never discount that reality. I don't consider myself "intellectually arrogant". Its understanding once again where one is from, location, rules many times derived where a people are from. The location of a people whom part of may have traveled some distance to be in another location adhere not by location now but rules. Its not that they are smarter or have more sense. Similar body mass and appearence. Once again its the location and the rules of a people that hold a people in "place" if a people are from that place. Its not so much the possesion of which can actually degrade abilities however whats there that can degrade or improve. Sense is important. However men are flattered by their strength that runs true for most men. You can digress to a person of strength they will sense and it confirms them as a people that theirs is the best way. Intelligence usually isn't disuaded in that way.

8   Greatest I am   2012 Jul 2, 2:35am  

StoutFiles says

To hate Bernie Madoff is to hate God? Well crap, then I'm sorry God.

Try this: God created all humans, loves them all, and gave them free will, but some people are dicks and will be punished for it in the afterlife (assuming you believe in God). It really has nothing to do with heritage. People who are dicks can be hated.

No argument.


9   Greatest I am   2012 Jul 2, 2:39am  

HEY YOU says

GOD hates all Jews unless they believe in CHRIST & we know where the unbelievers are headed?

Thanks for showing the hate in your heart for those who do not think as you do.

You might want to think about your morals and what following your man made dogma has done to corrupt it.


Better to shovel coal in hell than to spend eternity in heaven watching friends, neighbors and our children in torture and flame forever.
Only a sick mind would conceive of such a situation or wish it upon anyone. That is why God would not do such because then, heaven would be hell.
If those in heaven did not go insane then they could not have once been human or good.

You should think of hell just a bit and recognize that God would not create such an immoral construct. Lose your barbaric tribal mentality. We are in 2012, not 112.





10   Greatest I am   2012 Jul 2, 2:50am  


Thanks for the reply.

"I don't know your persuasion."

Gnostic Christian is the label I have taken on.

My main reason for this O. P. is that I think Jews and Gnostics have taken a more intelligent and rational view of God and that literalist and fundamental Christians should be aware of this.

They have corrupted what the Jews thought of God. That is what happens when you take a myth as real.


12   Bap33   2012 Jul 22, 8:51am  

StoutFiles says

To hate Bernie Madoff is to hate God? Well crap, then I'm sorry God.

Try this: God created all humans, loves them all, and gave them free will, but some people are dicks and will be punished for it in the afterlife (assuming you believe in God). It really has nothing to do with heritage. People who are dicks can be hated.

not a bad post. but, Jesus suggested that we try to love the ones who crap on us (Bernie), because that is what God does. He loves humans that just crap on what he handed them. but, I do like your post.

13   lostand confused   2012 Jul 22, 9:32am  

Jews? Don't the Mormons posthumously baptize all the Jews and convert them to Mormons after their passing? So what is the problem? I think Mittens has done a few himself??

14   Greatest I am   2012 Jul 23, 6:37am  



15   Bap33   2012 Aug 3, 2:37pm  

Greatest I am says

The weird twist to this history is that the Christian right who hates Jews the most,

you think so? I disagree

16   oliverks1   2012 Aug 3, 4:56pm  

Which God are we worshiping this week? I forgot to mark it on my calendar.

17   HEY YOU   2012 Aug 3, 5:20pm  

Greatest I Am @ 9,

I didn't know you could see into my heart & were qualified to make any statements about what you saw there.

18   Greatest I am   2012 Aug 12, 6:52am  

oliverks1 says

Which God are we worshiping this week? I forgot to mark it on my calendar.

Why the war God of course. That is what made the West choose him in the first place.




19   37108605   2012 Sep 29, 1:35am  

Greatest I am says

To hate Jews is to hate God.

WTF? Why because they told you so? Come on.

20   Greatest I am   2012 Sep 30, 2:54am  

Because to believers, Jesus was a Jew and most think him to be God.


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