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This scandal pretty much sums up politics, especially democrats.
We know the bush's favored halliburton - but those guys made money and had a real business - not a fantasy camp.
More hypocrisy: Oil companies make 8.3 cents profit on every gallon of gas and are demonized as GREEDY.
The crooks in the District of Corruption take in 13 cents in taxes on every gallon of gas and are considered our respected leaders.
A $500,000,000 heist and no one is even arrested? Why aren't the people responsible for the loss of 500 million taxpayer dollars IN JAIL??? Anyone?
Its only $500,000 million taxpayer dollars. Heck, anyone can make a mistake (about the soundness of any proposed venture) just ask Barney Frankenstein.
Besides Solyndra didn't go out of business, someone else made that happen.