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1   freak80   2012 Jul 26, 12:05am  

You're forgetting that both major political parties bailed out the Big Banks. So I can't really blame individuals when they demand a bailout too.

God Bless America. The land of government-subsidized irresponsibility.

2   anonymous   2012 Jul 26, 12:24am  

wthrfrk80 says

You're forgetting that both major political parties bailed out the Big Banks. So I can't really blame individuals when they demand a bailout too.

God Bless America. The land of government-subsidized irresponsibility.

You can't? You ought to!

That mentality is the beating drum that leads the descent into a failed fascist state.

External actions should not spin your internal gears that drive your personal decision making process. "Well look what he did" never justifies your own actions

More often then not, the guy doing a 2 minute minor in the penalty box, is there for retaliating to the non penalized agressor

Society died when people willingly decided to allow the laws of the land and the tide of the collective to squash their individual internal decision making mechanics. I hear it all the time these days, "well so long as its legal" as if it were illegal it is necessarily wrong and just because its legal, it's aye ok. Freedom doesn't work that way, because it differs for every individual.

3   freak80   2012 Jul 26, 12:41am  

errc says

hear it all the time these days, "well so long as its legal" as if it were illegal it is necessarily wrong and just because its legal, it's aye ok.

Are you surprised? In America, "might makes right." It's always been that way. We slaughtered the natives and took their land and imported slaves to do our work. Then we put immigrants to work in dangerous steel mills and coal mines.

Absolute "right and wrong" is considered a dangerous idea held only by religious fanatics.

4   PockyClipsNow   2012 Jul 26, 2:25am  

Hey there wasn't 'that much' native slaughtering.

Also mostly people here were small time farmers, not slavers or miners.

5   JG1   2012 Sep 29, 5:38pm  

freak80 says

You're forgetting that both major political parties bailed out the Big Banks. So I can't really blame individuals when they demand a bailout too.

God Bless America. The land of government-subsidized irresponsibility.

The govt made money on the bank bailout. The govt has already lost billions it will never recover on assistance to individual homeowners (and GM bailout). Basically, the stuff the Democrats insisted on was a disaster.

" The Treasury has trumpeted for months that it already has made a small profit on about $205 billion in TARP money invested in banks, most of which have repaid the money, along with dividends, and have bought back stock warrants given to the government.

TARP still is projected to lose money because of the GM and Chrysler bailouts, as well as the administration's mortgage assistance programs. The Congressional Budget Office last month estimated that TARP would lose $32 billion, an improvement from the $34-billion loss projected in December."

6   American in Japan   2012 Sep 29, 6:07pm  

At least it's not a principle reduction (as far as I can tell). Still, I don't like the message it sends to many irresponsible "home owners".

7   Oxygen   2012 Sep 29, 6:28pm  

"Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., submitted a new plan"

thus no action taken. gotta go from House Ways & Means to Senate Finance, then Joint Committee, then POTUS.

8   moonmac   2012 Sep 29, 10:58pm  

As if the money paid back by banks wasn't just stolen from poor Americans not invested in the stock market in the form of artificially induced inflation from the Fed. Creating higher food costs, higher gasoline costs and higher rent on the poor all to pump up the markets should be considered criminal, but in todays Godless society rich stealing from poor is justified somehow? Disgusting immoral thieves will burn in hell for eternity, but they don't care because they think that's all just make believe stuff. Stealing from the poor and enslaving them with debt is the only way they can continue their lavish lifestyles! Tim Geitner paid over a million dollars for a home that's now only worth 400K. Ben Bernanke's son has 600K in student loan debt so of course these crooks want to make those dollars owed worthless. They will more than make up for it in their personal investments with a fraud stock market jacked up with endless money printing that will indebt future generations with a lower standard of living which has never occured in the history of America until these sickening boomers and their ultra loose monetary policies took over sound money principles learned thru a thousand years of monetary history! The money I've made in my JP Morgan account during this depression was ill-gotten and absolutely evil. I can't sleep at night knowing it was stolen from poor people working 70 hrs per week living in a rented shack not getting any handouts from our beloved Gubbermint while they pay more on stuff needed to survive all to pump up my retirement account? I'm headed to Church now to try cleansing my spirit of this satanic magic money changing scheme society religion that currently infests our nation!

9   mell   2012 Sep 30, 2:29am  

Yup says

If you really think about it, it is ridiculous to NOT refinance underwater homeowners. It is not like we are calling in the loans and liquidating the asset, and taking the losses. They are paying a higher interest rate on an existing loan that is upsidedown. Not refinancing them, that is where you should be screaming.

I hope that you realize that by not refinancing them you increase the chance that they will default. You increase the chance that they will walk away.

Yes default is what we need. We need more bankruptcies, municipal and individual and corporate, clear the bad debt, stop the inflation, return to sound money with no sectors on steroids. Absolutely they should given no chance to refinance, they should default and the banks with them. Debt is debt and there should be no preference given. No more backdoor bailouts.

10   moonmac   2012 Sep 30, 2:32am  

As if the money paid back by banks wasn't just stolen from poor Americans not invested in the stock market in the form of artificially induced inflation from the Fed. Creating higher food costs, higher gasoline costs and higher rent on the poor all to pump up the markets should be considered criminal, but in todays Godless society rich stealing from poor is justified somehow? Disgusting immoral thieves will burn in hell for eternity, but they don't care because they think that's all just make believe stuff. Stealing from the poor and enslaving them with debt is the only way they can continue their lavish lifestyles! Tim Geitner paid over a million dollars for a home that's now only worth 400K. Ben Bernanke's son has 600K in student loan debt so of course these crooks want to make those dollars owed worthless. They will more than make up for it in their personal investments with a fraud stock market jacked up with endless money printing that will indebt future generations with a lower standard of living which has never occured in the history of America until these sickening boomers and their ultra loose monetary policies took over sound money principles learned thru a thousand years of monetary history! The money I've made in my JP Morgan account during this depression was ill-gotten and absolutely evil. I can't sleep at night knowing it was stolen from poor people working 70 hrs per week living in a rented shack not getting any handouts from our beloved Gubbermint while they pay more on stuff needed to survive all to pump up my retirement account? I'm headed to Church now to try cleansing my spirit of this satanic magic money changing scheme society religion that currently infests our nation!

11   Bap33   2012 Sep 30, 1:27pm  

the lie is "simple refi loan". It is not a refi, because the assett is not worth the loan(L). The assett is worth 1/3L. So, if you are asking the taxpayer backed banks to refi 80% of the 1/3L, while the remaining 2/3 + 20% of L remains as it is currently, then THAT would be possible, as long as the loan has been paid as originally agreed.

But, if a bank is made (I say allowed) to put up 300%, 200%, or any percent more than 80% of the actual value of an assett, at ANY interest rate, that is wrong, stupid, dumb, fucked, caacaa, poop, and a bad idea.

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