dunross had harrassed me enough on this site

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2012 Jul 24, 6:08pm   18,302 views  53 comments

by thankshousingbubble   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

I like a good discussion. I research facts to back up my opinions, and make the best decisions I can as an investor based on these facts. Discussions with others with differing opinions is the most valuable, because their insights give me other aspects to look at, and sharpen my analysis.

But lately, everything I post on patrick.net is immediately replied to with personal insults by a jealous idiot named dunross. I call him an idiot, because rather than actually debate anything with facts he merely misdirects with insults. I post copious facts backing up my beliefs, and would welcome an informed debate with anyone providing other facts to think about, but that isn't what i get, instead:
1. I don't know what supply and demand is.
2. I don't have any education, I'm just a realtard. (not with standing my graduate work in mathematics at U. C. Berkeley, or nearing 2 decades as a math professor)
3. I'm a liar.
4. all sources of reference are lies...

In 2005, when I began speculating that real estate would take a big dive, and selling my investment properties, I found this site, patrick.net. It was a great place to bounce ideas off of others, and try to think what would happen. I also wrote my ideas on zillow.com, and was continuously attacked by others (often with the same emotional immaturity as this nitwit dunross) that prices could not, would not fall. They were just as bitter, probably because deep inside, they knew they were screwed and had screwed up... Now, ironically, I get the same attacks from the other direction...

My analysis has been and continuous to be based on mathematical reasoning. You can find it here,though I no longer have the zillow account. It is fairly thorough, and treats price/rent, supply versus demand, job trends, etc. to balance out all the factors one should consider:


It even links to why buying in a dropping market is a big risk, which might be a surprise to those who try to paint me in the 'always buy' camp.

I'm sure that what dunross is, is an engineer. He thinks he is smarter than everyone else, believes he should be rewarded for his brilliance with a 100K home in san francisco with an ocean view, and it hasn't happened. So, his god has let him down, and he has to lash out. [ I worked in engineering for five years, Hughes aircraft, followed by grumman aircraft, so I know the type... ]

The thing is, his constant personal attacks, and carte blanche statements reduce the value of this site to visitors. Nobody knows the future, but that doesn't mean that thinking about it, particularly fact based analysis, doesn't have merit.

Patrick started this site with as simple but prescient notion: prices were too high compared to incomes and rents... but it has turned into a religious forum for anti housing zealots, and that isn't really worth much to anyone who is looking for a discussion or hoping to learn about the likely future of the market.


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41   Patrick   2012 Sep 30, 9:57am  

jsmarket says

I wouldn't know who to ignore...because I don't drop in much....because the level of rancor is too high for comfort.

Just look at who's just flinging insults rather than being constructive.

Ignore is instant, and helps readability of the forum a lot.

You can always unignore easily too. The people you ignore are in your profile edit page:


42   Bap33   2012 Sep 30, 10:11am  

Thanks to my low reading comprehension, and really short attention span ... added to a fair dose of not-really-caring, I have went all these many years with no need to use ignore (that I can recall).

I'm still convenced that this entire on-line thing is just me on my end, and one guy on the other end pretending to be all of the other people.

43   lostand confused   2012 Sep 30, 10:16am  

It takes all kinds to make up this world. If you ignore a bunch of folks , then life becomes boring and one dimensional.

44   zesta   2012 Sep 30, 10:17am  

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there's a single very trollish user with many accounts.

45   KILLERJANE   2012 Sep 30, 10:27am  

I agree with Robert about the real estate haters with repetitive hating opinions. I mean, why not just pick a photo of an attractive re agent and slander her for just the fun of it. I smell a lawsuit. I am going to log out now and try to kick this habit of browsing here. Later.

46   Patrick   2012 Sep 30, 11:12am  

lostand confused says

It takes all kinds to make up this world. If you ignore a bunch of folks , then life becomes boring and one dimensional.

No need to ignore a bunch. Just ignoring one or two makes things much more pleasant.

47   Michael Cooke   2012 Sep 30, 11:47am  

Are you a Realtor?

48   ELC   2012 Sep 30, 12:03pm  

zesta says

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there's a single very trollish user with many accounts.

Patrick should know by the IP address.

49   ELC   2012 Sep 30, 12:07pm  

War says

So why would you congratulate someone that is committing financial suicide from which they'll never recover?

If he bought very low, put in lots of sweat equity, has low taxes and expenses he should be ok. What would make me nervous is if it's highly leveraged.

50   Patrick   2012 Sep 30, 12:57pm  

ELC says

Patrick should know by the IP address.

Yes, maybe it is time to finally make some system that tells which accounts are posting from the same IP address.

51   ELC   2012 Oct 1, 12:07am  

Yes, maybe it is time to finally make some system that tells which accounts are posting from the same IP address.

Some forums systems even display the ip and location of the poster.

52   freak80   2012 Oct 1, 12:12am  

Yes, maybe it is time to finally make some system that tells which accounts are posting from the same IP address.


53   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Oct 1, 12:54pm  

robertoaribas says


Thanks for making my point. I couldn't have done it better.

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