Political Tyranny On Display.

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2012 Jul 31, 3:53am   57,936 views  171 comments

by Honest Abe   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Liberal politicians have finally come out of the closet with public displays of political tyranny. The liberal bastions of Boston and Chicago are using politics in an attempt to squash, censure and punish Chick-fil-A by preventing the company from opening outlets in their towns.

Its an open display of hostility, intolerance and government sponsored tyranny. Its glaringly obvious liberals are anti-business, anti-capitalism, anti-job creation and anti-constitution.

With liberal politicians headed down tyranny road, is it any wonder America is headed toward the cliff at wide open throttle?

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132   Meccos   2012 Aug 5, 4:50am  

Buster. I agree with you that everyone should just be left alone. I have no issues with gay marriage. Just as a gay person has a right to gay marriage, someone has the right to say they are against gay marriage. THe problem here is the protests and governors who come out on TV and state they will do whatever is in their power to prevent CFA from expanding in their states.

The ONLY thing the CEO of CFA did was state he did not believe in gay marriages. He did not ban gays from working there nor did he not refuse to serve gay people. Yet the gay community make such a stink about this. The gay community has been working so hard to have the freedom to do as they wish, yet they were so easy to trample on this CEO's right to free speech. This was total hypocrisy. It was stupid for the CEO to make such a statement on such a touchy social issue, but it was his EVERY RIGHT to do so.

133   Buster   2012 Aug 5, 5:01am  

I agree Meccos. He had every right to exercise his free speech rights and so did the people who responded to his remarks.

Free speech however does not exist in a vacuum. A quick reminder from Newton; To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.

Or in second grade terminology: The anti gay christianists can dish it out but they can't take it. They need to grow some.

134   Buster   2012 Aug 5, 5:28am  

In other words, quit being such VICTIMS and grow up.

135   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 5:56am  

Meccos says

It was stupid for the CEO to make such a statement on such a touchy social issue,

wha? Judging what should be said? wow. That is the evil seed from which a mighty oak is grown. An oak from which a club shall be created. And then it is handed to some idiot that says the crap that makes anti-freedom devinats "feel better" and in control, and he will use that club, handed to him by the likes of you'uns, to beat humanity's freedom from the face of the earth - again - and "Dark Ages 2.0" will be in play. If you check, you will see that sodomites are not really happy during dark ages.

Your bedroom highjynx are only allowed because you are in a safe, secure, free society. Quit trying to make America the big gay hope. Just enjoy your deviant birth defect to it's fullest.

in other words, you should realize it is the Conservative Christian America that allows you to be who you are by securing your freedom and safety to practice your perversion on others suffering from the birth defect that causes dexiant sexual behavior. The America you and your kind are trying to create will not secure the freedom and safety of anyone that does not worship at the alter of Baal. Aint gonna happen fellas.

136   Buster   2012 Aug 5, 6:20am  

LOL. No, you should thank your lucky stars that ancient myths such as religion of the world are tolerated under our laws. The very concept of our country was to protect religious and other minorities not tolerated in state religion counties such as the old British Empire. Remember our forefathers escaped to the new world so that they could worship and live as they pleased, away from the dictates of a state religion that you yourself are trying to impose on everyone regardless of their faith.

I should also state here for the record that there are many christian churches who do marry gay people so the anti gay laws you support are also denying their free expression of their religion.

Hell, our laws even make religions such as Scientology and Mormonism safe in the public square, as they should be. But even Mormonism has such bizarre beliefs of the planet star Kolob, spirit travelers, Celistial Sex, the garden of eden in Jackson County, MO and Xenu and the Galatic Confederacy and Thetans. I mean, I suspect that you are going to freely vote for one of these believers.

No, the religious of the US should thank their lucky stars and support diversity of thought or they would be one of the first groups locked up for their crazy beliefs.


As for me, I would much prefer the more practical approach of Canada.

137   Buster   2012 Aug 5, 6:24am  

Bap33 says

The America you and your kind are trying to create will not secure the freedom and safety of anyone that does not worship at the alter of Baal. Aint gonna happen fellas.

Yea, I suppose you are correct. If Romney gets voted in we will all be transported to the Star Kolob to worship at the feet of Elohim with his many sex slave wives.

138   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 8:38am  

no miss, I am voting against Lord Barry. My possible "for" vote was removed when Herman Cain and Michelle B was forced out.

Are you voting for the Obama that is against, or for, the unnatural sodomoite coupling being recognized by the Gov?

139   Meccos   2012 Aug 5, 10:27am  

Buster says

I agree Meccos. He had every right to exercise his free speech rights and so did the people who responded to his remarks.

Free speech however does not exist in a vacuum. A quick reminder from Newton; To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.

Or in second grade terminology: The anti gay christianists can dish it out but they can't take it. They need to grow some.

Surely everyone can exercise their rights to stop going to CFA after this remark. That is their right to respond to the comments made by the CEO. HOWEVER the governors from several states who threaten to stop CFA from expanding in their states is a complete abuse of power and is not acceptable. This was my main point...

140   Dan8267   2012 Aug 5, 10:51am  

Meccos says

You are right in saying that people should have the right to feel and speak whatever they wish... which is exactly what the CFA CEO did. So why is the gay community up in arms? the CFA did nothing to trample on their rights.

The gay community isn't up in arms that CFA's CEO exercised free speech. Gays as well as many straight Americans who believe in equal rights are exercising their freedom of speech to boycott CFA because that business does trample on other people's rights by financially supporting anti-equality organizations. Money you spend at CFA on crappy food goes to organizations that lobby for bigotry in legislation.

From http://www.policymic.com/articles/12219/all-the-anti-gay-companies-you-fund-when-you-spend-5-25-on-a-chick-fil-a-sandwich

If we’re going to talk about Chick-fil-A, let’s talk seriously about why President Dan Cathy is being criticized for being anti-gay. This is about more than just rhetoric: it’s about money. In 2010, the most recent year records are available; Cathy gave almost $2 million to anti-gay organizations through the WinShape Foundation, Chick-fil-A’s charitable arm.

So let me put this in terms that republican voters can understand.

Image there is a restaurant called NoChicks-fil-A's that is run by PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Now image that PETA takes the profits from NoChicks-fil-A's and uses it lobby, directly or indirectly, to eradicate all hunting in the United States.

Some of the laws that get pass because of that lobbying take away hunting licenses and limits the guns and ammo that people can buy. Of course, the ultimate goal of the lobbying funded by NoChicks-fil-A's is to get a federal ban on hunting through the Defense of Mammals Act (DOMA), and a repeal of the second amendment and a ban on all guns and rifles.

Needless to say, this would piss you guys off. You might even boycott NoChicks-fil-A's and try to get municipalities and states to block expansion of this restaurant. In other words, you would do everything the opponents of Chicks-fil-A's are doing now because you guys are gay on guns and hunting.

And you'll all be shouting that you have to protect your Constitutional rights. And that is exactly what the other side is doing right now.

141   xrpb11a   2012 Aug 5, 12:03pm  

You can stop right there. I'm good with that...

Dan8267 says

So let me put this in terms that republican voters can understand.

Image there is a restaurant called NoChicks-fil-A's that is run by PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Now image that PETA takes the profits from NoChicks-fil-A's and uses it lobby, directly or indirectly, to eradicate all hunting in the United States.

142   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 12:33pm  

Dan8267 says

The gay community isn't up in arms that CFA's CEO exercised free speech.

wrong. oposite is correct.

143   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 12:44pm  

peta ... worse than the sierra club as far as hipocrits go. Since hunting feeds people, controls population and disease of animals, and keeps pest populations in check, I just dont equate it to forcing the public to accept the gov sanctioned abuse of special needs people at the hands of perverts and the mentally ill. That is sick. Hunting is a healthy sport, does great things, the tags pay for programs, and just may keep one alive in hard times.

How you doing Dan? Catch the race today from Pocono?

144   Meccos   2012 Aug 5, 1:42pm  

Dan8267 says

Money you spend at CFA on crappy food goes to organizations that lobby for bigotry in legislation.

Hey first of all, CFA food is not crappy. Its much better than McDs.

Now i didnt read your entire post cuz it was boring me but I did catch this...Dan8267 says

You might even boycott NoChicks-fil-A's and try to get municipalities and states to block expansion of this restaurant.

Boycotting CFA is fine, everyone has the right to do so, but for someone in political power such as those governors who publically state they will do EVERYTHING in their powers to keep CFA out of their state is a complete misuse of their power and not be tolerated. Its a dangerous slippery slope...

145   Meccos   2012 Aug 5, 1:45pm  

Dan8267 says

So let me put this in terms that republican voters can understand.

ALso what is it with you liberals hatred of the republicans? How do you know Im a repub? Because you disagree with what I say and since you are a liberal, then by default I am and repub? HAHAH sorry not a repub...

Typical liberal...

I hope you got the sarcasm...

146   xrpb11a   2012 Aug 5, 1:52pm  


Meccos says

Dan8267 says

So let me put this in terms that republican voters can understand.

ALso what is it with you liberals hatred of the republicans? How do you know Im a repub? Because you disagree with what I say and since you are a liberal, then by default I am and repub? HAHAH sorry not a repub...

Typical liberal...

I hope you got the sarcasm...

147   Dan8267   2012 Aug 5, 3:19pm  

Bap33 says

peta ...

You're missing the point. You're suppose to read what I wrote and realize that scenario is basically to you what the status quo is the gay community.

Meccos says

Hey first of all, CFA food is not crappy. Its much better than McDs.

That endorsement reminds me of the old MAD TV skit, "ten percent less anal leakage".

Meccos says

Dan8267 says

So let me put this in terms that republican voters can understand.

ALso what is it with you liberals hatred of the republicans?

I was referring to all the republicans here complaining about the gay community denouncing CFA. Not everything revolves around you.

However, if you must know. The thing that "is it with us liberals hatred of the republicans" is that you can't type a coherent, sensible sentence. I've met lolcats with better communications skills.

Nevertheless, I can tell, Mecoss, that you are a republican despite your denial because you use the word "liberal" as if it had shit on it. Only republicans do that.

148   xrpb11a   2012 Aug 5, 3:28pm  

Well, that's a pretty incoherent sentence.
Looks like Danny boy is a republican!!

Dan8267 says

If you have six lawn motors and five blades a grass, you just might be a republican.

149   Bap33   2012 Aug 5, 3:31pm  

Dan8267 says

That endorsement reminds me of the old MAD TV skit, "ten percent less anal leakage".


150   Dan8267   2012 Aug 5, 3:34pm  

xrpb11a says

Well, that's a pretty incoherent sentence.

Hey, it's 1:30 am here, and I'm being kept up with the most assine comments about deviants and things in nature not being natural.

151   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 5, 5:37pm  

Dan8267 says

Gays as well as many straight Americans who believe in equal rights are exercising their freedom of speech to boycott CFA because that business does trample on other people's rights by financially supporting anti-equality organizations.

There is no boycott of CFA, as you have seen, it would not work. Such action will trigger a backlash!

152   leo707   2012 Aug 6, 4:22am  

Bap33 says

peta ... worse than the sierra club as far as hipocrits go.

Totally agreed there. Peta is right up there with FOX "news" and the Chinese government news services in the absurd bullshit department.

Bap33 says

Hunting is a healthy sport, does great things, the tags pay for programs, and just may keep one alive in hard times.

I don't hunt myself I am a big fan of hunting and am fortunate enough to occasionally get my freezer stocked with venison, bear, elk, etc. (I make a great venison bourguignon). However, it is not some magical activity that has no downside and you are kidding yourself if you think otherwise. Early this year my sister did attend a funeral of a teenager who was accidentally killed, with a hunting rifle, by his brother.

153   xrpb11a   2012 Aug 6, 4:31am  

Hunting is for cowards and pussys. Go PETA!!!


leoj707 says

Bap33 says

Hunting is a healthy sport, does great things, the tags pay for programs, and just may keep one alive in hard times.

I don't hunt myself I am a big fan of hunting and am fortunate enough to occasionally get my freezer stocked with venison, bear, elk, etc. (I make a great venison bourguignon).

154   Bap33   2012 Aug 6, 8:52am  

I tried hunting some as a kid, and I did not like it. Killed a few birds, bothered me. Not cut out to kill for sport. I don't mind helping clean birds and fish, I just dont feel good about killing them for sport. I shoot sporting clays and trap and targets instead. If it was about eating, I'd shoot animals with no remorse.

155   leo707   2012 Aug 6, 9:15am  

Bap33 says

I tried hunting some as a kid, and I did not like it. Killed a few birds, bothered me.

Yeah, as a kid I "hunted" the birds that would eat off the fruit trees in our yard with a pellet gun, and did not like it so much either.

However, in my 20s I did use a .22 to solve skunk and raccoon issues and it did not bother me. But, if I was faced with the same "issues" today I think I would find a solution that did include killing.

I am not opposed to sport hunting when it serves a purpose such as population control, but I would not do it myself. Clays and trap is a lot of fun though.

156   Meccos   2012 Aug 6, 10:02am  

Dan8267 says

Not everything revolves around you.

Clearly, but when you quote me and respond, then it does revolve around me.Dan8267 says

However, if you must know. The thing that "is it with us liberals hatred of the republicans" is that you can't type a coherent, sensible sentence. I've met lolcats with better communications skills.

I would say the same thing about the stuff you say for example: Dan8267 says

You don't have to vote to be a republican. If you have six lawn motors and five blades a grass, you just might be a republican.

But then of course you have a excuse for yourself... can you say hypocrite? Dan8267 says

Hey, it's 1:30 am here, and I'm being kept up with the most assine comments about deviants and things in nature not being natural.

BTW you misspelled asinine. I just thought Id point that out since you have disgressed into picking on peoples grammar.

Dan8267 says

Nevertheless, I can tell, Mecoss, that you are a republican despite your denial because you use the word "liberal" as if it had shit on it. Only republicans do that.

Wow, so I cant even use the word liberal now without taking crap for it? Geez, you guys are always so mad...

157   Dan8267   2012 Aug 6, 10:19am  

Meccos says

Dan8267 says

Hey, it's 1:30 am here, and I'm being kept up with the most assine comments about deviants and things in nature not being natural.

BTW you misspelled asinine. I just thought Id point that out since you have disgressed into picking on peoples grammar.



“Maybe obama can reverse the assine law Bill Clinton put into place where our military can't carry weapons on military installations for self defense.”

“This woman is most highly qualified to be a Supreme court justice and those assine folk who would want to reject her because she is supposedly to liberal you all need to go back to your caves and crawl away!!”

“The fact that so many are obsessed with collage sports is totally assine , higher education should me exactly that.”

Meccos says

I would say the same thing about the stuff you say for example

The occasional typo is clearly different from writing incoherent crap as evident by the fact that my writings are comprehensible whereas much of the conservative rhetoric is not. For example,

I do not equate a birth defect or a perversion with the race issue. But, I may be alone in that. You see, the race issue is not really about true race or ethnic background, it's about outward appearance, lingo, and style of dress. Things that Billy-Bob could see at a glance. Totally not cool. On the other hand, there is no way for Billy-Bob to know which males want to sodomize/be sodomized by other males - unless said males say they do, act like they do, or dress like they do. Even then no court in the land could convict a male of sodomy based on any of that, while a negro can be proven to be negro fairly easily. Billy-Bob was an idiot about negros coupling with non-negros. And even worse when it came to Jews.

Meccos says

Wow, so I cant even use the word liberal now without taking crap for it? Geez, you guys are always so mad...

The ability to read between the lines does not imply anger.

Anyway, to everyone else on this thread... Does Meccos appear to be yet another Shrek/Mars/Ruki account? The writing style and tone of voice is remarkably similar.

158   CL   2012 Aug 6, 10:32am  

Meccos says

BTW you misspelled asinine. I just thought Id point that out since you have disgressed into picking on peoples grammar.


159   Meccos   2012 Aug 6, 10:52am  


So i guess you have simply regressed to talking about grammar since its clear you have no other point to be made. Dan8267 says

The occasional typo is clearly different from writing incoherent crap as evident by the fact that my writings are comprehensible whereas much of the conservative rhetoric is not.

Damn again with the hate.


In your attempt to prove me wrong about your use of the word "assine", you have proved to me and everyone else on this forum that you are a retard. YES YOU ARE CLEARLY A RETARD

If you have to look up a word on the internet and then copy and paste examples to prove yourself, then you may be a little less intelligent than what you present yourself to be... BUT if you look up a word on the internet and STILL use the word incorrectly by using examples where the word was misused, then you are a RETARD! The website you used states that "assine" is not a word and asks specifically if you meant "asinine"! Then on the right it goes on to show you examples of misuse. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

BTW here is what Dan copied and pasted. Please, everyone check it out for youself... he copied the first three examples to the right... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Dan8267 says



“Maybe obama can reverse the assine law Bill Clinton put into place where our military can't carry weapons on military installations for self defense.”

“This woman is most highly qualified to be a Supreme court justice and those assine folk who would want to reject her because she is supposedly to liberal you all need to go back to your caves and crawl away!!”

“The fact that so many are obsessed with collage sports is totally assine , higher education should me exactly that.”

So after several posts about my grammar, perhaps you should take a look at yourself and stop acting like you have a greater mastery of the English language than others. COuld this be a simple mistake like your other follies or is this the occasional typo... or just incoherent use of a non-existing word?

Dan8267 says

The occasional typo is clearly different from writing incoherent crap as evident by the fact that my writings are comprehensible whereas much of the conservative rhetoric is not.

Thanks for the laughs... I really laughed out loud on this one. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

OH BTW, go on the website where you copied and pasted your retarded quotes from. The 7th quote is in German. Perhaps "assine" is a word in German!?!?!?!?



160   Meccos   2012 Aug 6, 11:20am  

CL says

Meccos says

BTW you misspelled asinine. I just thought Id point that out since you have disgressed into picking on peoples grammar.


yup... you got me. but I wont try to look up "disgress" on a google search and try to prove that I really meant "disgress" instead of digress.

...and I certainly wont use examples of other people misusing the "disgress" and post it in efforts to prove myself right. RIGHT DAN?????

161   Dan8267   2012 Aug 6, 2:06pm  

Meccos says

So i guess you have simply regressed to talking about grammar since its clear you have no other point to be made.

My point is that you're an asshole, but you make that point far better than I could. Keep posting, please.

Meccos says

BTW here is what Dan copied and pasted. Please, everyone check it out for youself... he copied the first three examples to the right... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

That is what the blockquote tag is for. Was the subtly of quoting lost on you?

Meccos says

OH BTW, go on the website where you copied and pasted your retarded quotes from. The 7th quote is in German. Perhaps "assine" is a word in German!?!?!?!?

And the first six are in English. Do the math.

162   Dan8267   2012 Aug 6, 2:12pm  

xrpb11a says

Dan8267 attempts to inform the world that "assine" is a legitimate word....

It may be a degeneration of asinine, but it's still used all over the Internet. Much like "pron" is porn, "pwned" is owned, interweb is Internet / World Wide Web, and "ok" is all right.

163   Meccos   2012 Aug 6, 2:27pm  

Dan8267 says

My point is that you're an asshole, but you make that point far better than I could. Keep posting, please.

So have you simply resorted to name calling now that you have nothing better to say? hahahha

Dan8267 says

Meccos says

OH BTW, go on the website where you copied and pasted your retarded quotes from. The 7th quote is in German. Perhaps "assine" is a word in German!?!?!?!?

And the first six are in English. Do the math.

Are you still arguing that "assine" is a word? You do realize that the quotes you used were examples of people who used "assine" incorrectly such as yourself? Its hilarious that you used that as an example to prove yourself right. LOLOLOL

Dan8267 says

xrpb11a says

Dan8267 attempts to inform the world that "assine" is a legitimate word....

It may be a degeneration of asinine, but it's still used all over the Internet. Much like "pron" is porn, "pwned" is owned, interweb is Internet / World Wide Web, and "ok" is all right.

WOW you are still trying to prove that you are right? You can fool yourself but you cant fool anyone else. LOLOLOLOL Clearly you are someone who cant admit they are wrong even when given clear evidence of it.

164   divingengineer   2012 Aug 7, 1:24pm  

So the gay community is all butt-hurt about one rich cracker having a personal opinion?!

Last time I checked, it was still legal to have an opinion.
End of story, live with it boyz.

I don't think you can hurt this guy, he's extremely wealthy, what you gonna do boycott his stores and hurt his minimum wage employees?

165   Buster   2012 Aug 7, 1:52pm  

divingengineer says

So the gay community is all butt-hurt about one rich cracker having a personal opinion?!

Nope, not hurt at all. Actually I prefer it when asswipes like him, and you for that matter, go on the record with their homophobia. Except at least he has more balls to do it with his real name.

166   xrpb11a   2012 Aug 7, 2:08pm  

I can understand the Islamist fanatics being 'mad' all the time, due to lack of female companionship, or when they do have it, the women are all covered up. Wondering if something similar is going on here....

Meccos says

Dan8267 says

Nevertheless, I can tell, Mecoss, that you are a republican despite your denial because you use the word "liberal" as if it had shit on it. Only republicans do that.

Wow, so I cant even use the word liberal now without taking crap for it? Geez, you guys are always so mad...

167   leo707   2012 Aug 8, 3:01am  

divingengineer says

So the gay community is all butt-hurt about one rich cracker having a personal opinion?!

Last time I checked, it was still legal to have an opinion.
End of story, live with it boyz.

Wait...So... *Err*I am not sure what you are getting at here...

So, it is "legal" for some "rich cracker" to have an opinion about gays, but not OK for others to have an opinion about the rich guys gay opinion?

Kind of sounds like you are getting "butt-hurt" over people having a personal opinion.

168   curious2   2012 Aug 8, 3:24am  

Ack! A food fight devolves into name calling, to the surprise of no one. If I may please offer some information, which might draw tomatoes from all sides, there is a bit more going on here than one fool rushing into an issue by expressing a personal opinion and then others reacting to his words. There is also his funding of hate groups:


And, in major cities, independent businesses tend to oppose chains anyway. The mayors aren't tyrannically oppressing free speech, they're gaining votes and donations from local business interests that don't want to compete with chains. The mayors could have gained an equal number of votes by simply saying "I support equal rights, including marriage equality." Taking the extra step of using it as a reason to keep out a chain adds the incentive of donations from local independent business.

If you want to understand any story, always follow the money.

169   Shaman   2012 Aug 8, 3:36am  

I thought PETA was either 1) the name of that dude with the hungry games, or perhaps 2) an acronym for People Eating Tasty Animals.
I'm ok with it either way. That movie was pretty good and my chicken/kitten sandwich totally rocks!

170   Dan8267   2012 Aug 8, 4:29am  

curious2 says

Ack! A food fight devolves into name calling, to the surprise of no one.

Yeah, this thread has deteriorate into meaningless ranting. The original point of the thread was that Boston and Chicago don't have the right to ban CFA. The only refutation of that point was an argument I proposed that cities do ban business like strip clubs, auto dealerships, etc. and cities do prohibit the sale of legal goods like alcohol on Sundays (so-called blue laws). If cities have the right to do that, then a CFA ban is no different.

Yet, the original point and counter-point were dropped as the conversation took off on the question of whether or not gay marriage should be a secular right. Since that's an important issue, I don't mind that. Last I checked, the two sides of that debate were left with the arguments:

For legal gay marriages
The equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment requires state recognization of gay marriages just as it does the recognization of interracial marriages as shown in the Supreme Court decision of Loving vs. Virginia.

Against gay marriages
Gays are retards and rapists who cannot consent to sex. Therefore, gay sex and pedophilia are exactly the same thing.

Finally Meccos hijacked the thread and turned it into “all liberals hate all republicans” and then further deteriorated it into a meaningless argument about spelling and grammar. Granted I did contribute to his tirade by demanding complaining about all the incoherent postings that the social conservatives have made. But come on, if you want to discuss an issue, especially a controversial one, it’s useful to avoid misinterpreting what the opposition is saying, and that’s a hell of lot easier if they write coherently.

I say it’s time to get this thread back on track. The two real issues being discussed here are
1. Whether or not gay marriage should be recognized equally under laws.
2. Whether or not municipalities have the right to ban or restrict legal businesses.

On issue one, I stand by my thesis:

Marriage should not exist as a secular institution since it is not the right or the responsibility of government to intervene or judge personal relationships. All laws regarding marriage should be repealed or replaced with marriage agnostic laws.

That said, if America does recognize marriage as a legal institution, then the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as well as the philosophy of equality under law demands equal recognition of gay marriage.

One issue two, I propose that if the blue laws are legal, so would attempts by Chicago and Boston to ban CFA. Conversely, if Chicago and Boston have no legal right to ban CFA, then no state or municipality has the right to ban other legal businesses including strip bars, auto dealerships, and alcohol sales (even on Sundays).

Intelligent counter-arguments welcomed.

171   Dan8267   2012 Aug 8, 4:32am  

divingengineer says

So the gay community is all butt-hurt about one rich cracker having a personal opinion?!

Last time I checked, it was still legal to have an opinion.
End of story, live with it boyz.

I have yet to hear anyone state that the CFA CEO is not entitled to his opinion or to express that opinion. What I have seen is people expressing their opinions contrary to his. Furthermore, boycotting is a perfectly legitimate way to exercise one's freedom of speech, whether or not a boycott has ever been successful.

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